2024-04-24-Machiventa on Earth Day, Camaraderie
Topic: Machiventa on Earth Day, Camaraderie
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Machiventa, Lydia
TR: Simeon
Prayer intro: I would like to invite us to use our willpower, to use our minds, to center our thoughts into God, our Creator Father, that loving Father, so we can open our ears, open our minds and even open our heart and our souls to the fact that we are loved sons and daughters of the Infinite. As we feel that, we feel part of the universal family that we are individually a member of, so we can receive more of the Father's light for our own goodness and wellbeing, so we can co-work within and among us and among our Celestial brethren.
I am Machiventa. Greetings, my friends. We are here to share with you tonight as a regular point of contact, wanting to let you know you are a part of the team and thus we meet and discuss various aspects of our development, both regarding you individually, and together, and us as a team working toward Michael's objectives. I wanted to also honor Earth day. Although this symbolic time is not, perhaps, as recognized as Michael's birthday or other dates of significance for you, it is important on a planet to honor your roots, to honor where you come from and to know the importance of being connected.
Urantia is your home and as you help us to begin to develop patterns, it is important that we also establish a sensitivity or sensitization to good symbols. You are not random collections of atoms with no bind to the larger workings of energy and matter. It is important to know and to portray, as believers, those things of importance rather than simply being random. This connection to positive symbols provides the opportunity to build loyalty and camaraderie, as people who resonate to common things commit to those realities and enjoy taking time to recognize them.
Yes, you will spend one short life on this world before moving forward to other horizons, but this is the world of your origin. Earth day is a worthy symbol to consider, both for the fact that you reside here, but also to remember how you treat her and how you treat others on this sphere.
Our strongest objectives, aside from recognition of our Universal Father and his deep love and commitment to you and willingness to connect with you, are those objectives to build camaraderie - brotherhood and sisterhood. Camaraderie between individuals builds a sense of family. Camaraderie between families builds a sense of community and this is the pattern that leads to light and life. So contemplate this idea in relationship to developing your connection within. In what areas can you build personal camaraderie, group camaraderie and community camaraderie? Taking these steps or building the bridges provide opportunity to bring about more focused energy toward the development of the conditions wherewith we are able to manifest our presence and be more purposeful on your world in moving forward from the days of rebellion and isolation and into the days of recognition of our Father's purpose and plans for this world, for its citizens.
We see you discussing ideas, how you serve, each of you in your lives, and also how you might serve together some objective and we encourage this dialogue. We also encourage you to welcome others to experience this energy camaraderie and love that you have built between each other. Many of the children on your world feel isolated and alone. So seek out those opportunities in your quiet time to contemplate and we hope these added components that I speak of tonight can provide some gestation as you connect with our Father and go about doing good.
Q1: Would you be willing to discuss with us our relationship to the spirit of truth? I have personal wondering about it. I know the spirit is here but I haven't seen him yet. Could you explain what he looks like? Not physically, but however you feel appropriate to share.
Machiventa: My friend, thank you for your inquiry. Of course the spirit of truth is not a visual pattern to observe, but from an artistic standpoint I would think that descriptions could conjure up images of how you might portray such a reality. Michael's presence provides a blanketing effect for your world to all those who desire truth, and as you become more resonant to this desire within, your relationship strengthens even if it is not conscious to you. The very impulse to do what is right and true is a symbol or signifying that you have already connected with this presence and it is activated and manifesting in you to provide you support as you desire to do good. Is there any particular question about this presence that you have?
Q1: So the urge to do good is an energy feature of the spirit. Is that what I'm seeing?
Machiventa: It is an energy feature of our Creator and thus the spirit of truth amplifies that. The very fact that you desire to do good is a sign that you have already made contact and that it has engaged in support for your efforts. Does this mean you will always be successful? Not necessarily, for humans have varying energies and conflicting patterns and motives, but any time you move toward doing what is true, beautiful and good, the energy of our Parental Spirits are in play and activated.
Q1: I see. Thanks for the visuals, the turning on of the switch of understanding.
Machiventa: Yes, I was attempting to pique your artistic interest.
Q2: I would like to thank you Machiventa for giving more steps about camaraderie and how to view it with our Father, but also with my biological parents and brethren, my neighbors and even in this group. Thank you for giving me the necessary steps and visualization.
Machiventa: Yes, as you know there has been some contemplation among some within your group, including yourself, about how to manifest camaraderie and what that means and entails and so the idea is to build imagery that can help you to focalize that in channels and a sort of direction to potentially solidify how your might engage and both accept it and promote it going forward.
My friends, the spirit is impressed upon each of you this evening. My ministers who are part of this teaching corps are here as well. Take a little time to connect and if you feel the presence and want to share it would be a good time to practice your communication in this safe space. Thank you for listening to me. I must go now, but appreciate the opportunity to share with you.
(T/R2) Lydia: My name is Lydia. I have observed this group for a long time, and it is representative of the meaning of camaraderie. It means that you are together, that you have a common purpose. It is not necessarily characterized by the same tasks or the same interpretation of what that purpose is. But the camaraderie you share is because you do it together, that you are willing to share your purpose, your destination, and your understanding of where you are in your spiritual journey. Camaraderie is indeed a wonderful word.and it is delightful to hear you as you speak about it within your own group.and how you use that camaraderie to spread beyond the group that you are sharing. Please be advised that we who watch and wait and care and love you, delight in your camaraderie, your togetherness. We love you each and we love you all. That is my message for this evening.
Q3: Thank you very much, Lydia. It's wonderful to hear from you. I hope you keep coming and speaking with us. Q4: Is she a teacher, do you think, or or a midwayer?
Lydia: I am a relatively new voice who has recently joined the group who are working with you. Up until now I have mostly observed. Midwayer.
Q3: We we welcome you to our group. Thank you.
Lydia: It is my great pleasure to be here with you. Although I am new to this group, I am not new to the mission.
Q5:: I wonder if Lydia was here during the times of Jesus.
Lydia: Yes. Before the rebellion. I have had many tasks on your planet Urantia, your beautiful planet. I care deeply about its success and have complete faith that ultimately, the success that we in the corps see for you and the progress that has been made. Although it is unclear to many of you that this progress is being made, please be assured it is. I know how hard it is to wait. Like the child awaiting their Christmas gifts and the arrival of Santa, there's a big event and it's wonderful and then it's over. This mission is not like that. It's small and incremental progress that must be made by those who individually choose to be a part of the cleansing of the planet. In your time it appears forever, but for us forever is but a second or nothing. It's hard to accept being told to be patient when you're a child. It's also very difficult when you are an adult. But, believe me, patience is the better way than to hurry up and not do it correctly. I hope these words are helpful.
Q3:: Yes, very much. Thank you.