2024-03-14-Rungs of Attainment
Topic: Rungs of Attainment
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: We seek divine truths and realities, that is what we seek in gratitude for the connection, in gratitude for being a part of the whole and this gratitude ushers us along the way, conditions our approach to spirit and refines our priorities and objectives by utilizing the lens of gratitude. So be it, even now. We engage in gratitude for this moment, this gift of grace, this embrace from on high. Thank you, thank you.
Monjoronson: I feel the sincerity of your offering to join you and share, to commune with you in spirit and I am more than eager to join you in such an exercise once again, I am Monjoronson. I have not been as frequent a visitor to many groups because I have been engaged in preparations for my next mission and I’m here to remind you that you as well have been engaged in preparations for our next mission. Consciously and with awareness you move forward in the direction of preparing the garden, as it were, preparing the stage for my arrival by conditioning the environment into a more and more divine infused truth, goodness, and beauty.
This is always accomplished through the advent of communion with higher spirit frequencies, more divine frequencies that you seek in your process of growth. Individually, these rungs of attainment are felt on the greater scale as well when enough of the individual parts develop an overall group consciousness of higher meanings and values, then a great shift may occur, this great shift as a result of the tipping point being reached and the truth becoming dominant and pervasive throughout once accepted by enough of the individuals, the parts of the whole. This is the juncture in this time/space arena that we find ourselves, this episode of creating by growing and becoming greater and more spiritualized beings, each individual one comprising the overall wave that is transpiring even now.
You who come to seek for answers as to how to participate and even serve in this mission of Michael and myself, you who come to seek direction and purpose in this time always tend to think in terms of effects you might have on a grand scale, effects to the big picture with enduring and consequential effects evident even in your lifetime. We must be clear that the acts of service are yours to give, the results of your service are God’s. Therefore, your desire to be of service to the grand operation or the individuals involved is noble and honorable for your desire to serve your fellow man, but I would assure you that at all times, at any time, every time, it is appropriate for you to also be providing what amounts to self care, service to the self, treating the self with the compassion, respect, and caring that you might so freely offer to another with the intention of service. This effort to become a more perfect piece, a more divine fragment of the whole is an opportunity that only you can seize. Only you can provide this service to the self and in so doing create a stronger partner on this team of ascension, a stronger player on the field of spirit. This is only attained by the directed intention of the self, for the self. Often times this final step amounts to demonstrating the same love for yourself that you would so willingly show for another. It’s that simple and basic and yet essential to the balance of where to appropriately direct your desire to be of service.
This opportunity that you provide with this forum for exchange is a wonderful example of a demonstration of your faith in action, your faith to establish and create connection. All spirit is contactable and this is the principle you use to explore and investigate how to utilize this connection and what other connections come to you by virtue of your membership in the family of man. I say that at this point in the evolution of this world, that exploring and discovering connections and circuits available to you is the saving grace of Michael’s bestowal world. Connections and feeling connected has been so impaired on this world; with the severing of the circuits the quiet was overwhelming. The connection that was always a potential to find the Inner Voice within and connect with that Fragment of God within was put into great doubt with the closing of all circuitry to impose quarantine.
My mission at hand, our mission in service to Michael, is to announce the change in reality as regards to the ability to establish and maintain and sustain circuitries once again between contactable spirit beings. This platform that you provide has been an example of how to go about bridging this gap and building these circuits and accessing these connections. You have been diligent for some time in developing process and fine tuning the approach until it is quite effective individually for all of you. Now it is our mission to bridge this gap of possibility and potential and manifest this as truth, as beautiful and as good and consistent with the will of your Divine Parents. Such the turning of a page will reestablish communication and reclaim the isolated world of Michael’s incarnation and reestablish all manner of connection and circuitries, old and new. What was a hidden potential of finding your Indwelling Guide while in the mortal flesh, we are here to share the glad tidings that such a restriction is no longer in play and that whosoever will may find this connection, may identify this connection, and the pursuit of such a connection brings the inevitable results of connection.
So as you can see through my description, we have been engaged in preparing for this mission for some time and anticipate there being more time required before reaching the tipping point for spirit acceptance. Spiritual pressure being applied is causing many to seek for higher ways and greater truths. This provides the opportunity for them to be exposed to this new level of spirit awareness, this new age to come where mortals of the realm are living a life in realization that they are but the mortal avatars for the eternal spirit and the fragment of divinity housed within them. This concept will be embraced, this truth will become reality and I offer you as part of the crew of ascending mortals. I credit you for your long standing dedication and express the gratitude for all on our side for your devotion to return in faith and keep such energy fields alive, maintaining such connections as proof that it can be done. It is done, and you are the proof that it is so.
Your example will be followed by many as you form the path of approach that others may follow, only to customize their approach and diversify what they have to offer the Supreme. I honor the efforts of my teammates and I assure you that such a mission is spirit based, therefore it is not limited in any sense to your physical presence and in fact gets easier and easier to navigate the less dependent your spirit is on any physical vehicle. I appreciate the opportunity and the time we spend together simply experiencing each others energies. Experiencing the characteristics of these energies determines identification and association of energy with personality.
Be in peace about this process before us and be as patient as you can muster. This project is certainly long term, requiring the energy input from innumerable sources for enough time that the tipping point of awareness is reached and then the new truths will reign, the new goodness will be present and this plan will transpire as it represents the will of your Creator. It is only the advent of time that stands between current circumstance and divine pattern represented. Such a desire from on high invariably becomes real, is made real through faith. On the way to becoming more divine pattern, there is the growth and adjustment of all the pieces to become better and more effective at representing divine truths.
I will now allow this space which I have so thoroughly enjoyed, for use by others. It is a cherished platform and so I would share. Thank you for allowing my input. We will, of course, commune together later. Farewell.
Question: Monjoronson, you say all spirit is contactable. I have heard it said that we are spirit beings having a material experience and I’ve also heard that we don’t become spirit until we leave for our universe ascension from Salvington. I’m wondering if it is something like all sincere questions are answered, they just might not be answered in this lifetime. How does that relate for say a deceased relative and contacting them. Does that mean I am not a full fledged spirit and they aren’t either? How exactly does that fit in?
Monjoronson: Thank you for your question, Monjoronson here to respond. You are correct in your assumption about the response being in its own time, so to speak, not necessarily relevant to your experience in time and space but based more on your spirit stature, the degree of spiritualized being that you have become. This is determined by your Indwelling Guide who provides this gateway and this gateway of contact to any other spirit entity is based upon your level of spirit attainment and the corresponding level of spirit attainment of the one you wish to contact. Your spiritual attainment is solely based on your intentions for it and while that is true in the normal course of evolution on a world such as this, the presence of the Father Fragment within has not been promoted by those who would seek to speak for God and in this way create a sense of needing to use an intermediary to be able to contact spirit.
This notion of lords or gods or priests that could provide this step for you where they could speak for God to you so that you may hear it and perceive it, this necessarily limits the option for individuals to individually approach divine source and to seek divine spirit individually, privately, and most successfully. This potential has long since been downplayed and now with the changing of the conditions in the environment, spirit connectivity is now augmented and this again is the good news of our message. The dawning of the age of connection, the greatest connection of which to be celebrated is the connection each individual has to their Divine Fragment, that is the portal through which all spirit growth, all spirit attainment, all spirit activities will be directed through this Divine Portal.
So to perhaps come around and answer your question a little further, when it comes to developing spirits and their mortal lives, there is this great deal of uncertainty about the magnitude of the spiritual being, the level of growth of the individual spirit being. Many times the mortal circumstance does not provide sufficient opportunities to individually spend the time in service to the self to build the strong character of a strong spiritual being. It is required to go 'work out' if you intend to build up your strength and likewise it is required for you to return to spirit so that the path is well worn and easy to follow. There will always be great difficulty in reconciling that time is absolutely essential in this growth process and what is so fascinating about your individual experience is that you begin entrenched in the march of time and it imposes itself on you in the mortal condition and it necessitates the changing of form to accommodate your growth into more and more of a spiritualized being.
The fact that you start out in the paradigm of time and experience the effects and the growth established as a result of the experience of time may cause you to cherish what seems to be such a slow slog, in fact, it is but a slice on a very long timeline. As a developing spirit being, time will have less and less impact on you, be less relevant in your growth, but this concept of living in this material time/space environment provides you with such grand opportunities for growth, although it may be seen at times as a great deal of material challenges to overcome. But to one who knows the game is spiritual, the rewards are in spirit, then the actions of the material become more meaningful or purposeful and more fluent with divine frequencies.
Thank you again for this opportunity to try to express in terms of spirit the distinctions and differences between what you experience in the mortal realm.
I wish you all satisfying journeys ahead, happy trails if you will, because overall this is meant to be an expression of love manifest. Your life, the experience of each and every one, is an opportunity to manifest as one who is familiar with divine meaning and purpose. Continue to shine your light and anchor it to your world that it may be a conduit, that it may be directed from on high to your beacon to be sent out to your connections, your circuitry of connections. Peace be with you. The joy of Michael be upon you as we are engaged even now in service to Him. Until we have an opportunity to fellowship again it has been a distinct pleasure. I now take my leave in gratitude. Farewell.
Thank you.
Mark: Thank you Monjoronson, haven’t heard from you in a while. That was a treat reminding us of our common mission at hand.