2024-01-14-Personal and Planetary Integration
Topic: Personal and Planetary Integration into the Paradise Plans of Perfection
Group: Institute for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Our Divine Parents, Magisterial Son, and our Planetary Helpers, thank you for this opportunity to collaborate with you today as we continue to build the momentum for the Paradise Plans of Perfection to bathe this world and to help, not only individual, but planetary consciousness to open up to this great plan and design to bring us into greater alignment with the WILL of the divine ways of LIFE. As you connect us Soul to Soul, Spirit to Spirit, Heart to Heart, may we also be more elevated in our thoughts and feelings to reach the level of our Indwelling Spirits that they may guide our thoughts today and enhance the spiritual energies that we and our world need to continue to heal, to transform, and to bring all life here back into conformity with the Divine Plans of Perfection for this world. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. May your WILL be done through your MERCY and GRACE. Thank you so much.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren. This is Monjoronson. Beginning a new year is always filled with hope and questions about what this world will look like, what will be experienced during this particular twelve months. Many hearts are poised with these questions now, and I come to you today with the invitation to go deeper into mystery of your becoming process of more of who you are as a son and daughter of our Paradise Creator.
We have done much to collaborate with you over the years to clear the circuits of the rebellion influence. While we have made many strides in these circuits there is much more to be accomplished. But we are well on our way, and it is especially significant over the past few months that many new energies have filtered down into human consciousness to render you more receptive to the Spirit of Truth that dwells within each person. This is part of the awakening process, and we will continue to foster this for our human brothers and sisters of this world.
In keeping with that theme of “Awakening,” it is very important now for you, who have awakened, to remember the fragility of the human emotional state to opening to experience this deeper level of LOVE that lives within all human composition.
The return of your divine inheritance is very important to us. So, in today’s infusion, I invite you to focus on the integration process that is now underway upon this world to build these circuits of the DIVINE PLANS OF PERFECTION into the various bandwidths, circuitry connections, memory levels and layers of human consciousness that humanity from both a personal and planetary perspective would become more integrated with these PLANS OF PERFECTION.
With that being said then, I invite you to take a few moments and elevate your gaze to your Indwelling Spirits. Ask for your mental current to elevate to the level of your PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION held in sacred trust by your Spirit, who knows the path forward and is here to guide you on the cultivation of your own unique plan. Each person has something so beautiful and valuable to contribute to the whole.
So take a few moments and just make that contact with your Spirit, and hold that intention for your Spirit to help you connect more with your PLAN OF PERFECTION in whatever way you are able to perceive now. And we begin. (Pause)
Your PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION could be considered a great mystery that you are unraveling one experience at a time, to come into a greater experiential comprehension of who you are in the eyes of our Paradise Creator. This is a long journey as you have begun to understand. And it is not required that you become perfect in this present here and now. But what the Father Within you does ask you is to have more of that willingness and cooperation to construct those divine plans for your life in conjunction with your Spirit.
Therefore, I invite you to now see yourself standing on the ground, on the earth. Your feet are soaking into a rich, fertile soil. You might consider this soil be to your PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. It is rich. It is fragrant. It is welcoming, soothing to your mind and body. As you stand in this visualization of yourself standing in your PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION, simply affirm in your own mind and heart: I AM INTEGRATING WITH MY PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. I AM INTEGRATING WITH MY PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. I AM INTEGRATING WITH MY PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. Hold this focus as best you can for as long as you can. Simply return to this simple affirmation if your mind wanders. But more importantly, feel that willingness to become more cooperative with those plans because they are trustworthy. They are good. They are beautiful. They are true, and becoming more integrated into them will only help you become a better version of yourself. So simply affirm this now as we minister to you. (Pause)
Integrating into your own PLAN OF PERFECTION may seem to be slow at times or even undetectable because these energies are very subtle but deliberate. The Spirit within you knows everything about you and loves you with a LOVE that is beyond human comprehension. The patience and persistence your Spirit has for you is there to strengthen you for this very long Paradise ascent. The first step on this material level is to become aware that you have this plan within you and to become more willing to cooperate with where are you being guided to focus your attention in overcoming what you might consider to be the defects of character. But I say to you, these defects of character are just unspiritized potential that you have yet to be embraced with the Paradise PERSPECTIVE OF PERFECTION, and to see yourself more as a growing Child of God who has great potential and beauty to cultivate within.
The integration process is very fundamental part of this journey. And it will be helpful for you to recognize that there is an ebb and flow of spiritual energy coming into you and flowing out of you which is also a part of integrating these energies and learning how to use them in cooperation with how your Spirit guiding you to express yourself. Much human experience is wasted on material gains when there are so many enriching experiences to have when you engage and collaborate with your Spirit. Integrating into the PARADSISE PLANS OF PERFECTION is part of our intention today to help you absorb what your Spirit is helping you accomplish—spiritual energies that you need are an important component of your human composition.
We are helping you integrate this energy more deeply into your mind and body, especially into the memory circuitry where you need to pick up on those subtle signals of your Spirit to show you how to move forward on your path and plan of PERFECTION. Continue to focus on I AM INTEGRATING INTO MY PARADISE PLAN OF PEFECTION and feel that need to absorb more of that spiritual current your Spirit is providing to you to absorb to become more united with the Spirit Within. (Pause)
Drink in the LOVE of your Spirit. Drink in the LIFE CURRENTS of your Holy Mother Spirit. Drink in the potential contained within your God-given Personality. Drink in the energies in your Spirit of Truth. Let all of these spiritual endowments unify and support you in this mighty integration process. (Pause)
There is one other element to focus on that is part of the integration process. If this feels right, simply affirm: I AM UNIFYING WITH MY PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. I AM UNIFYING WITH MY PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. I AM UNIFYING WITH MY PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. Continue to allow for the absorption of the divine meaning and value of what you are holding in your mind and heart. (Pause)
From this enhanced state of consciousness, I invite you to turn your attention to the planet as a whole, visualizing it before you in your mind’s eye. As you have done so many times before, invite the spiritual energy language of INTEGRATION WITH THE PARADISE PLANS OF PERFECTION to spiral around the planet counterclockwise north to south pole. As you hold this, project this from your heart with that deep keen willingness, intention, and aspiration for these INTEGRATION energies to move down into memory—into the planetary memory system, inviting these energies to go deep and perform their integration into where it is most needed for people to awaken and recognize their spiritual connections to the Father in Paradise and to all LIFE. (Pause)
Convey a strong feeling of love and compassion from your hearts for your brothers and sisters to perceive this, to help them understand that there is a Divine Presence within them, loving them, guiding them, nurturing them that their memory systems may absorb what is necessary at this time for them to open up to their magnificent journey of becoming more of who they are. (Pause)
As you focus, you may also gently affirm: URANTIA IS INTEGRATING INTO ITS PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. URANTIA IS INTEGRATING INTO ITS PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. URANTIA IS INTEGRATING INTO ITS PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. Let that embrace, engulf, and be more absorbed into all of the circuitry of the planet, down to its root core where this energy is necessary to continue the trajectory toward Light and Life. (Pause)
Invite the energetic dynamic of UNIFICATION WITH FATHER to gently imprint upon these circuits of URANTIA IS INTEGRATING INTO ITS PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION. There are several elements that we are adding into this circuitry enhancement to help more people feel—experience—the Father’s LOVE within them. (Pause)
Invite the UNIFICATION WITH FATHER to go down into the memory circuits where the REMEMBRANCE structure needs to be reconfigured in this infusion of LIGHT and LOVE from Paradise. (Pause)
As these energies circulate and integrate and unify into various areas in the planetary system of consciousness, I invite you to add another focus to this configuration by holding the words: COHERENCE IN FATHER, COHERENCE IN FATHER, COHERENCE IN FATHER to gently, feeling that need for this planet to become more coherent with the DIVINE PLANS OF PERFECTION for all levels of life. (Pause)
Invite all of these energies to calibrate deeply into the memory system of the planet, building more spiritual energy and vitality into those deep places of remembrance that more people may perceive the inner call of DIVINE LOVE and GRACE gently ministering in them, softening the resistance, healing the heart, cleansing the mind, igniting the soul. (Pause)
I invite you to hold another level of focus into the memory system of the planet. And that is simply: PLANETARY COHERENCE IN DIVINE JUSTICE, PLANETARY COHERENCE IN DIVINE JUSTICE, PLANETARY COHERENCE IN DIVINE JUSTICE, and allow my presence to pervade what you are holding now for this world to deepen its ability to be adjudicated in DIVINE JUSTICE. (Pause)
Now it is time to elevate your gaze up to the Paradise level where the Creator Deities of all are magnificently domiciled there. As you focus your gaze at the Paradise level, feel that need and willingness to open to your own PARADISE PLAN OF PERFECTION and let the DIVINE RADIANCE AND GRACE from the Paradise level gently reverberate within your heart. And the more you feel that deep appreciation for the divine ministrations, the more your own inner reflection will signal back to the Deities and bring you into greater harmony.
So let us spend these moments of appreciation, deep gratitude as we worship together, worshipping the One in Whom All Things Exist and the PARADISE PLANS OF PERFECTION for this world and for your life. Let this solidify in you at a deeper level of knowingness of the LOVE in which you have always existed in the MERCY and GRACE accorded to you by the Paradise Deities. (Pause)
Take a few moments to descend from Paradise but you are still engaged allowing the energies to still flow into you, but you are back standing on the ground. There is this beautiful circuit connecting from the highest levels of reality down into the physical core of the earth. Allow yourself to absorb more of these beautiful dynamics. As you stand on the earth connected into the core, allow the words: UNIFY WITH FATHER to gently pulse in you. If you can, also see these words gently pulsing upon and through the planet: UNIFY WITH FATHER, UNIFY WITH FATHER, UNIFY WITH FATHER. (Pause)
Beloved brethren, the threshold of spiritual energy continues to rise as it embraces this world. One day this world will be a shining of beacon of LIGHT into the greater reality of all LIFE in the grand design of the Creator. You will be some of those who have contributed to this valuable unfolding of divine WILL. For now, simply allow what has been endowed to integrate into you and into the planet. There are many helpers who are assisting you in ways that you might perceive, but mostly they are very subtle under the level of your conscious mind. But regardless of how the energies integrate, know that we are very appreciative of what you have held and know that we are pledged to escort you on this very, very important journey of becoming, not only for you personally, but for this beautiful world now regaining its rightful place in Michael’s and Mother’s universe home.
May you feel those connections within you gain strength and stability, and always know the Father’s LOVE lives within you, and you are deeply and always cherished. Thank you for your continued participation. We will as always continue to support you and help you integrate into these dynamics that you may be here in a manner consistent with the WILL of the Father for your life. Good day.