2024-03-31-Easter Message From Michael
Topic: Easter Message From Michael
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Michael
TR: Simeon
I am Michael, my children, friends and loyal followers in the spirit, and even you here on Urantia as mortal beings striving to know more and to be of service. Recognize the renewal and rejuvenation of Easter and what it symbolizes can be a reality in each soul. Your ability to perceive my presence is an enhancement that forever makes it possible to know what is true and the path to choose as you align and separate from the various motivations to the simple exploration of our relationship - you with me, you with my consort (Mother), you with our Father, and all of us together.
The challenges you face on this world may be, perhaps, a bit more complex than they were in the first century A.D., but of course there were challenges then, as well. Even as my followers watched me being physically put to death, dashing expectations, they would soon come to realize that when false expectations wither, the blossoming of greater realities can occur. Even throughout the universe, many developing beings were aghast and horrified by my treatment. Many had conceptions of how I would bring Urantia back into the fold that were not aligned with the reality of the situation. So understand that even as you doubt and fear failure at times, even ascending beings can have their expectations unmet. But out of those dashed hopes comes the reality of what is possible for your world and soon all these beings witnessed the pouring out of the spirit and the way that mortals were sensitive to it and with a sense of relief, recognized what really needs to happen to allow for free will choice to manifest into the choosing of the Father's will.
Even 2,000 years later, you are faced with many challenges, but now on a universal scale there is no doubt at what is occuring for your world because many elements of action have been put into play to bring about a slow coalescing of forces that will begin to harmonize and from that, a new sense of reality will emerge, eventually, that causes the vast majority of those on your world to recognize the beauty and allure of a higher path, of choosing good and wanting good and truth, of desiring connection and cooperation and commitment to a purpose and a plan that has been unfolding now for multiple millenia.
So fear not, my friends. Doubt not that the plan is unfolding, and although there can be moments of heartache, the ultimate outcome is not in doubt. You can simply trust that the daily efforts to understand our Father and to live in that light are the most effective course for you, for each of you individually, even as it is true for you collectively. I am with you. I thank you for your heartfelt reaching and allowing your energy to be part of the vast network of the Supreme that is unfolding as we work together. My love to you, each and all of you.
Q1: Thank you Michael.
(T/R2 I just had a short thought from Light.) Light: Clouds pass always and light overcomes dark.
Q2: I am reminded of a haiku by my man Basho, my favorite. "Never forget, in the midst of the thicket, blossoming plum."