2024-02-24-Preconceptions & Expectations
Topic: Preconceptions & Expectations
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Simeon
Q: I would like when we go into stillness to put out the question, what do we need to do for our collective group purpose, what we can put into the field? What do we need to add to that to make this a dynamic field?
I am Machiventa. We are inspired by your work and the work of various groups to find common connection and a sense of purpose. When you ask what you need to do or what you can bring to the circle, it is, at its very core, a simple, sincere willingness and desire to be connected, to receive what is true, and to know more of the loving nature that characterizes all things of real value throughout the universes.
The two, perhaps, greatest inhibitors to activating and energizing groups of people as you come as a collective, are probably your preconceptions and expectations - misled expectations to be specific. For when you begin in a place where you think you know, it is more difficult to then offer understanding that goes outside of where your beliefs are. So often, in this universe that has had some incidents of impatience and the repercussions thereof, having expectations tends to thrust the energy toward outcomes before the natural evolution of the personalities and collectives toward understanding their purposes and patterns and energies.
As Michael has said to come as a little child to our Father, your sincerity here among you is your greatest strength. We can see this in you, this desire to understand, to do good and to, in this connection, be able to better understand for yourself, but also to provide support and nurturing for your brothers and sisters. So the element that is most effective that you can bring is this sincerity and an openness to the transformation of the dynamics outside of what you might currently perceive as possible. As you open yourself and feel the presence, think about this vision of innocence, this being like a child reaching to their father, their mother, and allow for the communication to bubble up from this space.
Q2: Machiventa are you saying that we should just stay very open and in a receiving mode rather than in any kind of projection, or thought projection, or intentionality, creating intention in a field?
Machiventa: There are steps and each of these levels are part of the process. As you come together, the ability to begin in this place of openness is important to allow all of the excess energy from the communications and occurrences that have been happening in your lives throughout your day to in some degree wash away and to be simply open in that space without expectation. This is the first place of awareness that can then begin to allow the other steps to occur.
The intentionality you speak of is borne from your centering and allowing your soul space - that relationship with your adjuster - to provide the directionality that you speak of, where your intention to be of service, to do good and to be connected are met in that space, allowing for the intention setting and flow to manifest more along the lines of what is perhaps most needed rather than being overly influenced by the various thought fluctuations and turbulent patterns of your day.
Q3: Machiventa, I thought you were talking about letting it bubble up from inside, about being like a little child, coming to the father like a child. What is our intentionality if we come together with our quiet times and with our centering? I don’t know... Some groups have a focus like "stop the steal" or to save the rainforests. Is there a focus we could have that would dovetail with your plans? How do we think about working with you on on that?
Machiventa: The element of approaching like a child would, is more reflective of the innocence and curiosity they have, than having various demands as children can often do. So if you truly want to recognize communication happening at a deeper level, the point of clearing that I mention, this centering, this coming without expectation, allows for a more focused understanding of reality that isn’t quite as admixed with the other distorting factors in your lives.
I know this is difficult to translate through in a way that sounds energetic and alive, but even though the communication style is slow and plodding, recognize that our attitude is energetic and excited due to the degree which you each have already committed to participating in this project. And there are others that may equally join you, just as there are other groups serving as focal points for similar processes. This response this evening is toward the question of what you can do, to put into this, to best bring about the highest manifestation.
As Michael often would take the apostles aside and offer them perspectives that could adjust their focus, what we are suggesting, to let go of preconceptions and expectations to be able to begin in that open place, is one of those suggestions that could allow for a deeper level of awareness if you each trust that the outcome would be beneficial as you spend more time centering, focusing and allowing for the energies to build, connect and flow on the front side, so that on the backside the intentions and directions and flow are more toward the channels of what Urantia needs to come out of this chaotic cycle. In some sense, we are asking you for the "buy in," to go deeper, as you sometimes say, and trust that beginning here will lead toward greater outcomes there.