2023-11-30-Part Human Origin, Part From God
Topic: Part Human Origin, Part From God
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Nebadonia
Nebadonia: Good evening, my children. This is your Mother Spirit, along with Michael, once again happy to join your group as we have so many times before.
Jerry: Welcome, Mother Spirit and Michael. Maybe we should say Greetings and Salutations, as we’re just getting into our wonderful holiday season. It started last week with a day of Thanksgiving where we gave thanks for our wonderful human lives and all the family and friends we share our lives with. Now there are only a few weeks getting down to where we celebrate your birthday, Michael--your birthday as Jesus among us. So: Greetings and Salutations!
Mother Spirit, I would like for you tonight, if you would, extend a distinction that Michael made last time. In our human relationships with each other, there are those immediate recognitions of human origin and—sometimes--prejudice—racism, sexism, ageism, and culture. Then there is that part of us which is strictly straight from God, our Father, to recognize. So if you would please, help us understand that distinction. Because as Michael said last time, it is our recognition of that God-created component in each other that is the fundamental basis for our recognizing individuality and--above all—extending mercy. Thank you.
Nebadonia: Good evening. This is Mother Spirit, and Michael, and I certainly—gleefully—wonderfully--accept your invitation. We are always with you, even part of you, as you go through your earthly lives. We will be even more open and available to you in your lives to come when we will both be more transparent and available to each other.
But in the meanwhile, now in your human lives, we are always happy to accept your prayers; so be open to us in your meditations. Both we and our mutual Father can be a part of your meditations--a creative part that can very critically give you what you need to know at that moment, to get on with your lives. We are happy to be with you this way and, after my lesson tonight, I will invite you to give me whatever questions or comments you might have.
(Part human origin, part from God)
To answer your request this evening on how you relate each other, let me briefly summarize what your wonderful Urantia Book so wonderfully and minutely talks about. You are a five-part being---being human: your physical body, your mind, your soul of earned experience, your creative spirit, and then the part directly from God--your Father—becomes your unique personality--unique in all of creation.
Obviously, when you encounter each other, the visible part of your sex, your race, and even your age is obvious just in the way you move. It is interesting that you have developed prejudices and projections that sometimes accompany these most visible parts of you. Be aware of these prejudices so you can counteract them within yourself, especially the “-isms” of racism, sexism, and ageism that fundamentally only group-categorize others.
Also obvious: outside a nudist colony where you encounter each other naked, you have your clothing that is deliberately designed to express yourself. You have uniforms, most generally adopted by militaries so they can distinguish each other in the chaos of warfare. Too: you have militants--political, social, and nationally identified individuals who adopt a uniform to recognize each other and promote their cause. You also have ethnic groups with very characteristic clothing traditions, some even covering a person’s entire body and hair so just the face--or only the eyes--are visible.
(So many ways of expression)
For the living/expressive physical part of a human being, think of your facial expressions of anger, joy, happiness, or inquisitiveness/curiosity. Think of your great actors and actresses and how their faces can be projected six feet high and wide to cover an enormous screen in a theater. You can immediately determine what they are expressing the moment they start to speak, not only in the language they are using, but the history of their culture that is expressed. Think of the enormous range of mental ability—their sheer intelligence--you can immediately relate to.
A more subtle part you recognize is a person’s soul, for you have wonderful expressions of how soulful someone is, that you meet. After being with them for only a short while, so much of their life experiences can come across and be appreciated. It’s all that he or she has managed to come through to get to this present moment where soul meets soul. It’s even more precious because, apart from your more superficial memories, your deeper soul is counter-parted with the presence of God within you. If you are openly welcoming enough, soul does speak to soul. God--your Thought Adjuster--speaks to and recognizes this profound essence in another.
(Creative spirit and personal freedom)
The fourth part of people, their creative spirit, though not immediately visible, still is something you can very quickly get a feeling for. Just a short conversation can tell you how creative another person is or, to the other extreme, how dogmatic they are. Are they expressing a true and unique personality, or only some kind of “Group-Think”--as you call it. So even a person’s spiritual/creative nature can be ascertained and assessed.
It's fun to review all of another person you can gather after a few minutes of interaction with them, and get a sense of who they are. Underlining and uniting all of them is their unique God-originated part, their personality. Obviously I am not referring to the Personality Pete and Patty of your High School Year Book, but what your Urantia Book defines as personality.
(Personality Survival)
Let me encourage you, and even tease you a bit, to go to that chapter in your Urantia Book titled Personality Survival, because it holds the most comprehensive definition of what personality is, in all your worldly languages. It gives you an appreciation that only God--the First Source and Center of all creation is--you might say—sufficiently infinite to create a truly limitless number of not only human beings, but all the angelic and higher forms of personal life throughout the universe. This is why all personal beings can directly relate to each other through him, down through time. So further keep in mind that your God-given personality is your essence that does not change. In other words, a hundred years, a thousand years, a million years from now, you will still be you.
Here is the promise of eternal life, if you so choose, for this is your choice. In this sense, eternal life is not forced upon anyone. Again, I am not talking about your brief human life before natural death. I am talking about the unique personal part that you are, and can recognize as yourself. As this part of you does not change, it is very distinctly not totally conditioned by time and space as are the rest of you. All the other parts of you change, most obviously your physical being and your soul, which is the part of you that is growing by your experiences and your purpose. As a unique being you have a unique experience of life, and in your co-authored soul you literally share with--and give--your life to God.
This is partly his reason for making unique living beings and putting them in unique cosmic situations, for even biologically fraternal twins begin to have different lives from the moment they are born. This is your cosmic purpose, dear ones. You are an experiential being--a living nodule of experience, a real, set-free personalized portion of God who is himself part of your soul. It’s why your soul is a million times, a billion times greater than just your own recallable and limited memories.
(Your cosmic purpose and gift to the Supreme Being)
Your soul is a gigantic part of you that you will grow to merge with sometime off in the future. Right then you will become a different kind of being when you merge inseparably with this God-part of you. It is an enormous transformation that you as a personality have to look forward to, off in your Morontia life after your natural death.
I mention that while your personality does not change in itself, it does acquire distinct soul experiences as a possession. Most importantly you have an intrinsic creative ability to unify all the various parts of you, to present you with a unified reality. This intrinsic ability grows through experience. This is why you are here. This is one way which an already infinite God can actually expand through you. Your Urantia Book calls this aspect of God the Supreme Being, an aspect of our Father who experiences, and is a part of, everything happening, even you through your choices. Through your ability to choose parts of your life—and consciously doing so--you are voluntarily giving and fulfilling your duty to the Supreme Being.
It definitely augments your life to utilize this creative spirit of yours. In each moment, you come up with an alternative to what is simply given to you. I am sure you can feel, even as I say this, this is what your own personal freedom is dependent upon. This is literally the foundation for your choices. You yourself can come up with something all your own. Only to that degree can you consciously have your own life as a gift to yourself and your soul. You expand your abilities--both physical and mental--as your gifts to God--the Supreme Being. It is the degree to which your own personal creativity comes up with, and adds to, what is simply continuing.
(Your response-ability and your future)
This is what Michael and I tease you with, for your response-ability is dependent upon the way you are self-consciously living and choosing your future, especially including those around you. Are you growing the ability to be open-minded, and not merely lost in some kind of denial or dogmatic repetition of what went before? Are you a spiritual, creative person able to respond to what is happening to you? Are you involved in God’s very dynamic reality all about you, my dears?.
We encourage you to experience and acknowledge that part of your human situation that is not repeating itself, for this is the way God has set up an ever-changing Universal Reality. Every day when you put your legs out over the edge of the bed--and maybe sit there for a moment or two to gather yourself together and get conscious again in your life--you can realize you are stepping off into a somewhat new world. This is definitely a cure for boredom, is it not? Recognize that life itself is designed to present you with--moment-by-moment, and day-by-day--a whole universe changing by growing in experience. This is God’s way. It is his choice for how things are going.
You too have an evolving eternal life to look forward to, not some hell of repetition but something new, as you yourself continue to grow by adding different experiences to your eternal soul.
(The cause of evil and deliberate suffering)
This is what Michael mentioned in his last lesson. Not only we, but God himself would have you fully perceive and respond to the uniqueness of other personalities, for this is what determines your relationships. This kind of recognition would end 99% of what you call evil on your world. Evil is the refusal to perceive and relate with each other as individuals--the cause of the suffering that lies within the realm of human choice.
As Micheal said, this refusal is what enables the worst kind of murder and deliberate cruelty—just seeing another as only a race, a sex, another age, another culture, another nationality, or another ethnic group. All this “Group-Think” is a projection, a layer of hatred put over a unique individual right from God, with their own unique life and experiences.
Please think about this, my dears. Ironically, it not only helps prevent you from being a cruel person yourself, it also literally feeds your own eternal soul, not with groups, not with prejudice--pre-judging—and not with unconscious, unexamined projections. You fill your soul with other unique individuals--forever. As I tease you with from time to time, your soul is not full of every yummy hot dog or hamburger you ever ate, nor even your wonderful house, or car, or other delightful material possession. It is fulfilled with the other personalities and souls with whom you’ve shared your life.
(Grow the nerve to welcome others)
Grow the nerve to welcome that next person you meet--friend, family, or even some stranger with whom you exchange a wonderful smile on a busy city sidewalk. This is your real wealth, my dears, and it is waiting for you to welcome and embrace. Michael and I, and the whole spiritual community, embrace you in all your God-given special uniqueness. Come join us.
Student: That was great!--an eye-opener, as usual.
Nebadonia: Thank you. I wanted to respond as you requested and expand on what Michael talked about last time. The worst cruelty that individuals do to each other is simply because they refuse to see and relate with another as an individual. Rather, they see them only as a member of a group to be killed or tortured. And as I said, it is ironic that individuals so prejudiced and limited are cutting themselves off from their own soul growth by treating others this way.
(Everything done or failed becomes soul)
Yet too--as a matter of course, what evil they have done to others also becomes a part of their soul forever. This is the eternal justice that happens to everyone when they regain consciousness on the other side after natural death. They are so much more open to the contents of their own soul and what they have done with or to others in their human life.
Student #1: Thank you very much. I’ll try to be good.
Student #2: It was a very good one tonight. Thank you very, very much.
Nebadonia: You are welcome, my daughter. Isn’t it wonderful to have all your dear friends and family as part of your own being forever?
Student #2: Yes
Nebadonia: Just think how—if you will--we tease you with that coming event your Urantia Book talks about so comprehensively. At some time in the future your personality’s abilities will grow to the point you can actually fuse with and become one with the presence of God within you. In this sense you will have grown enough to approach the enormity of your own soul.
(Your reality grows too—both challenge and reward)
Were there any more questions or comments? Michael and I do love to tease you, to give you something to reach for, some way to consciously participate in your own soul-growth. Do not fear, but actually welcome, the fact that tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow your reality will be growing right along with you. It will be both a challenge and a reward. So embrace these lives of yours, my dears. Let every day be your day of thanksgiving for those others who have already become a part of your soul. You have much to look forward to--exchanging your wonderful smiles with those others the next time you meet. Michael bids you to be in his peace. Let it soak you through and through; and be in my love. Good night.
Everyone: Thank you, Mother Spirit.