2024-02-15-Creating a Gateway, a Portal
Topic: Creating a Gateway, a Portal
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa, Jonathan
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I make vocal my petition to join our Divine Parents through whatever emissaries of light are deemed appropriate to bring us this embrace of spirit. We come back to this well seeking to reignite this energy field where we feel so close in spirit to you. Let it be so as it represents our desire. Let it be so as it likewise represents your desire. We both seek the embrace. Let it be so, even now.
Machiventa: I most certainly accept this invitation you offer. I am Machiventa responding to your calling, responding to your willingness to open up the channel, as you refer to it, so we may proceed as per our joint desires to do so. The manifestation of this very process is the demonstration of the creation of a gateway, a portal through which you may work in different dimensions. When you decide to become engaged and work in spirit you activate a whole other dimension of your being. You call into service one of your aspects of self and functioning as a spirit being, you may then access the platform conducive to functioning in spirit capacity. As you exercise more and more of your spirit muscles and they gain more strength and you develop more conviction in their strength and their purpose, you can rely more and more on this component of self, the spirit dimension of being, because this is where all future growth will manifest. It is the dimension in which you will function solely in the end.
So now that you are dabbling with functioning in this dimension of your being requires that you develop the method and means whereby to approach spirit and come to spirit in terms that are compatible with the greatest reality of truth, beauty, and goodness that you are aware of. The greatest expression of your understanding of the manifestation of these traits are to be expressed in spirit in eternity and this embracing of the truth and your expanding from the material dimension into the spirit dimension allows for you to have some foreknowledge of what happens to you after the cocoon of transition and emerging as the great butterfly of spirit to traverse long journeys and gather much experience, free to fly about at will. A glorious transition awaits you with such a freedom from the limitations of the material vehicles of existence.
This classroom that we enjoy even now, this safe place for discussion of such magnitude is a tribute to your efforts to fashion it and to revisit it and restore its qualities so faithfully and regularly. That is a fine example to behold of your dedication to create, build, fashion, and utilize your vision and make it real in spirit. This is now a matter of record, a matter of observation as is the progress that you each have made on your spiritual ascent, even while in your most mortal state. Truly it is a pleasure to work with the likes of all of those of you who show up and participate and promote and create this very reality, this very truth, this very goodness, this very beauty that we all so deeply enjoy. These efforts are recognized on high as acts of devotion and extensions of faith. Such are gifts received by your Divine Parents who have fashioned this whole experience for you and provided you with all the support needed to survive the experience of a mortal of the realm finding their association and connection to their Creator and finding God, even in one short mortal existence.
The mission and design of the eternal experience before you has so well begun and such beginnings bring such fruitful results. All of these are indeed gifts to your Creators. They are the signals you send in return for finding them, in return for your experience of recognizing them and this journey of such great magnitude, of such significance and importance, such that your Creators have made all of this so. All of creation has been established for you, that is to say, for each and every distinct individual you. It is designed for you to find yourself in finding your Divine Parents and this act is individual and personal and in fact this growth is only attained by your individual effort.
The turning of all the wheels in the universe are designed to allow you maximum leeway to create the best version of yourself that you are able to assemble through the experiential process that has been provided for you. Note that all of this design of fostering all the parts of the whole is focused on the individual attainments resulting in the attainment of the whole. This points to the importance of the role of the individual. Many, in responding to what they perceive to be a calling of spirit, respond with an innate urge to report for duty somehow to be of service and this is the natural response of those who have experienced the grace from on high of spirit and wish to share this experience with others that they might feel this grace.
This tendency and desire to help others is always appreciated in that anything you do for the children you do for the parents. But in the final consideration of the flow and direction of spirit growth, perhaps the greatest duty of all the fragments, all the pieces, is to ascend and become the magnificent spirit fragments enlightened on route back to your Source. Take every opportunity to bestow service within, to look for opportunities to assist the growth within. This is after all, your responsibility and this is service you may provide for your Divine Parents, even on your behalf. The same urge to assist another on the spirit path may be focused and trained on the evolving soul within. Much service is needed there as well as the many opportunities provided all around you. There is a great tendency to consider great acts of service as being significant and important enough to make a difference but indeed all service is significant enough to make a difference.
I’m suggesting at this point that the same concern to bring health and healing and peace and the grace of love to others may be turned inward. The service you provide to yourself is indeed service you provide on behalf of your Divine Parents for your welfare, your peace, your grace, equally as important to them as any other and your willingness to provide this service provides the opportunity for them to channel their desires through you. It establishes the connection, the method, the means whereby you may function in spirit, you may create in spirit. You will endure in spirit and you will become an enlightened spiritual being on your journey back to the First Source and Center. To so clearly and plainly be able to inform you about phases in your experience yet to come is a result of your coming to this place, this portal that allows for the transfer, the addition of spirit influence into the mortal framework and construct.
I stand in gratitude for the opportunity to have such conversations and to be able to share such spirit insights. As you seek to find these truths it is a great pleasure to be offered the opportunity to provide you some of the answers you seek, some perspective that allows you to see more clearly your objectives. It’s refreshing to know that from such great beginnings come such great fruits and rewards for the efforts. Such is a foregone conclusion. The bigger pictures out there that tend to captivate the imagination are all glimpses of the visions in play which are being received by the participants. These visions of how to respond to a spiritual calling, these different impressions and ideas represent different expressions of the different truths experienced by the participants, the individual reflections of reality that are brought into the picture through the individual contribution, the manifestation of the individual into the greatest expression of the truth, beauty, and goodness perceived in their journey. And as such, each and every expression is as a beautiful flower unfolding and exposing the many aspects combining to make the individual real, present and manifested in all its glory.
The big picture stories will all be determined by all the parts coming together responding to the call in their own ways but with the common experience of responding to the call, desiring to be of service to help weave this great tapestry of spirit experience before us. Like you, I have reported for duty once again, maintaining this outpost on planet Urantia where we may meet and gather and interface between the dimensions of spirit and material by the method of our choosing in the construct of our making, grateful for the divine grace that this represents and willing to show up to offer support for the grid, for the structure that makes all of this possible.
So I appreciate the time spent in this process and the time volunteered to make it so. I have no more words of consolation to offer. I hope in maintaining this circuitry, you have maintained the connection that extends beyond this connection of both material and spirit forces. The spirit dimension extends beyond the limitations of any mortal construct and therefore may be revisited and rejoined and reconstituted at will by any participant who desires connection. Reestablishing the grid and the connections is what this Lightline connection is all about, maintaining the structure, the space, the conditioned environment to make it so. I am grateful for this gift of grace, this gift of cocreation, this outpost in time and space, this window into spirit from mortal confines. I now take my leave and once again offer my commitment to meet you whenever you assemble and ring the school bell to condition the environment and to make it so. Farewell.
Jonathan: Hello dear friends, I simply can’t pass up the opportunity to let this microphone go unattended while it remains available. I am Jonathan, always eager to join the group again and always willing to take the opportunity offered. I understand that there are distinct differences observed by my partner in this process, distinct differences in calibre, if you will, of different personalities, different energy signatures, and it is very true that there are indeed different calibers of spirit beings and in this way it is easy to discern the depth of spiritual character of any individual energy signature. It is simply observable phenomenon. As spirit to observe spirit, it is easy to discern the depth of character, the depth of spiritual awareness and the magnitude of spiritual growth. These are contained as tones in your overall energy signature.
So an immature spiritual being such as myself, registers with far less magnitude, less presence, less character, less grace, and this is of course normal and natural as part of the growth process. It is not a detriment of any kind, merely a statement of position. I bring this reference up to give voice to some internal struggle on the part of my associate in this process of exchange. There is a certain reverence, a certain holy nature that one can bring to the process of transmitting/receiving, that is, one brings a divine dimension into the equation and this divine dimension expands the capacity and creates the space for greater spirit presence. Such is the process at play and there is some concern as to the appropriate nature of communicating with less divine beings.
Perhaps this is considered to be lesser or to some degree not as significant because, after all, I am an immature spiritual being just as you are. I am not your Father Creator or Machiventa, such grand figures to approach, but I am your brother in this journey immediately before you on the path and the connection that we forged even in mortal flesh, endures in spirit and may be maintained and accessed as we so desire. And therefore it has been my desire to state this truth, to manifest this beauty, to attest to this goodness and to demonstrate our faith and conviction throughout the entire process. It is my desire to spread these glad tidings and I am exceedingly grateful that this forum has been maintained for this purpose so that now this purpose may in fact manifest through the very means created to make it so.
This is a magnificent act of service that I am so grateful to be involved in with you. To foretell of this goodness, to reveal this truth represents a supreme gift of grace to all of us who are involved in the transfer of such energy. And thus I wish to justify my significance, my contribution to the seeking, to the opening of the portal that the seeking represents. To be able to respond is the answer to my prayer to serve and I am dependent to the very core on our connection and this format to allow for such a manifestation. It is all good, it’s all appropriate, it’s all right. Fear not manifesting expressions that are received in this state of awareness, fear not being misled, in fact it is the opposite. You are so lovingly guided and tenderly fostered that all your efforts at seeking bring you certain results as is evident even now.
Carry on my friends, carry on with the certainty of navigating the uncertainty before you, of the assistance of all manner of grace from on high for it will be so. Be in peace my friends. Remember, gently down the stream, this life is but a dream. Let’s form a good one. It’s a pleasure to be along side you on such a journey. Let your journey be in peace and until we join rafts together next time, remember to revisit the connection and regain the strength of the circuitry. This you have built to be of service so exercise this tool as you are led to do so. Know that it only gets better as you progress so be of great joy that you are progressing. Happy trails. Farewell.