2024-01-04-Unity of Purpose, Diversity of Process
Topic: Unity of Purpose, Diversity of Process
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: Divine Parents, welcome us into your embrace as we welcome you into ours. Guide our hearts to do your will as that is our will. Help us make it so, even now.
Machiventa: Thank you all for opening up this channel of communication. That’s precisely what it is, tuning into the spirit channel and receiving communication broadcasts over this wavelength. I am Machiventa and I am here first and foremost to thank you for the creation and the maintenance of this portal. As you on this call know, I have been around a lot lately to a number of different groups and individuals and this represents my mission. I had a mission once before here on this world and my mission then was to save the light of truth from being extinguished and to foster these truths until they were to be born again into the next generation.
This mission I had before was in service to Michael. My mission you are aware of was in preparation for Michael’s bestowal so I have been involved in working for Michael’s programs from the beginning. My mission to spread this sacred ‘Gospel’ was put to the test when I had to find those mortals of faith who were willing to preserve and protect the teachings and to bring them forward. There was much work to be done in the trenches, as it were, in the mortal realm and so I understand that there is required the trench work, the work in the field, the work to actually create the pathways and the storage receptacles and the means whereby the mission at hand may be accomplished.
Now I find myself presented with a similar mission, a mission in advance of Michael’s new plan, Michael’s next phase of spiritual growth and when I arrive on the scene, as it were, as you are even now, I find a willing reception by groups such as this, a place for the receiving and sharing of spiritual insights. So here we are at this time heralding a new age once again, a new age that has the characteristics of connectivity, of joining together with connections over spirit wavelengths and energy fields. This world had its universe broadcasts severed, as you are aware. Part of the new mandate is the reinstatement of these circuits and the creation of additional circuits to help facilitate connection. Each fragment is connected to the whole, each piece has a connection to the whole and when we activate these connections and enhance these frequencies there will be internal recognition of the kind that will produce meaningful action, the kind of connection that brings you the calling and returns you to the inner place where we all connect.
I understand that your devotion to be here now is a demonstration of your faith. So this task before us may seem daunting but every movement, every epoch, every movement forward has a start and all great movements begin with simply starting and moving forward and acting in accordance with your faith that this is true, good, beautiful and worthy of your investment of faith. So I mention this connection to a mission that spans back in time but is still ongoing here in this realm, on this plane, and even now in this time as once again we may work in advance of Michael's resurrection of his bestowal planet.
So we move forward in faith. We trust in Michael’s mandate and His assurance that we will meet with success as we act as the advance guard, as the ones who will herald mankind's inherent connection to spirit. Mankind’s ties to the spirit realm will be advanced and this is in preparation for all of the parts connecting and becoming a unified whole. What is important to remember as we move forward on this team together, this forward guard of Michael’s next epoch, is that we must allow for a unity of purpose in our mission and what we must also accommodate in our mission is a unity of purpose that does not require uniformity of approach. The unity of our purpose will always guide us and lead us and because of our various talents and abilities and skills, we find our tasks that are suited and perform those in service.
It is not the objective to all move in one direction or to all rally around one choice of approach, rather the unity of purpose allows for diversity of process and all roads in service and in faith lead to your Divine Parents. There are no wrong applications of your energy if it is offered in love, in faith, and as your will and desire to do the will of your Divine Parents. As we move forward, let us proceed and find our avenues of approach that are suitable to our skills and are available to us, especially those of us who have literal boots on the ground. I know what you are going through in your process of attempting to serve. I’ve been there and so I offer my appreciation in gratitude for your service, for showing up, for your deep considerations of these principles. We all, on our side of the veil, appreciate the energy spent to maintain this connection and I am deeply appreciative that this opportunity was provided tonight as I understand there were obstacles to overcome. I take my leave and appreciate you more than you are aware. I value all of you who are on the team with me as we ready this world for Michael’s next phase. What a glorious task to set ourselves to and I join you side by side. Farewell.
Mark: Thank you Machiventa.