2024-02-19-Machiventa Mission Urantia 5
Topic: Machiventa Mission Urantia 5
Group: Mission Urantia
Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
TR: John Morris
Machiventa: I'm pleased to see you gathered here again today in the space that we have created together through our faith and our intention to be here with one another. So, I welcome you, and I offer you my gratitude. These are interesting times my friends. There have been many changes in the spiritual status of this world since your Master walked this world 2,000 years ago. And he tried very hard with the minds of that age to get his apostles and his disciples to see the benefits of going apart and contemplating and seeking to have a little talk with their indwelling spirit. Jesus himself perfected this, and by the time he was 30 years old he had completed this process and had fused with his Thought Adjuster, or would have, except for the events that followed when he was being baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan. His Thought Adjuster became a personalized Thought Adjuster and even now is the head of all Thought Adjusters on Urantia. Since that time, of course, the rebellion has been adjudicated. The planet is no longer in quarantine and the lines of spiritual energy have been reconnected. Some have been purified and those that had been so corrupted have been simply dismissed and new lines have been connected.
And so, this is a different era, a new era that we are in, in terms of trying to make contact with spirit. And so, as Jesus admonished his followers to take time every day to seek for the spirit, so I would remind you that this is the key to the work we do together; this ability to connect with your Thought Adjusters, to devote your life to try to understand the will of your creator for you and then to choose to align your will with that. As you are finding out, it is a process. Nobody dictates to you how it unfolds for you for this is the meaning of co-creation. Together, you with your spirit are consciously co-creating this morontial identity which is your soul. And it is this soul that will survive this first incarnation of yours. And so, our efforts here, our soulful efforts, we are trying to establish for the first time on this planet a group of mortals who are in touch with their indwelling spirit and in touch then with the celestial administration of this world. It will take many, many more individuals before this world can be brought back into alignment with its sister planets. But that is what we are about here. In a world such as this where there is so much taint of rebellion, of separation, of a super sort of individuality, you must find common ground in order to be able to talk to people and begin to introduce them to all that is transpiring around them.
It has never been easier for an individual to connect with their indwelling spirit if they so choose to do so. One of the first prerequisites to this is that they must be aware that this is a choice for them. And so, we have worked hard since the Urantia revelation came to this world to make this a focal point. And if you look at your revelation—The Urantia Book—you see that right in the very beginning. In paper five it talks about the Thought Adjuster in fairly good detail, and it continues to do that throughout. The whole revelation is seated with these ideas that mortals have and are directly connected to the spirit of the First Source and Center on Paradise. So, the illusion of separation is just that. And now we have been blessed with the opportunity in this group to provide more detail, but more importantly to provide a life that is a living example of what it is to connect with the spirit within and through this connection to experience connection with me, my staff, with other teachers, with the Magisterial Son, with Christ Michael and Mother Spirit, and begin to expand human minds to the cosmos in which they exist, to the point where to really see themselves as cosmic citizens can become an actual reality.
Now, through all this, you can see the role that your imagination plays to be able to imagine a spiritual administration, to be able to imagine yourself as a celestial cosmic citizen with a future stake in all that goes on in this universe and that you'll be present to participate in. It is a leap of faith and yet it is that faith that unlocks the possibility for your imagination to soar and for you to begin to experience the presence of divine love and know that you are children of loving, spiritual parents, and that this opportunity is only the beginning. And it is through this connection, this sense of presence with spirit, that this world will be brought to the threshold of Light and Life. Because it's co-created it requires each of you to hold up your end of this co-creation, there's nothing that I or my administration is going to do that represents an “authority” and do for you what you are capable of doing for yourself. We are here to guide, we are here to assist, we're here to reassure you and to encourage you. It is you that must do this work. This is your world. This is your time to shine. And in so doing, you will grow, and you will know with a certainty that this is not just some figment of your imagination, but you have experienced the truth and the reality of spirit in your life.
And so, it is the spirit led life, the spirit filled life, that will transform this world. And together we will create an era where peace will take hold, where peace will become the birthright of every individual on the world. And when that happens, and it will, then things will proceed in ways you can't imagine in terms of the timing and the events that will take place. The world needs to know that they have this choice. And so, I'm encouraging you and counting on you to be the first generation to be able to bring this awareness to a much greater number of inhabitants of this world, so that they can begin to truly go in concert with their indwelling spirits. Many are seeking, many are grasping for something that gives them hope. Well, my friends, we have the answer, we have a plan, we have a process. And I'm counting on you to assist Christ Michael, Monjoronson, and myself to bring this plan to the awareness of a much greater number of the inhabitants of this world. I thank you for your time here, and I'll be happy to speak with you about this—to have a conversation and answer your questions. Thank you.
Deborah: Hi Machiventa. I'm going to be the devil's advocate today. We've asked this question before I know, but if I'm telling someone that we have a celestial administration here and they have a plan, my fellow humans are going to want to know what that plan is. Now other than us being told to conserve the transcripts that are online, to foster design team awareness, and hopefully get to the point of offering more expansive training, what else is your plan? What am I going to tell my fellow humans other than we are supported, but we have to make the decisions and we're doing the work? They're going to want to know what the celestial backup plan for us is. I don't mean to be a naughty child pushing you this way, but how am I going to respond to my fellow humans who are going to be skeptical anyway that there is a celestial administration?
MM: Well, Deborah, thank you. This is the question that each of you in your own way have in your minds and that we wrestle with as individuals. There are many plans here at work simultaneously. So, the one that you have the most experience with is the paradise ascension plan, which is the plan that you will evolve from mortals on this world up through the local universe, the superuniverse, the central universe, and one day arrive on Paradise and stand as a perfected mortal of the realm in the presence of your creator. And much of the universe has been requisitioned to support this plan. So, when you talk to people, when you try to formulate an answer to that question, what are we to say to people? I would suggest you begin with your personal experience.
Now the Teaching Mission came along and took from the Fifth Epochal Revelation in The Urantia Book a lot of ideas that many in the Urantia movement failed to really understand. The Urantia Book talked about the indwelling spirit and that this is your connection. Jesus’ life was wonderfully restated in this book, and many examples were given for those who had eyes to see and ears to hear of the master going apart and seeking conscious contact with this indwelling spirit, actually finding this conscious contact, and eventually [attaining fusion readiness] with this spirit even as a mortal. This has not really been the emphasis of this group of people. And so, the Teaching Mission made a great deal of emphasis on this point.
So, the question I would ask each of you is: How is your personal practice unfolding with this knowledge that you're indwelt with the Spirit of your Creator? Do you set aside time each day in contemplation, reflection, and meditation to seek the guidance of the Spirit for your life and then sit in stillness long enough to allow the Spirit to become a real presence in your life? Because this is what we're asking you to tell people about, and that this Spirit is here. And because this Spirit is here, as the celestial administration, we have the opportunity to connect with you. The Spirit is the bridge. This spiritualized mind of humanity is the stage upon which we will be able to play out our plans for this world.
And so, as we do this work together, it's vitally important that each of you do your own inner work so that when we come together as a collective, we do so as a group of individuals who have a certainty in the reality of Spirit. It isn't that you don't have faith and use faith and occasionally wonder what the reality of this is. Honest doubts are to be expected, but you have faith and the courage to act anyway. And so, you do. And when you do make these decisions, you grow, you grow as an individual, and we grow collectively in our ability to create a message that will be attractive to people. This time could not have really come before what you call your internet. This worldwide means to communicate.
So how we tell this story doesn't need to be complicated. There are many doing this work. We simply need to create a way to put it out there to use all this social media that is at your disposal to say, “Look, there is a plan.” There's common ground for which we can have a conversation. This plan has many facets to it: The individual plan where you connect with your indwelling spirit. So, there's a story that can get told about that process. There is a plan for this whole creation to evolve from imperfection to perfection. Part of that plan is this world coming into alignment after a default in its planetary administration, and to come into line with this greater plan, not only for the individuals but for the collective whole. And this plan, this common ground where we can connect, is all about these values, these values of love and compassion, of empathy, of equality. It's supported at the individual level; it's supported at the collective level. And so that is why I encourage you to become a values-based organization, one that can put forward these ideas that every human being on the planet wants. Everyone wants to have equal access to opportunities to grow. And so, through that commonality, we have a way to talk to one another across cultures, across different wisdom traditions, across different political ideologies, and we begin to see that, collectively, humanity has a desire for peace, for getting to a point where we can actually put into practice what has been called the golden rule; this idea of treating one another like we would like to be treated. Then we'll have peace. Once peace is here, much more becomes possible. But it's hardly appropriate to work upon some of these ideas in your revelation of The Urantia Book until people awaken spiritually in an individual capacity.
And so, you want to tell that story. You, collectively, are the heralds of this new age. You must find a way to do that: to tell the story of a loving creator who has put in motion a plan for your eternal survival and participation, and who does not leave the worlds of time alone but has a plan for each individual world as it does for each individual on that world. And this plan and the story begins to grow.
I am here at the behest of the sovereign of our universe to assist the mortals of this world to bring this plan to the awareness of greater numbers of people. And so, I say to you, it is time to tell the world about the spiritual administration of this world. Who is going to write that content if it's not those who are individually, spiritually awakening, familiar with the Fifth Epochal Revelation, familiar with the transcripts that come through the Teaching Mission, familiar with this body of work, and familiar with contact with me, with my administration, and with the celestial beings here to assist. If this generation cannot do it and find a way to do it, then it must await another generation. But I say to you, you have everything you need. You have been trained, you have had leadership, you have had my voice to guide you. You've had the voice of Monjoronson, Christ Michael, and Mother Spirit. You have many who are capable of connecting with us and transmitting our words to you. You don't need more of that. What we now need to do is take all of that and focus it. Create a story that people will want to read that lets them know I am here. You are potentially spirit beings and do not need my particular voice to guide you into spiritual awareness and growth. When you grow and you feel so attracted, there will be many opportunities to serve. As you are finding out, there's more work to be done than there are workers to do. It must start and we must begin to bring this to an awareness of the general population of this world.
Now, if I haven't helped you with understanding this, Deborah, then please ask again. If I've left something out, let's talk about it. Thank you.
Deborah: Thank you. Basically, it comes back to us helping our Urantia brothers and sisters to realize how important it is for us to work on our own individual spiritual development because we can't have true world peace until we can even have our own inner peace. So, as you're saying, we need to start to put this out there with more gusto by telling our story of what it was like for us to find our own inner spirits. And so, it's not so much us explaining to everybody what exactly our celestial administration is going to do to fix this world, but for us to help everyone to work on their own individual plans because that will help the larger collective plan to unfold better. So, I think that's what you're saying, and I agree with that—all of it. And now I'm not so much worried about having to explain what this plan is. It's a funny way for us to put it though. I think I would like to not even emphasize we have a plan. I would like to say we have the support of our celestial family and just go right into helping people realize that we can't heal our world until we heal ourselves.
MM: Yes, that's a good summary of what I'm trying to say, and there's a good reason for it Deborah. As you have free will and are co-creators of your reality, to say that there's a top-down plan that we have may give people the impression that all they have to do is wait, and this celestial administration of this world is going to implement the plan and everything's going to be okay. But that would do violence to your free will and your co-creativity. The plan that we have is really to come in partnership with you and implement this idea that all of time-space is about growing from the imperfect to the perfect and that it is a process and a purpose that the First Source and Center on Paradise has. And that without getting into the weeds about trying to escape the fetters of perfection and all of that from the Paradise point of view, it's simply enough to know that people are loved unconditionally, and there is a place provided for them to begin to explore and to grow this and that there is a great deal of help available for them to bring this world into a peaceful coexistence with the people on it to then truly experience this love, this compassion, and this abundance.
And so, we tell a story. You have very talented, creative writers in this group who can craft a story and get it out there so that people can be curious. You have existing ministries that are available for people to explore and check out including The Urantia Foundation, Fellowship, and the book. But many people won't come to this through that book. So, it takes those individuals who have digested a lot of those ideas to put some of that in the words of their own experience in a story so that people can relate to these concepts and these ideas. And underneath all of these ideas in The Urantia Book are these values of equality, of compassion, of love. And so, without making theology, ideology, and philosophy out of it, we simply have these values and this concept of spirit and the spiritual inheritance that each person can unlock by faith and begin in their own individual way to explore the abundance of this life that is waiting for them. And all they have to do is be aware of it and then exercise their free will and begin that journey for themselves. And if you look at the fruits of the spirit that The Urantia Book puts out there, they are simply the inevitable result of learning to live your life according to equality, love, compassion, empathy, the growth that happens from that, and how that improves your life and brings a quality to it that you could not possibly have had without that growth. And when people begin to truly feel that in you, in your stories, and the possibility that, look, we're not special, we're just average people like everybody else, and if we can begin this journey and this process, this awareness, then so can you, and here are some ways to do it. There's not one way. There are many ways, as many ways as there are individuals attempting to do it, but we can share with them our experience and they'll find help in that, and we must grow this nucleus so that it becomes a critical mass of individuals. And then all of these other plans that we have can begin to incarnate and take root here. Thank you.
Deborah: Thank you Machiventa. I'm much clearer now and it's what I'm naturally inclined to do anyway—share my personal experience and help people feel inspired to want to have their own firsthand experience of our Creator's love for them.
MM: Right. It would be helpful to have a place, and I would call this the digital library of Alexandria, which is really what a website is, where all of this information that is out here can be made available to people as they start to read these stories and become curious. Whatever their particular personality type and experience is, they should have a way to connect with something that resonates with that, that's embedded in all this effort so they can choose their own way to develop it for themselves personally and then begin their own co-creation and experience how their lives can be improved when they really give it over to doing the will of God. Thank you.
Deborah: Thank you.
JT: Well, I have a written question from Tsiu who's a cohort of Marthe in South Africa and he asked me to ask this question. He says: We have learned that the creator is the source of all love and that through the operations of his laws, life exists in a flow of harmony and direction. The question was recently answered that we need to forgive ourselves individually for the ill treatments that we did to our brothers and sisters of other hues. It may even happen among people of the same race depending on various factors like economic status or educational achievements, et cetera, real or imagined.
Quoting from the Highly Evolved Beings vs. Humans: “An awakened species experiences and expresses unconditional love for everyone. Humans in an unawakened state often cannot even imagine the deity who does this. much less do they do it themselves. And his question is, what would be the best advice that we can share with the affected and effected people who were previously discriminated upon and those who are still in the receiving end of bigotry and racial discrimination? Thank you.
MM: Yes, thank you, James. It is very difficult for those who are still suffering the persecution, the prejudice to believe that there's a loving God, that the universe is powered by love and that that love is available to them. So, there's a great deal of work to be done. Nonetheless, these individuals are still indwelt by the Spirit of our creator, and they have access to the Spirit as they do the Spirit of Truth. So, no economic situation, no political situation, no war, no famine, none of the devastating things that happen can separate that individual from their ability to know God and to begin right where they are to experience this connection, this hope, this faith, and become, where they are, the co-creators of a different reality for themselves and their families.
That is the big transition that this world sits on the cusp of because up until this time for most individuals, authority always existed exterior to you within your outer life. Now the time comes to announce to people that truly they are their own authorities, that the authority for their life exists within them, that they can connect with it, and by and through this connection they can begin to co-create a reality different than the one they currently experience. And so, it will be difficult for many dependent on their situations to be able to conceive of that, to have faith in that. And so there must be some examples out there of people who are doing that successfully that they can look to and be encouraged by so that they can dare to take that leap of faith even in the midst of horrible circumstances and to know that they are unconditionally loved.
Now that is the secret for everyone who begins this journey. Because very few people were raised in fully functioning environments, families, and cultures, we all have a lot of baggage from our early childhood development that makes us less than self-confident and secure. And so, part of the beginning process of this is the inner work that each of us must do is to get to a place where we truly believe and can accept, not as an ego or a narcissist or self-centered person, but truly, in humility and grace, accept that you are unconditionally loved just as you are with no guilt, no shame, and that you are forgiven for all that has transpired in your life, all that you have received, all that you have perpetrated. And that if you're truly sincere, you are forgiven, and you can begin this journey. And it is when you can accept this unconditional love for yourself as an individual, that you can truly begin to reflect it out into the world and so begin this communal healing, and we are here to live that reflection to the best of our abilities as unconditional love for ourselves, for one another, and then as we gather in clusters all over this world in communities, we begin to see how we can use these values to create a sustainable society. But the source of this sustainability is not just cleverness on humanity's part; it is that you are loved, and you can be this love, and then you can take all this wisdom, all these ideas that we can help plant here, that we can help illuminate that have been here for a long time and make it clear how you use that wisdom to live together in a loving and kind way. And that is social sustainability. Humanity begins to look at one another as brothers and sisters in a spiritual sense and treat them like they want to be treated. Then these ideas about social sustainability will have the power to change. The true power is the spirit energy that is within you. That is the real power to make these changes that need to happen here.
So, we begin a great opportunity for those who can awake to have a great deal of experience in a very difficult environment and your individual life will grow and will become meaningful in ways you can't imagine when you truly go hand in hand with Spirit in this co-creative process. Thank you.
JT: Marthe.
Marthe: Thank you very much James. And thank you very much Machiventa. I would like to ask one additional question on a similar theme to what Tsiu was asking and that is, given the time that we are living in when there's such incredible divisions in the world and where it's often been said, especially in the circles that I work in, that the two twin evils are patriarchy and white supremacy, and now at a time when there's such suffering taking place in Gaza—a place that was of such importance to you and to Jesus (to Christ Michael when he was here as Jesus)—I was just wondering if you have a way to answer that. You've already explained to us many times that the female energy was important to balance out the excesses of patriarchy and male energy in the past, but how do we address the excesses of white supremacy, especially given that those of us in this group represent so much of that. So few of us are from Gaza, Africa, or many of the other places where people have suffered. So I guess I just wanted to ask you, it's a continuation of the previous question, how do we deal with the divisions in the world at the moment given that white supremacy is so often seen as one of the major problems in the world, especially given the support of the reigning democracies in the world, for people who feel that all of that is against the suffering of the people in Gaza. Thank you very much.
MM: Thank you, Marthe. These questions of suffering almost unspeakable horrors are the reflection of rebellion on your planet. This is the legacy of Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia. This is what happens when free will is divorced from Truth, Beauty, and Goodness and it is heartbreaking. We have before us the example of our master who showed tremendous courage in speaking truth to power and who was brutally treated—murdered—as a result. In that example is an unwavering devotion to do the will of his Father as he saw it for himself as he was, and to have the courage to live that even if it cost him his life.
And so that is the example for each one of us as individuals in this time to live our lives according to the will of our Creator as best we can where we are. And then when we get together in a collective sense, at some point we will have the energy to overcome these brutal dramas of unlove, one brother, one sister to another based on false ideologies. There is no other way than love to eliminate this sort of behavior from this world. And if it takes another two or three thousand years to do so, then that's what it takes. It doesn't need to take that long, but there needs to be a worldwide renaissance of spiritual awakening. From our side, we are doing everything possible to make this happen. Now, we need an enlightened group of human beings that we can work with to also begin once again to allow this to happen. So, it does no good for those of us who grew up in the bubble of the global North and enjoyed all the benefits of it, to feel guilty about where we were born, we simply must have this opportunity to appreciate what we've been given, what we've experienced, and want to share with others. So, peace needs to come, but there can hardly be peace in a collective sense until there's peace in the individual sense. And then this peace must attract to itself more and more people and we must put out there an alternative for people to choose a value system based on equality—unconditional equality—not equality based on just within your in-group, but global. And then how would you create all of a society and all the institutions in it. This will take many, many generations, if not many centuries It is not going to happen in our lifetime that we experience much of the effects of this awakening. This is the time and place we are born in. The fact that we can keep our hearts open and feel this incredible pain and suffering and yet move forward with the light of divine love in the midst of it is a tremendous challenge. It's also a tremendous opportunity.
So, this is where we are, this is what we're called to do. And there really is nothing that can be said to those that suffer in the global South, mainly, except that we love you, we hear you, and we are doing what we can where we are to begin to stem the tide of this inequality, this exploitation, and this suffering. And then encourage them to know that they are not separate from their God, from their Spirit. That even in the midst of this they can still begin an incredible journey. We must build alliances across the globe to make this simultaneously happen as a spiritual awakening in many places at one time. This is our challenge. This is our opportunity. Thank you.
Marthe: Thank you so much, Machiventa.
Bob: I've been sending some of these transcripts and things to my family and I've had various results from them. They seem to have different views of course, but generally they have their own philosophies and ideas of things. How can we make the Urantia outlook—the outlook of personal growth of the Spirit within them more palatable? How can we help awaken that spirit within ourselves and within them to better relate to God being within them and growing and developing within them their relationship with Him?
MM: Thank you. Well, the short answer is by the lives you lead and live amongst them. As you become a clear reflection of unconditional, divine love, and as they see this growth happen in you and change you, you'll create in them an opening and an interest for them to perhaps want to know more about what it is that's transforming you because truly, it is only by your love for them, but they will be attracted to begin to ask you what is it that you have found that has made this difference? Words are fine and necessary to convey a message perhaps, but even The Urantia Book in and of itself is no more than a guidebook, a travel guide to a place that some who have been there have come to tell you about. And it may be a place you want to think about going to. And if you are thinking about going to that place, you might want to read about it, find out a little bit about it.
That's about the extent of the value of revelation. And that's simply because you have free will. So truly, the work we do is important, but no work is more important than the inner work you do and the inner growth that you experience to bring the fruits of the Spirit alive in your life so that your fellows can experience them in relationship to you and be inspired by your love to begin their own journey. That is truly our mission as individuals and as a collective: to simply inspire others and offer them ways to get to the starting line. Once they're there, they're running their own way, and it's no concern of ours. But to help them do that, that's a wonderful service.
So, I would encourage you, Bob, to continue to seek within, and then to completely relax about everything that's going on without. Just let it be, and be, in the midst of that, a joyful and loving presence, supportive and serving. It is through service that all these things we talk about come alive, become real, and become effective as a means to help others come to their own awareness of their possible journey.
That really is my closing. It really is all that I can really say to you. There is no external force other than spiritual gravity, perhaps a sense of spiritual pressure, a dialing up or perhaps spiritual frequencies that all impinge upon you but will not make a difference unless you personally choose to go in lockstep with all of these resources. And then you will begin to experience the abundance of the universe, of your creator, and your lives will change. And then you will see your service in this life, and you will be much more efficient, much more effective, and you'll be much better received by your fellows.
So, continue, let us continue this work. It is not for nothing that we do this work. Let us recognize where the true power comes from to do this work, and then let's live together in the spirit of harmony and cooperation as we become a living demonstration of what relationships devoted to the will of God can truly do for peace, for prosperity, to alleviate suffering, to inspire, and to be joyful. To be joyful in the midst of all of this is a wonderful, attractive quality. And not to allow the incredible suffering that is all around us to pull us out of our joy, out of our peace, out of our loving kindness. For if that suffering can do that, there's truly little hope for our world. So, to be centered, strong in the spirit is our challenge as we go about our work. Thank you and good day.
JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you John. We have a quiet group today. We have inner work to do and outer work to do. And you can't just do one or the other, you've got to do them both.