2023-12-14-Emotions, Feelings, and Questions
Topic: Emotions, Feelings, and Questions
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Aurelia, Aaron, Unknown
TR: Simeon
T/R1: Greetings, this is me speaking. Each one of us enjoys a consciousness about our relationship with our Father. It is true that each one of us enjoys such relationship, either consciously or unconsciously. Each of us enjoys this relationship in some way, shape, or form, but all of us enjoy that relationship even if we are not exactly conscious or sure that we do that. So I kindly desire to suggest a way of doing, but not the only way of doing. As we are thinking of God our Father, we can imagine him in heaven upwards, as Jesus mentioned our Father who is in heaven, and we can try to figure out his image, a light, etc. As we understand or believe, we put faith that he is a person and a personality. We begin to talk with someone, not merely as something. And here forward it is about you and Father. Enjoy. (T/R makes note of the fact that he always defaults to saying he is speaking unless he can recognize who he is connected with, but that he does connect with the spirit within while sharing.)
T/R2: Greetings, my friends. I am Aaron, glad to be here tonight to share and to open this up. I would like to thank my friend for the introductory comments initiating what it was we intended for the evening which was to allow for each of you to tune in and receive spiritual insight and to share your thoughts and ideas, much as you have before. Feel free to explore the connection in this safe space.
T/R3: Greetings students. This is Aurelia, your fellow student in the Melchizedek schools on Urantia. You know there are Melchizedek schools all over the universe. On the Melchizedek world there are schools we go to and there are outposts of training everywhere. The basic essence of the teaching, of course, is love and we have found that such a challenge here on this world, discovering that you know so little about what true love is. Partly this is the mishap between the biological uplift, the biological retardation of the physical so that it doesn’t so easily respond to spirit, as normal worlds do. So when we ask you to be in silence and connect with us, know that we understand we are asking quite a lot because it doesn’t happen so naturally with you on this world. So give yourself a little break here and realize that it is only through practice, through time and patience, that you can open a channel, and the other aspect, of course, being keeping the channel clear by constant use. That is one of the reasons why we are so grateful for you who open up to take a chance on us and we really do appreciate it and are actually amazed that you come together and want to work with us. Thank you for that. So I wanted to give you the encouragement to listen more with your feeling and heart than with your actual mind. It is, of course, a complementary function between Father, Mother and Michael that gives you your spiritual consciousness, but right now think about feeling your way towards us and us reaching back to you. Thank you my fellow students.
T/R3: Good evening, my friends, I am Aurelia again. Since the subject was brought up, let me say that emotions from the mortal point of view are very powerful. The feelings we have are simply the human reaction to experiences we have as humans. Emotions are signals. They have no value, good or bad, but they are signals of something that is calling you to investigate. When you are angry, for example, many times you berate yourselves for being angry or dissatisfied, turning that anger upon yourself for feeling that way. On some occasions, the emotion you feel or express is not the emotion that was being called for and yet you responded to that feeling. The trick is to examine those feelings. Dig deeper into why you feel the way you do. The judgment is not that it is bad or a good feeling, necessarily, but rather it is an investigation into something that can be learned.
Let us use a happy example where you feel good, joyful, happy. The investigation can explore why you feel this way. In order to repeat the experience, dig deeper into why you were able to feel that emotion. Dwell not so much on labeling the experiences you had, but rather take the emotion as a signal that there is something to be learned from that experience. Indeed, some of your experiences are trivial enough that they don’t need exploration, but nevertheless it is an experience that was building your abilities to live life in a joyful manner or a reflective manner, if that is what is called for.
Emotions, feelings, are valid and the labels we often find humans place upon them, not really all that correct. Take your experiences, enjoy your life, accept the love you have, diminish the self doubt and know that, above all else, you are all loved and this is as you are, whether happy, sad, joyful, mourning. We expect you to have all of these and that you will find in you the experience that will lift you to a higher level of consciousness and understanding, not only of yourself, but your fellow sojourners on a planet full of dysfunction. And yet you carry on. For that, we’re joyful and available at all times to help you through these, even when you do not ask us for help, for we’re a team and the Melchizedek mission is all about correction. Remember that. Correction. We’re correcting not only each cell in your body, but also the entire history on a planet of great dysfunction. You are survivors. That you made it this far as well as you have could be a miracle, but we know you are capable and confident that you have the ability to correct, not only your own lives, but correct the entire universe. Whatever part you play is valid. Thank you for allowing me to speak with you tonight.
T/R4: Yes, the divine gates are open and awaiting you to join us. Allow your imagination to reach up and listen with your intuition and take a chance. We are here to prompt you and guide you. We will encourage you and uplift you so each day is easier and easier.
T/R5: Aurelia: Often as students attempting to gain connection, we find questions about whether it is better to listen quietly to receive or to ask questions and while either approach can be appropriate depending on the circumstance, we find it more often than not, that the students who gain success are generally the ones full of questions, for it is easier to pick up a response than it is to pull information out of the ether. The practice of questioning creates an energy flow, a sort of call and response, that allows the mind to settle into a place of reception. So as you develop your own connection or guide others to develop theirs, this suggestion to bring your questions is, perhaps, for the citizens of your world, a beneficial approach to take for various reasons.
Q1: Do you mean ask questions for our own practice, to ourselves, to our teachers? Like I could ask you a question right now, or I can ask a question and wait for my internal response from my connection.
Aurelia: The awareness of contact somehow is stronger for those who ask questions and listen for answers rather than just sitting quietly waiting for the information. We feel this is, in some ways, more relevant to planets that have had defaults or rebellions because of the chaotic nature of how information flows and the disruptions. So as the human or mortal mind engages in the question it brings a sort of stabilization of the currents and an expectancy for a response. On planets that are more normally functioning, it is a fairly early practice in life to establish the flow more continuously between the human and spirit and thus recognition of reception is far easier, if that makes sense.
Q1: Yes, I think the Urantia book says something about the brains of people not on rebellion planets are more sensitive to the spirit realm. It is easier to connect.
Aurelia: Yes, for various reasons. I am also Aurelia, enjoying the multi-personality functioning this evening. The other teachers are enjoying this also as they observe. I am from a rebellion planet myself, and therefore, my ability to speak on this particular relevance of utilizing questioning to gain deeper contact and reception is why I was chosen to bring up this topic.
Q2: Discriminating emotion from mind, the dysfunction on this planet creates many emotions, not only with ourselves, but with our family, community and on up to how the world is being run from nation to nation. There are tremendous differences of opinion about reality and disinformation right now. It is confusing and difficult to stay the course. Is this subject separating the mindal ability to receive the spiritual as well as the feelings and emotions we have about what we can or can’t control. Is that what you’re trying to help us with here?
Aurelia: Yes, my friend, you are understanding. The personalities who live largely on their emotions struggle more deeply than those who can find the balance, which of course comes with the stillness and reflection practices which have been ingrained in you over these many years. The world is high on emotion at this time and this will change. The time frame may be shorter or longer, for the progress is largely hampered by the inability to control one’s thoughts and impulses and a sort of addiction to feeling. Thus, we see the Melchizedek training regimen implementing steps to expand the consciousness on your world, not appealing to emotion, but to practicality and the recognition of the flow that comes when one can relax and calmly reflect on ideas rather than playing a sort of mental ping pong.
Q3: I remember something in the Urantia Book where Michael was talking about not appealing to people with emotion and I think that was because it becomes a drug. So it doesn’t actually hook in to changing a person, just being emotionally moved. It’s confusing to me though, because when I think about poetry, a lot of times in meditation the Father talks to me in poetry and that can be emotional. There’s different kinds of emotion too. Can you talk about that a little bit?
Aurelia: Your allusion to poetry is a result of coming into a relaxed awareness and ability to step down from your emotions to actually put into words what it is you are feeling, which, in some sense, is deactivating the emotions and their impact on you, rather than playing to the emotions. This does not mean you do not feel emotion while practicing this exercise and this goes for other art forms and means of expression, as well, not simply poetry. The difference is the emotion is the response of your body to being in the flow and how good it feels, combined with levels of release of tension and frustration in other aspects of your being such that emotion has been allowed to become pent up. So I would say the act of being creative is a defuser of emotion even as you still can have emotions while doing so.
Q3: Wow, thank you. That’s very interesting. I see through my life I have become quite facile at distilling inspiration into poetry and to me that’s easy and I do it constantly. So when I think about emotion the other way, it’s more like some politicians who might drum on emotion on a totally different level than the distillation of an emotion into poetry or creativity. To me that’s where I think the hook is. Once someone gets in the flow and once you feel and do that, then that’s what you want to keep following. Alchemy almost, that alchemy of making it mind somehow.
Aurelia: Yes, and recognize again that emotion in and of itself is not negative. It is how it is stored or how impacting it is on your life that can be positive or negative, and therefore Michael’s call to not play to the emotions is because it produces a potentially false sense of reality in contrast to speaking directly to the spirit and the truth of one’s understanding, which then supercedes the peripherals and goes straight to the core, which still can produce emotion, but is not intended as such as a primary factor.
Q3: Thank you.
Q4: When labeling, it’s not the emotion that’s good or bad. It’s whatever it is that causes you to feel that which needs to be focused on, for if it is a pleasant experience and you focus or analyze why, then you can repeat it and recognize it sooner. And if it’s bad or negative, how do you avoid that in the future or recognize it for what it is more correctly? Is that the direction we’re going?
Aurelia: Would a one word answer suffice?
Q4: Yes.
Aurelia: Yes. (Laughter) I think another had wanted to speak and may not have been able to due to the mute.
Q5: Yes I was on mute. But I wanted to say I really liked your phrase "mental ping pong." Because I think it’s what is happening so often in the world, not only with the thinking but in communication. It‘s like they’re not going deep and really thinking, or really reflecting on it. Thank you.
Aurelia: Yes, if you were to view a ping pong table, there is the right side and the left side and it seems that most of the activity occurs to the right or to the left, but seldom do they recognize that one piece in the center of the table that plays such an important part - the net. The net could be related to finding the center or the balance instead of seeing things in terms of right or left, wrong or right, good or bad.
Q5: Nice.
Q6: I don’t know. I have trouble with that, because Michael said there could be no peace between light and dark, life and death, truth and error and so if you stand in the middle… It’s like my brother says, it’s kind of like a coin that has two sides, but it also has an edge so you stand on the edge. But that idea that there is no right or wrong always bothers me when considering the Urantia book philosophy. It kind of follows the Luciferian thinking where you can do what you want because there’s no right or wrong, good or bad.
Aurelia: Let me refresh. There is an alternate perspective to be shared, for I see how you could interpret this to mean there is no right or wrong, but the ability to recognize truth and error comes when one finds balance and is centered. When you’re playing ping pong out on the edges, it has a "they must be wrong because I am right" and vice versa, rather than looking for the truth in each side which begins to gravitate you toward the center where you’re looking at things from a place of balance, a sort of neutral place. Not neutral in the sense of "everything is equal," but neutral in your perspective to be able to perceive something without all of those emotions clouding what you are feeling. It is very difficult to perceive truth and error when your passions are inflamed continuously.
So no, the example was more for how to reduce the emotions and become more centered in your ability to perceive and recognize things instead of using the example to make another case that is not relevant to the specific ideas being presented. If the topic this evening were truth and error then this example of the ping pong table might not be the greatest example, but when discussing emotions and how they affect the individuals and societies it is more relative to that discussion.
Q6: Thank you. Yes. I see that.
Q7: When you were talking about the coin, the sides and the edge, what came to me is in the middle and that’s when you go within. That’s where the real beauty of the coin is. Within, in the center of the coin.
Q8: And my vision was an oreo cookie… there’s something really sweet in the center. (Laughter and concluding discussion.)