2024-03-07-Micro and Macro Awakenings
Topic: Creating a Gateway, a Portal
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa, Jonathan
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I stand in gratitude for this process and extend my willingness to serve in the capacity of liaison.
Machiventa: Certainly this pathway back to spirit is well traveled and so it may be traversed quickly, easily, by this replaying the steps and retaking the journey. Now in keeping with formula and standard, I am happy to respond to the signal to call class to order once again. I am Machiventa, pleased to return once again for our regularly scheduled opportunity, the scheduled chance that is provided for us to come close together and bask in the glow of the circuitry that has been established and created and maintained that allows us to enjoy the benefits of these energetic fields which are the circuitries we’ve created.
I am Machiventa and once again eager to fellowship with you about how it is going, how it is going in your own lives individually because as just has been mentioned, one grand aspect to this entire plan moving forward is the individual ascension, the individual growth and direction that becomes the reality, the truth, the goodness, and the beauty. This entire ascension career project before you is accomplished on the individual and micro scale as a necessary component to the grand awakenings which occur when there are tipping points of growth that cause a great expansion of awareness. But progress in the ascension career is dependent upon the desire, the willingness, the action, the choices, and the intentions of all of the parts of the whole. Invariably all of the parts are seeking the same Creator, the same whole to belong to.
When considering large scale growth patterns, the changing of cultures and societies, the changing of stages even into an age such as Light and Life it is important to realize that when enough parts of the whole come to a greater degree of awareness this will shift the consciousness of the whole, thus the significance of the part, of the piece, of the aspect of the whole. Such a responsibility falls to each and every one, such a responsibility to grow your own internal spirit garden and to condition it through your experience to be more and more perfect, more beautiful.
It is good to reflect that while you are sensing the magnitude of changes impending before you as an individual, as a race, as a culture, recall that the large and significant changes occur when significant pieces of the whole have grown in awareness to be able to embrace the higher truths. With such a tipping point being reached, great changes can manifest quickly and easily but none of these changes are brought or forced from on high. They literally occur from the grassroots level, all of the little individual pieces of the whole. The reunion of the First Source and Center and all of the fragments thereof is dependent upon the willingness and the intention and the choices of all the fragments to come together, to come back together and all of this diagramming of the bigger picture should bring you back around to perhaps redefining your individual roles, your unique specific call to duty and perhaps reconsideration of the significance that each part has. It may be determined that is where time may be best spent in the overall picture.
It is always admirable to desire to reach out and affect change for another in regards to sharing the goodness of spirit you have come to know and there is always significance and relevance in witnessing and sharing your perspective acquired through your faith; but in the final analysis, it is not your responsibility to save the world or save others, they are being well cared for just as you are. Rather, the one to save, the one to grow and nourish and foster is within the evolving soul, the eternal aspects of your being. This is the prize, this is the goal, this is the gift you give back to your Creator. This is most worthy of any devotion of service and would honor the intentions of your Divine Parents in the process.
Your Master attempted to direct the focus of His followers to focus on the kingdom of heaven within. The real prize that you are growing, that you are the custodian of and that you are creating is within. That is where spirit focus should be concentrated rather than looking abroad, looking outside for spirit confirmation. The far more secure connection may be had, spanning the least amount of distance to your Inner Guide. This has been a reoccurring theme recently in the lessons provided through a number of sources. This message of the enhanced significance of your forging a connection to your Onboard Partner is a message brought forward with some greater sense of significance and meaning, that is, the conditions that exist for making such a connection have never been more favorable.
The circuitries have been conditioned to be compatible and closer to sense. This is the part of our sharing that comes from on high, if you will, these messages of assurance, of changing conditions, of spiritual pressure applied and the resulting growth observed. These are aspects I can share with you from my perspective so you may see certain effects of spirit in the communications we enjoy. This may stand in contrast to the effects felt in spirit within. The sensation of spirit contact may be slightly different, the one being experienced of contact with an external individual source and the other being contact with your Portal Within, to divine source, directly without participation of any third party or personality. This distinction of different source takes some experience, some getting used to. My message tonight involves relaxing into these different avenues of connection as if you choose to throw the switch, as if you decide to make this call or make that call and make the connection real as is your intention.
When wondering how to spread the love, how to be in service to others and what the best method might be to do so, consider that the best possible message you could send is an expression of the goodness, truth, and the beauty that you have come to know in your spiritual exploration. Become the goodness, the truth, manifest the beauty that you can perceive, literally become that which you would share. There is no more powerful expression of one’s faith than to live it and present the example of what living your faith manifests as by your choices and your intention. Transform your being into a more perfect version because it is your choice to do so and as such this great act of service not only aids in your individual ascension career, but stands as an example of what love can do, what choosing love can manifest.
I perceive that all of the faithful students in class have once again sat through being preached to as the choir, so to speak. Much of what we go over in class is certainly not new to you but it does serve to remind and refresh with perhaps an elevated perspective each time. Thank you for the opportunity you provide in your willingness to participate in such an exchange, to keep the lines of communication open, to foster this avenue of approach for continued use. I remind you all that all is well and that it is getting better with time. It may be difficult for you to appreciate the magnitude of any such statement but I assure you, in the grand picture, great progress is being made with all of the aspects of the whole becoming awakened and seeking for the light. The conditions are indeed favorable and success will surely follow. Farewell until we meet again.
Jonathan: Just a little more before you go, I am Jonathan, here because I can. So pleased to remain part of this circuitry and be able to continue to fellowship with you as we have enjoyed in the past. Whether in material form or even now in spirit form we share this circuitry, this fellowship, this connection. In fact, it’s easier and easier the further away from mortal you get to have these lines of connection, of communication, of connection to the whole as may be your desire to make it. This improved circuitry that has been referred to is of great significance in this time/space experience. Such a tweaking of the circuitries enables far greater and easier connectivity and the frequencies have been turned up. This advent of easier connection is a great gift from Michael and Mother who provide you with this resource as they provide all that you have need of.
So in recognition of this great act of grace I stand in gratitude for the effects of this grace, accessed through faith and embraced through the intention. Observing how all these growth rings happen, it is inspiring to see how the driving force behind all of this growth, this discovery of truth, beauty, and goodness is all driven by this grand overall force of love. Love is the creative force, the guiding force, and the ever present centering force. It’s really quite simple and it is a glory to behold the manifestation of love in motion. Such a ride, such a life, such a series of lives, such a grand set of experiences charted before us left to unfold as we so choose. Let us always seek to follow the love, to let love lead, to confer with love as to a direction to go. What would love do and then to act in love, with love. When considering the real objective it should be easy, simple and basic. Just love, pursue love, find love, be love, become love, express love and contribute your aspect of love to the First Source and Center, polished and refined throughout your experience. Let it be so. Enjoy for the opportunity to be a purveyor of love, a participant in the flow of love, an instrument of the peace, the peace and the love of your Divine Parents.
I cherish the opportunity to be an instrument of peace. I know you all do as well. You are registered and known to be instruments of peace and you may be entirely unaware at times of your service and your significance but I assure you, no act of love is ever lost. It is a service rendered as you are becoming fully aware. It’s a joy to share this opportunity with you and to join you in the exploration of spirit and service and self. Thank you for allowing my contributions in the forum. I appreciate the opportunity to fellowship once again. I will avail myself of opportunities to keep this dream alive, this vision of connection, communication, and fellowship. Be at peace, even enjoy, and we will meet again as conditions are favorable. I take my leave with gratitude for the opportunity. Until we meet again. Farewell.
Mark: Thank you Jonathan, thank you Machiventa.