2024-03-14-The Fabric and Tapestry
Topic: The Fabric and the Tapestry
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Aurelia
TR: Simeon
(T/R1) Brothers and sisters, the yin and yang, the duality, the blending of seemingly opposing forces into a unified sense of awareness about the universe and its functioning. Much of the effort you undergo as you walk along the spiritual path, is this recognition of contrasts and how they play a part in finding a clear way forward that allows those elements which can provide benefit to be absorbed into your field, into your consciousness, while not necessarily ignoring the other elements. This is like an explorer clearing the way forward, utilizing the beneficial tools and moving aside those aspects which cannot serve your purposes.
Often as you view the world, you do not consciously recognize how you synthesize and coordinate all of the various elements so you can create a positive functioning in the world, but the true spiritual explorers have realized that progress occurs by movement, by recognizing all of the various elements and making choices to create the most beneficial outcomes in your perspectives. When you find yourself stuck, paralyzed, not certain what to do, most often this is the result of losing sight of the underlying cohesive intention that is the fabric of our Universal Parents that can keep you focused and moving forward. The parts of the world currently languishing are, in large part, a result of this loss of focus. Even the stalwart souls, such as yourselves, have times when you question what is valuable and whether anything really matters or will make a difference.
But as you reground yourselves in the connective process of stillness, questioning, seeking answers and taking action, then this underlying spiritual influence works in consonance with your processing, with your seeking and acting, to bring about greater perspective and new opportunities and potentials. This is why a child living in the slums of India can find its way forward and grow spiritually. This is why someone in a war torn country who has lost family and friends can continue to apply themselves and forge a new way forward. This is why those who might have moments of doubt, of questioning, dark nights of the soul, so to speak, can find threads of possibility that, when grasped and followed, allow them to proceed out of the darkness and back into the light.
So understand all you are experiencing is ammunition, is fodder, are elements of that which inspires the true seeking souls, the children of God, to manifest and find paths forward that build patterns, that create the vision of what you are ultimately moving toward, a place where all of the superfluous has been cleared away and the paths more reflective of this hard fought... destiny. All of the work that has been done, by all of the people that choose to do it, creates what we're longing for, which is, ultimately, this light and life destiny.
(T/R2) Dear friends, the tapestry my colleague was speaking of is built upon the small choices each of you make day by day, those small choices that are intentionally lifting you upward, those small choices that turn away from being in pain, from being angry, from being frustrated. When you turn away from the bad and turn towards the good, that creates the stepping stones that creates the tapestry of hope that we all wish for you to begin manifesting. That tapestry then becomes the ceiling by which other people who have observed your behavior can link and attach themselves and their own hope to other colors in that tapestry that you’ve provided through your vision and through your choices that were made, as I mentioned, day by day.
Some choices are big. They become larger pieces of the fabric, as it were, that make more dimensionality to the tapestry itself. So we encourage you to continue to make those small and large choices day by day, turning away from the frustrations, turning towards the Father, turning towards light and life, turning towards hope, making those choices every day whereupon you focus your attention on the good, on happiness, on being well, when many of your colleagues and other humans are choosing not to be. That is the difference. What you choose and what you focus on is what creates the tapestry of hope that we are all alluding to today, that you are creating by your choices. This tapestry also becomes activated energetically whereupon other people feel the need to reach into that color zone, into that energetic field of hope, as was mentioned about the Comicon Conference in Seattle. Many people are frustrated and tired of being so negative and hopeless.
Therefore, our wish for you is to continue to shine a light on the proper foot steps, on the proper foot path that is made from day to day. For example, how you respond to people in your environment when you’re out in the world, going shopping, getting gasoline for your car, saying hi to your neighbors. If you can take a moment to lift up your own energy, that is adding to the positive tapestry. We wish for you all to be more consciously intentional with that thought process so that you turn away from the negative and turn towards creating the tapestry of light that surrounds you. We thank you for your participation in this.
Q: What was said earlier about the fabric, that one really got me somehow, emotionally and thank you so much for that because that’s what I’ve been doing today is fighting some sadness that keeps getting a hold of me and I don’t know why and I keep having to choose differently, to feel differently, and that was really good to hear because that is what our battles are.
(T/R2) We each create a different color. We have our own unique voice and personality to add to that beautiful matrix, the fabric of light and life. Those thoughts create an energy field and the energy field then becomes magnetically attractive, such that other positive thoughts will connect to them. The difficulty currently, is that the more you, as individuals, grow and evolve in your consciousness, the more psychically, unconsciously, aware you become of the energy differentiation. It feels the same as if you are in a pool of water whereupon you will feel a warm thread or wave of water wash over you and then there are cold waves that come across your field. It is also the same in consciousness and in the energy field.
So by creating positivity, you’re creating a matrix of light and life. This is fundamental to assist pulling others out of their negative habits and becomes a magnetic attraction that others come to and towards. We wish for you to understand that not only do you have your own thoughts, but you are becoming more sensitive to magnetic fields around you, such that the negatives are also apparent. Part of your growth and progress is going to be to learn how to differentiate what is within you versus what is without, so to speak, what is outside of you that you are also attuning to. What we wish for you to consider is that when you’re having a wave, as it were, of sadness or negative emotions, that you are feeling your center and asking yourself, is this me, or is it just something that I’m picking up in my environment? As always, you are to reach out to us at any time through your stillness practice and as your stillness practice grows, then you’ll be able to continuously dialogue without going into stillness. Be aware this is already occurring with many of you. We thank you again for your attention.
Q: Aurelia wants to talk about free will.
(T/R3) Aurelia: Hello my friends. This topic was brought up between you last week and there is much to learn about free will on a wild free will planet such as yours. Everything is a go. Although we do have guidelines in place, the human has enough to experience that they don’t even notice. You are all well cared for and your free will choices, although they can be harmful to you and to others around you, they are for learning. Choice making is what free will is about.
What makes you choose something over another? This is interesting because with free will there is no absolute answer to anything. Humans start out as little animals like tardigrades who can experience anything and it's like a population of moss or bacteria or something. It's like there are so many minds being born constantly, growing on the planet as a whole, and it’s like all the Thought Adjusters being connected. You can think of it as the light underneath life itself, underneath this fabric that we’re talking about, this tapestry.
So each of you specific perfect personalities are planted like a seed in the ground of the tapestry and you experience life as a baby. It’s all hungry for what answers there are. Edges, temperatures, foods, everything is wide open and preferences are made and formed by experiences that you have, each person growing more and more unique. You think that maybe as a planet you become more homogenized and similar, but the truth is, the more you grow, the farther you go, the more differentiated you all become. This is the mystery and the wonder of this amazing universe.
Free will can be thwarted though, damaged. If someone is repressed and hurt and injured again and again and again, they stop choosing. Free will choice is an adventure. It’s a risk. You choose something and you grow. You learn from it and you grow, but if you are damaged enough, you lose the ability to know what it is that you want. Two year olds stamping their feet, they know what they want. They are challenging. They are going about getting their heart's desires met and that’s where they start having boundaries upon them and they fight against that. As human beings, when you are damaged, this free will, you lose direction. That is your particular choosing of the tapestry design. It’s like a stall out and then a scarring over and then burying.
People who have lost their free will, codependent people who have damaged their brains, addicts, people who run away from the challenges of life, fearful people. the problem is their will is no longer accessible to their own hearts. This is why we have mansion worlds 1, 2 and 3. This is where they go to come out of those cocoons that they made, that occurred in this lifetime. This lifetime is so short and so small. You have the seed, you grow up, you die. All these things happen. On the mansion worlds it is an unfolding and a breaking loose and an education, an understanding, a blooming, a healing, a returning to the pathways of your own heart with the Father, with the Thought Adjuster. That is one reason in the Urantia book you find those mentions of the Adjusters being trapped inside the lives of humans and unable to reach them and unable to guide and teach and foster, because there is a damaged connection. In the mercy and love of the father and the universe, it can be repaired, it is repaired. But for the rest of the tapestry growing in this fear, there is a stall out, and this is part of the dead weight that you fight against, trying to build your beautiful, dynamic, growing light creation that we make. Those are deadweights that we’re pulling along. Those are the things that cause the need for rehabilitation, the need for recovery, the need for a total redesign of the implementation of the Father's pattern on this world. That’s one reason why it’s so important and so wonderful to see you here with us struggling to change things on the energetic and the psychic levels of love and energy. Anyone who comes this far and finds us is with us. There is one spirit. There is one life. Be hopeful. Be of good cheer. Are there any questions?
Q: I don’t think I have a question. I'm just kind of admiring the elements of the three teachings tonight. They all seem to really be symbiotic or they all seem to enhance the ideas of diversity and unity and how one makes choices and how one reacts to their environment. Looking forward to reading it.
Q2: If Aurelia is still there, I do have a question. So in my stillness, I have been given information and as always, I enjoy your interpretation of things. I have been given information that some souls come here with a purpose, a purpose that actually is a manifestation of negativity, such that it pulls and creates and accentuates and releases the negativity that exists more consciously. So what does that mean? Individuals, even some world leaders, have a purpose and they seem to be manifesting through their negativity, a larger purpose that I’ve been told is more karmic in nature, such that it allows for those people that were in the dark, having those negative energy patterns, that they are now in the light, that now we see them, whereas we didn’t before. So I’m just wondering if you have any thoughts or opinions on that which I have heard?
(T/R3) Aurelia: You must remember this is a very unique planet. On no planet does the Father wish for rebellion and destruction of those he loves, but because of the way things happen here, a great upheaval of evil occurred. Many many things were destroyed and hurt and retarded and crumbled to dust. This was iniquity, intentional evil without care of what harm was being done to reality. My world also was a rebellion planet, but not such as yours. Yours, being the planet of the cross, has made it extremely important in the history of our universes, and you are correct in thinking that some of these actions, some of these negativities, were allowed to help bring the rest of the darkness out. It is like music, in a way. You have heard about the heavy metal, the "horrible music" of the teens, as it has been called, and yet for the person who was on the edge of their heroin addict addiction, on the edge of suicide, on the edge of inflicting pain on others, this music would rock their soul in a way they would not feel so alone. They would be rescued by the cacophony of it, by the rage of it, because it reached them.
You understand the pathology of evil, anger, hatred. These things right now are cresting and this is allowing us to see under all the rocks. It is a good thing that so many bad things are happening. I know that might sound stupid, but how else do we see them? Many of these people or leaders manifesting negativity are innocent victims of the pathology of their families and other authority figures. The unique personality traits they carry may have been turned into a different road, a different path, a different way. Many could have been wonderful leaders. As it is, the destruction of things around them, their emotional violence, is bringing about the turn of the evil in an evil way. It didn’t have to go like this, but it has and many people are hurting where they may not have had to had they been able to make different choices given their opportunities for power. They will eventually have justice, redemption, restitution, but it will be in the next world, probably.
The Father uses everything to the good of his creation. The Father does not demand that there be a Judas, that there be negative examples of leadership, but Lucifer did demand that there be these forms of destruction, forms of hatred and it stands as an example and will stand as an example for the rest of time. It serves its purpose. It serves the purpose of the Father because it is matching evil to the darkness. This will bring light to many because it will clarify the importance of choice, the importance of keeping your strings attached to the Thought adjuster, as we spoke before, to make the choices for good and to build a world where families are better cared for, where children are not broken, children are not abused, children are not formed into these evil and hateful patterns.
So no, the Father does not make the evil. It grows from its own seeds. It's Lucifer's seeds that you see and the Father can make good of it. This world has far more evil than is ever necessary to practice free will choice.
Q: Boy howdy. Q2: Well said, thank you Aurelia.