2024-02-01-Following the Path of Another?
Topic: Following the Path of Another?
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Inner Voice
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I am looking to facilitate connection as my underlying purpose and cause. I feel led to pursue that goal and thus I am here. So, to condition the environment and acknowledge the purpose of this step, I will verbally act in accordance with my procedure and process for relaxing the vehicle and relaxing into gratitude, a state of gratefulness to be able to calm the waters and still the energy because this is the conditioning of the environment of the self. This is the preparation of the environment within to accommodate the spirit state which is most easily received in the alpha state of human consciousness, the same state dreams occur, a state of relaxation and allowing, a state of tuning into a more divine frequency. These steps of course may all be taken individually and quickly within to orient you and so we do our part, we facilitate such contact by creating a field of reception. This field of reception is a manifestation of the expression of our soul to our Adjuster.
Inner Voice: As it turns out, all movement of spirit transpires through the portal of your Indwelling Guide. Your desires become manifest through this portal of spirit connect and all spirit activities are sanctioned and approved by your Onboard Partner who knows in intimate detail of your desires, your limitations and your sincerity of purpose, and as such is well suited to act as gatekeeper and allow access through this portal as you become aware of it. So if this is a relationship you are destined to have between you and your Inner Guide, in order for all of your spiritual growth to occur, then perhaps one should consider pursuit of this goal as paramount in your process of spiritual growth. It is of course inevitable and it is as well fundamental and absolutely essential.
Much energy is spent by those who are seeking spiritual guidance and truths from on high. Much energy is focused on pursuing material and mortal sources which are witnessing to another individual's spiritual pursuits and their resulting experience. This is done in an attempt to retrace another's steps, to follow another's techniques and come closer to God by following the path of another whom you perceive has done so. The seeking of the path through another’s interpretation will always result in an incomplete experience, a borrowed experience from another. In fact, having guidelines, having processes and procedures to condition your environment and your journey may be very useful and helpful but they can also carry the burden of limitation. They all have their own boundaries established and are ever willing to be content and satisfied with the parameters they have developed.
The opportunity lies in the individual to find God and divine nature on a path of your own choosing. This is in fact the purpose of the life given you as a mortal of the realm. Such a gift of grace, such an opportunity, and the dimension of allowing free will choice enables you to create your own path, to find your own steps, your own mantras, your own prayers, your own visualizations, your own constructs of working in spirit. That’s in large part what has been transpiring for some time in these regularly scheduled meetings. There has been an effort to train those new to spirit in how to access and utilize and focus and direct energy in service using the same techniques such as conditioning the environment, conditioning the inner environment and preparing the self through the practice of stillness and calming the waters of the human consciousness. It is easy to see from a spirit perspective the growth that has been attained by those who have regularly shown up to participate. Many growth rings have been added and much divine tone has been infused into your very beings through your willingness to seek and find and receive and embrace all that you seek.
So now it seems as though we find ourselves at a new page in history, a new chapter in the evolution and growth of the family of man as per the guidance of Michael and Mother Spirit to reclaim the jurisdiction of Urantia and to use Michael’s home planet as a model of what love can do. Michael’s intention is nothing short of rescuing this world with the application of love and the assistance from on high of all manner of divine associates. Such a rescue mission that has been set in motion shall not fail. This brings great inspiration to all the participants who know that this is so, that this plan is a mandate from Michael that shall manifest and be made so. We find ourselves at the turning of such a page and prompting a great desire cropping up among mankind, particularly those seeking answers from on high. There is an enhanced reception because there are enhanced opportunities. The plan includes the restoration and the addition of a multitude of circuitries. Such infrastructure will make it much easier to access the grid and now at this point of a chapter turning it has never been easier for the family of man to connect, and not only connect to others in spirit but connect to their Inner Guide, their portal to spirit approach.
This connection is greater than all others and as has been mentioned, it is your destiny and so that in and of itself brings a sweetness to the approach so that you may welcome this approach as your destiny, your fate now being made slightly easier, slightly more effective because that is the will of your Creator. Simply being aware implies a close relationship and a close relationship is what you most certainly will enjoy in your long term adventure having fused these two different aspects into one and continuing the journey as a single entity, a combined force, spirit destiny and mortal freewill choice combined in an exciting adventure where you build a soul of great character and depth. This journey goes on even now, even as we speak there are steps being taken on this very path.
One must forever keep in mind the real goal of the spiritual game at play. The goal is not for each individual to rise up and perform magnificent divine service as one may feel led to do. The real goal underlying your entire ascension career is your own individual and personal development and spiritual growth. This task is a duty that only you can provide, a service only you can render to the whole. All aspects of the whole seek perfection, therefore your job to tend your inner sanction of spirit is of primary importance. Service to the self is absolutely required. It is fundamental to your growth and it is essential to maintaining some wellness and balance. I hope this serves as a gentle reminder that hearing the call of service can mean innumerable different things, but within each call to service your Divine Parents would have you provide service to the self as one of the only ones who can provide that opportunity.
You have heard a phrase similar to "that which you have done for any of my children you have done for me." And this is the sentiment of your Divine Parents and this follows through to their desire to be of service to you and you may be the perfect vehicle to be of service required. You may be the best conduit for the transfer of loving energy, even to the self. Many times healing is considered to be something acquired, something that you are in need of assistance to acquire. There is always an element of the conduit of the self being used to transfer the energy of health and healing. So consider such options as you attempt to wield your skills that have been attained throughout this process of exploration. Know that these methods, these constructs, these patterns are quite real and serviceable in your application of spirit intention but also know that all such parameters are only the reality that has been accepted and created by another. Any such observation of another's experience should not serve to unduly condition yours with any limitations. That is why if you are going to go anywhere to seek true wisdom and divine connection it would be to the Fragment of God housed within you. All other contacts with associates, friends, and distinct individual personalities are your association with your peer group of spirit participants in this exercise that we’re all showing up for.
The difference between contacting a spirit associate, a member of your peer group of spirit ascenders, is like contacting a classmate who has gone ahead. Contacting your Inner Guide for consultation, assurance, guidance, and affirmation provides you with a much more direct link, a portal to divine intention. Such is the state of affairs we find ourselves in as the page unfolds. This appears to be the lay of the land, this new age of connection and communication being made real even as we attempt to participate in its unfolding, often only to find our greatest duty is to become a good and faithful steward of divine spirit principles.
As you may have sensed in this transmission, it has been my privilege to be allowed access to the voice to be able to communicate with you thought patterns I felt to be relevant to your inspirations. I do this in honor of the presentation of this truth, of this reality, of this opportunity made real. I do this in honor of the connection, in honor of the desire of your Divine Parents to facilitate such a connection. I am so very greatly honored to find such an opportunity to step forward and affirm my presence. My point may be taken that it may be difficult to discern where the connection from the spirit guide within is when such an influence is truly present. This is the bold proclamation that it is so. There is an established connection. There is a reliable method that may be used to bring any to the point of willing reception. The training that we have been engaged in will indeed be serviceable to you in your description to others about methods and processes that have been successful for you. It is important that you grant the importance and significance of your efforts in making and establishing these circuits and the resulting fruits of your labor in your abilities to communicate in the process.
As we move foward though this stage and through this age before us, we will need to be ready and willing to offer guidance that is real and practical about connecting with and finding spirit, and even becoming fluent in that component of yourself. I wish you all peace in this process, we are all hanging out on a limb, all trying to reach as far as we can and make these connections and we are proving that through faith it may be done and through faith I am able to have these words with you. Through faith we are able to discuss your destiny, through faith we are able to project health and healing and through faith we will pursue the individual eternal career of spirit. Thank you for joining me here in faith that has literally made it possible. I assure you, your efforts at pioneering these meetings will provide you many experiential lessons of how to practically manipulate and focus spirit intention. Let it be so as it is even now, steps on your eternal career already begun even as you consider it from your mortal perspective. Seek these connections that are your destiny. Bring your future to you even now as it is your choice to do so.
Thank you all for the time spent to be receptive to messages from on high. You may be also receptive to messages from within. You regularly respond to cues and suggestions from your higher self and it is merely a matter of the awareness that this is so and what it feels like when it is so and how familiar and how internal and how much like you it is. Nevertheless, it is your Divine Fragment, your portal to all that is divine. Welcome and embrace this truth and this truth shall set you free. Register this tone, this vibration. Sense this wavelength of love and peace and be ever willing to return to this frequency, this openness, this state of willingness to see, to hear, to feel, and to be. Peace be upon you as you let the tones of love sink in and soothe your innermost being, for that is the touch of your Divine Parents. The love that runs through the entire program extends to you and touches you. Feel the love. Farewell.