2023-12-10-Human and Planetary Coherence w/Paradise Plans
Topic: Human and Planetary Coherence w/Paradise Plans
Group: Institute for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Our Paradise Creator Deities and Divine Parents, we open ourselves to you for the ministrations of our Magisterial Son to have more space and room to function within human mind. You know exactly where we are on our transformational journey, and we ask that which you know we need to hold focus for today can come through and add into the upliftment benefit of this world. We thank you for connecting us as one through the circuits of Spirit, Soul, Personality, and Mind that we are unified in holding focus for your WILL to be done through your GRACE and MERCY. Thank you so much, Mother and Father.
MONJORONSON: Greetings to you, my brethren. This is Monjoronson and I pleased to be with you here once again in this co-creative forum. As you allow your breath to take you into deeper relaxation, take a moment or so to invite your Indwelling Spirit to participate with you on today’s call.
We are improving the circuitry connections between this world and all of other higher dimensional worlds, of which this planet is a very important part. As many of you are aware, much damage has been inflicted Urantian circuitry at various levels to prevent the dynamic evolutionary progression toward the higher planetary culture, which some of you know as the Era of Light and Life.
There were many circuits disturbed or subjected to gross malfeasance, and now it is time for all of the damage done to this planet to be corrected, especially in the way it has impacted the human energy system and interfered with the communication between the human mind and the Indwelling Spirit. What we are involved today is to help you become more coherent with the Paradise plan of perfection given to you by the Paradise Creator-Father to escort you on your journey to your higher expression of who you are as a son and daughter of God. Many impediments have been placed upon your path recognition of your rightful relationship to the First Source and Center of Life, and your right to evolve according the plans of perfection seeded into you by the Father Himself.
In today’s focus, I invite you to take a few moments to communicate with your Spirit. Hold the intention to become more coherent with the PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION held in sacred by your Spirit. Have that willingness, motivation, and aspiration for this plan to become more fully fleshed within your human mind that you may perceive something of the higher nature of who you are and be able to perceive more of the direction in which you are being guided to manifest and express the perfection of the plan within.
I will give you a few moments to address your Spirit in this way. And if it is helpful, hold that intention for your Spirit to help you become more congruent and communicative with this plan. It is part of your divine inheritance to develop this with your conscious willingness, participation, and trust in the benevolence of the presence of the Father within you—His LOVE for you and His ability to help you manifest and achieve your destiny that is part of this plan. Take a few moments, communicate with your Spirit and allow the divine reflection to imprint upon your thoughts and feelings. (Pause)
There are many aspects to the PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. This is a far and wide encompassing plan designed to work through the various dimensions of LIFE to bring the whole design of LIFE into COHERENCE with the level of Paradise which operates in perfection and where all of the patterns for evolutionary perfection originate. You are on this vibrant journey of perfecting yourselves according to one aspect of the divine plan. This is given to humans, such as yourselves, to develop over the course of your long ascension eternal career. You do not perfect yourself all at once. It is an ongoing development that you increasingly become more cooperative with as you feel the love within and have more of that aspiration to grow and be Godlike.
At the human level, which is important at this stage of your development is to have that single willingness to cooperate with the plans within you. You may not know what they are, and that is perfectly acceptable. The Spirit Within knows the plan and has the ability to help you perceive it based on your own willingness and cooperation to become more of what God has seeded in you to express.
So, as you focus on your Spirit, I hope this will give you a deeper awareness of the importance of becoming more coherent with your own plan of perfection and seek the guidance of Spirit Within that you may understand more of what it is, what you are here to accomplish and be able to cooperate with it better.
Take a few more moments. Have that willingness to grow in understanding of your own plan of perfection, and simply receive from your Spirit. If it is helpful, simply focus on these words: I AM COHERING WITH MY PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. I AM COHERING WITH MY PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. I AM COHERING WITH MY PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. Let it circulate through your mind and let it deepen within your body. (Pause)
Serious impediments have been placed upon the composition of the human nature in how it was originally designed to function. You might consider that this is your divine inheritance being restored to you, that you may find it more graceful and easy to cooperate with the plans of ascension within you. These plans are beautiful. They are divinely appointed in you, and you have every right to learn and grow in comprehension of who you are and what this plan means for your lives. The corruption placed upon the human composition from the rebellion influence has given you much consternation, frustration, and confusion about who you are. Many people still harbor such deep feelings of unworthiness that they do not have the ability to perceive these beautiful plans within them.
So, one of the factors for this call today is to help you engage with these higher circuits that they would have more of an impactful impression upon your memory system and help you, not only, remember who you and what you are here to accomplish, but to recognize more deeply the innate connection you have with your Divine Source. Because in that recognition is the attachment—the trust bond between Divine Parent and human child and it grows and strengthens with your continued expanding awareness of who you are. Continue to ask for that COHERENCE to engage with your own inner divine PARADISE PLAN and notice what begins to move or shift in you. (Pause)
The PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION within you is a sacred gift. Do you recognize it as such? If not, take a few moments to ask your Spirit to show you why this is important and how you may more easily cooperate with this plan. When more humans become aware of what has been created within them of the bond with their Divine Parent and PLAN OF PERFECTION, then you will see more beautiful changes occur on this world. We are preparing for this eventual awareness on a global scale.
Maintain yourself now so that you can become stronger and more advanced in your thinking about what it is that you can contribute into this great time of planetary transformation. Each person contains a part of that overarching PLAN OF PERFECTION. You might consider that you are a microcosm of that plan that operates at the macrocosmic level, not only for this world, but for all worlds in the greater design of LIFE.
While this may seem daunting at first, it truly is very simple when you simply allow yourself to have that willingness and aspiration to become more COHERENCE with the PLAN OF PERFECTION within you. Let these words settle in, and may you deepen in the experience of where your Spirit is guiding you. (Pause)
Let us now shift focus to the planet before you in your mind’s eye. Set your gaze upon the words: PLANETARY COHERENCE WITH THE PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. PLANETARY COHERENCE WITH THE PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. PLANETARY COHERENCE WITH THE PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. Engage with this spiritual energy language and focus it from the top of the north pole to spiral counterclockwise down to the south pole. Invite the seraphim and all of our other helpers to engage with this energy language and help the planet in a more comprehensive way pick up on the signals, that more people may perceive what is in them as a great gift from Spirit. (Pause)
Invite the energies to move into memory and to reach new depths of human memory that more people may perceive that inner call of SELF-PERFECTING. (Pause)
Invite the energies to penetrate down into the level where the planet veered off course from this beautiful PLAN OF PERFECTION from Paradise, and feel that need to be restored fully to the planet’s system of consciousness. (Pause)
May you perceive, my brethren, that this is part of the compensatory measures your Spirit Parents are providing to you and this world for the corrections to be further conducted. As you integrate into your own plan of perfection, you may notice some new feelings and motivations twinkle in your mind’s eye and stimulate your heart for greater growth and loving service to your brothers and sisters. This is part of the comprehensive way in which this planet will be healed and returned its rightful evolutionary trajectory.
As you open to this and feel and express more of who you are as part of that plan, you are adding more Truth-Light into the planetary mindal system, and it has the ability to move down into those memory circuits where this is a needed balm of relief for your brothers and sisters to perceive. The more you assert your divine birthright to grow in your plan, you are allowing more Light-Space into planetary mind for others and it resonates at a level where they are receptive. Whether it is a great revelation or a small insight, all Truth is important and has an impact upon the mind. (Pause)
As the seraphim move into the mindal circuits and open the memory constructs, I invite you to focus PLANETARY COHERENCE WITH THE PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION right into the core of the earth. Hold that there as best you can as the various levels of celestial helpers construct more of the pathways necessary for human mind to pick up on this very important dynamic in SELF-RECOGNITION of who each person is as a son and daughter of God. (Pause)
Invite PLANETARY COHERENCE WITH THE PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION to weave together with the original DIVINE PLANS of the planet and Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION, forming a unified system that brings you back to the correct trajectory for this world to evolve to its higher destiny at some future point. Feel that deep need for this planet to regain its rightful place and purpose in the great design of LIFE as these energetic dynamics combine together and form a more unified construct or what you might consider a higher divine ideal for human mind to perceive. (Pause)
Invite your Divine Mother’s JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE to weave all of these circuits together, that human mind may perceive a lighter signal, if you will; something that elevates human mind to pay attention to the divine leadings because the divine leadings are loving, peaceful, joy-infusing, and life-affirming. Invite Her Mother’s HEARTBEAT to engage to with all of these beautiful spiritual principles and dynamics in the core of the earth. (Pause)
Invite these energetic endowments of the planet’s original DIVINE LIFE PLAN, Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION, and the PLANETARY COHERENCE WITH THE PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION to act as one unified field, and let it embrace the planet fully as Mother weaves this energy into the world through the system of consciousness via Her JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE. (Pause)
Invite the intention for the human mind to expand in these beautiful dynamics to give more individuals the inner remembrance and recognition of who they are as Mother continues to sing Her SONG OF JOY into the planet. (Pause)
Continue to hold this focus as best you can. At the same time, invite your Father, who is the PATTERN PERSONALITY for you to grow in your God nature. Ask for Him to feed you through His dynamic of HE IS THE VINE—YOU ARE THE BRANCH. And your human nature is gently grafting upon His divine characteristics and feeding you in His LOVE, as Mother helps you grow in who He is and who you are. (Pause)
Invite my DIVINE JUSTICE to ring resoundingly through all of these circuits, down to the memory circuit where the planet can now be brought back to its higher purpose and plan.
Letting the impediments placed upon this world to be calibrated at a higher level to the DIVINE JUSTICE now moving into this deep memory circuit, as well as embracing the entire planetary system of consciousness in its various memory configurations. (Pause)
Feel that need for this planet and its memory system to now become COHERENT with the PARADISE PLANS OF PERFECTION. (Pause)
As the circuits integrate, I invite you to join with us at that Paradise level in worshipful appreciation for all that has been given to you, to this world, to your brothers and sisters for this great correction to ring resoundingly through the planet. Lift your heart up in gratitude of what is being returned to this planet—its divine inheritance, that all may enjoy in the glory and bounties of Father’s LOVE and Mother’s GRACE. (Pause)
Ask for the REFLECTION of PARADISE to shine upon this world, helping more people perceive the inner leadings of the Spirit Within and their relationship to their Creator. Join with us as we give thanks for all that you have received. (Pause)
You may, if you wish, descend from Paradise. See yourself standing on the ground. You are anchored into the core of the earth through the energetic tethers from your feet. And as these tethers connect into the core of the earth, drink deeply of these combined dynamics that are now part of the earth’s plan and part of your divine purpose for being here, helping you ground more deeply into this, filling you with more security and assurance of your right to become what Father has seeded in you. (Pause)
I AM MY PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION AND I WILLINGLY COOPERATE WITH MY SPIRIT. Let this soak in, let it become a part of your mind and body, your memory patterns, your mental and emotional processing, and fill you with great peace. (Pause)
Beloved brethren, I leave you in this place of peace. That which we created today will have an impact on planetary mind. Remember to maintain this focus between now and our next time together to ensure that these energies continue to deepen and have more of space and light necessary to grow in human mind and memory. Seek the liberation of this planet from the past in your own heart and mind, and surely you will help this world in its great detachment from the rebellion and move it more into the spiritual gravity and trajectory of PARADISE. We are deeply grateful for your support today, and may you receive the bountiful blessings from growing in your own planet of perfection. I leave you in the Father’s LOVE, and may His PEACE always center you in who you are. Good day.