2024-05-09-Elevating Spiritual References
Topic: Elevating Spiritual References
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa, Jonathan, Monjoronson
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I wish to serve my Divine Parents as an instrument of peace on their behalf, in their name I choose them with my free will choice. I choose to want to be with them, to want to serve with them. This represents my deepest desire. A vocal welcome indeed to all of our friends in spirit. Consider yourselves invited to our gathering where we maintain the circuitry and facilitate this contact.
Machiventa: I am pleased to accept your welcome once again, I am Machiventa, here to respond to the call just as you are. We hear the same ringing and calling to order of the congress of spirit beings. It is an honor to be invited and the vocal invitation is an added indication of your intention and purpose in the process, one more dimension that you add to the character of your being. Truly I am, we are, all of us on our side of the veil, grateful for the window of opportunity that you provide with this very portal you make available for this transference of energy. You have been so good and faithful in this process that the normal operation of such gatherings and meetings have become quite routine and this is as a result of your established faith which has created the reality of this forum and it is your creative choosing, your free will choice that you choose to place in the direction of spirit.
It doesn’t have to be this way, it is only accomplished by this act of your sheer free will choice. This is what makes your choosing so significant. You are granted this grand latitude to decide for yourself and to follow whatever paths you may come across and choose to follow. The game of building spiritual character is only accomplished through your experience, trial and error, mistakes and successes that form your unique character, your unique energy signature. So now we have arrived back at class and are interested in the notion of how to interact appropriately with such a changing paradigm and an ever shifting foundation on which to place your dwelling. The answer to any such question would be to go to spirit, go to as divine a source as you can manage, as you can perceive and find and sometimes, most of the times, the greatest advance in finding a path and seeking a way to spiritual growth is found within, is not dependent upon another’s experience or technique but is a direct relationship, you, your eternal aspect, and your Creator, your Divine Parents.
We have arrived at this place, this plateau of awareness wherein we may discuss the truths and the realities around the discovery of the nature of your being and of your eternal destiny and of your Indwelling Guide. We have come to know of these aspects of your being and now we may attempt to utilize our awareness to migrate our understanding and awareness to this plateau wherein all of these experiences, facts, figures and outcomes are present in real time awaiting their spirit value, their divine values. You go to divine source to interpret these things. You go within in stillness and seek God there through your portal of your Father Fragment. All of this is quite reasonable, rational, correct, true, good, and beautiful.
Now we must gather all of these tools together, all of the experiences, insights, and awareness that have been formed and we must elevate our spiritual references to elevate our awareness and divine values; as you grow spiritually, your capacity then increases. We have reached a new level even at this plateau of awareness but growth is ever occurring and ever resulting in new awareness, new plateaus of understanding and new dimensions in which you can operate because the parameters have changed and the conditions are different. Nothing in this new scenario of modern life has much resemblance to much that has gone on before. Changes are so rapid now that the demands on leading a spiritual life are great. It is difficult to maintain a holy posture if you are confounded by process and uncertainty.
If you go apart and be with The Father as your Master did to demonstrate to you this technique, then you can receive the connection you seek to verify your path, to provide strength to move forward in doubt and uncertainty because you have trust and faith in the process and your Divine Parents who have provided this process. Such a gift of grace of knowing your destiny, knowing you are saved, knowing that you have been found, provides you with an ease with which you may take some of the stress and circumstance and realize these are simply the modern current obstacles to overcome, the next hurdle before you to manage, no more significant and no greater of a burden placed upon you all simply taking the next step. What is your intention and how do you signal that to the universe and implement it? You need to connect with spirit to signal your intention through the appropriate circuitry. And this is all accomplished as a matter of choice.
This is why we are always so appreciative of the efforts you make, it is completely dependent upon your choosing to be here and finish the circuitry, connect all the dots, make the idea real, make the platform safe and secure. That we have done and we continue to do, even now. Our meeting once again and stating some of these basic principles will find their mark with those with ears to hear. The communication has been once again established, maintained, and stands as a working tool that we are so very grateful to have. So as to how to approach any circumstance, every circumstance, all circumstance, the answer certainly is about love. What would love do? How would love see this circumstance? How would love react to such a circumstance? To ask that is to ask how God would serve, what God would choose.
I sense there are others who would seek to access this forum so I will relinquish the microphone and once again extend my gratitude for the circuitry, the connection, the commitment in time and space and I offer you my commitment to continue this process and maintain this circuitry as an act of divine service to be instruments of the peace of our Divine Parents. We are truly in league in this exercise. Thank you.
Jonathan: Hello and thank you for the invitation. I am Jonathan and as was stated before, I share the gratitude for this opportunity. I always will seize a cracked door to try to open it to get to this place, this parlor of welcome for spirit exchange. I feel that I have 'skin in the game' with my partner in this process in that we grew up together learning, creating, following where spirit would lead and I cherish the fact that I can continue to share this journey side by side with you because I can, because we can, because it is possible. We have shown it to be possible. We have created a dream, we have made it real, and what is amazingly fascinating is that at this point we can discuss such growth, such spiritual character building from both sides of this next wall. I struggle to express the magnitude of this achievement made by mortals of the realm and a number of transitioned mortals of the realm still on the same team, still available to each other in spirit, still alive, still continuing the experience only with new vision, vision that sees a long and beautiful destiny. When you are returning to the source of divine love, the journey is magnificent.
So perhaps, even in the midst of the turmoil, the doubt, the unawareness, the uncertainty, even in the midst of all this in flux and in change one can still find balance and centering and peace when connecting back up to your Divine Parents. There is where you will receive all the right tones of love. Any other source must necessarily fall short so I toast you all who have been part of this experiment and process that we have developed. I toast all who have committed to this truth, this reality, and who have extended in faith to manifest it. Well done that you have arrived at such a spot to plateau but your sense of achievement always seems to be fleeting as more and more growth awaits, more and more character definition is possible. I know that when I am given voice through my associate there is always this familiar common recognition and we did spend a lot of time connecting in spirit. What is so beautiful to learn is that that same spirit connection can happen to your spirit anytime. It is not reserved for a special occasion; once this connection has been made there is always the pathway to reconnect.
So thanks for keeping up, fighting the good fight, keeping this dream alive. That is what makes me so desirous of bringing you such affirmation, such confirmation in the reality and the truth and the goodness and the beauty of what we are all supporting in this exercise. Thanks for letting me take a turn and I look forward to our journey in the future with great expectations. Great opportunities abound for magnificent opportunities to present yourselves as instruments of peace. The times are ripe for your loving display of the love of your Divine Parents that you know, that you have felt, that you recognize, that you return to for comfort and association. Spirit contact is achievable once you realize that is the mode you use to make contact. Our exercise here illustrates dabbling with connections and making connections, holding connections, and we have learned so much over our experience that we’ve come to know certain tricks, techniques, and approaches that seem to work and we’re happy to always go away to commune with The Father, into stillness so that we may connect to our Divine Parents directly through our Adjuster or indirectly through their grace.
Carry on, all is well and your individual future looks very bright. This is the message to provide to your brethren. Once you know of your eternal destiny and that that is not at stake at any point, then it is easier to relax into the circumstance and look for the growth opportunity to learn the lesson, build your character, and move forward. Such is the game and I appreciate very much playing this game with you at this time. I send you all my love because that is an enduring factor and trait as well. It is love that conditions the circuitry that supplies some of the connection. So be it. Enjoy the ride and we will meet again so long as you make the opportunity available. Be in peace and in the love of your Divine Parents.
Mark: Thank you Jonathan, buddy.
Monjoronson: If there is still some voice left I would access it, I am Monjoronson and pleased to pop in again. We are surely all on the team, the team for Michael’s mission, the team to implement the will and the love of the Divine Parents for their children. We are presented with a time which is ripe for the need to change, the need to update the plan in accordance with current standards and information. We’re fortunate enough to be here together at this inauguration, if you will, of this connecting time, the re-encircuitment of Urantia and even to the en-circuitment of the the individual spirits of the realm.
This opportunity before us brings so much potential for growth that it becomes a matter of trying to direct all this energy and to channel it into positive growth for the individual and the whole. The underlying focus on our message is going to involve the individuals, each one being prompted, each wave of spiritual pressure raising the tide to float the vessels. And we find ourselves here as the waters move in and as the foundations become unsettled there will be a desire to hear from divine source, to connect with divine source, to pray and interface with divine source. In order to do this we need to insure that each and every individual knows that they are a child of God and that they have this connection. They are children of Divine Parents and them coming to awareness of this creates the opportunity to connect, to accept this legitimate lineage and simply plug into it.
This movement of finding your spirit dimension will be triggered by the call of spirit, spiritual pressure applied wherein individuals will seek for relevance, purpose, meaning and connection. This can be provided to them without any need for teacher's messages or preacher's words. There is a contact that can be made within which can remove all doubt, can overcome uncertainty, but it must be done, it must be accomplished and there again is the significance and importance of free will choice in the determination of your experience, both as a mortal and subsequently as a spirit being. You as individuals who are familiar with all of these concepts are the most visible and most potent example of enhanced spiritual principles that you are willing to receive, that you are praying to get, that you are interfacing with your Divine Parents in prayer, in thought and even to the extent your intention is guided by this influence.
So to simply be the truth, to simply be good and beautiful is the most powerful statement one could make and this you do in your everyday encounters wherein your interpretation of truths is manifested by your life and that such divine truths surely are manifested through the individual desire, the free will choice. So if you consider that everything out there is an individual choice with individual results, then you realize that change that may need to come about will be from the grass roots level, from all the individual parts who find that part of themselves that is spirit and that is connected by virtue of their birthright to their Divine Parents who are overseeing their experience. A simple message but enormously powerful.
No great waves of change that topples everyone, merely the rising of the tide to float all boats and then to provide them with direction, purpose, and a connection to source so that they are never lost, they are always connected and found. Such an undertaking may be generations in the making or this influx of new energy to rebuild circuitry may accelerate this process and may even go viral and explode with popularity. When people are made aware that they are a loved child of God and that there is a plan for them and that they are deeply involved in it, and that even when this short journey here on Urantia is done, it is just the beginning for what is an eternal journey back to Source.
It’s not a bad message to be tasked with spreading. It infers so much hope that it is quite possible it is just what is needed at this time. When too many doubts and uncertainties arise they make you want to reestablish a firm footing and the firmest of footings is to go with God, go with your Indwelling Guide who is your portal to Divine Source. Do as the Master did when he was among you. He would go off by himself to be with His Father, to be engaged in consult, in prayer, in worship, and after some stillness in this regard, He was always recharged and refreshed having been given the confirmation from within, from on high, that he was in fact doing the will of His Divine Parents. Such is available to any, every, and all individuals with a Thought Adjuster can take advantage of this same counsel that Jesus utilized in His earthly career. After all, you have all pledged to follow Him. He is the way, he showed the way to stay connected and to be on firm footing of solid divine principles.
Thank you for this opportunity to come among you again. I am interested in becoming more familiar to you through this group as we move forward with this divine plan of action. I acknowledge my teammates on the mortal side that make all this possible and I am grateful for your participation. I take my leave now, wishing you well, peace, and love. Farewell.