2024-05-06-Discovering Another's Experience
Topic: Discovering Another's Experience
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa, Thought Adjuster
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: Divine Parents, we open our arms and open our hearts to receive your image, your presence, your energy as we seek to approach you in worship, in recognition, in fondness, and in our seeking we are so pleased to find you, to join you, to drink once again this cup of truth, beauty, and goodness that we share each time we make the effort to condition our environment so as to join your environment and combine these two into one. We would drink this cup, even now.
Machiventa: As per our established format, I am eager to take up this post once again with you. I am Machiventa, returning just as you return to this well to take up a cup of this goodness with you in this process that we create in this moment and foster throughout, having spent the time and the necessary energy to condition the environments to be compatible, the inner environment, the spirit environment, the internal balance necessary to facilitate this exchange of energy on this wavelength, on this channel of divine love, peace, and overriding compassion. It turns out that this dimension of compassion for others, this development of empathy for other than the self, is a trait that is developed among humankind. It must be nurtured and fostered and developed as an act of intention. Having regard for another as intimately as you have regard for the self demonstrates the capacity to fully demonstrate compassion and to fully immerse your awareness of another circumstance to a level where you may personally share in their experience and you may borrow from their circumstance.
If you desire to find what is being experienced by others, it is your birthright through the association of your Indwelling Guide to contact and fellowship with other spirit beings. This ability to empathize and feel the feelings and share the experience with others must be allowed, engaged, and participated with. It takes energy to reach out and sense another reality, another version. Once you are able to traverse this spirit circuitry and gain the insights and awareness of another in your attempt to empathize with their position, utilizing such a method enables you to engage this process of sharing on this spirit dimension and gain insights from another’s experience that they have contributed to the collective consciousness and therefore are available to fellow mortals of the realm who might seek through their efforts to empathize and connect with others. Such a connection provides the access to life experience and individual growth patterns.
It is not only possible but it is a practical reality that one may gain insights from a higher plateau of awareness because they are conditioned to this technique of sharing concepts, awareness, and understanding through the mind circuit of man. All the fragments of the whole have access to the whole. All the individual components have access to the circuitry of all that is. You who have been about exploring for the dimensions of your spiritual character have certainly come across these boundaries, these edges or perimeter of your awareness. Your faith has been instrumental in bringing you back, seeking over and over again, never satisfied wholly with what you’ve found but ever ready to reach further to seek more diligently and as you will all witness, such seeking brings inevitable results, rewards for your effort, albeit not necessarily what you were expecting.
The message that keeps coming back around during our regular visits is that connectivity is being greatly enhanced, that such an opportunity before us presents us with many options to unpack what it means to be re-encircuited and to establish even new circuitries for specific purposes. Nevertheless, this is where we find ourselves at this union, this junction of time, space, spirit, and material. We have been informed of a great grand mission before us in which we shall be stewards over the re-encircuitment of mankind with the spirit dimension. Such circuitry has been lost for some time and the effects have been great. The cloak of darkness that was brought forward to cover us has indeed kept the light from penetrating. This intentional cloud of obscurity is now dissipating as per the directive of our Sovereign Son Michael.
We find ourselves as the clouds break up and disperse and the light becomes available to focus and shine onto the dark places so that they may be illuminated and purified with the light and conditioned by divine energy. Part of our mission going forward is to spread the glad tidings of this connection, of this event wherein each individual will find this inherent connection to divinity within. Once mankind has tapped into this connection, this reserve, this plateau of awareness, then great changes may manifest as conditions are met and environments are prepared and conditioned to accommodate this next level of spirit awareness, comprehension, and the use of spirit principles with intention and purpose.
Another aspect of our message is to go on the inner journey, the journey within, the journey through stillness, the journey through worship, prayer, meditation, mindfulness, and directed intention to serve, to be about this mission of Michael and to manifest these truths with every intention of your being. This internal connection to your Inner Guide provides you with the surest, safest route to divine truths, divine principles. Certainly moving in the direction of inner contact is a worthy subject for discussion, therefore, I would relinquish this podium for use by a closer example of which we speak. Thank you for this opportunity. I will return as you do. Farewell.
Inner Voice: I step forward now at the request of an esteemed teacher and associate in this process that we are all engaged in at this time. In your efforts to reach inward towards your Inner Guide, your Divine Spark, your Thought Adjuster, you move most certainly in this direction. In your seeking you are certainly on the right path, you are certainly making great success and demonstrating your abilities even now, even if you consider your abilities to be substandard. The fact that you are trying, the fact that you have engaged in this process before and will try again, the fact that once again you will show up at a format such as this, to reach beyond your comfort zone to a place of uncertainty wherein you may test your faith, this is one of the aspects so thrilling to witness is the movements made to fashion a higher way, a fresh reality that is upgraded by virtue of your spiritual perspective and your ability to work with others and co-create reality based upon your desire to come together in this process.
No matter what your issues might be, what your concerns may be, going to the source of your Inner Guide, your fragment of holiness within, means that you are choosing to associate with divine energy, that you are seeking inspiration from this direction, from this source. Such intentions are fostered and honored to a great degree as they represent your individual and mortal choice to seek the divine, to want to not only be near it but be like it, be similar to it as best you can. Your Master said that he was the way and it’s quite true that he represents a portal through which you may travel to your Divine Parents. Your Inner Guide, your Thought Adjuster, your Father Fragment is also the way, is also the direction, is also pursuing divine energy. This opportunity to proclaim the joy and embrace of such spiritual components elevates our life experience and brings it to a new level and a new level of awareness.
I encourage you to settle in and find the routes of least resistance to making contact with your Inner Voice, your portal to all that is beyond you. Surely there are portals to spirit wherever you are, wherever each individual spiritualized being is there at the portal to beyond, to before, to a more perfect now. Find this Inner Voice in the stillness, in the quiet, in the space within, and make this connection by choice, by effort and with purpose. This is your gift of grace, to choose to make such a connection, to choose to be part of such a connection. Great faith is required and great faith is what you bring to the equation, therefore great growth may be attained.
I invite you to ever turn inward for your inspiration, for your confirmation, for your direction. Such will be given to you when you ask your Inner Guide. Certainly there will be a response, there will be an answer to your petition providing you with the direction and the energy to manifest this truth. Your decision to manifest this truth is the spark you bring into the equation. You choose to make it real, you choose to invest the energy to manifest in real time this vision. You also have the capacity to pray for a vision, a future and grander visions with greater truths and more purpose. Your asking puts the universe in play for your wish is the command of the universe before you. Your efforts to confer with your Inner Guide return you to the spirit frequencies and allow you to access these frequencies of love, to commune with others and to establish your parameters of giving and your parameters of welcoming. All of these functions are in play and are being borne out in real time as they rise up before us to be navigated and triumphed over in our efforts to understand and become aware of all the components and all the different aspects involved.
Join the ever growing chorus of those seeking souls who have found a security and a certainty in developing spirit contact with others. While we are graced with the opportunity to discuss and explore such truths of such great magnitude you are still able to chart your own path and create your own pathway through this maze of awareness. It all plays out in time and space for the good of all. Once again I would encourage you to hold fast to the mission, hold fast to this demonstration of faith in action, of faith manifest, and return to this well for a cup of spirit refreshment.
Thank you for spending time, your time, this time, in reflective quiet space. Anytime we can do a little more of that we have had time well spent. I now will take my leave in gratitude for this opportunity and this partnership of voice enabling us to work together on this valuable project. So be it, it is so, even now. Farewell until we meet again by choice, yours and ours combined to manifest this reality. I take my leave in gratitude for this opportunity and look forward to future opportunities created in faith. So be it. Farewell.