2023-12-14-Patterns, Routines as Scaffolding
Topic: Patterns, Routines as Scaffolding
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa, Monjoronson
TR: Mark Rogers
A prayer to condition the environment with gratitude and with the awareness that the part has for the whole and with gratitude for their very being and for their very connection, gratitude to being part of such a divine family as we are learning and discovering in our process. I make vocal my invitation for any of our unseen friends to join us during this forum. I understand that there have been significant patterns developed over the course of time in these meetings and these patterns get formed and become ruts and then patterns can serve to provide you with limitations and restrictions because there is a tendency to want to revert back to familiar pattern as an automatic response. I am aware, as a facilitator of this forum, that pattern and previous experience can at times seem to restrict the possibility of any new direction or new flow, and so I make vocal petition of my awareness that pattern is both a beneficial component and a potential obstacle to be overcome in the creative process. I would petition some counsel about such a thought pattern from such a trusted source. So be it.
Machiventa: Thank you for your invitation once again for establishing the arena for us to meet and share and fellowship about such considerations as you offer. I am Machiventa returning once again as per my commitment to honor your commitment. The observation made that patterns and routines may be helpful in any developing stages because they are easy to repeat and duplicate, does again drive home the point. Many religious faiths have devolved into a series of patterns repeated, a series of prayers to offer, a group of references to divine source. It is important in this consideration of adhering to and establishing pattern, that while it serves as a scaffolding, a means to support you while you build the real strength of your personal character, the challenge before you at this time in manifesting these new spirit principles that you are seeing come into play and the challenge with sharing and exposing your brethren to these spirit concepts, is that there is an inherent language barrier.
For many who are seeking there is a distinct distance to grow into understanding spirit and spirit content. Many are seeking for a secure place to moor so that they can hang on to something stable and secure in the face of change. The message of Monjoronson, the message of enhanced circuitry with expanded potentials and greater connections requires its own language and the language and interpretation are from you, the mortals of the realm who have discovered spirit and who have walked this path and arrived at this place. Although your paths were certainly unique and individual your direction and your intentions were focused to bring you spiritual growth and to bring you greater awareness of spirit truths, a greater association with your spirit family and even bringing you awareness of an eternal career.
I invite you to be careful in your consideration of the new language of spirit, a language which accepts and even embraces spirit as a normal and natural component of a mortal of the realm on a world such as this, language meant to be accessible and plain and universal. It's important in your presentation of your new awareness of spirit presence that you define this experience you wish to share in common terms, in the plain language of your experience and I offer as a suggestion in your process of editing the body of work produced in this process, I urge caution in using phraseology too uncommon to the common man. Mankind has a difficult enough time in defining spirit that it is important to establish a safe place of spiritual truth that may be tied to while you take in the lesson at hand.
As you are all aware, the phenomenon of identifying spirit components has always presented a challenge and has been referenced by many terms so the terms of plain language enables your fellows to approach this sharing of experience you offer, this manifesting of the very truths that you are attempting to portray, this demonstration of connection to spirit which you are attempting to portray while portraying it. It is a delight to entertain such inquiries, every such exchange is ripe with many positive aspects. Many layers of this onion may be peeled back and much is to be gained by the simple process of examination.
So, if in fact pattern can be useful and helpful in regards to recreating similar results with similar efforts, then perhaps one could consider that if such a method is so effective, perhaps some intention could be directed towards guiding the mission. If you are going to establish a pattern, create a new pattern, then choose wisely with your expanded awareness and create a pattern to bring you to your divine center, a pattern, a pathway to your Inner Guide. Such a pathway is yours to build at will and from my perspective, it’s only a matter of time. In all of your cases, as you are on route to fusion you are on route to combining with your Divine Fragment within. With your intention in place and your actions clearly defining your intention, your path is sure and certain and any distance that needs to be covered before you arrive at this destination is your gift, your journey along which you may gather more and more experience.
Knowing the value of adhering to formula can serve you well, I even give you the example of this forum here tonight reestablished as a matter of intention and recommitment on the part of the individuals present, truly an act of co-creation for which I am very grateful to have your presence. It is not for you to see, during your brief sojourn here, the ripples that have been made in the spirit waters around you. These ripples may go out vast distances and expand beyond their first source and center that was you. These effects are even still yet to come and will only be experienced in due time.
So once again, having utilized this opportunity that you provide, I extend my gratitude for your efforts and for your showing up so we can continue to make history in ways that we may never know. Let it be so, even now. I withdraw in gratitude for this opportunity. Farewell.
Monjoronson: I greet you as well because you have welcomed me and I have been here before and feel the welcome extended. I am Monjoronson and having been referenced in previous conversation I would like to follow up on the notion of my mission being one of love and grace manifest and this new position of grace may be uncommon to some and out of the ordinary for many. This new posture of delivering mercy through this outlet of expression, this particular wave and infusion of energy needs a common language and a common reference. It needs the slang of a current generation to attempt to better describe and better identify spirit components and aspects of spirit nature. Since they may not be seen or touched, they can only be felt and registered within. This new ministry of love seeks to go to that inner dimension and bring love as the lubricant to facilitate the smooth transitioning from the material influence into the spirit influence.
I am very pleased to be able to approach a group such as this and converse about such lofty topics because you have been prepared, you have been trained in universe administration and you find yourselves infused with the energy of the new spirit pressure applied. You have long since heard the calling, you have long since responded to this calling. Your response has taken the form of this current pattern that you display even now, this pattern of building a conducive environment wherein there may be exchange across the mortal boundary through the spirit aspect. Such training has brought you to a place of awareness where these patterns have provided you with the template to come to this platform.
One of the great opportunities before you is that the possibilities before you are endless. The opportunities to connect, to build connections, make connections, establish connections, and then utilize these connections: the opportunities have never been so great and so we meet at this time in your awareness and in this mission where you can apply your awareness of universe functioning and make wise choices about your intentions and your direction and your resources. And all the while, each time, every time you choose or act or react, every time there is growth, there is the expansion of your capacity as a result of even more experience.
And so while the larger mission at hand is moving apace, all the while the smaller missions, the individual missions of growth and expansion are occurring at every turn, at every choice, at every juncture of awareness. In that sense, the plan is working perfectly, the plan for the planetary upliftment as a whole and the plan for the spirt growth and evolution of all the fragments of the family of man who have been made spirit and proceed on a journey to reunite with their maker. Such a grand plan and such a personal plan and both are operating smoothly.
I appreciate that this format is available to me. It may become more important as we move forward and there is more interest to maintain this established connection so I am in gratitude for such and will rejoin you at your request. There is much before us for us to go through and I look forward to the journey with you. So be it. Farewell.