2024-04-04-Allowing for Different Levels of Awareness
Topic: Allowing for Different Levels of Awareness
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: We circle up around the light and get the warmth of spirit glow as we settle into our posture, in our citadel of spirit, and we settle in for some relaxing and welcome contact with divine frequency with the highest most divine, purest, and greatest energy we can fathom. We return here once again to connect, to join with spirit at this time, in this process, in this place that we create. We condition this environment and ready ourselves in gratitude for all that we receive, the connection, the affirmation, the belonging, the support and the sheer joy of fellowship. Let us drink this cup together, even now. So be it.
Machiventa: I hear the tones of the ringing of the class bell. Time for all the participants to gather under the banner of coming together in spirit and fellowshipping in this dimension wherein we may converse and share ideas and intentions and ideals, dreams, and desires. These different dimensions of your being are best expressed in the spirit dimension, that is, in this spirit dimension you have greater latitude to function and you have expanded parameters to work in because the manipulation of energy is in a different voltage, if you will, a different frequency. Literally all your intentions, your dreams, your desires to create and your desires to find spirit connection are all more easily played out in the dimension of spirit where real lasting and enduring changes and growth may occur that transcends beyond any mortal boundaries imposed by time and space.
I would take this opportunity to pick up on some threads of a conversation prior to the commencement of class in which the observation was offered that in a time/space environment so many things are relative, that is, so many aspects are unique and distinctive because they are comprised of an individual experience at a unique juncture of time and space. Therefore the absoluteness of anything is in the making. It does not exist in the moment at hand but is being built in this process and all of these relative values that are all brought to the table for consideration all contribute to the great tapestry there is to choose from as a result of all the individual distinct interpretations provided for consideration. That is how it is possible for some things to be consistent and common while other interpretations of some common circumstance will provide different impressions and different experiences for each different individual.
This allows for the different individuals to be at different levels of awareness. It is a process of growing into awareness of the true nature of these Divine aspects, truth, beauty, and goodness. These conditions of love are the first source and center of their state and as such, truth is always truth, for instance, while an individuals perception of truth will vary markedly depending on their development as a spiritual being. The more spiritualized they become, the more their values are reflective of divine values. More truth is present and more beauty is evident at each stage of awareness. In time and space it is absolutely possible for there to be many relative degrees of any of these states, this is where your discussion of what common ground is to be used to accept the basics of truth, beauty, and goodness.
The basics are long since established and by coming back to spirit, to divine source, to even your Divine Fragment within, you are turning to love. You are pursuing the direction of love and will be shown greater and greater dimensions of these aspects. As you ascend through your eternal career, your journey will consist of developing deeper and greater understanding and awareness of these aspects of love and to witness in your very journey the many fruits of going to love, returning to love, returning to divine frequency from divine source where you may ask anything. You may receive insights and impressions in answer to your petitions. You may find the confirmation you desire when looking abroad for such confirmation.
The entire discussion of the relative nature of some absolute principles is the greatest indicator of the unique opportunity of this experience as a mortal of the realm, all the way in this remote outpost where there is literal ignorance and misunderstanding around the truth of aspects such as truth, beauty, and goodness. This condition of unknowing, of unawareness, is a common circumstance to observe in your fellows who may have not spent time in developing the spirit aspect of their being and therefore have not been counseled by divine tones of love. This provides a grand opportunity for those who have discovered this path, who have made this connection, and who have developed their spiritual awareness to enable them to so condition their environment to navigate the waters of uncertainty that tend to rise up by having a strong guiding compass to keep things on track by continually returning to spirit and reestablishing connection provides all the support, all the security and all the divine embrace that you are seeking. Trust not those comrades around you who raise doubt and suspicion about the very nature of truth, goodness, and beauty. If it does not have the tones of divine perfection or if it does not come from the love of your Divine Parents, then trust in the source is misplaced.
To those who are convinced and well maintain this conviction, there is no cause to consider having erred and gone in the wrong direction. There is no consideration of the intentions of those going to love and in pursuit of the highest divine presence you can imagine. By returning to receive this embrace you grow the individual soul with each effort to reach for divine source. It is also important to remember that within the divine plan for your ascension beginning here in time and space and throughout, all efforts are made to turn all things into divine pattern, to make all injury whole, to make all wrong into right, to make all that falls short of divine intention an example of divine manifestation.
The time that we find ourselves in, in time and space, here and now, we observe this final release of Luciferian energy of the glory of the self, the idea that divine direction is not needed, the idea that it is up to you to decide what is good and that no consultation need be made with higher source. This very mindset, this very notion of a proclamation of the divine self, wrought such great hardship on such a magnificent developing world, the world of Michael’s incarnation. Now we see the remnants of this notion of not seeking the divine pattern as an errant choice that must be allowed to play out. But in its playing out, right before you you have the chance to observe how, by choosing things which are not of divine nature, each choice sentences the chooser to become further away from divine source. With enough choices consistent with choosing away from divinity, the degree of reality one contains eventually diminishes and choosing to go away from God surely means you are no longer real, no longer true, no longer good, no longer beautiful.
But such has to be the result of individual choice and we are seeing individuals exercising their free will choice to follow divine pattern, to follow the greatest truth, to choose less than beautiful and declare it to be so is a choice away from divine pattern and influence. And yet you are allowed to make it, you are allowed to take it, and you will inevitably experience the consequences of your choices. This cycle is how you move from one set of circumstances to another. The results of your choices unfold before you and you then discern whether these choices have been beneficial and helpful to you and your growth process or perhaps that these processes have been necessary to bring you to a place of greater awareness and provide for you the experience to gain this greater awareness.
Either way, any way, always, Michael and Mother serve to assist and make all things more beautiful, better, and such effort is so freely offered to any who will take the assistance. The hand of God may be offered to you at any point along the way by the simple act of asking, connecting, making the connection, and supplying your petition that it be so, extending in faith to make it so. Such a construct of awareness and understanding can be very very useful as you navigate your way through these ever shifting dimensions, becoming more perfect as you progress but certainly not in this realm. This is the realm of your most imperfect experience, the furthest away from divine pattern of perfection and your journey set out before you provides you with the opportunity to share what you have come to learn on your pathway, on your ascension to the plateau that you have arrived at.
Many of your peers have never been fortunate enough to encounter a true spiritual experience but it will happen and it could happen through a Light Anchor such as yourselves, just an opportunity, not a requirement by any means. The only requirement of you in your ascension career is to be a good student, to follow faithfully where spirit may lead, and approach each time with the stance of gratitude and appreciation for all that you have achieved, all that you have experienced, all that you have been blessed with and all that you have created in this process of spiritual exploration. This common notion that there is some call to arms that is necessary to save the world is not an obligation of yours, not a requirement whatsoever. The overall plan requires the participation of many many individuals to build a reality we would to recombine all the parts of the whole and to expand the very dimensions of truth, beauty, and goodness.
I invite you to take some deep breaths as you witness all the contrast being thrown around in the final throes of these Luciferian principles. This notion, this mindset, is doomed for extinction with the dominance and the pressure of spirit influence that is being orchestrated like shining a light on the dark places and dispelling the doubt and the mystery, the uncertainty. Such things inconsistent with higher divine principles cannot coexist, therefore we grow the environment of spiritualized beings who have contacted divine source and now know the direction to go, who will choose love. There is a great grassroots movement ahead to take place where people discover the kingdom within and the path is love. Our role is to make this so in reality, in truth by becoming such truth, by creating the space, creating an environment conducive to divine contact, spiritual sharing, and the growth of that aspect of our being. All of this grand activity is accomplished within, accomplished by you and when the effort is placed, when the students practice, they do indeed become more perfect, more and more with each effort.
Thank you all for once again coming to class and practicing up on exploring this dimension. It has been wonderful to fellowship with you, rub energy signatures together and feel each other's presence. I stand in gratitude for the efforts made to make this connection, to maintain this forum for this purpose and literally make real the truth of our connection, the beauty of our connection, and certainly we will all witness the goodness of our connection. It has all the divine characteristics in different measure comprised of the many different strands of spirit that have been woven together and come together. Such weaving together of intentions and purpose and desire helps to make strong this bond, this partnership of working together that we have developed. Surely it is stronger with each use and I recognize we have just added some more dimension to our capacity. We’ve practiced one more time and we have become even more perfect for our efforts. Go now in peace and in gratitude for that is surely the way to love. Farewell.
Mark: Thank you Machiventa once again.