2024-02-05-Machiventa Mission Urantia 4
Topic: Machiventa Mission Urantia 4
Group: Mission Urantia
Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
TR: John Morris
Prayer by Marthe Muller: God of universes who indwells our human minds. Thought Adjusters, our beloved eternal companions. Machiventa, Christ Michael, Nebadonia, Beings Without Name or Number, all the other angelic beings and celestial beings that surround us and that care about the outcomes of the decisions we make. Thank you so much for our contact with real spiritual forces. Father of love, thanks for your presence within our human mind. Thanks for allowing our minds to mother this child, this young soul that we are nurturing between your Indwelling Spirit and our minds. The world is in a strange place and people feel tension. Most High Gods, please guide us to be lights to ourselves and to others, to be gentle and kind, to be able to see the weaknesses in the shortcomings in ourselves and daily work on them in our conscious contact sessions with you so that we may be of service to others. Thank you for the lives we've been able to live. And please bring peace and stillness where people experience sorrow and sadness. We thank you for the space that you have created for beings who have committed their lives to bringing through the wisdom of our celestial teachers and about our Indwelling Spirit. Please quiet on minds so that we may understand what needs to happen next. We are committed to unfolding your divine agenda on this planet at this time. Amen
Deborah: Thank you, Martha. So, let's get down to business and hear from Machiventa with John TRing.
Machiventa: Hello, this is your friend and cohort in this incredible opportunity that is before us. I and my staff have been eagerly observing what you are up to since our last session together. We're very pleased to see the devotion and the dedication to this work that you represent.
I'll just give a brief welcome to you and introduction and then ask you to again, bring questions to the fore and let's have a conversation. So, I would like to put some context in this work. Between you and me, there's a great difference in horizons in terms of time and space. And so, we have to bridge that. There are many ways that the human mind works. To us, it's so short in its timeframe and it can lead to serious issues because we all want to see something done. I know you all want to see something done for your world in your lifetime. And yet, we span many lifetimes. We can go back over 3,000 years [about 3000 B.C.] and see how I was here with human beings at that time. Then Christ Michael came. Now we have the Fifth Epochal revelation and we're here. Something that you need to understand is simply a construct. It's based solely upon your experience with it. So, you cannot help but have a short time frame and think that things take way too long. Whereas from our point of view we think things are moving rather well. I'd ask you to think about some of the great tensions that are involved in this process. On one hand, you have everything that is personal in creation. And then on the other hand, you have everything that's impersonal. There's a great tension that exists in creation between these two Absolutes. In between we have in us, kind of a qualified absolute, neither unqualified or qualified, but a universal absolute. We are part of a great plan--a great purpose, a great mystery that unfolds from infinity (no time, no space) to the time that we become conscious of ourselves on some little planet way out on the edge of the cosmos. And yet we are part of this greater purpose, this greater mystery. We are asked simply to be here who we are as we are and be patient with this process--this process of balancing these two incredible tensions in the universe, in creation, through the mechanism of time-space, through the mechanism of growth and of experience. It's no accident that we're created less than perfect as human beings. That was by design.
Now things that we can't understand throughout the history of the evolution of humanity, imagination has always been willing to fill in the blanks. This process is alive even now. As primitive man with no science tried to understand his world, he made up a great many stories, a great many myths. He even made up gods--trying to understand. Well, today we are part of a process that meets a great revelation, a continuing revelation with a time in human evolution of all these ancient processes that are leaving humanity short of what they need to see and understand to solve some of these seemingly intractable issues on this world, war being paramount, the idea of human beings as groups being separate from one another, the idea of an inside group, an outside group--the idea of God is separate from us. Now we're being asked in this generation to bring a message to humanity, basically saying there is no separation. You can have conscious contact with Spirit. You can begin that process; it is available to you. All one needs to do is go within and ask and then persevere in all that is required to overcome all this inculturation, all this weight of evolution with its error. And step outside of that stream of so-called error and evolution and allow yourself to receive new ideas that can change the way you look at things, change the way that you experience reality and start to begin to allow you to experience how you co-create your reality. This is possible because the Lucifer rebellion has been adjudicated. The arch-rebels are no more. With that process came the lifting of spiritual quarantine and the reconnection of the lines of spiritual energy to this planet.
This planet is much observed, much loved. There are many in the Universe of Nebadon who are here to assist this world. There are great resources available. But none of that matters if the minds of human beings don't take this next step in the evolutionary process of beginning to down step revelation and upset evolution in the same moment and simply have faith that there is a spiritual administration.
Your great scientist Albert Einstein was once asked that if he could ask one question of the universe and have it answered, what would it be? And he said, “I would want to know if the universe is friendly.” Well given the short time that has passed since he asked that question and what you know today, how would you answer? Is not the universe teaming with friendliness, with welcoming, with unconditional divine love?
It's very hard to see how that can work on this world when you are so far out of step with more ordinary, normal worlds. So, we have a great task ahead of us, but great tasks are also great opportunities. There are many observing on planets that are well ordered and have never experienced rebellion. That are in awe of the ability of mortals here to have faith, to grow faith to work with Spirit, unseen, unrepresented on your world in a physical government. And yet here we are. We have created a space through your faith, through your intentions to allow spirit contact on this dark and little world in the corner of Nebadon. That’s no small thing, children. Now we have before us an opportunity to take this faith and to let it shine such that it becomes an attractive force.
Think of a dark room. You have one candle, and you go into that room. As your eyes adjust you spend time in that one darkened room with one candle. You actually can see exactly how much light one candle can give a darkened room. Well, that's what we are like in our lives. We are like that candle in a dark room. We don't know, off in the corners of this room in the distance, who may be looking, searching and upon seeing that light, be drawn to it to begin their journey, to allow their light to shine, to come forth. When you put two candles in a dark room, you've doubled the amount of light, and it really makes a difference. Two candles give off a great deal of light to the dark. Pretty soon there are candles lighting up all over this world. That is the process we're involved in, to find those who are looking and to help them see that there is hope, there is the possibility for connection, for understanding.
This is the way forward out of the darkness, out of this rebellion mindset, out of this last gasp of materialism and greed, desperately hanging on to their positions of power in the status quo. But they will fail. They will fail because it's unsustainable. We are neither here to contest nor to criticize them. We are here simply to shine as light. As more people become aligned to spirit, we will simply outshine the darkness and it will fade away into nothingness. We move forward in faith. Move forward in anticipation of better days to come. While we are empathetic and compassionate towards all, we do not stoop to get into conflict with those who do not welcome our message. We simply move on and respond to those who do. We are here to cultivate whatever seeds can grow on fertile ground and can sprout and add their light to ours. This is a message of hope, a message of love, a message of peace. And so, we will build this organization, this group of people into a durable [force] that can have an impact far beyond this current generation.
I'm delighted to have you along for this journey. We will forever be journeying together for throughout your universe careers, throughout your achievement of the embrace of finality on Paradise with the First Source and Center and your mustering into the Corps of the Finality, throughout all your service in the six other superuniverses we will always know of one another. And you will always be able to contact me and I you, for this relationship is eternal. So let us go forward with patience, with resolve, with joy to do the work that is before us this day.
Now I open this conversation to those who have questions, those who may wonder about the steps along the way. You know I do not answer questions that involve prediction of events. But short of that, you can pretty much ask anything and I and my staff will consider it. Thank you.
Bob W: Yes, Machiventa. I know we have to make our own decisions. But I was wondering if you would recommend for us how to prepare for some of the coming cataclysms. In other words, how do we prepare our families with material items that could help us get through rough times. Machiventa: Yes, it's a concern. But I will say to each of you, in regards to these sorts of issues, needs to do what you feel is the will of your Creator for you and what you are guided to do with your Thought Adjuster. So, I do not make blanket recommendations simply because if I do so, how many of you are willing to give up your own process of decision making to allow me to make a decision for you? I do not want to do that because then I rob you of an opportunity of experience with being guided, with growing your faith. And so, I simply turn you back to all the spiritual resources each of you have and you do what you feel you were led to do, what you feel is the will of your creator for you in cooperation with your Thought Adjuster. You may be the captain of your ship, but you have a guide that stands next to you. Seek guidance and have the wonderful experience of making decisions and seeing how those decisions affect your life and then correcting it with more decisions. And so on and so forth into an eternal future. It's important that you exercise this ability and grow your confidence in your own self to be guided. So, I do not mean to be evasive, but I do mean to turn you back upon the resources that you currently enjoy and have and cultivate them and feel confidence in that you are guided. Thank you.
Bob W: Thank you, Machiventa.
Machiventa: You're welcome.
Bea: Hi, Machiventa. I really enjoyed your opening. It was very inspiring, and I understand much of what you said and it was very, very helpful. I have a question that's more a practical one for myself. I'm going to try to make it as general as possible. How does one as myself, being a low energy person and having some health issues, how does one balance giving my time to help humanity and giving my time to my family.
Machiventa: Thank you, Bea. Now you're in the thick of it of having to make decisions. It's very important that you do balance because your primary relationships in this world teach you about love, teach you about all the sacrifices necessary for one to serve, in an intimate fashion, another human bBob W: Yes, Machiventa. I know we have to make our own decisions. But I was wondering if you would recommend for us how to prepare for some of the coming cataclysms. In other words, how do we prepare our families with material items that could help us get through rough times. Machiventa: Yes, it's a concern. But I will say to each of you, in regards to these sorts of issues, needs to do what you feel is the will of your Creator for you and what you are guided to do with your Thought Adjuster. So, I do not make blanket recommendations simply because if I do so, how many of you are willing to give up your own process of decision making to allow me to make a decision for you? I do not want to do that because then I rob you of an opportunity of experience with being guided, with growing your faith. And so, I simply turn you back to all the spiritual resources each of you have and you do what you feel you were led to do, what you feel is the will of your creator for you in cooperation with your Thought Adjuster. You may be the captain of your ship, but you have a guide that stands next to you. Seek guidance and have the wonderful experience of making decisions and seeing how those decisions affect your life and then correcting it with more decisions. And so on and so forth into an eternal future. It's important that you exercise this ability and grow your confidence in your own self to be guided. So, I do not mean to be evasive, but I do mean to turn you back upon the resources that you currently enjoy and have and cultivate them and feel confidence in that you are guided. Thank youeing. The family is the nuclear reactor and generator of the opportunities to see yourself when you are unloving, when you are selfish when you are less than loving, and less in compassion. There is in that moment a great gift to see what it is you need to work on to grow. And so, you should not neglect your family. Your family is of primary importance. But I would not suggest that you have to choose [between family or Spirit] because your ability to serve your family is also enhanced by your personal relationship with your Thought Adjuster and your own spiritual practice. In other words, your ability to master all these negative and reactive emotions comes from the inner work that you do. Then you bring this back into the tight and intimate circle of your family. So, finding the balance is key. There are many suggestions that work for people. What seems to be a common one is to set aside some time early in the morning before your mind and emotions are engaged in the business of the day, to simply have a little solitude. Ask your Thought Adjuster for guidance but also express gratitude and praise for what you have and what you've been given. Then take a little time just to listen. Now this may be only 5 or 10 minutes when you have a busy family. It may be difficult to want to do this in the family setting where your family senses that you're doing something different. But it's worth doing and seeing where that leads. So, it's something that each of you have to work out. But you certainly need not set up conflict between developing and growing spiritually and your family and then how you do this work with us, you have to balance that. You may have a desire to do so much more than you have time for. You might have to say, “I need to focus on my family first.” And that's fine. You'll come to a day when your children will go to college. Those are the truly golden years before they start having their own children and you're caught up with grandchildren. Then you really have some time to do things for yourself. Sometimes you might have to postpone things until then, but you'll find ways to plug in when you can, where you can, and still take care of your family. Your family is a very important part of what you give to this world in terms of social sustainability. To raise your children as socially sustainable individuals is a huge help and should be seen as a huge opportunity and purpose in your life while your children are still under your care. It is sacred work. We certainly support you in doing that. Thank you.
Bea: Thank you, Machiventa.
Marthe: Thank you so much, Machiventa, and thanks to Bea, because I really love your question. It's something I've been struggling with today. I think 2 or 3 people have said to me, “Martha, stop doing things for other people.” So, I want to take it one step further because, obviously, there are those of us who neglect our own families in order to do work or to be there for other people. There are so many needs around us. This morning, I wanted to stop because I saw somebody from the same school as my child, going the same direction, waiting at a bus stop. My first instinct is to stop. And my son said, “Mum, we're late. We have to go.” And so, I'm constantly in this tension of being aware of the needs of others and people being upset if I want to respond to it. I want to go one step further and that is about being an Afrikaner whose people have had such incredible other-blindedness in South Africa and being aware of the effects of that. For instance, in South Africa there's something called Black Tax which refers to the fact that because there is such poverty and family incapacitation, as a result of the unjust policies, young people, younger than me, spend their salaries supporting various other family members, so they don’t have enough for themselves, not even enough to make it to the end of the month.
So those are obviously things that I feel directly implicated by and burdened by this responsibility. I know we can't go back and fix it and I know we've been told before to fix things going forward. There is such injustice and there is such human suffering, all individualized little people with enormous burdens which obviously need to be shared but we don't have a system for sharing it. We don't have a program or a plan. Do you have any advice, for those of us who share too much and neglect our own families and for those who would like to be more useful when such enormous structural issues cause such misery to human beings? Thank you. Machiventa: Thank you, Marthe. You touched on a lot of issues. Some are social and some are personal. So many things that could be said. What I will say is, in the situation where there is so much injustice and you feel as part of the group that caused that injustice, and so the natural movement is to do something to make it right. So first you must learn to forgive yourselves. Not yourselves in the collective but as a very personal relationship with your Thought Adjuster and with the First Source and Center. To forgive yourself, to release the negative emotions of guilt, remorse, blame, and shame. All those emotions are spirit blockers. You will become much more efficient at helping the situation around you if you can go within and do that inner work to release those emotions and see yourself as you are—as a divinely loved child, of unconditional [love]. Period. There are no conditions placed upon the Creator's love for his children. He sees each of you as you are. He knows all about you. He knows your history. He knows your genealogy. So much more. And yet he sees you as divinely beloved. When you can truly receive this love, then you become a more efficient and clearer conduit for this love to flow out into your environment. You raise your own vibration of energy. You increase your own wattage or amperage of light; you shine brighter. And so simply by being, you are doing, when you can truly look deeply at some of these personal issues. Some issues that are common to all of us are often doing things to get others to love us because we feel some remorse, something negative about that situation that we want them to love us. Lots of times it comes back that we're not loving ourselves. We don't truly accept some part of ourselves. And so that's why this quiet time, this stillness practice was so emphasized early in the Teaching Mission. [The goal] was to get people to sit still and try to disengage a little bit from the world around them that's constantly calling their attention and to begin to try to listen within and make this conscious contact with their Thought Adjuster. If that means having to say no sometimes to other things around you, then you're put in a wonderful place of having to make important decisions about your life and what your priorities are. When you truly go in partnership with this Indwelling Spirit within you and overcome some of these issues of low self-esteem, shame, remorse, guilt, all of that, when you truly can leave that behind you are so much lighter. Then things will happen around you that you could not possibly predict.
You cannot, when you're put in such a situation that you are in, Marthe, you cannot possibly address every injustice that you see on a daily basis and feel because your heart is so open to the suffering that's all around you as a result of what happened there. But you can take responsibility for yourself. You are not guilty. You are not responsible [for the past injustice.] But you can be responsible as love and as life. And wherever you go, just by simply being, you spread encouragement and hope to people. It will only be through enough people in South Africa, truly becoming more value based with these values of compassion and empathy and love of humanity and changing the focus of an economy from materialism to more service orientation, to equality, that some of these injustices will then begin to be truly addressed. How do we get there? We live an example as best we can of what we think that is. Then we begin to attract others and support them in the same thing.
So, one open heart at a time. Eventually, you can look forward to a day when that situation will be resolved. But there's no quick fix and there's no easy solution to it. But love will find a way through you and that will be adding an immense change in the equation on the side of positive change. Thank you.
Marthe: Thank you so much, Machiventa. What a powerful answer. So grateful.
Recca: First of all, thank you, Machiventa, for being here today and for engaging our attention in this small group. Marthe, I caught your word “implicated.” May I encourage you to consider yourself not implicated, but implicate in the Father's work here and in the expansion of the Supreme’s personality by being the personal personality that you are, that Our Father has I endowed you with. We are in a wholeness which is expanded through this light within us. Wholeness and the Implicate Order is the title of a work by David Bohm, the physicist, which has always been a great help to me in understanding The Urantia Book more. So, I encourage you in that title. Machiventa, today, my question [refers to] last week [when] you encouraged us and reminded us that [as Mission Urantia] we will be confronted or seized upon by groups or by members of those groups who are searching for their higher wisdom. And I am curious how we can help and be of service to those who pass by us at the time, to share our experience to their benefit rather than to our own vanity (I'm really good at that.) [In other words] knowing our brothers and sisters as they pass by and being of service to them in their search. Can you speak to that?
Machiventa: Yes. Thank you, Recca. This is Machiventa. The question of how to serve? Who to serve? Where to serve? When to serve? Why serve? These are all questions, motivations, and curiosities that you have and the resolution to them really comes from your own faith, your own ability to grow in spirit and to see how much, in our imperfection, our motivations are based on bias, on expectations and on early childhood development issues. And so, by becoming more spiritually mature as an individual you will begin to have insights and aha moments that will answer these questions. If I were to tell you how it's done, perhaps on Mansonia number one of the mansion worlds where you have what they call mota philosophies that are in advance of what you have here, it would be a disservice to you really because you don't have a morontia mind. You don't have a mind free of the animal inheritance that our human minds are involved with. So, these are questions that you have to wrestle with in this life, in this incarnation. The best way that I can tell you to do that is again to go into the stillness, seek constant contact with your Thought Adjuster. Have faith that this is just not some words strung together in the sentence to create an ideal in your mind. This is practical. This is real. And this is necessary. In this generation where we are, we can demonstrate that kind of conscious contact and then grow the fruits of the spirit that this contact will inevitably bring about. As you become kinder, more loving, more gentle with yourself, not in an egoic way or a narcissistic way but in simply relaxing and believing and really receiving in your heart that you are unconditionally, divinely loved then you will see into people on a soul level when you pass them by. What's appropriate in that moment? Sometimes it would be nothing more than a smile and an encouragement. Sometimes you may do some other kindness for them. But it's in your individual progress and growth that all the changes outside of you will have the possibility to manifest. If you ignore this individual growth and practice, then you retard the possibility of manifesting the era of light in life on this world. The idea of living together in sister and brotherhood based upon the mother and fatherhood of God is a very high ideal and we must now in this generation begin to demonstrate some practical ideas that allow us to do that with one another within this Mission Urantia group and so on because we still have to deal with all the imperfections of us as humanity and all our conditioning when we feel exposed, when we feel our biases are being challenged to separate ourselves, pick up our ball and go home, sort of idea. And that is the rebellion mindset. So co-creative design teams will have a very difficult time producing the kind of results that will help this world begin to see different choices and possibilities if we can't work as a design team, effectively. To do that requires a certain amount of spiritual maturity on the part of the adherents.
And so, we have in this moment an opportunity to live a life of spiritual understanding with our fellows and certainly with one another, that we can civilly discuss deeply held differences of opinion, that we can surrender those opinions to a higher spiritual help and get guidance on it and that we also can go within. And in moments when we're deeply disturbed and upset in a negative way we can seek calm within, connect with our Indwelling Spirit and come back to the table and continue the work. So that's a challenge ahead of this group. And certainly, if you want to work in your community where we all live and be a force for good, the real secret is within. When we take care of the inner life and the work there, the outer life will take care of itself, will begin to morph, and change. You will attract different opportunities to you, different kinds of people to you. You will build alliances and you will still be involved in common causes for the good of the world, but you will come from a different place. The power to do that work will come from within you, from your own spiritual connection. And so, it's no sense trying to be somebody that you're not before you're ready to be that person. It's much better to go within and to seek guidance and become who you really are. Let that authentic self simply shine out into your environment. Then organically, things around you will respond to you differently and energy will shift and change. If you feel yourself stressed, tense, depressed, anxious that is always a good sign to go within and seek help. You should always feel welcome to contact Mother Spirit. She’s so available to you. She knows you so well. And she's such a nurturer and a kind and loving presence. Seek her in your stillness practice too. She will be a great comfort to you. Thank you.
Recca: Thank you very much, Machiventa
Salvatore: As I hear all the communications from different people, different questions come to my mind. And I got a lot of questions. I can dominate days of communication. But I want to get back to what we're doing in the now of the Urantia mission and the former CTAG group and what is the future. And my point is, we had the first second, third, fourth and the fifth epochal revelation. And I would say they all are in default in one way or another. When you came over and did your thing with Abraham and the arc of the covenant and the chosen people, that caused the wars that we have today in the religions’ war. And then when Jesus came with Christianity, we got the Mormons, Jehovah’s witnesses, the Catholics, Baptists. Fragmentation with every revelation, the way I see it. Now I'm looking at what we're here to do in the way of opening up the circuits for the world to know that we're not alone and we have a system that we have to adapt to because it's already in existence of what we are to do. The template is of course the government on a neighboring planet from The Urantia Book which talks about weighted voting on Jerusem where one to a thousand votes and all of service we all get service Points.
And here on the material world we're now looking at what we do in the now and of course we're all part of contributing to God the Supreme in one way or another. You guys on your side are going to be there forever. We're here for a short period of time. The turmoil and wars that we're having now. What we're going to be doing as an organization to develop this government on our planet like we should be doing. My point is the Fifth epochal revelation was there. Now we have fragmentation in UIA, AIU, and all that. And we have Websites. Which website is the website that we're going to pay tribute to in a way of a government. I'm looking at the corporeal staff of who we are, who we should be and what we should be doing in that development with this Mission Urantia. I know I'm way ahead of myself in my way of thinking. But I'm just a mortal just like the rest of us trying to contribute to the development of our planet. I think I said enough.
Machiventa: Sal, we so appreciate your point of view and your genuine enthusiasm for this work. Thank you. This is Machiventa. Well there's much I can say. And I'll try to say this in a way that respects all viewpoints. That is sometimes hard even for me. Mission Urantia was originally conceived by us on our side as having 2 major purposes. One was to try and preserve the work of the Teaching Mission and subsequent transcripts for posterity so that in 2 or 3 generations this stuff would still be available for human beings to research, to study, to have the benefit of. Secondly, the other purpose was (and I asked the CTAG group directly) I want you to make my presence known. This world needs to know that I am here in the capacity of the spiritual planetary manager of this world. That I have a plan. I have a plan for how to get this world to where you want to see it be, Sal. We have to start someplace. Because of all these ideas that you mentioned, do you really think that if we put them out there on the table and started telling people about them, that the ideas would get much traction given the current culture? It's not a rhetorical question, but you can answer it for yourself.
We have to start by finding out what everyone has in common. Sometimes this one will find himself living in a rural area. There are very many diverse points of view in rural America, very conservative people, very liberal people and everything in between. And when people start going down that rabbit hole of division, which is the rebellion mindset, staying in their little silo and then throwing rocks at the people in the other silo, it doesn't work. And what you have is what you see—polarization, dysfunction to the point of violence and no hope. So, what this one often will say to people is simply this. I know you want exactly what I want. Salvatore: But if the circuits are open, wy isn’t more being done with that knowledge? Machiventa: Well, the circuits are open. So, what this does is make it easier for people to connect with spirit. But that remains their personal choice. And though the spirits are open, let me say it this way. Even if an ocean full of love and grace fell upon your head and all you held up was a thimble what good would all the rest of it do for you as an individual? The point of that is although these circuits are open, and there is much grace, much mercy, and much love, available to every individual, because free will is sacrosanct, and we respect that, they still have to choose to receive it. Then the question becomes how do you increase a thimble to a cup, from a cup to a bucket, from a bucket to a 45 gallon drum and so on. How do you grow capacity to receive infinite unconditional love and then become a clear reflection of it as you grow? Salvatore: One personality at a time for sure.
Machiventa: That's right. One open heart at a time, one human choice at a time. So, what we want to do is find a common ground we have with people. And the common ground is not theology, is not philosophy, is not religiosity, is not thought systems, wisdom traditions. The common ground is a core set of triggers that determine how people make decisions. Now we've worked with Daniel extensively to develop that. This is what Mission Urantia should become--a value-based organization. We promote the values of social sustainability. We want to grow what's common to all people to something they can all say yes to. “This is what I want. I want to have equal access to opportunities to grow to the limit of my capacity so that I can provide a quality life for myself and my families.” If we can begin a conversation with people of all different backgrounds, biases, ideas, philosophies, if we can find a common ground to have a conversation with them, then they're in our orbit. Then they're in our direct field of influence and without having to use a lot of words that come out of the Fifth Epochal Revelation and wisdom traditions that immediately create triggers in people and polarize people, they can simply feel us, our energy, our vibration. By being a living example of this divine love we can start to expose people to these values. Then they have to take these values and let them percolate in them. If there's an opening at all and people become attracted to this, there is extensive work to be done on democracies, on families, on how they can plug in and find ways to be an advocate for social sustainability in their own communities. Some people will become politically inclined to take these seven socially sustainable values and apply them to politics. And we will welcome that. But there has to be a way for them to know that this stuff exists. So, we're hoping that Mission Urantia will be this beacon of light, this place where these values can be explained, where we can demonstrate the living process of how you use these values in a co-creative design in method to achieve sustainable policies that will help this world. It's incremental. It moves much slower than we might like. Yet it has to move at a pace that is real for all this revelation to get in contact with the evolved status of the people. And then there has to be a process of synthesis, of coming together the best of the evolved ideas and up stepped with revelations that my team and I are making and bringing into existence on this world through conscious contact with you.
It is like cooking a stew. It just has to cook down, and this is going to take a little time on the burner. But eventually, we'll get there. At least that's the promise of this possibility. If this group defaults and allows the rebellion mindset to dominate within this group to the point where there's differences that cannot be reconciled and fragmentation takes place, then this group will also be in default. We will have to continue this process and start again. We do not give up on our side. We're hoping that this generation will not give up with us either. Thank you.
Marthe: Thanks, Machiventa. I have a quick question. You've asked us many times to make your presence known. I've spent a lot of time summarizing, consulting with others, showing what I wrote as a 1,800-word opinion piece. If you and your team have any better suggestions than we have, is it better to just keep this and put it on any of the websites that people might find it? Or should we try and send it out? What is your suggestion about how we can make your presence known when we've done the work, but it's not clear where it must go? Thank you.
Machiventa: Yes, thank you, Marthe. There is afoot, several people that are creating websites to do this with. We have within Mission Urantia some very talented people who can do this kind of work. So, it is our hope that in the near future there can be developed a robust website and then the implications of that. Those who understand Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, all of the ways that social media works. Then eventually what you've written, what others have written and more content can be on that website to whet people's appetite with a broad spectrum of interest. There will be a spiritual side to it. There will also be a more secular side to it where the spiritual side is more latent in it, but there anyway. People can follow their interest. If they see some of this stuff on social sustainability as it applies to families, wonderful. If that's their interest, then they can take part in that to make it work in their community as best they can. If people are truly interested in design teams and how they work, they should be able to read that. We want to let them know this information is there and put links on that website. There's no need to recreate a lot of stuff. We just need the link to it. Someone has to come up with an overall presentation of the scope of this, ranging from The Urantia Book all the way to Mission Urantia where we are right now. In between lies the Teaching Mission, the Magisterial Mission and how we are experiencing this as individuals. We need to start to write our own stories and tell people these stories so that they can feel how real people internalize this, create a practice. And then things will grow out of that.
You should begin to have people inquire with questions and that allows for groups of people to take on [the role of] responding to people. You may be asked to be consultants. “How do we work into our organization a co-creative design team process? Do you have consultants that can come to our organization and work with us and help us use that process?” Wonderful opportunity for income to support this work and to get this work out there in a practical way that can help not just corporations, but political organizations, nonprofits, labor organizations, educational organizations. So, the potential is there. We're just trying to see that this group focuses enough, that they don't inadvertently (which is what has led to secularization and fragmentation in the past) allow unexpected biases to introduce other purposes to this work before you accomplish these core purposes. And so, if you look at the process already taking place in this group, you can begin to see other purposes creeping in that were never really part of what we asked you to do. It's just a matter of self correcting, refocusing and not worrying about trying to do too much.
Remember, everybody on this planet of a normal mind (and that's the vast majority of human beings) is indwelt with their own Thought Adjuster. So, it's not like you have to do all this on your own. We simply have to get this single bright light in a dark place shining where people can see it. And then allow them an approach that doesn't turn them off, that doesn't allow them to pigeonhole us into one particular line of thought on this world as opposed to another because then we limit our effectiveness. We want to be approachable by any mind of any curiosity from any corner of this world from any culture, from any wisdom tradition, that would find common cause with us. And that common cause right now is these 7 core values. And so how we talk about them, how we present them, how we've apply them to real live situations is going to be attractive to a lot of people. We have to do that. So we're building it and you guys are doing wonderful work. We're very excited about the work that you're doing.
But never be afraid to take a moment to step back and say, “Wow, we are so into the weeds with this, so busy that we need to step back and take a look at everything from a different perspective.” Instead of on the ground, [look at it from] 30,000 feet to see how it all has to work from the planetary manager's point of view, because this is the work that you're being trained in whether you're aware of it or not--planetary management. And so, we must consider every viewpoint on the planet as valid as every other. It is equality. We don't use the biases of our inculturation, our indoctrination to color our viewpoint on how we see other people. We love this quality that Jesus had as he went about that made him so attractive to people. He loved everyone. Period. No distinctions made between Jew, Gentile, male, female, rich, poor, sick, healthy. He loved everyone equally. And that attractive force is still alive in this world today, although in potential in some areas.
Great progress is to be made if this potential is to be unleashed in this world where everybody can come together in the spirit of cooperation and work together for the things that we all want. The majority of people on this world want peace. They don’t want war. The majority of people on this world want health, health in themselves, health in their environment, health in the food they eat and in the products they use. A few greedy individuals have a lock on power right now, but because it's unsustainable that lock is being broken. And they're freaking out, so we see desperate moves on the part of the status quo to maintain itself. But it cannot and it will not [prevail]. Will we be ready with these ideas at that time? Would they be visible enough so when people really are caught like a deer in the headlights, when catastrophes worsen and cataclysms overwhelmed them, that there's some place they can look up and see a bright shiny light and go, “Hey! What's that? What's over there?” And then they get here, and they find that the ideas here are not just one fragment of the status quo asserting itself, trying to recreate the status quo, but it is actually something new, something original, something real that can help. Then this work can grow exponentially. Thank you.
Marthe: Thank you.
Deborah: We've haven't spoken for a long time, but I too have a question. I don't want to go into it too long, but I’m drawn to the work of Sri Auribindo and his associate called The Mother. I'm reading about the power of our thoughts. And I've already heard about this power not only through The Urantia Book but from Unity. “Thoughts held in mind produce in kind” is a common phrase. I want to develop my mind so that it's more powerful to help promote change in people's consciousness. But I want to do it in a way that's respectful of their free will. And I just wondered what your thoughts were on that. I know your mind's more powerful than my mind. But I think it's still something worthy for me to envision the kind of world I want us to have instead of always getting sucked into the sense of worry and in danger of losing hope at times because of all the stuff we see going on. I don't want that to be my primary thought. So, anything you can say to help direct me on developing the power of my mind for the good of this world I would like to hear from you.
Machiventa: Wonderful. Thank you, Deborah. This is Machiventa. These questions that you're asking today, are what we like to talk about with you. How do we grow this ability to manifest eventually light and life on this world. But first off, a world that has peace in it--how do we manifest this when it seems the world could care less? It's not even interested. They have no idea how they're manifesting what they're doing, what they're creating. They're doing it unconsciously. So, how do you manifest peace, love, compassion, empathy, equality around you in your world? You do it just that way, Deborah. You learn to hold these thoughts in mind. In your stillness practice there's a way to set your intention. First off, what is your intention for that practice? Do you intend to make conscious contact? Tell your Indwelling Spirit that you do. Do you intend to do the will of your Creator? Verbalize that. And set those intentions over and over again every day. Every time. What spiritual practice is really about is the growth of mastering the side of your inheritance that is the animal nature. We evolved from fighting bellicose animals. We are angry and war-like in our animal nature. And we're trying to transfer our seat of awareness and consciousness to our more spiritual nature, which is the other side of us, our spiritual inheritance. And when you do that intention and you persevere then you hold thoughts in mind where you see yourself as the son or daughter of light, where you see yourself intentionally bringing into your life this sphere around you, these core values and using them as a way of making decisions but also as a way of seeing others as equal to you. They are not, maybe, as spiritually inclined but they are still sons and daughters of light. And so, when we begin to see what we want we begin to call it into being and attract the energy from the spiritual world to manifest it. So, it means that you have to disengage a little bit with all these opinions that you see around you. It's good to stay informed. I'm not saying that we should become Pollyannish and ignore to the point of not being informed. As you all know it can be very addicting to have a phone, a news feed constantly binging in your ears, constantly calling your attention to it. Somehow you have to design your life to set aside some time for reflection about the things that you want to see happen.
So you can use your imagination to enhance these thoughts and begin to actually envision. Sit in a hot tub with a cup of tea or coffee and let your mind run wild with imagination of how a world could be. What must it be like to live on the neighboring world? And live on a world with a planetary government like that. What would that look like here? Because you literally recreate reality by the thoughts that you think. And if you think things are terrible, there's just a great deal of suffering and that's where your attention is, then that's what you're going to hold in place. Because as long as you resist something you simply hold it in place. So, you must take your attention off of what you are resisting or what you don't like or what you see that vexes you and put it on what you'd like to see instead. This is not a practice that you can master in a matter of days, months, or even years. This is many lifelong practice. But the sooner you begin it here, 1) the sooner you change your personal environment around you and 2) the more of a change agent you become effectively in this world and 3) the more you prepare yourself for your next life because you give yourself a leg up when you get there. Some of the remedial classes a lot of folks are going to have to take, you won't need, because you did the work here. And the work that you have available to you to do here can happen much quicker because there's so much need, so much opportunity in terms of what's wrong here. You are given many opportunities every day to overcome your own resistance to it and to be unconditional love in the midst of it. So, it's kind of what Jesus meant, when he said be in the world, but not of the world. Each of you is guided to do this. And it is a matter of your personality and your personal expression to find your way to manifest the fruits of the spirit in your life. There's not one way to do this. As Mohammed said, “There's many ways up the mountain” and there are many ways to connect consciously with your Indwelling Spirit as there are individuals intending to do this. So, we are here not to judge. We are here to simply assist, provide support and to try and get people to the starting line. It is definitely not our purpose to drag them around the course and get them across the finish line. That's their business between them and their Indwelling Spirit and how they understand. But we can certainly get them to the starting line offering some wonderful ideas, make awareness grow and then expose them to our personal stories of how we got here not because we want them to do what we did, but because we simply want to offer them support, encouragement. By sharing our stories they'll find their own way. I don't know if I've answered your question, Deborah, or not, but there is no other way than this personal reliance on our Thought Adjusters to guide us through this process. Deborah: Oh, thank you! So just what you said, my Thought Adjuster and I are wanting to develop the power of my thought, so who else do I go to but my Thought Adjuster.
Machiventa: Absolutely.
Recca: Where do I go but to the Lord?
Machiventa: Well, as you know, there's many, many ideas out there. A good idea is a good idea regardless of its source. Whatever you are attracted to read, to study, you will always find something in it to help you or you wouldn't be attracted to it. You may not, and you should not adjust any thought-out process that someone else has put out there wholesale. You need to take it in, internalize it, see what works for you. Keep the best, leave the rest and move on. It is your Thought Adjuster that will guide you through that process.
Deborah: Thank you. Thank you very much, Machiventa. You’ve done a fabulous job of answering our questions today.
Machiventa: Yeah, you've put many interesting questions on the table. These questions that have to do with where you are personally in your understanding in your own personal practice, are questions that I'm interested in talking about with you because it is what will take this group forward and keep it aligned when all the differences of opinions come out and all the differences in personalities--you try to work together. We not only want you to work together, but we're asking you to keep it together. We don't want to see this small group fragment into cross purposes and energy leak out of it to the point where it can't sustain itself. Does it mean that people cannot have side hustles going on and work in harmony with our purposes? Not at all. But we do want to maintain a certain focus. We put a great deal of time and effort into seeing how it can work for real with this group of people, with this generation. Maybe we've got to come up with a whole new set of ideas if this doesn't work. We think that we've found a way to help this world. And so, if we take it incrementally one step at a time, we'll reach a threshold where all of a sudden, the lid will blow off and it'll grow exponentially. But we got to get there. Thank you.