2024-03-03-Imprinting upon Foundational Love
Topic: Imprinting upon Foundational Love for Personal and Planetary Mind-Memory Transformation
Group: Institute for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael, Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: We come into this circuit of conscious co-creation with you today, Divine Parents and Magisterial Son, invoking the participation of all of our planetary helpers and our universe brothers and sisters who are very much involved in this great reclamation process of this world to return to its divine plans of evolution. You know where we are on this spiritual trajectory. And you know what we need to hold today so that more positive change can occur here that will help this world and all of its residents, including the human citizenry, release the past and be more encircuited into the spiritual energies that are taking greater form and structure on the planet. We ask for your WILL to be done through us today, through your MERCY and GRACE as you weave us together to bring us into that sacred bond of oneness where we operate in the LOVE of our Creator, and hold the space for these changes to occur on our planet. Thank you so much for this opportunity to be of service to you and to our world. We are most grateful.
MICHAEL: Peace be upon you, my beloved children! This is your Father Michael, and I will be leading you through an exercise today before Monjoronson steps and guides the other component of this call today.
You exist in the larger cosmic aggregation of many worlds, which is part of the universe home your Mother and I have co-created for life to evolve. As you know, this world has suffered quite a major setback in its evolutionary trajectory to its ultimate destiny. But this is all being corrected now and you are among the many of those who are participating in this great unfolding for the divine plan to regain its steps of correction for this world. As you know, there are many phases of my plans of correction for Urantia. This is not something that will happen in a single generation. But now, during this particular phase, we can impart more spiritual energies to you because there is more light-space within the system of human consciousness to receive these light sparks that will generate more positive change within you.
I invite you to focus on me. Remember I am your VINE of eternal life and you, each one of you, is a branch of that living vine. As you hold focus today, I invite you to hold space not only over your heart center, but over your heart organ—that physical part of your body that was designed to communicate with the spiritual currents and to add more vitality into your mind-body system, that your bodies may become more enlivened with the vitality of my presence that you need in order to grow.
Expand your focus now so that you are not only focusing on your heart chakra, but also your heart organ. The communication pathways between these two vital parts of your energetic composition is very important to come into higher divine alignment. So feel that need for this to come into greater coherence and allow your Mother and me to move in you now, my beloved children. Partake of my divine nature and allow the energies to communicate into you and to circulate into those areas where your energy systems need my presence, and we begin.
If it is helpful, simply focus on the word BE, B-E as it gently pulses on the two components of your energetic heart system (Pause)
As I share myself with you and as you focus on the word BE, also invite the energies of my presence as Jesus to also imprint into your heart system—your heart center and your heart organ and allow for a two-way directional flow of this endowment to imprint upon you. (Pause)
Your human natures are beautiful to your Mother and me. Drink deeply of our LOVE for you and our value of your human nature. You may more deeply drink of this reservoir of our love and come into deeper appreciation of what it means to be a human and having this dynamic life experience. Invite my experience as your brother Jesus to gently imprint upon you as well so that you are receiving a mighty infusion of my presence as your Divine Father and your human brother Jesus. (Pause)
As we minister into you, I invite you to gently focus on this phrase: IT IS TIME TO CAST OFF THE SHADOWS OF THE PAST AND TO STEP INTO THE REALITY OF WHO I AM; IT IS TIME TO CAST OFF THE SHADOWS OF THE PAST AND TO STEP INTO THE REALITY OF WHO I AM; IT IS TIME TO CAST OFF THE SHADOWS OF THE PAST AND TO STEP INTO THE REALITY OF WHO I AM. As you focus on this, ask for a reinforcement of this word energy language to deepen into you. The presence of the Father in you might be considered the most pristine perfect part of yourself—the gift of PERSONALITY from the Paradise Father Himself.
You have been gifted with something so majestic and profound and it is important for you now, my children, to recognize this deeper component of your intrinsic nature that you may cooperate with your spirit more consistently each day and deepen into the FOUNDATIONAL LOVE that is your divine birthright. Continue to affirm this mighty phrase as your Mother and I minister into you through these circuits of mind and memory. (Pause)
It is no longer necessary for the humans of this world to suffer under the handicaps of time imposed upon this planet by the rebellion influences. This world is ready to rejoin our universe family. The circuits are connected. It is a matter of more people becoming aware of who they are and their rightful divine inheritance that is now underway on the planet. Recognition of this intrinsic spiritual foundation will pave the way for this world to eventually attain its destiny of Light and Life.
The changes we impart through you are part of this reversing of this rebellion influence that has caused so much pain and suffering within the human energy system, particularly in the way the mind and the body have perceived these influences. By focusing on your heart chakra and organ today, you are helping your own inner workings become more receptive to these higher sparks of light, and light that you need in order to regain the foundational structure of your human nature, that you may grow your souls in accordance with the will of the Father within you. So continue to focus as best you can in receiving your Mother and me today, stepping into this greater foundational structure of who you are, that was given to you by the Father in Paradise. (Pause)
Invite these energies to go into the memory system of your mind and body, opening you to a deeper recognition of who you are. Let it strengthen and permeate you. Allow the light saturation to go deep, deep, deep, into your bodies, creating more space within your minds, that you may perceive Father within you with more clarity, increasing your perception of the Father’s LOVE within you. And if you wish to allow these energies to deepen, focus on the words FOUNDATIONAL LOVE, and receive. (Pause)
In a few moments. I will withdraw from you in this manner but as you know, I am always connected to you. I turn this over to my Brother Monjoronson, who will direct the energies you are holding now of FOUNDATIONAL LOVE to engage with the planetary circuits of mind and memory. Continue to drink deeply of the FOUNDATIONAL LOVE that is your divine birthright. Let all things of the past that have held you back fall away as the FOUNDATIONAL LOVE within you gains strength and stature, and brings you closer to the Father’s presence within.
I leave you in my LOVE, my children. Grow in my PEACE and know that I am always with you, even as one age passes into the next, and I withdraw. Good day.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson. It is such a joy for us to witness the internal spiritual lights becoming more enlivened within the human energy system. The spiritual composition of your human nature is indeed opening to new potential for your human spiritual creative abilities.
One day all humanity will be fully engaged in this co-creative process of growing their souls in conjunction with the guidance of the Spirit Within. For now, I encourage you to feel that need for the FOUNDATIONAL LOVE in which you have been created and live to be spread far and wide throughout the circuits of mind and memory, all around the planet.
Your brothers and sisters need more FOUNDATIONAL LOVE. Help them receive this now by simply focusing, not only from your heart chakras, but from your heart organs these words: IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO RECEIVE FOUNDATIONAL LOVE; IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO RECEIVE FOUNDATIONAL LOVE; IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO RECEIVE FOUNDATIONAL LOVE. Let this spiral around the globe and invite it to go deep into the memory circuits of the planet, holding that compassion for your brothers and sisters who are starving for this energy. Feel your love for them, your compassion for those who seek this but do not know where to find it. Hold this is best you can. We may minister in these deeper circuits of the planet and help more of your brothers and sisters recognize their divine birthright of the FOUNDATIONAL LOVE that lives within them. Feel that need for the interference to clear from them that they may become aware of who they are—the sons and daughters of God. (Pause)
It has been very difficult for Urantians to perceive their FOUNDATIONAL LOVE. You who are beginning to taste of this more deeply can hold that intention for your brothers and sisters to open to this as well. The merciful ministrations that are streaming into the planet now are designed to invoke a deeper recognition of the foundation within each person of their right to be who they are as created by the Father in Paradise and to grow into their spiritual potential, which is part of the process of soul growth.
The intention for this infusion today is to help people recognize the spiritual component of their beings, that they may lose their grasp and their focus on the material levels of reality, and to receive the spiritual nourishment their energy systems need that will further empower them to change the direction and course of their lives and be more guided by the spiritual gravity of the Spirit Within.
So do your best to feel that deep intention and need for your brothers and sisters to receive their FOUNDATIONAL LOVE. And if you wish, hold focus of FOUNDATIONAL LOVE into the core of the earth and ask for the memory circuits of the planet to drink deeply thereof the eternal well, the infinite pool of FOUNDATIONAL LOVE. Hold that intention for FOUNDATIONAL LOVE to circulate through the memory system, the human nature, the physical composition of the body, the mindal circuits. Ask for a mighty infusion to pervade the planet that more people may perceive the Father’s presence within them. (Pause)
There are many circuits being repaired as you hold FOUNDATIONAL LOVE. For some, it will seem that they are awakening from a very deep slumber. It will take some time for them to recognize that they are coming out of a suspended type of energy that has held them back. Be patient, tolerant, loving and kind to your brothers and sisters who are going through this phase. Some may have a more gentle time of awakening, but some may be thrust out if this suspended state and be more disoriented. You can help them by simply asking for their FOUNDATIONAL LOVE to grow within them. Connect with them from your heart to theirs, your soul to theirs so that they may feel that you are a trustworthy person who is able to help them.
One of the most important factors of this time of change is for humanity to regain its trust in itself. Trust is a very foundational ingredient in the ability to grow spiritually. You are regaining your trust in the Father in this FOUNDATIONAL LOVE. And as this become stronger, you will find it become equally important to trust your brothers and sisters; to see them as little children who need compassion. So continue to focus on FOUNDATIONAL LOVE for a few more moments as more changes and endowments are made at these deep, deep levels of mind and memory. (Pause)
Take a few moments to shift their focus slightly. Invite Mother’s JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE to ring more resoundingly through these circuits now. Feel that need for your brothers and sisters to awaken to a new orientation to what it means to be alive and to be human. Invite Mother’s presence to ring within you as well, that you may feel more of Her effervescence, lightness of being, the joy of being alive and being an evolving soul. And ask for Her presence to pervade the planet, ringing into the hearts of more individuals, helping their divine presence gently expand in the FABRIC OF LIFE that is your Mother. (Pause)
Join with us now as we elevate our gaze to Paradise. Take a few moments to share your gratitude with the Paradise Creator Deities. Open your hearts with praise and thanksgiving that the divine REFLECTION of FOUNDATIONAL LOVE may more deeply impart upon this planet. (Pause)
As you focus on Paradise, see yourselves standing on the earth plane in the core where FOUNDATIONAL LOVE is pulsing as part of its intrinsic nature. Allow the divine REFLECTION to hold you in this stream of LIGHT and LOVE and LIFE. Ask for the divine REFLECTION of Paradise to be circulated far and wide through the mind memory system of the planet. (Pause)
Grow stronger in your rightful place in FOUNDATIONAL LOVE, my brethren. Invite the energies of your brother Jesus and what He created here on this planet to also engage in you and strengthen you in the coming days. There is a beautiful synergy underway on the planet between the memory system of Jesus and your Spirit of Truth. And I invite you to allow this to penetrate more deeply into you that Jesus may fortify you at a more human level and to nourish your soul and to help your potential become more expressive outwardly into the planet.
We have completed our circuitry objectives for today. Receive our appreciation for what you have held and have shared with the planet. One day you will be able to perceive what it is that you have done to assist in the correction of Urantia to regain its rightful place in the universe of Nebadon. But for now, it is still beautiful unfolding of your faith, and let your faith guide you forward as you become stronger in who you are and receive a deeper knowing within you of the FOUNDATIONAL LOVE between you and the Father and Paradise. Thrive and prosper in your divine inheritance, my brethren, it is and always will be yours. And with that, I withdraw and leave you in His LOVE. Good day.
Link to recording: https://fccdl.in/jfecXSaBcs?st=0