2024-03-18-Machiventa Mission Urantia 7

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Topic: Machiventa Mission Urantia 7

Group: Mission Urantia


Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

TR: John Morris



Machiventa: This is Machiventa. Again, we meet in the space that we have created. We have made this space our own through our intentions and through our use of it. Because we do this, we have a place now where we can meet, I can speak with you, you can ask me questions, and we can co-creatively go about the work of our sovereign Christ Michael and express our heart's intention to do the will of our Heavenly Father—to bring this world forward out of the remnants of the effects of the Lucifer Rebellion and into the light of a new day.


Our time perspectives in this are very different, and I know it's hard sometimes for mortals to look down the road and see things take what, to you, seem like an interminably long time. But please know from our perspective that things are moving quite rapidly. There are many developments taking place that speak for a better future for your world in the near future. So, I would review with you for a minute what it is that we're doing together here and what we are trying to accomplish. I had asked this group to announce to the world my presence here and that I have a plan, but I know it's difficult sometimes for you to understand or keep in perspective what I think the plan is. And so, we'll just talk for a minute this morning and go over some of the highlights of what is actually an incredibly intricate and involved set of plans.

First and fundamental to these plans—to any plan of the worlds of time and space—is the very foundational Plan that the Father has for each and every one of you. [JT: There are 2 “plans” mentioned in this paragraph. I have designated them as the Plan which is the plan the Adjuster brings with it for your life, and the plan which is the plan the celestials are using to bring about Light and Life on this world in the Correcting Time and beyond which is what Machiventa refers to when he says, “There is a plan.” He is saying here that everything in his plan begins with the Plan of the Adjuster.] And that is simply that you are indwelt by a fragment of His spirit and that this spirit knows everything about you, knows the Plan it has for you before it indwelt you. It brought that Plan with it when it did indwell you. That is the first idea of the plan. When I say, “There is a plan,” everything is built off of this Plan. And so that is why in the early years of the Teaching Mission so much emphasis was put upon the stillness practice and developing a practice that people could modify to their own personalities and situations, but nonetheless, that each person makes that effort to go within and achieve contact with their Thought Adjuster and to be able to listen and access the guidance of that Plan. This Plan was in existence when Jesus was on this world and he taught that the kingdom of heaven was within and to go within and seek, to seek within. He was training the minds of his day and age to do what we're now doing in this day and age which is to seek guidance from this spirit of the First Source and Center.

So, the foundational exercise of this plan is now the transitional moment that your world is in because up until very recent times in the long shadow still being cast [by the Lucifer rebellion] was this idea that you were separate from God, that humanity was separate from God. This course was the work Lucifer and his cohorts to create this illusion of separation and has engendered much violence, much difficulty, much suffering on your world. Now is the time to turn that tide. And so, we are in a transitional period where it is important for individuals to know that they are not separate from God, that they can go within and connect with God, and that they can seek guidance for their own personal life—guidance that is tailored to their situation. And in that process, they become aware of the energies of truth, beauty, goodness, of cooperation, of equality. And so, the seven values that we promote come out of this core relationship that each of you have. So that of course is a facet of our plan and it's something that we continue to emphasize and encourage.

We have plans to create a unified world, a world based on the brother and sisterhood of humankind, but that is founded on the Fatherhood, Motherhood of God. And that is the personal Thought Adjuster that each of you have. As we work with you, as we ask you to make these higher spiritual ideals known through The Urantia Book, through getting together in study groups, for getting together in groups like this and talking about these spiritual ideals, this will be a theme that occurs over and over again.

Now, our plan as a collective and for the whole is to offer struggling mortals who are still very much entrenched in ideas of separation, to find common ground to begin to experience working together. Because the minute that mortals make that decision to open their minds and hearts to cooperate with one another, then their Thought Adjuster has a great deal more latitude to help influence their thinking and encourage that decision that they're making.

As we are in the early days of this transition, even though from our side we see things moving along at a wonderful clip, I know from your side that it seems like things take longer than you would like, and you would like to see something more immediate. But I tell you that patience and perseverance will win the day, and if you take care of your core responsibilities as an individual, then collectively we can sooner see and produce the results that will bring this world into the early pre-eras of Light and Life.

So, our plan is to continue to encourage mortals to seek within, but it's also now timely to inform them that, as well as the presence of their indwelling spirit, they're also not alone in the collective. That there is a plan of management for the worlds of time and space, that our world has not been forgotten in the tribunals of the universe—they know who we are, they know we're here, they know very much the trials and tribulations that we have suffered through the rebellion, and there's a great deal of help for us. And so, I bring that idea and wish to seed it into the consciousness of this world in a direct way so that people can begin to change their patterns of mind and thinking. All experience—everything you know, have known, and will know—are the results of patterns; patterns in nuclear physics, patterns in the subatomic world, patterns in the physical world, patterns in the mental-intellectual world, and mind patterns in spirit. There are patterns within patterns within patterns. And so, what we are doing together is creating new patterns of thought and mind that will be a legacy you'll leave behind on this world long after you graduate to the Mansion worlds. And this will assist others to then connect with their indwelling spirit to begin to access the greater mind patterns of global cooperation, of our celestial interaction with you, and of planetary management. And we wish that you can see that, though there's no visible manifestation as of yet that would make our presence undeniably known, there is much work that is taking place by your faith and by your personal, spiritual growth that is laying the foundational work for a more visible and physical presence. And so, I would ask that you continue to stay with this process, to not get discouraged, but to persevere and to know that we are accomplishing our ends, we are working towards the enlightenment of this world and its inhabitants. All is well, and we simply continue one day at a time and we're grateful, certainly on our side, that we have this opportunity. It's a tremendous opportunity to serve in this way at this time, and we hope that you can see that and feel that as well.

So, by way of introduction then I would ask you to participate with me and my staff. And I know that you have questions, that you have doubts, that you seek clarification. It's wonderful. I'm here to assist and guide you and to help you understand. So, I would open the floor and I look forward to your questions. Thank you.


JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you John.

Sal: Well, I like to go in the beginning because a lot of things that other people say I want to say, so I'm glad that I can go early and vent my questions. The quick question I have maybe that Bob was trying to say is how come other individuals are not present in this presentation of the Zooming with Machiventa and why are the other T/Rs who also T/ R you not present? I'm looking at a focal point for the plan. Is it a website that we go to? There are many websites. There's a lot of things, a lot of donations, a lot of money, and there's where the point is: I see that money is a great factor in a government and when I see other Urantia Book readers here, it's like herding cats about what we should be doing. And I hear you on the other side of the fence in time, but here on our side of the fence we're all like, the validation of the circuits is still to be proven to me to the point of is this AI? What is the future here for us? And I think that's my question.

MM: Thank you. Thank you for that question. There will be no physical proof offered from our side for you in this. And so, the leadership in this effort is [from] mortals. And so, we are working to create a focal point and soon there will be more of a presence, but I don't think you should anticipate it changes a whole lot on the ground very quickly in terms of those who are aware of us, those who participate in various levels in the fifth epochal revelation whether it's through just reading The Urantia Book or transcripts. This is very much a co-creative process and while we work to encourage and to guide, we don't make decisions for the mortals on this world. This is your world and though we are co-creative, and we are here to help and assist, we're very much limited and aware of your free will and the ability that you need, the time and space that you need to exercise it, and the requirement that faith plays in that. Now, if you could see more concretely, more clearly with spiritual eyes ahead into your future, you will see the wisdom in this—of us not pushing things beyond your capacity at this time to grow.

Sal: That's the way you see it on your side of the fence or your side of the veil. On our side, us mortals here in the now of it, we're pretty stagnant on where that leadership is.

MM: Well, let me say this Sal: that leadership for you personally is your indwelling spirit.

Sal: I understand.

MM: And as you find ways to connect with that spirit and get in touch with that spirit's plan for you, then you will find ways to see this work that makes more sense. You'll begin to appreciate what we are doing. There is nothing that I can say, that I can do, or that I can reveal that will ever replace that process. And so as far as progress in the outer realm of people cooperating, people coming together, and working to establish a leadership team that has a marketing focus that can speak to the world with a united voice, it takes time. And the fact that we are even beginning these conversations with you and beginning this process is a tremendous achievement on your part and on ours.

Sal: I agree.

MM: You have to find out where you fit in all of that.

Sal: It's communication, I agree with that, but it's also a monetary value where you put your energies, where we put our energies, where the focal point is in that organization. That is a physical thing, analog to digital. It's on our side of the fence where we put our time and energy, E=MC2, where's that balance of… you know what I'm trying to say. I don't know how I can… maybe some other person can translate my thoughts about who we are and what we're supposed to be doing and how do we tell these other individuals who are not in the Urantia movement that the circuits are open and move on to that creation that we all know about that is… I stopped there. I don't know why.

MM: Well, it’s probably not being well communicated to you by this board of directors of this Mission Urantia team, although certainly they are available for you to ask about it. But there is a website that is in the process of being created in all the back-of-the-house processes that have to go into that process to make that happen.

Sal: And what's the name of that website?

MM: It's not really available for anyone to go and see right now. I don't think it's been launched yet. So, there are iterations of it that one of the board members who's involved in creating this, David Fernandez…

Sal: Is this with Daniel Raphael?

MM: No, no. This is a brand-new website. It will be available soon, but before that website can be launched and have a donation button and all of that, even though the incorporation of a nonprofit has taken place, there needs to be bylaws written, and those bylaws need to be in place before it can begin accepting money. So that is constantly being worked on behind the scenes and we hope within, and it's hard to put a timeframe on it, but we hope within a month or two that launch will happen. We will create a need for content, but at least we can have a landing page up there and people can begin to hear and see and connect with these efforts. And although it takes time, it's happening, and it will be available soon. So, you will be able to see that.

Sal: Who are those personalities that are doing that?

MM: Okay, so your board of directors for Mission Urantia is Byron Belitsos, Kona Mahu, David Hernandez, Deborah Goldman, Vicky Vanderheyden, [and] Richard Voss.

Sal: I know the people.

MM: There are seven individuals, Marthe as well. So, they're working very hard behind the scenes to accomplish the very things that you're asking about. It's in play, it's in progress, and hopefully, shortly there will be real visible signs of this effort.

Sal: Thank you.

MM: You're welcome.

Bob: Hi. You answered part of my question. My question was similar to Sal’s but a little bit different too. When there are new people that are looking at us to seek explanations about how they can become involved with Spirit, how they can have their inner stillness, and how they can make spiritual contact with Celestials, how can that process occur for someone that's new that doesn't know what's going on?

MM: Thank you. This is Machiventa. I would encourage you to expose them to several things. There's always The Urantia Book that they can go to, but not everybody will respond to that book in this time. But there are wonderful sites: The 11:11 Correcting Time site [1] by Chris Maurus, https://bigmacspeaks.life/, https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/Daynal_Institute with Rob Davis, the Teaching Mission transcript site [2]. These websites are wonderful places to send them where they can type into a search box whatever particular issue it is that they want to know about and read transcripts about. They can do that also with The Urantia Book. There are wonderful search engines online with the Urantia Fellowship to type into a search box a particular issue that they want to see and go right to that place. So, there's a great deal of information out there that you can already send them to. There's no need to wait. If someone has real spiritual curiosity, then they will find a place to go to have that need met.

So that's just some of many sites that are out there. Of course, there's an Institute of Christ Consciousness, Donna's site [3]. There are all sorts of other ministries that are out there that if people are curious, they can contact and browse through their websites and find a place that they can get some of that information. We hope to make it a lot of that easier for them to access when we get our website up so that they can go to our website and from there click many links and follow their curiosity wherever they're led to go. I hope that that kind of helps you a little bit, Bob.

Bob: It does pretty much, but what I'm thinking about is how do we help them understand the validity of these sites, the actual source of these sites? There's a lot of good information, but how do they come to understand and have that relationship with spirit themselves?

MM: Well, the same way that you do. They are indwelt by their Thought Adjusters. They can seek within and find a way to do that without accessing any of these sites, but they will be required to operate on faith. They will be required, just as we are, you are, to have discernment. They can rely upon the Spirit of Truth that indwells them from Christ Michael, they have the Holy Spirit that indwells them from Mother Spirit—all these spiritual attributes, abilities, and gifts that you possess. You need to find a way to access them and to get them more operative in your life. That is why we constantly go back to the same thing: quiet times, stillness practice, meditation, prayer, and listening within. Every day at the same time is good. Mornings are better before your mind's cluttered with the activity of the day, but people need to find ways to consistently persevere in this practice even when they feel frustrated, even when they feel so much doubt, even when they feel nothing happening. If they persevere in this practice, they will eventually succeed. And that is the only way they can really validate this kind of information at this time on your world. It will always be this way by the way. There will just come an age on this world when it will be normal for people to be able to connect with spirit. It will be commonplace, and people will do it all day, 24 hours a day, while walking around. And the conversations and the way your organizations and institutions work will be vastly different than the way they do now. Incredibly more effective because there will be so much more goodwill, cooperation, shared goals, and shared ideals. But for now, this is where we're at. We're coming out of the shadows of an over 200,000-year rebellion, and we are doing so on the strength of the faith of individuals to go within, make contact with spirit, and begin to develop these spiritual attributes that they possess.

Bob: I fell into that early in life and I've been doing that, but it's hard for me to be able to explain that to someone else in a way that they can validate in their own lives, and that process of validating their inner-self, their spiritual nature is difficult for some people to grasp and understand. And I was just wondering what can we do when we're discussing something with someone else to help them invigorate that portion of themselves so they can become more aware of it?

MM: All you really can do is witness your personal experience and if you come from your heart and not so much an intellectual perspective, but simply in an open-hearted way, share with them what it means for you to have this quiet time and to have faith enough to set aside time every day to go into the stillness of your heart and seek this guidance from this indwelling spirit; to have enough faith to know that you even have an indwelling spirit that you can seek within and try to contact. That is really the best that you can do because once you do that, how they process that information, how they respond to it is simply between them and that spirit, their own spirit. But you've planted seeds. If they are curious, if they are open, and if they are mature enough to understand that there's no external source of authority that's going to do that for them [they will grow]. There are many sources out there that would say they can [be that external authority], but the minute that you try to take responsibility for your own decision-making relative to spiritual matters, you're thrown back upon your own self. And if you are ready at a point in your life to take that responsibility seriously, then you begin your own journey inward, upward, onward, and it never stops. But people have to individually decide where they stand and make a decision.

Bob: That's a great approach. I understand that. I think you had that advice, but also, I’d like to say that there are a lot of people in this world that are caught up in organized religion with their pastors and their answers, instead of within themselves. And that's the kind of a hurdle that some people have difficulty overcoming, I think.

MM: No doubt. There is a great deal of people that have a hard time overcoming that hurdle. That's between them and their indwelling spirit. They'll do it in this life, or they'll do it in the next hopefully. But we don't strive with these people, and we don't use oratory, powers of persuasion, or appeal to them emotionally. We simply live a life of love and openness, and hopefully they feel our joy and happiness and they become curious when they're in our presence because they feel something that they don't feel other places. But they must, as you did, as everyone else that's in this group has done at some point—step out on their own and make a decision to seek higher truth.

Bob: That's very good advice. I think what we have to do as individuals is to reach out to our friends and family and have one-on-ones with them and just go into a depth of understanding and apply these things within their lives so they can approach spirit themselves within. That makes sense.

MM: Well, there's something else I would share with you that I hear. This idea has to do with the difference between doing and being. You really don't have to do anything. You simply have to be the living embodiment of this divine grace that you are experiencing and feeling in your lives and love them right where they're at. And if they're at a place that you feel they need to grow out of, if you do anything really to think that you're helping them, it's very likely they'll receive that as a judgment. Whereas if you simply be with them, accept them as they are, where they are, and be this vibration of unconditional love, then you've done everything that you can for them and they will thank you now in this lifetime perhaps or in another, but by loving them and accepting people where they're at you do the most that you possibly can for them. Thank you.

Bob: Thank you. Also though, my problem is, is that when I have this better experience and better opportunity of doing such things, but a lot of my family are at a distance that I don't see very often, like months or sometimes even years before I see them, and I'm trying to convey these things long distance, it's hard to get this heartfelt feeling of presence without being there.

MM: Well, there's no easy solution to these sorts of things. You're sharing yourself with them in many ways that maybe you might think of developing. When you speak, you share a vibration. When you write, you share a vibration. When you simply are in your quiet time and you pray for them, you share a vibration. So, the more that you raise your personal vibration of love, of acceptance, of joy, of peace, and the closer you can dial that in with less and less static, then you minister them in the ethereal realm in a feeling way. And that is also a tremendous value. And so, there's no concern because when they feel you’re concerned for where they're at, it's literally a channel blocker for divine love. They are not your concern. They are the concern of their creator. They are the concern of their own indwelling spirit. So just live happily with them wherever they're at. This is not a ministry where we're apostles and missionaries going around the world with a point of view or a position. We are simply called to live a life of love where we're at, in this moment, and allow that to speak for us. Thank you,

Bob: Thank you. Thank you very much.

Cheryl: Thank you so much. Thank you for all of this information today. It has really helped me a lot. I hear what you're saying loud and clear: working on ourselves, just being love, just loving everyone wherever they are, whenever we speak to them. This is just exactly the way Jesus lived his life. And we have that perfect example in all the pages of The Urantia Book how our father Michael lived his life when he was bestowed here on the earth. It's the same thing. So that's what we're called to be—Jesus today, living on the earth, speaking with everyone else basically. I don't think we have to go out and tell people the circuits are back open or all of those kinds of things. I think that all we have to do is just speak to people. There's a saying in the world I really like. It's “Teamwork makes the dream work.” And if we are gathered all together and that vibration between all of us doing the same thing at the same time, we're raising the vibration of the earth. So, we are putting our love out into the world through our prayers, through our speaking with whoever we're with, our husbands, with our wives, with our friends, with ministers if you are still going to church. You can even use the Bible; you can use whatever is available to talk to people. It doesn't have to be The Urantia Book even though The Urantia Book does have so many more truths in it. But we can start them off with baby steps. Just talking with people one-on-one, if you use the Paramony and The Urantia Book, how it tells you Scriptures you can use to talk with people if you ever want to just encourage someone.

But I really liked the thought that you were talking about with cooperation and getting people—the struggling mortals you said—to find common ground. And that is where we are because there's chaos everywhere, of course, if you watch the news. So, we can be encouraging. We can tell people; I like your thought, there is a plan, and we do have a divine spark inside of us. And the Bible even speaks of that too, that there is an indwelling spirit. John said, well, heck, I can't even think of it at the moment, and I know that scripture like the back of my hand, I thought. But just in the [Gospel] of John, he talks about God being on the earth and so forth. So, things like that, you can always talk to people in any kind of way. And I just really appreciate everything that you brought out today and just telling people that our celestials really do know us intimately and they have known us from the very beginning and came with a plan. I mean, what a wonderful thing to tell people. Even thinking about the divine spark within them may be a part they don't even realize. So just something like that—I mean, I'm ready. I'm ready to talk to everybody about all of these things and just be a part of this whole thing because this is where we're going, and it's only going to get better from here. Right, guys? Thank you.

Bob: Thank you, Cheryl.

MM: Thank you, Cheryl. Yes. Now, I'm smiling because this is the expression that, when it finds a critical mass of mortals, can change things fairly quickly. And so, we're in that incubating stage of trying to create a critical mass of mortals who understand that the divine spark is within them and that they understand that it is the inner life where all this growth and change takes place. And really, when you begin that journey you find out that your inner life is far more interesting than your outer life. And so, an inadvertent consequence of a mass of people doing that on this world will be a pulling of energy away from materialism, from greed, from possessions. And that's going to wreak havoc on your world when large groups of people start not consuming madly, unthoughtfully, and it’s just going to create openings that we can't quite imagine right now.

So, it's exciting to begin to lay this groundwork. And I would encourage you to think about all these people, particularly those who are attached to the Bible as their source of truth and information to encourage them to think about how many times in the Bible it is mentioned where God is talking to various mortals; He's talking to Adam and Eve, Moses, and Abraham. Machiventa Melchizedek is mentioned in the Bible, the prophets, Jesus is in the Bible. So, this process of God speaking to mortals is well documented in the Bible. The Urantia Book just takes that a little further. Here's a book where God deliberately sits down and through his various celestial personalities puts out advanced truth to enlighten and shed new light on some of the older truths, bring them into a clear light of understanding, and to actually provide people who are not attracted to thought forms that are thousands of years old and hundreds of years old, to have a new place to look for their curiosity as human minds grow and evolve. We think that humanity as a whole has evolved in their mental processes to a point where they can appreciate knowing that there's a planetary administration.

So, all of this work that is being done fits together—the plan of salvation, the plan of faith, the plan of personal connection with your own indwelling spark of divinity, the plan of individuals who are doing that being gathered together in the collective to create a socially sustainable world, eventually a plan for planetary government, a plan for Light and Life, a plan for celestials like Monjoronson to actually incarnate in the flesh and be here for a whole new dispensation of higher truth. These are all part of the whole plan, and many aspects of it can be discussed depending on what part a person's attracted to and they want to talk about. But the prerequisite and requirement for all of it is for there to be enough individuals on this world who can just simply live this joy and this love and this happiness and share it in a way that people become curious, and they want to know, how did you come to be this way? And so, we don't know what a smile does for somebody, what a kind word does for someone, or just a kind act—how that lifts them and changes the trajectory of their life, their thought patterns, and where such a small act like that can lead.

So, we are excited about what you are doing, and we are working to do a more conscious approach to this by creating an organization that can serve as a focal point for people wanting more information, to preserve this information that we have, to organize it, and to make it available to others. And yes, it will take money to do that. And so, we hope that when we get this organization in a position where they can receive donations, that people will be moved to do that and support it. Money is simply a form of energy, and when one donates money, then it can be used to create more of the means to reach more people.

You are entering an interesting phase on your world where, in the last gasps of the rebellion mindset, those that control money and therefore a great deal of things on your world would very much like to shut down this idea of a free, world-wide web. And whether they succeed in doing that or not remains to be seen, but we would certainly like to have some of this information out there all around the world so that people can have it if and when they don't have access to it anymore for a while it can still germinate, and grow, and produce fruit where it's at so that coming out of perhaps a collapse of society to one degree or another, that a rebuilding of this world-wide web and internet without the control and the censoring, and then people around the world who have been working in isolation can be connected again. And then things can happen now quite quickly because these ideas that are common and planted all around the world will allow for much quicker and greater cooperation as this world moves forward to build a new and sustainable society. Thank you.

JT: Does anyone else have a question for Machiventa?

Sal: I've always got questions. I am kind of a design engineer. I worked for IBM as you well know a lot about me. I guess my question is, why aren't the other participants on this Zoom that are associated with you like Byron Belitsos and the rest of the people in that organization?

MM: Yes, that's an honest question, and I can answer it this way: they are working this morning on trying to develop an organization that is unique to any organization you've ever been a part of. And what makes this design team process unique to this group of individuals is that there's the spiritual component attached to it with values that are common to everyone, and that this organization is a flat organization. It's not hierarchical. And so, this morning, these people are on a Zoom meeting as a board even as we speak right now trying to create the norms, the rules for behavior that would allow this design team process to function effectively. So, they would be here if they had finished that meeting first. These meetings are not necessarily closed, but when a board is trying to get a level of bonding, a level of norms established so they can conduct their business in this new fashion—consulting me and my staff along the way for guidance—it's best that they have a certain amount of privacy to lay this foundation and get this organization ready.

So that is the short answer why they're not here this morning. I wish there were more people here that were left over from the Planetary Management Group and the CTAG group before it morphed into being Mission Urantia, but that will come with time. Everyone needs the space to process, to transition, to grow. And we're hoping when we come out of the closet, so to speak, [when] our organization is stable and set up that we will attract people to it and bring some of these folks back into the fold, so to speak, and also attract new people.

Sal: When you say “coming out of the closet” I assume you mean the circuits are open so that everybody should be aware of what's going on and be part of this Zoom session, and basically, we could invite anybody, correct?

MM: Sure, you could.

Sal: Thank you.

MM: You could invite anybody. What I simply meant by that phrase “coming out of the closet” is that right now there's a lot of behind-the-scenes effort to make this nonprofit and website available to the world. And when we get past this initial phase, then there will be more of an outreach phase and hopefully more of a response to it.

Now, I know I've used this metaphor before Sal, but the circuits being open in terms of the quarantine being lifted and new spiritual lines of energy being connected to the world—reconnected—makes it easier for people to connect with their indwelling Thought Adjusters. Nonetheless, the metaphor is: if you held up a thimble and an ocean of information fell on your head, how much would it benefit you if your capacity was not adequate? There are a lot of people that have to work on increasing their capacity to understand and receive before they'll be attracted to this work.

Sal: I can envision an avatar of the spiritual world on one of these squares and not having a T/R needed for the communication on your side as an avatar in the future of what we can be doing right now in communication without having a personality, but having the actual spiritual being as a block. You understand what I'm getting at?

MM: I understand completely, and it's a wonderful vision. It will happen eventually on this world.

Sal: I have no doubt. I mean, if I can envision it, it could be done.

MM: So now what people have as this means, this individual avatar, is their divine spark within—their indwelling spirit, their higher power, however, people think of that. They can directly connect and have that conversation that will one day happen with visible celestial representatives on this world speaking to this world. It'll happen, but it's not impossible for people to have that experience now! It doesn't mean that they can't have that connection with the First Source and Center even now in this time. It's a matter of faith. It's a matter of where they put their attention. It's a matter of the effort they are willing to make. And then, let me say this: when you have that first moment that you know is conscious contact with this divine avatar that dwells within you, you will grow an insatiable hunger and thirst and you will want more, will want to come back for more. You will desire it with all your heart. And when you perfect that intention, you'll be ready to fuse with that spirit.

So, this idea of connecting with spirit as internal to you is absolutely key to keep those who would insist that you don't have that ability, but they do and you can connect [to spirit] through them, from leading people away from truth. And that essentially was what the Lucifer Rebellion was all about. They created all these crazy ideas that allowed masses of people to be controlled by a hierarchy of other individuals for whatever their nefarious purposes were. And now we are trying to break that stranglehold on the minds of humanity. They don't need any external authority in matters of spirit. They have it within them.


So, we have our work cut out for us. The way that this world will change, Sal, is one open heart at a time, and we're working to increase that number every day. And, hopefully, through these efforts as we get this organization in place and we get a means of more mass communication out there, we can do so exponentially. This world desperately needs large numbers of spirit-led mortals to begin to exert their influence on our cultures and societies.

JT: Well, let's stop there and give all this a chance to percolate through our minds and through our stillness sessions with our Adjusters.

Bob: I just wanted to mention that on Wednesday night, Donna has her prayer group that helps in the reconnecting of the circuits to our world and to the people within it. And it's a very important prayer group. We've been having about a dozen or so people there in the prayer group, but we'd like to have more. Anyone here that's involved with prayer groups, knows how powerful they can be, and Donna’s is particularly powerful, and the spirit is so fantastic. It's awesome. It's a kind of combined spirit of all of us. I feel very strongly that those that join the prayer group can feel this too. And I think it's very worthwhile to be in that prayer group. I believe it starts at six or seven o'clock Mountain Daylight Savings time on Wednesday evening. And you can just contact Donna [Donna@institutechristconsciousness.org] and she'll send you information for getting into that discussion. It's on Free Conference Call.