2024-05-02-Great Expansion Upon Us
Topic: Great Expansion Upon Us
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Mark Rogers
Machiventa: I recognize the ringing of the bell calling all to service and I’m happy once again to respond and join you in this process we uphold and support and utilize in our efforts to be of service. First, the steps taken to prepare the environments, the internal environment and the group environment, are always a part of what transpires even if there is not much vocal description of process. But when there is the vocal sharing of the process of conditioning it acts as a pathway, a guided meditation leading you down the path of relaxation, of calm trust and faith in your divine pursuit. This process that you undergo is an important component of what we are attempting to display about the process of finding your spirit component and of recognizing the distinction in the state of being. When you shift your awareness to your different states the invocation of the energy field of gratitude is an example of using a value, a wavelength, a vibration on which we can all recognize and gather and fellowship and worship together in gratitude for the grace. This bonding force, this coming back together in gratitude for such grace from on high as we experience even now, the sharing of this grace is an element that we may return to, we may revisit, we may re-follow this path, we may re-choose again to take this journey in faith.
Such patterns, such pathways and routes are useful because they are an interpretation of the human mind. They are a translation into mortal experience. Such is your journey before you, the images you remember in your journey will be those that are a matter of your choosing. You have created this experience before you and your experience will be unique and yet your fragment of the whole is the unique contribution to fulfill the tapestry of all that has ever been remembered, experienced, embraced, learned, and gifted as a matter of grace, as a matter of your eternal career, as a matter of your Divine Parent’s preparation for your journey.
I also would like to bring forward the inspiration that there is a great expansion upon us. This expansion is enabled by enhanced connectivity, a divine value that will be augmented and this is the calling to spirit. This is the wave of spiritual pressure applied. This is the whole calling to the parts. This is divine grace in action unfolding even in time and space, even in spirit in time and space. Truly, an accomplishment for developing mortals of the realm to realize that you have a spirit component, then to attempt to discover this aspect and explore its dimensions while still being housed in a mortal material vehicle of flesh.
The springing up of spirit divine values is certainly no accident but rather the manifestation of your Divine Parent’s creative aspect. It is their desire to remove the shrouds of darkness and to shine the light of truth, beauty, and goodness upon all the family of man. It is our service to this mission that has us directing and focusing our attention onto laying the groundwork for the pathways to be accessed, for each and every one to connect with their Inner Guides, to become aware of their Inner Guides and to not only commune with these aspects of being but fellowship and work together towards the goal of unification and divine destiny.
This is the pathway, this is the method that will be employed to bring all the fragments together, to attract all the pieces and parts to come together in divine vibration such as gratitude, such as love, such as the prayer for peace. All such postures, all such attitudes bring you to this place of worship, this place of spirit contact, this place of prayerful association, this place of faithful acceptance. You who show up at meetings such as this and have been faithful in following the lead of your spirit guide are well aware that this connection is the true goal of spirit connection. Once there is this association established there is no more need for outside support, to seek answers from another source. Answers you receive from your Divine Fragment are of divine caliber. They are the highest, the greatest, the best you are aware of and they are the most direct and secure circuitry to rely on for such a divine connection. This will ultimately be a matter of your choosing, a matter of your creation, a matter of your acceptance, a matter of your faith, and a matter of your willingness to make it so. All of these factors in play will determine your capacity to reach beyond any current boundaries and span any difficult obstacles. Certainly your Onboard Partner provides you with all that you have need of.
Michael’s Spirit of Truth is also present for verification, a second option. Between these assets you are able to close the gap in distance and close the gap in perception and your powers of creative choosing provide you with unlimited opportunity for expansion, for experience to build wisdom, and your willingness to be players and engage in the process ensures you will have a multitude of opportunities before you in response to your choices, each choice providing you with new and fresh opportunities, each choice being granted your full reign of free will choice. And with each choice you make to pursue divine values you are expanded in your capacity to assimilate new levels of awareness. Because you are in motion and because you are in process these new dimensions may be gained, this expansion of self may be accommodated and the eternal aspect of you has become deepened in its dimensions. Your character, if you will, your spiritual character has been forged through this process of choosing, experiencing the results, defining your choices, re-choosing and being at play, returning back and playing the game to pursue more divine pattern, more divine source to overlay over any current circumstance. This represents your material awareness of your spirit dimension and for this we are all grateful. This gives the latitude to build this arena that we use even now and which has been so very useful in this process.
In the early days of this Teaching Mission process there was a great emphasis on growing a large number of t/r’s in an effort to be more connected, and with greater connectivity we might receive even more in the way of the teachings. Since those beginning times there have been a great many changes in the spirit dimension and there has been added additional dimensions of connectivity. This is by mandate of Michael and this is the current mission at hand. This enhanced lifeline is being thrown out to this generation of seekers, this shining the light on truth, beauty, and goodness and each and every individual’s capacity to connect with their Indwelling Spirit and the proclamation that such efforts to connect with your Inner Guide will meet with success in these times of re-connection. These glad tidings are ours to spread in this episode of time and space.
No matter what transpires out there, outside of your individual citadel of spirit, your individual parlor is yours to keep as you would and such a place of safety and love and welcome and peace, such a place may indeed welcome spirit influence by simply the request, the prayer if you will, the affirmation of connection, the part with the whole and the request from the part of the whole. Such process is another example of steps being taken to condition environments and outcomes by conscious awareness of the choices being made and the circumstances being brought about by the choices. Certainly it has been a long well traveled path that we have taken to get here, to be here together in spirit. Once again this meeting illustrates that it is not dependent upon space and it is not regulated by time. Such meetings and gatherings are a significant contribution to the job of you spiritual first responders. You are the ones rushing to fan the flames of faith and ever willing to assist others in their process. Such motivations of service are indeed the will of your Divine Parents and any such manifestations of faith delight the Creators.
Go now in peace. Know that all is well, the ascension of all the pieces, all the fragments is going well. The ascension of planet earth is also going well. Such grand rearrangements always issue in times of settled peace. Let us all embrace this next phase of settled peace. Let us all devote energy to prayerfully seek to make it so. It is always a joy to join you in this parlor and to enjoy a short walk down this common path together and to experience each other’s energy signatures and to fellowship in the grace of Divine connection.