2023-12-07-Manifesting a Dream
Topic: Manifesting a Dream
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I am in gratitude to all the members of this team for your steadfast faith in this process. I make vocal my petition of gratitude for all that we have, all that we are in this process. It is always a joy to return to this place, to this well, and take another cup of spirit grace, even drawing close to our Divine Parents in this process. I invite our unseen companions to join us and share this sacred space that we honor and foster and have created and maintained for just this purpose. Let our intentions please our Divine Parents and let it come together even now.
Machiventa: I accept your offer to join you once again. I am Machiventa and I appreciate hearing discussion about my messages and your consideration of our relationship, yours and mine, that is yours as a group, as a station, as an outpost, as a center for the conducting of the energy necessary to facilitate spirit contact. The expression of your intention is indeed supremely significant as is evident in the display we witness now of this form, this meeting hall that has been created and established and once again, it serves and provides as a meeting place, an energy field so conditioned as to accommodate the manifestation of spirit influence into the material realm.
Since you, the creators, are both material and spiritual you are able to dream an idea, a thought, a vision, and through the availability of free will choice you may choose to invest yourself in the manifesting of such a dream. Such a dream may be encountered in the spirit dimension wherein you may be exposed to more divine realities and truths and having encountered them because you have ventured there in spirit, you may choose them, you may adopt to manifest them on your side of the curtain in time and space because you are aware of this connection, of this barrier to be crossed in order to bring spirit into the material plane and manifest higher truths than currently exist on Urantia.
This process of venturing out and discovering greater truths and grander realities in spirit can motivate you to bring your experience of a grander reality or of a taste of Light and Life and bring such a glimpse as you may get back into your reality, into time and space where you reside. Your human and animalistic nature often demands so much of your energy and attention to maintain that there is little time to pray and dream and imagine and create the newer reality that you can envision if you have taken the time and energy to have it, to find it, and to wish to bring this higher vibration back into the slower dimension of time and space. This is simply a matter of your choosing. That is how powerful a force your free will choice and your directed intention may be. Your influence may set in motion innumerable beginnings and creations which may stand to be adopted by others.
So when I hear your discussion around what you feel you are supposed to do in response to hearing this calling and understanding this clarion call of change that is upon us, let me ease any tensions you may feel about somehow not being involved or perhaps not being involved correctly. I assure you, your volunteering to assist in this mission of Michael has long since been registered and accepted and you have been considered on the roles of those in the platoons forming to administer change throughout the universe. The process as you have seen has been a long one to bring you to the point where you would not only consider your option of procreativity, but decide to implement it and give it a try and you have all proved to yourself with your own test runs that your applied intention is real, it has purpose, it has the life force that you bring to it.
Now that we have come to an uncommon awareness that the mission of the Correcting Time is unfolding at a pace, now that we are made aware of the ongoing and long term nature of the project at hand, surely maybe you can relax in the certainty that all that has transpired up to this point has been of great success to the universe as a whole in that as a part, you have become more perfect and as each part becomes more perfect, the whole becomes a grand example of perfection displayed. Not only have you serviced your inner ascension career by pursing your faith and your goals in that direction, not only have you succeeded in fostering this growth individually, you have as well participated in creating this different reality that we enjoy even now in this moment. This opportunity, this platform, is made available by your energies, your choice to maintain it and make it so.
So in the very essence of what is needed, you have created space for spirit to exist, you have done this within which has provided you with the faith and the strength to reach out and create this space. The space that you have created within allows the reality of the common space to exist wherein we may meet, we may fellowship, we may share and this is only attained if the environment to make it so is maintained. That requires the environment within the individuals to be maintained so that their part of the meeting hall is prepared, is ready, is conditioned to make it so. Such basics as conditioning the environment are signs of such great spiritual growth, the awareness that conditions matter and may greatly influence the circumstance by either their presence of absence.
But to the one who knows what to do and how to do it because they have been trained in universe administration for lo these many years and who have maintained the practice of connection and the intention made manifest turned to truth, beauty, and goodness, this news of great imminent change is certainly nothing new. However, there may be a sense of greater urgency as spiritual pressure is applied to the equation and turning up the heat under the solution which invariably will cause a reaction. Such an increase in pressure will cause many to seek the source of their discomfort and their desire to find peace, their desire to find that they are connected to a great cosmic family and they are part of a gigantic plan that is designed to provide them with an eternal ascension career.
These basics need to be built into the new thought pattern of what it is to be spiritual, to function in spirit with your spiritual component, how it feels when you do it. How the sensation is registered by you may be very valuable to others who are looking to connect or looking to follow a path that you have apparently forged to get where you are, thus the training to become universe administrators. So be it, it is so. Now you are in greater awareness of this truth and can more identify with a long term role you may be fulfilling, even in time and space you are fulfilling your destiny. That is truly a miracle, a miracle of spirit conquest over material survival. Such is the destiny for those in the state of Light and Life: Spirit influence may take precedence over material influence. This may be accomplished even in your lives even now by your choosing to envision and manifest qualities you foresee in spirit, qualities of Light and Life, qualities of divine purpose, qualities of growth and development that have been designed for your journey.
So as your Master said: “ Fear not.” You are on the right track, headed in the right direction, at the perfect pace for your individual growth and the developments pertaining to this world that are ongoing and developing. These epic plans and changes are not being thrust upon you as your responsibility or challenge, rather, you happen to be here on the timeline in time and space as this project unfolds. And because you have invested in seeking spiritual truths and realities you have been rewarded with connections such as this that have provided you with a more long term perspective on the circumstance and the solutions and the directions ahead. Indeed, your responsibility to Michael in service to His mission of the Correcting Time on Urantia, your service has been engaged for some time and your efforts are a matter of record and your energy in maintaining the material and the forum have contributed greatly to the unfolding of this next phase of process.
You as a group have also been gifted with the awareness, albeit through your efforts to secure it, you have been graced with the awareness that the road ahead of you in spirit goes through your Thought Adjuster. Your Inner Guide is the portal that allows spirit into your citadel of peace and also is responsible for your growth and education to the degree that they are in place to ensure that you are not overwhelmed beyond your capacities because they know the capacities, they are aware of them having been with you since your first spiritual growth experience. Such spiritual guides take very seriously this task of shepherding you along the process and always supporting your free will choice, always offering glimpses of reflection when considered in prayer, always and ever in support of your growth and your exploration of spirit. Seeing that “all roads go through your spirit guide”, then it only makes sense to make friends with that aspect of your being, that part of what you are composed of that is spirit, that is not subject to the restrictions of time or space but rather endures as you progress back to the First Source and Center.
We find ourselves at a most interesting juncture of time and space where spirit and the influence of divine presence and spirit has been obscured by the many material manifestations of animalistic qualities. Since you are all animals, it is easy to elicit and animalistic response as many of them are hard wired in as automatic reactions. These physical, chemical, and material responses are so demanding that any spirit influence is easily overshadowed or overrun by the graphic intensity of the mortal struggle. For you who have developed the path to spirit, the returning to this well of spirit, you have maintained this connection that provides you a place to moor, a place to tie to for some sense of stability and security. Once you have well established the connection, the environment and this place of peace within, it is then easier and easier to return back to this place of goodness and look at circumstance and situation from this vantage, see the circumstance as ‘including' a spiritual component, allow the space to exist for a counterpart to the experience to the lesson that allows that there is another dimension of truth, goodness, and beauty that is spirit based and more divine in its frequency, in its tone and in its wavelength of expression.
Having taken to heart so many of the lessons provided, you’ve all become somewhat proficient at the manifesting of these realities and I applaud you for your continued efforts. You have a human phrase which couldn’t be more true and it is: “History is made by those who show up.” You have, in showing up, made history in regards to this mission of Michael, this mission of myself, this grand purpose of reconstructing all the connection. So it is with great gratitude that I would take my leave at this point. I feel these meetings have always been fruitful and they remain so, even as we keep extending this process. Thank you for your time. I look forward to having another opportunity. So be it. Farewell.
Mark: Thank you Machiventa for fellowshipping with us in our place of peace, our forum that we provide. Thank you.