2024-03-04-Machiventa Mission Urantia 6
Topic: Machiventa Mission Urantia 6
Group: Mission Urantia
Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
TR: John Morris
Marthe: God of universes, who indwells our human mind—Thought Adjuster ours—beloved eternal companion, beings of light, Machiventa Melchizedek, Monjoronson, Mother Nebadonia, Christ Michael, all other beings of light known and unknown to us, thank you for bringing us together here on Mondays to be partners and co-creative partners with spirit. Please bless these unions, bless our friends and companions from all around the globe. Encourage us to listen with great care and to start implementing what you are asking us to do. Fill us with wisdom to help unfold divine wisdom on this planet at this time. Amen.
Machiventa: Greetings, this is Machiventa. Again, we get together. We get together in the space that we have created because it is our intention to be here and there is a delight to do so. I know that I and my staff welcome this opportunity to be able to demonstrate that things indeed are changing, that now is a new time, that it is possible to bridge this gap between spirit and mortal, to commune together, and to do the work of our beloved sovereign Christ Michael. In times to come, you will remember this moment and you will marvel that you participated in the cleansing of the rebellion from your Urantia. Your faith will be magnified, and you will go forth from these moments strengthened in your resolve to do the will of the Paradise deities. Many are the wonders that will unfold before you as you traverse the universes in your long journey to Paradise.
You have begun, my children, and though there is much growth ahead of you, do not belittle the humble beginnings here on this world of your nativity. What you are attempting here has seldom been tried for very few worlds in creation have the unique signature of Urantia—a decimal planet, defaulted into rebellion by its planetary prince, defaulted by its material son and daughter, the unique bestowal world of our universe sovereign, and your beginning world where you have set out on the Paradise ascension career for the cause and the creator of all of this on Paradise. In this time of the throes of the rebellion mindset to make a desperate attempt to hang on to the false doctrine of liberty proposed by Lucifer, you have struggled free to find the illuminating truth of spiritual freedom. Without the visible head of a planetary administration to guide you, you have dared to reach out in faith and claim your divine inheritance. Welcome, you daughters and sons of life. We applaud your efforts to express your love for your Creator and your fellow morals. You are a wonder to the rest of creation! You are an inspiration to all who are aware of your efforts to bring the light of truth to this darkened world. All Nebadon looks on and asks: “Will they succeed?” You have come this far by faith. Will you finish the race you have begun? We are here to assist you. We are here to encourage and guide you, but have no doubt; this is your accomplishment, your co-creation with us that you have embarked upon because you decided to be here and contribute to the betterment of your world. You are the ones we have been waiting for. Now is your time. Upon this humble beginning, the foundations of Light and Life are being laid. Even as you stand upon the shoulders of those who have come before you, many will stand upon the work you do and marvel at your ability to see, speak, and be the truth for the welfare of your planet. Please remain at this task in spite of all impulses to the contrary and finish what you have begun, for by your example many in the future will be inspired to persist in their efforts to discover for themselves the divine spirit within and take the first steps in their own Paradise ascension career. Do not underestimate the significance of your efforts. Thank you all for what you are doing and attempting to do. We blanket you with our love and abide by your side always, in all ways as you labor in the harvest of our Creator. Come, let us commune together. Thank you. Now let's talk to one another.
Sal: Yeah, I'm happy to be here and communicate with my fellow mortals of this era, and I guess my question is about what you, Machiventa Melchizedek, are doing to come on this side of the fence and be more in a way of acknowledgement that the circuits are open and that other people who are not in the Urantia movement can recognize this fact that you are actually present here and forming these organizations like Mission Urantia. And I would like to hear what you would have to say about a corporeal staff and the coming of Monjoronson. That is my question.
MM: Thank you, Sal. There are several aspects to this. First and foremost, it is the legacy of not only your planetary Prince Caligastia, but your material son and daughter Adam and Eve to engage in this impulse that is oh so human and also spiritual to want to see a little something more—to try and accelerate the Divine plan. And it's all done with great intention and with ideas that are sincere. Nevertheless, tragedy attends upon this impulse to put more into a pint jar than a pint jar can handle. By this, I mean what makes it possible for each of you to be here today was your decision to exercise faith.
And so it will be that way in the evolution of this Correcting Time until there are sufficient numbers of faith-awakened individuals who could benefit from a corporeal staff of Monjoronson, who could benefit from his presence here. Like fruit ripening on a tree, that time is not yet. These are still the beginnings, and much is left to do before there will be sufficient numbers that can really appreciate and make use of the physical presence of Monjoronson and his staff. You should know that there is much being done to plan for this. There is every effort being made on our behalf—by my staff, by Monjoronson’s staff, by the staff of the archangels, and by the midwayers—to create now this possibility, this spiritual pressure, this increase of spiritual gravity for individuals to exercise their faith and to begin to make these connections. But like a seed put into the ground, it has to germinate, it has to wait for favorable conditions for it to poke itself up through the muck and the mire of the dirt, come above ground, open up, and begin to receive the light. There is an ordained process. We must all be patient.
Sal: But that's a given that you on your side of the veil are doing that.
MM: It is a given.
Sal: I have no problem with the awareness of that, but on our side of the fence here, it's just hearsay or communication or AI it could be. There's a lot of possibilities that exist, but I think you know where I'm coming from and where I think we should be going in the now. And I know the future is always there, but…
MM: I appreciate your passion for this. It is wonderful to behold, and I hope that you can keep it in the face of many disappointments, many setbacks, many achievements, and the whole mix. So now you understand what it's like to be a planetary manager.
Sal: Well, when you mentioned Adam and Eve being here, they requested you to stay longer than the six or seven years that you were with them knowing the problems that they had then and even more so now, that help is needed.
MM: And this help is here. But let me say this: though you cannot see beyond the limits of a human horizon, know that the rulers of the universe, the creators of all of this, see the end from the beginning, and they know what's best for each of us. At some point we must accept this moment and know that it is the very best thing for us in this struggle. To apply more pressure than could be utilized in a good way by individuals here would only, in the long run, set us back. So now you know that each person who receives these messages, who becomes aware of them, and also everyone that does not, is not only indwelt by the spirit of our creator and has a Thought Adjuster, but they also have Christ Michael's Spirit of Truth and mother's Spirit’s Holy Spirit that indwells them. And so, people need time to allow this to affect them so that they can come to a decision. That decision is theirs just like your decision was yours and will forever stand as an achievement in your ascension career that without visible help you were able to exercise faith, you were able to find your indwelling spirit, and you were able to discern truth and align yourself with it.
This is a great achievement. And what the benefit of all this accrues to the Supreme Being, even beings of my status cannot say for sure, although we love to speculate about it. So, we know that we are in the right place, in the right time, doing the right thing when we are at peace with our spirit within, when we seek honestly and sincerely to do the Father's will, and then we simply get up and assume that we are until there's any information to the contrary. There will not be accelerated attempts on the part of your planetary administration to provide visible proof, visible assurance of this planetary administration until there is a maturing of a critical number of humanity to be able to make use of that. To do so prematurely would set our plans back.
Sal: But that was done when you came to Abraham to communicate that fact of the one God concept and you assisted him at that time to get things done in preparation for Christ Michael. And here we are in this age at the same level of what is going on and I think we need more of your help. I mean…
MM: We appreciate that, and from our assessment, this has not risen yet on your world to the level of an emergency that will require an emergency incarnation of myself or Monjoronson to set the tangled affairs of this world in order. We have great faith in you Sal and your contemporaries that given guidance and given support, that in time, what you do here will be sufficient to turn the tides of rebellion, to banish the shadows of the rebellion, and to allow greater and greater revelations of truth on this world until things are right for a corporeal staff and Monjoronson. That will be a great age, it will be a flowering of many of our efforts here today. We are not there yet and so we labor according to Christ Michael and his plans happily, gladly, cheerfully, and whatever doubts that do arise are honest doubts and we entertain that, but we do not move from our position. We stay steady. We have set our course. Think about what The Urantia Book talks about—all these groupings of angels. The angels of progress, the angels of the churches, the angels on and on, the 12 groups of angels and all that they do behind the scenes, unbeknownst to us, unbeknownst to immortals, to till the soil and prepare for this coming day when we can have a Magisterial Mission on this world. There is much that goes on behind the scenes and there's much that we can do. We are not in panic mode, and we are certainly not going to be rushed. Thank you.
Sal: I understand your position and where you guys are, but when say the circuits are open, what does that really mean? What is different in not saying that and saying that?
MM: Okay, let's look at the history here. Over 200,000 years ago, rebellion engulfed this world and your planetary prince joined Lucifer and Satan with other worlds to reject the divine way. Now that has been adjudicated. Caligastia is no longer free to run around the world and create havoc since the adjudication. Now your planet is no longer in quarantine. What that really means in the beginning is that people will begin to respond to love, to truth, to beauty, to goodness. They will begin to question all of the habits that rebellion implanted, all of the mind patterns that people have still in their minds about materialism, greed, violence, and war. And there is an awakening, a worldwide awakening. What needs to happen now is that this awakening needs to be encouraged like when embers have some air blown on them, that it can be fanned into a flame and then we will add fuel to that.
But there is a time for everything, and our time right now is to count ourselves among the agondonters of Nebadon who have, without visible proof, responded in faith to Christ Michael and his plans; not only his personal plans for each one of you, but collectively his plan to bring His bestowal world out of the shadows of rebellion and set it forever in the light of divine love. We are doing just that, and you should be thrilled at this moment to be here and participating in it, and we need to allow, even as you were allowed, time to exercise your faith, to wrestle with your faith, to grow your faith, and so create the noble souls that are no doubt in incubation upon this world for great purposes in eternity. Thank you.
Richard: I have two questions I'd like to ask this time. The first one is Machiventa, how important do you feel it is that we, as an MU team trying to create a co-creative design team, how important is it that we meet in person to make that necessary heart connection, so that we can move forward as a team? The second question is a simple one. Back in 2005 I was told that the Magisterial Mission has begun. I would like to know if I received that correctly. Thank you.
MM: Thank you, Richard, and thank you for your participation and your presence here today. Let me answer the second question first. The Magisterial Mission has begun. Now, one could define the beginning in many ways depending on your perspective, your understanding, and your capacity to receive truth. So, from our point of view, from Christ Michael's point of view, the Magisterial Mission began eons ago on Paradise when Monjoronson as the Magisterial Son began to lay the groundwork for his mission. Now the taking of a Paradise Son of a very high order and down stepping that energy to where it actually has been slowed enough to assume physical form is a process.
Monjoronson is here. He's on the planet in spirit form and he's going through the necessary attenuations of the energy revolutions in his being to prepare himself for the eventuality of incarnating as a physical being on this world. So, from our point of view, the Magisterial Mission has begun. It is in process, and I know from a human point of view you may think the beginning of it is when he physically incarnates here, but much has been done. It began far prior to that event taking place. So, I hope that gives you some clarity on how to think about this. Spirit beings are able to be many places at one time and it's difficult to explain that to beings of your kind, but he's also here so now if you'd be kind enough to repeat your first question, I'd appreciate that.
Richard: My first question is we were trying to create a co-creative design team, the MU board, and the question is how important is it for us to be successful to gather physically in person, to make the necessary heart connections to be successful in our endeavors?
MM: Yes, thank you. Thank you for repeating that for me. In an ideal world we would be in physical proximity to one another. Nonetheless, we are all over this globe and we are working with new technologies so we can do much. But I do think at some time it will be necessary and it would be a wonderful uplift to your efforts to get together in a physical sense and not to work necessarily together, but simply to visit together, to get to know one another, to make this heart connection as you say. That would be a wonderful thing to have happen, and we would like to see that happen. But until it can and until it does, there's ever so much you can do through this technology. It requires a little bit of a different perspective on your parts; your willingness to be vulnerable and to open up at the heart to one another without having that experience of being in physical proximity is a big ask. It's a big leap. But we can do that. We can do that to the degree that we are willing to set aside the mind patterns of separation, of self-interest, and the sensitivities of immature beings who have not yet fully mastered self, mastered their minds, and are not fully self-governing. It provides much for you to work with in terms of seeing in one another where these frailties lie and then being willing to accept them in each other and to act as mirrors for one another. Then when you do have an opportunity to create an event where you can get together physically, you will find intimacy deepening and developing at a rate you would not otherwise be able to do if you'd had the physical meeting first. We do think it's important at some time, and you will get together at some time I have no doubt. And we would encourage that. Thank you.
Richard: Thank you. It's an honor and a pleasure to work with you and be on your team.
MM: Likewise, Richard. Thank you.
Jacques: This is Jacques. You make me smile Machiventa when you say angels in Nebadonia are saying “Will they succeed?” From our view in the Friday team, we say we will succeed because we have faith, and we trust in ourselves and also our link with the celestials in co-creating the future. But as Salvatore said, on this side of the fence, we have also sometime a question like: We want to feel more this spiritual pressure because today on our team we have already a T/R through Daniel Raphael, but we are looking also to have maybe other T/Rs in the future because we're aware maybe Daniel will move and in the team this is important that we try to connect with your team with other Melchizedeks like Sondjah. So, this will be important for us. But in the end, yes, we think today we will succeed, and we will do our part for future generations. This was my comment for today.
MM: Thank you, Jacques. Yes, we would like to see more T/Rs come online. Perhaps one way to deal with that in the beginning is to think about the T/Rs that exist and that produce the transcripts that go out to these lists. And when you are ready, perhaps, ask some of those people if they would be willing to participate in the design team process as a T/R. We would also look to this group of people with this experience to, perhaps, help develop training materials that will hopefully be posted on your website and be available for those who are having experiences they don't quite know how to describe or understand, who are able to connect to spirit, and with a little help, encouragement, and some training would make excellent T/Rs.
We would also encourage each one of you in your quiet time and stillness practice to talk to your indwelling spirit and see if it is in the plans for some of you to also become T/Rs. Not all will, but many can, and many may. And so, we are working behind the scenes to help put together training material for just this sort of thing and we would hope that it would be a focus. But these are early times, and we are still trying to do the proof-of-concept of design teams, find how these ideas of design teams work with human minds, and how we can develop them—and there is some development that needs to be done. It's a high ideal and so we're working through these details with you and when the time is right we will encourage you to function publicly as the design teams and put forth issues that you have put through the design team process so others can see the benefit of it, the wisdom of it, and so that their curiosity can be stimulated and their spirit can recognize truth and respond. Thank you.
Jacques: Thank you Machiventa.
JT: Sal, I was wondering if you ever thought about developing your T/R skills? Maybe that would help you get a feeling of a closer working relationship with the Celestials.
Sal: I have no experience.
JT: None of us did.
Sal: I only have faith in the people who I've experienced myself that they are communicating with celestial beings. I have no proof of that at all. When I talk to other people that are not in the Urantia movement and I tell them about communication with celestials or Magisterial Sons it's like talking to the wall. They don't even understand The Urantia Book much less the concepts that The Urantia Book brings out. It's just like Jehovah's Witnesses going door to door with the Bible. Some people will accept that, and somebody else says “The Bible is nothing, it's just words on paper.” So, there's no proof that the circuits are open that I can manifest to those other people who are not even Urantia Book readers like my family and friends and especially people like Jehovah's Witnesses that have a whole different concept which I'm fully aware of. So, talking like I hear constantly about communication with T/Rs or your indwelling spirit, I personally have no experience in that area. I have faith in that concept, but I have no proof.
JT: Well, I think what I'm suggesting is that you might benefit or appreciate gaining some experience in that yourself no matter what other people might think.
Sal: Believe me, I have tried many times to get into a space and block everything out. I live in the woods as you well know, and I try many times to communicate with my Thought Adjuster and I have not.
Richard: Sal, we're going to start a group that teaches T/Ring, and I invite you at this time and will keep you informed as to when the group is up and running. It's a fairly simple practice and there's some really easy ways to go about it. So, I'm going to encourage you.
Sal: I'll attend. I mean I have nothing better in this life to do than to be that vehicle that communicates to other people my experiences about the truth.
Richard: That's good news.
Sal: Well, I'm always available.
MM: This is Machiventa. Let me just say how wonderful it is to hear your talk amongst yourselves to encourage one another. This is the beginning of a wonderful transition era on your world when people set aside the pursuit of the material to come together and spend their time considering how to connect with spirit, how to help one another with spirit. There is a fairly simple path to do this, and it begins by setting aside time each day, preferably in the beginning of your day before your mind is engaged in the busyness of your day, and seeking within conscious contact with your indwelling spirit. There have been transcripts produced to describe that, so I would suggest you research some of this. Also, a common practice amongst people is journaling. After a while of stillness and worship, of prayer, of listening, take a few moments with a pad and paper and try to just write down the first thoughts that come into your mind without judgment, without interpretation, without even trying to assign them to any particular celestial being. Just write! And now comes the test of all of this, and that is perseverance—because if you will persevere in some form of stillness practice, of journaling, of communing, you will succeed. You will come to a place where, when you read what you journal or when you are sitting in stillness, you know that the presence that you feel is not just something of your own making or your own imagination. And those are real moments in the life of agondonters and those who walk by faith. They uplift, and they encourage, and they inspire. So, wrestle with it, practice it. It would not be something Jesus would have recommended to seek within if it were for naught and you couldn't do it. Thank you.
Sal: Thank you.
Marthe: Yes, thank you very much Machiventa. I've read again this morning and previously the fifth session with John and it is so incredibly beautiful, and there's a beautiful part in it where you talk about the digital libraries of Alexandria and it reminded me of reading once that there was a saying that at the entrance of the library of Alexandria there was something that said: “The place of the cure of the soul.” Which is such a beautiful saying, and it comes back in different ways; Libraries are there for the soul or it's a healing place for the soul. And so, it was lovely to read through your words and have so many things spark and just now when you said, “Will we succeed?” before Jacques so bravely said: “We would!” Again, a whole film came into my mind in one second of people all around the world racing to say, “We are the ones; We can succeed!”
And so, I just wanted to say thank you so much for making contact with us over so many years, inspiring so many of us by having a see of what it's like when one T/R like Daniel stops and another one like John starts—to hear you speak through so many different voices. We are about to start a design team with Vicky. And listening to Sal earlier, I was just thinking as well, Sal, that so many of the questions about the corporeal stuff that circle in your mind are probably ones that you have to sit daily with in conscious contact and ask for guidance about your role. Chris Maurus has been wanting to share with us the 13 step conscious contact method that he received in T/Ring and that he would like to teach. [1]
I think it's so clear that all of us think, I'm just so grateful because every time I listen to Machiventa, you tell us the same thing—you tell us to spiritualize ourselves, spiritualize our societies, and to start groups with others to see if we can do things better when we do them together using the values. So, it's so clear that we've been taught what to do; we just have to sit down daily, do our conscious contact, do the design teams, wrestle through them (slow as they are), and find solutions for all of us. So, thank you so much. I'm so grateful that I've had so many years of listening to you through different voices. Thank you.
MM: Thank you Marthe. Now, as you experience this for yourselves, imagine us putting together an organization where this information is not only vouchsafed for future generations, but organized in such a way that is available to people that have questions, that could go into this digital library and type into the search bar “corporeal staff” and find transcripts that deal with that to help them gain more information, that could within this digital library type in “conscious contact” and receive transcripts that deal with just this to help them.
Now I will share with you what This One has done because he's okay with it—he said fine—but he did just that. After years of journaling, he came across those 12 transcripts that Chris has laid out on how to achieve conscious contact and read them and then reread them and then literally sat down during his stillness practice and literally practiced those steps, actually wrote out intentions and asked for guidance, asked to be assisted and he achieved greater awareness of his indwelling spirit, and it was not that long afterwards when I asked at the PMG gathering to have more T/Rs that he took a leap of faith and said yes.
So, this material is useful. This material deserves your attention, and we would encourage you when you feel so moved to examine this material and to continue your growth for what we are doing here together (I think it was your astronaut Neil Armstrong who said: “That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” or something to that effect. And we are doing the same thing. We are taking baby steps here, but one day these baby steps will result in a huge leap forward for humankind, and what we do here together with one another today and leave this trail of light not only in visible websites and transcripts and things for people to pursue, but literally in the energy of this world, we are blazing a trail of light around this globe that people will feel and people will become curious about. It will affect them in ways they don't understand, but they'll begin seeking. They'll be drawn to what we are doing here today, and this will go on for many generations. So be grateful for this opportunity, but also take time to see it from our perspective and how big a deal this is even though you may feel it's nothing. You will never have proof like a scientist where you can lay love on the table and say: “Here is love.” You can never put love in a balance beam and weigh it, yet you cannot deny the reality of it in your own personal experience, and you know it's true, you know are loved, you know you are loving. And so, it is with the spirit. It is really a proof that you can only have through your personal experience, and like your text says, you will never be able to prove it to another, but no one will ever be able to disprove it to you.
So, rejoice and be exceedingly glad that we are here in this moment together and that we will grow into the light forever together, making real in our life of service to those who lack perhaps the courage or the motivation to strike out into the wilderness like Lewis and Clark. But what they did in their explorations, you are doing now in a spiritual sense, and many will follow in this trail of light that you are blazing. And because of that, a great acceleration will happen in our system, in our constellation, in our local universe, in the settling of this segment of creation in Light and Life. So be proud, be grateful, and rejoice. And by all means, let the joy of what you are achieving here today spill out and affect those around you. Let them know your happiness. Let them wonder at your positiveness, at your calmness, at your clarity. And so, without knowing it, in that moment you are affecting them and continuing this work with us that we will build a more and more visible experience for people to interact with and to explore, and it will benefit this world immensely. Thank you.
Cheryl: Thank you so much. Thank you so much Machiventa for all of your help in these trying times that we're living in. That's for sure. We need all the help we can get. I think these are extremely exciting times for all of us with the opening of the circuits and the adjudication of the rebellion. I can't stop talking about it on social media with everybody I know, but my biggest problem seems to be those that are already believers in The Urantia Book with the whole channeling concept. Is there a better way we can refer to this rather than using that word because they seem to really have a problem with that word. But even still, I've made a little bit of headway with a couple of people and it seems to be working a little bit, but that seems to be the biggest problem for me with those that are already Urantia Book readers who, you would think, could believe it more so than those even out in the world because we have this whole wonderful revelation. But they don't think that it was done through channeling, and they get really upset with anyone saying such a thing. But that's my main question that we have. But at the same time, I'm also just extremely grateful to have an opportunity to get to help other people understand what is happening on our world right now, and that all the chaos they see around them is going to be taken care of and we all have nothing to worry about. We have so much anxiety and mental illness and all these things rampant, and it's so comforting when I hear you talk and when we heard Christ Michael come in the other day, oh my goodness. Excuse me. [Overwhelmed by joy.] I just want people to know.
MM: Yes, yes, yes. We also want people to know. It is our passion to be here, to support and guide, and to make it a part of a beginning awakening on this world to allow people to have this experience of conscious contact. Now when you speak to people in the Urantia movement, [it might help] if they would really study their text and not just portions of their text that they feel resonate with them but push their boundaries. Right In paper one talking about God, we start with the biggest, widest possible picture, and we start from Paradise and the revelation comes down to Urantia. There is much in that first paper that talks about the indwelling spirit, that humanity is indwelt. And so, one of the big revelations of The Urantia Book was to make clear this idea that humanity is not separate from their creator, from spirit. And that is the big shadow that the rebellion casts over the minds of human beings right now. That is what Lucifer attempted to do—to create separation. And he succeeded for a long time. Now we are here to announce the good news, to set the spiritual captives free as Jesus used to say, that you are not separate from our creator, that you are indwelt by the spirit of the First Source and Center. You have a direct line of communication to the source of everything. And so, The Urantia Book readers, especially those who have come to this revelation from a mindset of allowing holy books, a particular holy book to be their authority and then just grafting that mindset onto The Urantia Book.
And so, while it's an improvement, it's also a limitation because The Urantia Book is not infallible, it even says so in it. But for those who have a mindset that they want to just stay with that, that's comfortable for them, this is now their new holy book and it's the Word of God—Truth. Then they need to read that holy Book then a little closer, and study about the Thought Adjuster because it is seeded throughout that book on almost every page, almost every chapter. On average, about every three pages it mentions the concept of the indwelling spirit. It's a huge attempt on the part of the revelators to awaken people to this fact that they have a connection, they can experience it, and it is not separate from them. Then you look at the restated gospel to Jesus and the end part of that book where, through the example of his life, he went apart every day to have just a little talk with his Father in heaven, to commune with His Spirit. His teaching that the kingdom of heaven is within, his parable on finding the pearl of great price in the field and selling all that one has to go acquire that field. All this now in the light of the Urantia revelation can be seen of Jesus trying to, in his day, impart this knowledge of the indwelling Spirit of God to his followers in a way that they could receive it. And now it's been gloriously restated in The Urantia Book. It needs to be illuminated in that book. It needs to be studied in that book so that people can start to have a personal experience with this conscious contact because that is really a huge leap in the experience of individuals, and it will open so much of their mind to other possibilities.
So, their reluctance with the idea of channeling is partly because in the beginning, the Sadlers were very much involved with debunking seances and spiritual people in their day who were saying they were in contact with spirit beings. There was a great deal of chicanery that went on around that at the time of the revelation and then the history of a sleeping contact person and of them asking questions. Lo and behold in the morning there were papers written out with answers. It was very difficult for them to put that information out there in a day when the spiritual contact, seances, fortune telling, and all that was popular, but it also received a great deal of ridicule and skepticism from the mainstream media. And here's just how fast the divine plan can be delayed and derailed by not being willing to talk about that, by not being willing to put that out there and instead assuming that this book with its restated gospel of Jesus would be readily received by the churches of their day, that they were so willing to attenuate their experience for what they thought would surely be a rehabilitation of the Christian Church. Well, it didn't work out that way for them, and many of them have remained kind of stuck on this place of wanting to rehabilitate Christianity as if that is the major mission of the Urantia revelation, instead of seeing that the only way religion progresses is through the personal evolution of its adherents—not to any new, rehabilitated, restated, upgraded statement of ideology, theology, or dogma, but through the individual lives of its adherents.
The Urantia Book talks a great deal about this concept of man being indwelt by the spirit of its creator. And now the Teaching Mission came along, and the early times of the Teaching Mission was really to emphasize this point and to try and grow mature spirit believers so that then more knowledge could be imparted. Some of us are old enough to have been around in those beginning times, others of us have studied it and have been the beneficiaries of these transcripts on contact and stillness. And so, because there has been a nucleus of people that have benefited from that, we're here at this moment to now work on enlarging the capacity of spiritualizing mortals to receive even more. So now we put out there the ideas of seven values that can be used and worked with in a non-religious sense to help people overcome their differences and begin to think about and envision a way of working together, overcoming differences, and setting aside the position taking that leads to competition, strife, and violence, but using the seven core values that can bring them together and begin to have everyone get what they want which is peace, which is growth, which is a quality of life.
And so, little by little, this revelation moves forward and not everybody that comes in contact with it or is touched by it will continue on with it. They'll find what they can deal with and take from it what helps them, and they'll sit with it. And it may not be until they are repersonalized on the Mansion Worlds that they'll continue on in a more direct fashion and growing. But here there is this nucleus of people who possess this material not only physically because they're in possession of this information, but because they have processed it; they possess it through personal experience and are still willing to be moved by spirit and to work hard to make this information available to others.
It's through evolution that this world will achieve Light and Life, and though revelation will augment that process of evolution, there will be no revolution of spirit that will do things in a sudden way. That would actually destabilize the hearts and minds of the inhabitants of this world if they are not ready to receive it. Freewill will be respected, and we can work with that and as long as we have a nucleus of people willing to cooperate with us and put our plans into action, things will get better and one day it will be a critical mass and then things will get better much faster. Thank you.
Cheryl: Thank you so much, Machiventa. I really do agree that papers one through five are exquisite, exquisite reading and I know a lot of people really put their stock in those, but I hope by sharing this transmission with many others that they can see your point of view as well and it will soften their hearts. I know that this mission will be successful in the long run, and it will take a period of time. It's not just going to happen overnight like you've said before. So, thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
MM: Yes. And remember the teachings of Jesus when he said, those who aren't against you are for you. So, our brothers and sisters in the Urantia movement are very much a part of our family of agondonters, of people that we look to help support and grow this ever-increasing awareness of spirit within, of humanity as being connected at the most intimate level to our creator and to Christ Michael. And so, hold them dear in your hearts. Pray for them and do not strive with them but love them with a deep and abiding love. Things will come together in ways that you cannot see right now for the good of all. Thank you.
JT: Well, thank you Machiventa, and thank you John.
MM: If there are no further questions, I will once again express my appreciation and gratitude for this time that we can get together and spend together. It means so much to me, to our staff, to all our efforts that we are doing to know that there's reception in the hearts of another generation of mortals and that we can work together co-creatively to bring about the plans of our sovereign Christ Michael. Thank you, and good day.