2024-04-11-The Most Significant Thing You Can Do
Topic: The Most Significant Thing You Can Do
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa, LIGHT
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: Divine Parents, I will express in word what I have in thought which is my gratitude for this opportunity that we have before us.
Machiventa: I receive the signal to call the class to order and join once again in this welcome space of sharing and fellowship. I am Machiventa and grateful once again to join you in this arena you provide. In observing discussion prior to the recorded part of this session there was a question offered, a concept raised for consideration. It is the basic underlying notion of what needs to happen in order to facilitate growth and change in this material and mortal life that you find yourself navigating. This very question is asked on a number of levels depending upon your spiritual growth and awareness. To one who has little association with their component of spirit, the question will seek material answers and material causes and effects.
The more spiritually advanced one becomes, the more such a question of what is required to facilitate change becomes conditioned by a greater understanding of goodness, of truth, and beauty. These things are grown and these senses are elevated as you gather experience and witness the contrast and the results of choices made, all of which define for you what more divine pattern is, what the better way might be. The more awareness one has of their eternal spirit dimension, the more the answers to what is necessary to change shift in focus. They become distanced from the mortal material approach of simply conditioning life circumstance to be better on the material plane to a more expanded idea, even an ideal, that there is much to grow and learn and gather to yourself through an eternal career. So the conditions of what is required to make it better end up being spiritual, end up being connecting to divine spirit values and when one seeks a greater definition, an expansion of what truth, of beauty, of goodness is, they will surely find what they seek. This prayer of enhanced capacity is always followed by enhanced revelation.
So, in reference to the original question of what might be done to make for favorable conditions, to condition the environment for change and growth to occur, the most valuable and significant thing you can do is to go through the exercise yourself, go through the change and the growth that brings you to a greater level of awareness and a greater perspective of divine principles. In so doing you become a contributor to this divine circuit and this connects you to the others with intentions to grow and serve and to follow the calling. This in a nutshell is where you find yourself. There are great macro changes all around you, states and conditions and terms and values are being reexamined and restructured and reconditioned to accommodate changes in the material paradigm and more importantly, changes in the spiritual paradigm. The growth of all the contributors to this circuit conditions the environment to expand and grow in spirit as the welcome direction and flow of growth.
We find ourselves in these times, repeating a lot of messages about connecting and becoming en-circuited and joining forces as spirit to create space for new spirit paradigm, a new state of being, a new condition of life that must be accommodated and fostered and this is what you have been engaged in for some time. The creation of this space, this reality, this truth, this goodness, this beauty, and the fact that you have maintained this sanctuary has provided us with such great latitude to share enhanced spiritual perspective with you for your asking, your participation and showing up in faith. So once again we acknowledge certain core values of these sessions and once again we confirm that these are indeed divine principles because we have found them by coming to source. By asking and seeking there is surely the finding.
We could not maintain this function without you, therefore we always are eager to express gratitude for your time, for your energy, for your pursuit to spread this love, to honor this truth and to be in gratitude for this goodness. Thank you for joining in the process. I now relinquish the platform. Farewell until we meet again.
Light: I wish to access this platform because I can. I am Light and I rejoice at being recognized and being thought of. There are cultures on this world which believe that another soul lives on as long as they are thought of and remembered and in some similar sense, the notion that spirit never dies is absolutely spot on. And the notion that thought can find spirit and revisit it is also true. So in fact this notion of thought bringing you closer to someone is absolutely valid, that’s the simple projection of your intention. The thing to remember about all of this activity is that it is in the dimension of spirit where all such contact and connection is easily accomplished. This is how I am here now as the result of my desire and focused attention.
It is also your desire and your focused attention to be here and therefore we have connected. This simple desire as directed intention, is enough to project spirit and it is enough to make a connection. The thought of the target and the idea of the connection being made is the prayerful intention consistent with divine pattern. These are the acts of creation. These are the acts of creating together, even now. All of these principles are well embraced by the participants here and it is my pleasure to reflect with you on these components that allow for our connection even now and how they are brought into play through intention and the application of sincere faith, a faith so strong that it is grateful for the end, even from the beginning.
I am here in no small part because of your intentions and so I rejoice to reflect with you on the potency and the power of creative thought in league with divine pattern, mortal intention directed by divine infusion. It’s very sweet to simply stop by and make my presence known, make my gratitude known for our connection, eternal in spirit. I bring my peace and love and leave you with my light. I am a fellow contributor on your energy grid of participants and it is a joy to be welcomed. Thank you.
Mark: Thank you Light, thank you.