2024-01-25-One's Spiritual Nature Cocreates Their Experience
Topic: A Person's Spiritual Nature Co-creates Their Experience
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Nebadonia
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, Welcome, dear parents. Tonight, once again we want to thank you for your last several lessons especially--not in any way forgetting the previous ten years of your lessons, but recently--your lessons on the constituent parts of a human being. There is our personality, our spirit, our physical body, our mind, and our soul--that go together to make us.
We can’t help but wonder how both our societies and individual lives all over our world would change for the better if these truths were universally taught. I mean if these five parts of a human being were universally taught in the schools, as well as promulgated in our different social and religious organizations.
We can’t help but think this would have a wonderful effect on our societies and our religions. Our beloved Urantia Book states that there is in each of us both our God-given personality, and then too an individual presence of God. This presence of God is called a “thought adjuster” because we can be given discrete thoughts that supersede all social and ecclesiastical authority. Just think what it would mean for every individual to know God’s spiritual presence is within them, giving them the authority to begin living their life as a free-thinking individual.
So if you could speak on that tonight, Mother Spirit; thank you.
Nebadonia: My dear children, this is your Mother Spirit. Michael and I are here with you, as always, right along with the presence of God in your mind and spirit, literally part of your soul making a spirit record of your lives.
(A person’s spiritual nature co-creates their experience all along)
Speaking most generally now, your societies only recognize and teach two of these constituent parts--literally, your bodies and your minds, addressed with biology and psychology. True, there is some recognition of a human soul, and even some of an individual personality. Most absent is realizing the spiritual nature of everyone, in the sense of their creativity. Missing is understanding the way this creative aspect of their personality co-creates everything they are experiencing. Yet only by recognizing and acknowledging their own subjective contribution to their reality can a person determine the difference between what they perceive as objective, and their own interpretation/evaluation of it.
(Acknowledging the subjectivity of one’s perceptions and values)
This acknowledgment, with at least an attempt to understand the subjectivity of their life is what leads to a welcome humility. This humility would, in turn, curb some of the enormous crime and cruelty done in the assumption of an unwarranted objectivity. Think of the evil people do to each other in the name of some supposedly objective religious or cultural “truth.” So yes, by all means, the universal teaching of this truth to children at all levels of education would lead to an enormously more peaceful and just world.
(Meditate for an open and conscious soul, and be more soulful)
Individuals would be taught how to meditate, tune in, contact the presence of God right within them and, through this, open their souls. It’s the best way of a person’s keeping in touch with their earthly experience all through their lives, especially their youthful upbringing that gave them their understandings and values. The right meditation can provide a more objective understanding coming right from the greatest authority in all of reality--the presence of God.
What a wealth of experience every individual’s soul contains, but without the proper meditation techniques, it’s given only an unconscious role to play. Everyone’s soul does give meaning and value to each living present moment, but it is so much more consciously rewarding when tuned in to directly and purposely.
To know oneself as a creative being with a unique personality right from God--co-creating all their experience--is the key. It leads to further creativity in everything done day-to-day, from making dinner at night, to being open-minded in interpersonal relationships with family and friends.
It’s a wonderful feeling of light when you are consciously exercising your creativity and know it! Doing things so deliberately means having responsibility--that ability-to-respond for what one’s own self is bringing into reality.
(An individual and the group—whatever size)
It is easy to see how an awareness of a person’s all five major constituent parts in just being human—especially creativity--would transform your societies. Reflecting on this, my dears, leads right into a re-examination and understanding of the relationship between an individual’s singularity and a group--whatever its size, from a personal family and acquaintances, up through small societies, states, nations, then your whole world.
You can appreciate the individual aspect which we emphasize over and over. It’s the uniqueness of each personality coming directly from God the Father, enhanced by God the Son and God the Infinite Spirit, all playing a part in the individual. Something too needs to be said about the historical need and usefulness of groups, right from the very beginning. This is especially true of the family, the great civilizer of the individual, since every individual born has to recapitulate the whole evolution of civilization.
(The power of group-consciousness and identification)
For civilization did have to grow from groups of family and friends, up to the first gatherings and organizations of families into the most primitive small tribes. Then, as mankind literally exploded over a million years up to the present day, groups also grew to be involved in every creative activity from building a house, to paving a road, to all the economic and social organizations, and the military. Groups--and group-consciousness--came to represent everything of value—countries, nations, cultures, races.
Yet always keep in mind, my dears, that no matter how enormous or complex an organization is, all creativity comes by way of each single individual’s spiritual nature. This alone makes the relationship of the individual to the group so critical. It has always been a living, changing balance as time and history went on.
(Unexamined historical assumptions)
Today, the very character of a group is determined by its top-down relationship to its own individuals and their independent creativity. On the other hand, there is the deep psychological trend of the individuals to identify with the group, which leads to a kind of ‘group-think”. These are shared assumptions so deeply unconscious they’re never examined.
(The most cruel and obscene things done)
This group-identification has both positive and negative aspects. Positively it is part of the group’s unity, all the more powerful and binding to the degree it is not conscious. Its most negative aspects have led--and continue to lead—to the most cruel and deeply obscene things people have done to others in the name of religion and/or race.
You’ve had a recent example where a specific cultural hatred, taught from the very beginnings of childhood, has led to the most obscene things done to non-combatant men and women, and even children and babies, actually celebrated with gleefulness and a false sense of group accomplishment.
(Warfare and crime)
This self-delusion is nearly universal, if not in terms of warfare then of crime, which is also a kind of justification and identification. A criminal often sees others not as someone with an equal humanity, but only as some kind of “chump”--some “thing” to be exploited.
So yes, my dears. A more universal teaching of God-given personality, creative spirit and soul--as well as the body and mind—would lead to greater peace and equality. For it’s the denying of another’s full humanity that psychologically allows these terrible events, whether an individual criminal act or your recent World War in which tens of millions suffered an incomprehensible amount of suffering and death. You can even ask yourselves, “Will anything short of this awareness lead to more of the greatest wealth of all—friendship?”
(The demand for uniformity)
Think deeply on this, my children--this relationship of individuals to groups. From the standpoint of those you call dictators, obviously there is nothing more to be feared than a re-birth of individuality. This is why political, social, and religious organizations demand such uniformity of dress and behavior. They stifle as much individuality as they can. You have only to look around your world to see this demand for uniformity of individuality.
But enough for this evening, my dears. This is enough for you to think about the individual and the group. Treasure each individual with their unique personality, creative spirit, mind, body, and soul. Evaluate how much—or how little--any particular group celebrates and encourages each individual’s full humanity.
Now if you have any questions or comments, we can definitely enjoy those.
Student: Well, I just want to say: What a profound lesson! It seems to encapsulate all that we are going through on this planet.
(Group dependence on individual creativity)
Nebadonia: Thank you, my son. While it has been implicit in so much that Michael and I have taught all these years, it seemed a good time to be more direct and offer some different viewpoints on individual-to-group relationship. I wanted to emphasize how much the group is dependent upon individual creativity in order to progress and grow spiritually.
This awareness is a marker for the future, a direction in which to go for greater encouragement and allowance of individuality. When openly shared, this freedom is what adds to the true wealth within each soul. Let the teaching of everyone’s God-part—each unique personality—be welcomed, encouraged to blossom, and be enjoyed.
Student: Yes!--Amen.
Nebadonia: Be in my love.
Student: Thank you.
(Thanks to the Lightline free service)
Nebadonia: Well, my dears, if there is no more input from your side of this connection, I will bid you a very Good Evening. I know this has been a rather deep lesson to reflect on, so I will join you in thanking this Lightline service that records and then preserves these lessons of Michael’s and mine for you to read at your own pace and reflect on.
Michael bids you to Be in His Peace. As you reach to feel for him, and his peace, I also bid you to Be in My Love. Let it extend to your own self, and to all those you meet. Just experience them as fully as you can. Welcome them for the God-created beings they are. Add them to your soul. And so: Be in My Love--dear ones. Good-night.