2024-01-07-Branches of the Tree
Topic: Branches of the Tree
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Simeon
There is a true voice that speaks of value and wisdom. This is the beginning place of finding balance, to know that you have a core place that provides contact feedback and nurture as you seek to discover the ways of light and love and meaning for your life. These days are filled with endless distractions, making your efforts to connect more important than ever, for it is the solace to the difficulties inherent in living a life that challenges the status quo, that seeks to engage deeper in understanding the realities of the universe which will always lead back toward applications and implications in your personal life, in your daily life.
We are not trying to bring about a discordant melody, but rather a harmonious outworking of various branches that connect to the trunk, each seeking their own way to manifest in the sunlight and yet remaining connected to the core that provides the commonality inherent in all things of value, inherent in all creatures of value, all those who desire to manifest truly, and with reason and substance, toward the verities and postulates that would produce fruit on the branches and provide sustenance to those who come into contact.
I know you want answers, just as any seeking child of God does, and they will come. You will know what is right and true for you to pursue, particularly as you maintain a focus on your connection with the source. You can allow your branches to grow in any way towards the light. There is no one thing you must do to be considered doing the right thing other than to seek to understand our Father and to follow accordingly.
We are in a mission process and this spiritual pressure or blanketing that is part of our effort is bound to produce different avenues of exchange due to the personality differences, the cultural ideas, and the varying levels of awareness of the parties who are inspired by this intentional transference of energy and information from spirit to the material - the human.
Our desire is to see you grow in ways that amplify the potential goodness you have, both individually and collectively. We are about the Father's business and so as you feel the various directions pulling at you to respond, recognize that you can apply yourself in any of these directions or all of them, to the extent it is possible to do so without diluting your energy in a way that produces paralyzation of will. This is an open book being written here by you in relationship to your spiritual guidance centered in the presence of our Father. We would have you seek to achieve what you envision, be it large or small, and as you pursue, naturally some things will fall by the wayside and others will become more prominent. This is the process of attuning, the process of separating the wheat from the chaff, the process of winnowing down to the nitty gritty, as you would say, finding those things which help you to manifest your potential.
My friends, you have done many beautiful things to date and none of these are seen as more primary than another when you look at the human purpose. You seek the divine, to seek knowledge and to manifest what inspires you. If you dwell on the less than positive choices you have made then it limits the time you have for pursuing the inspirational realities. This is not to say that your lesser choices are just as good as your higher choices, for they are not, but as you focus on what produces value and apply yourself and build stamina in those endeavors, the lesser choices fall away, lose their impact and meaning, and no longer have a hold on you.
We are bringing forth the call of Michael to manifest a clearer vision of truth, beauty and goodness for your world, and if you desire to participate, we are glad to have you and would utilize your talents to whatever degree you are willing and able. This goes for each of you friends who are participating in this camaraderie camp, this virtual reality being implemented, as evidenced by your cooperative application toward collecting together and pursuing and seeking higher reality. Although you may not be in direct proximity to each other, there is a real energy force that blossoms as a result of your serious commitment to knowing the will of our Father and doing it.
I am Machiventa. It is not always easy, when working with multiple personalities, to come to quick conclusions about what the higher ways and paths might be. All too often, the process of attuning that must occur between individuals as they pursue a collective path toward wisdom and insight and the manifestations therefrom, can become dominated by those who would push forth for resolution prematurely. With your collective group it is astounding that there has not been a forcing of the hand, so to speak. You have allowed yourselves the opportunity to become guided internally and with each other toward the unforeseen destinies that can only manifest truly as you each play your part and apply your piece to the puzzle. We are inspired and hopeful as you slowly come toward a fruitioning where you can find this common purpose and put it into play. We see you coming closer toward the realization of what may be important in producing a philosophy of living that emphasizes both the individual and the collective, the unity without the uniformity, even while having a common purpose or goal to be in alignment with the highest realities and values.
Someday Urantia will see an individual or individuals who have set aside attachment to those things which build power to dominate and instead are portraying the vibrancy and beauty of lives and paths less spoken of, less traveled, but most needed - one(s) who desire only to be connected to the highest sources of reality and to understand what is of meaning and to manifest that in their lives, unselfishly, devotedly, and with the spirit that makes it undeniable what Is good and true. When this occurs, others will desire to do the same and follow those ideals in action to become similarly intertwined with the spirit.
We are watching with bated breath, so to speak. We will provide our inspiration to your thoughts and those of your friends each time and every time that you are desiring to be of service in the will of our Father for your lives and the lives of all your fellow Urantians, both near and far to you. Be stalwart, steady and focused. This is my desire for you as you are endeavoring to put yourself forward into a place of balance more readily, physically, mentally and spiritually. Thank you for your commitment. Continue on.