2023-12-21-New Place in Ascension
Topic: New Place in Ascension
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Michael, Jonathan
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: Divine Parents, thank you for this opportunity, this life that we live, these choices we have before us, this opportunity to experience the grace that we receive. Help us to reach out in spirit, help us to come close to our Divine Parents and feel their embrace, feel their comfort and presence with us, even now. Help us to make it so.
Mark: I would like to make verbal mention and honor Michael for His service to this world. We are approaching the time of year when we’re focused on the birth of the Master, and although we have been made aware that the actual dates are different, the occasion still presents itself. So I would like to honor Michael’s service, His example of unconditional love, the vibration and the divine energy that He brought with him into the equation. I give voice to us all who stand in gratitude for this gift of grace that we are privileged enough to be aware of and that we are honored to have as a part of our experience. May this gratitude that we feel for being a part of your family extend beyond time and space and may we join together as we return to the Supreme.
Michael: Never doubt that the parent hears the call of the children. Never consider that your petition, vocal or otherwise, is ever lost in the process. I am He of whom you speak. I accept your gratitude for my service on your behalf as well as all the others and this is your gift for me. I have a keen fondness for all of my children and I am attentive to your circumstance and your needs and your Mother Spirit and I are always aware of your circumstance, your position and your place in the ascension career laid out before you. When a petition is made to join us, to be comforted by us, we most assuredly respond. Our response is catered to your individual needs and our connection with you insures that we are in tune with what your real needs are.
In this relationship we have and enjoy, we may connect at will. This truth is becoming more evident as time moves on. This potential is being actualized more frequently and with greater ease than has been the case during the recent age of darkness and isolation. We find ourselves now at a new place in universal ascension, a new level or degree of advancement in spiritual attainment and the attainment of becoming spiritualized. Such is the process that you are engaged in and that we may be engaged in together to the degree that you so choose. I offer you my willingness to assist in your process of reaching up. I assure you I reach down and I assure you that we connect, that our reaching for each other establishes the bond, the connection. This connection allows the sharing of truth, beauty, and goodness at greater and greater levels as you are conditioned to accept them.
I know that all that transpires before you of a spiritual nature is still mysterious to you and is still uncertain. You are quite new at this whole extending yourself in spirit and expanding that aspect of your being. I am here to bring you whatever peace of mind I can furnish by assuring you that your efforts at seeking and finding are meeting with great success. I give you this very moment, this very experience of connection that has been attained by the establishment and the discipline of process, the process of getting to spirit and to go though the process as spirit. It is a joy for any parent to observe their offspring develop and blossom into new and creative patterns.
The you that you are creating, the eternal aspect that is you, is indeed becoming a beautiful gem that has been gathered and polished to provide an ideal prism to focus the light. Such a tool to focus the light is what you are and is what you are developing in time. You are becoming polished and shaped to be able to focus the light with your own pattern, your own reflection and design, your individual manifestation of truth, beauty, and goodness made real in an eternal spiritual being. And in this realm of spirit that you are growing into, where connecting is easier and spanning the distance to connect is simpler, harnessing your co-creative abilities to augment your growth enables you to make the most of your journey and glean the most experience, the most awareness, the most wisdom as a result.
This is the plan we celebrate, this is the plan in motion, this is the plan established and set forth and it is a great joy to share this with you, to join with you in this process, to be with you to gain your insights. Thank you for taking the opportunity to condition the environment and allow for an exchange in response to your honoring of my mission on your world. I accept your appreciation and would turn the tables and offer you mine for you are following me, you are actively engaged in pursuing me and this is my mission at hand, to assist and even to go with you in the process. Thank you for allowing this to unfold with your assistance and your active participation and the faith required.
Take my love. Go now in peace and know that the parents always hear the calls of the children and I will faithfully respond to the needs of all of my children as I do even now. I AM pleased to take advantage of this opportunity you provide to do so and greatly enjoying the opportunity to drink of this cup and to share this cup and to take in the nourishment of this grace. Take it in, breathe it in, draw it into you. Take the peace within, take the love manifest within and go now with God. Peace be with you.
Mark: Thank you, thank you Michael. Thank you for your service 2000 years ago and even now.
Jonathan: Hello friends, just a word before you go. Like you I have been basking in the glow and enjoying the energy but I dare to access this call and this forum. I am Jonathan, simply desiring to connect and ensure the connection is strong. I understand there is another repeated round of 'the times they are a changing' and once again there are new conditions and parameters to be observed and perhaps brought into play. The different characteristics of the game change but the mainstay of movement in the service game is to be nimble and agile and ready to change maneuvers to be effective in accordance with your desires.
As the times change, the approaches to the same task may change, the means and methods change quickly with the times and so the good light worker has to stay agile to move to whatever channel is working and whatever the field of play is being able to maneuver in that context. This challenge of staying current, staying relevant and of being attractive to those members of your brethren, these current sets of skills must continually be adapted to find their best connectivity, their best reception, and all of this is transpiring immediately before you and around you and it is your task in your time and space for you to create patterns that serve to promote your spiritual growth and in this way condition your environment in growth and in this way expand your platform of awareness.
It is always been a challenge to keep the gospel, if you will, the message current and it is no different in this day and age. It will always be a challenge to fit long term spiritual premises and ideals into short range service opportunities. I encourage you to simply focus on whatever opportunities present themselves immediately before you and satisfy yourself with this as your opportunity rather than look for some greater chance or some greater good that could be had. The opportunities abound and they all contain the potential for serious spiritual growth which is, in the end, the purpose of the process. Take the opportunities, grab them, experience them and then own them, have them as part of your composition and as part of who you have become. This is how you build spiritual character.
I step forward with boldness to bring you words of comfort because I sense stress in your process. It is to be expected but I wish to provide comforting tones that this too will be all right, this too shall pass and more shall be added unto you. I am here to report that this is so and for you to expect all the support a universe has to offer and to be bold in your own choices, even as you are now in your choice to be here. Gently down the stream my friends, remember, easily, because life is but a dream. So be it. We’ll talk later. Bye now.
Mark: Thank you Jonathan.