2024-05-12-Restructuring Planetary Consciousness
Topic: Restructuring Planetary Consciousness in Christ Michael's Sovereign Authority
Group: Institute for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for deepening your presence in us that we may continue to hold focus on those areas of planetary mind and memory that need your healing touch. We invite the presence of our Magisterial Son and all of our wonderful planetary and universe brothers and sisters and helpers who wish to participate us, supporting our efforts at holding the space for the new energies of Spirit we need to integrate into our minds and bodies, especially into the human memory system. You know what we need, and we come to you as one as you connect us through the circuits of Spirit to be totally open to you and in trusting that what you are bestowing will lead us to our victory over the rebellion ways and lead us more into the trajectory of the divine plan unfolding through our efforts. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service to our world, and may your WILL be done through your GRACE and MERCY. Thank you.
MONJORONSON: My beloved brethren, I greet each and every one of you today. This is Monjoronson. And I am happy to lead you in these exercises to facilitate more spiritual energy to move into human mind and memory, to guide you out of the rebellion mindset and into the higher universe ways of LIFE that you are now beginning to perceive and cultivate.
Allow yourselves to deepen into the BREATH OF LIFE offered to you by your Mother Spirit. Let Her presence gently expand in you now, filling you with light and space that you may feel the vitality of Spirit gently surge through you. Take a few moments to focus on Mother, and allow Her presence to deepen within you. (Pause)
What we have been cultivating over the recent years of this particular meditation call is to bring you back to your divine inheritance, that you may intuit and more consciously perceive the divine plans within you for your self-perfecting becoming more aligned with the Indwelling Spirit. This is the undertaking of your human life. While many of your brothers and sisters are focused on the material life and what it provides to you, we appreciate that you have taken this time of great transformation on the planet to shift focus and instead place your emphasis on your spiritual life as the means and the purposes for your human life experience.
There is so much for you to learn about what it means to be son and daughter of God having an experience in life at the human material level. One of the things we wish to amplify within you is your sense of human sovereignty that originates in the Paradise Father of all, that is supported in you by your Father Michael who is here to help develop those spiritual attributes in you that light over the human condition and bring you into a greater state of expressing the love, the goodness, and the truth that you are into the world.
Human sovereignty is presently, what you might consider to be, under attack. There is a growing movement to deny you your rightful divine inheritance. I encourage you now to focus your Father Michael. Envision that He is standing before you in His majestic glory. He is, what you might consider to be, the Sovereign Authority of our universe of Nebadon. He is here to support your own humanity to grow in your own sovereignty—the nature of your being that gives you the right to decide for yourself who and what you are and what you will become. Even the Father in Paradise does not interfere with your free will choices, but gently nudges you forward on that path of becoming more of what He has given you to cultivate over the long course of your evolutionary career.
It is up to you to decide whether or not to embark upon this beautiful but rigorous journey of LIFE. And so, to help you, to give you back more of your own unique individual power that comes from the Father, I encourage you to focus on these words: MY HUMAN SOVEREIGNTY. See yourself standing before Father Michael. Just invite Him to share His SOVEREIGNTY with you that you may grow in who you are and your own internal power structure that connects you more with your divine Source. No one has the right to interfere with your sovereign will, but there is a contingency of humans on this planet who would wish to interfere with this. But we are here to support you in changing course of this trajectory that all humans may recognize their sovereignty in the Father and grow with what Michael as your Father wishes to imbue into you.
Let this settle into your mind. Even if you have questions about this, put them aside for you, for your Indwelling Spirit will help you perceive the deeper meaning and value of this. What is important is for you see yourself standing before your Father, and just let Him and His SOVEREIGN nature amplify your own. And we begin. Feel that need to be open to your own human sovereignty and allow Michael’s presence to imprint upon you.
If it is helpful to receive, focus on the words: I AM GROWING IN MY HUMAN SOVEREIGNTY. I AM GROWING IN MY HUMAN SOVEREIGNTY. I AM GROWING IN MY HUMAN SOVEREIGNTY as Michael continues to minister to you. (Pause)
It is time for humans to remember who they are as sons and daughter of the Father in Paradise and gifts He has bestowed to you, one of which is this sovereignty that gives you the right to make decisions on your own. Yes, it is challenging at times to provide humans with this gift of volition which you know as “free will” that you may live the lives you wish. But living on this world with all of its evil and corruption, it is easy to get entangled in the values of this planet.
In today’s infusion we are helping you step away from that by helping open to your true sovereign nature and the power and potency the Father in Paradise has given to you to become more of who you truly are at the core of your being. This supersedes your human nature, but your human nature grows in this as you open to what the Spirit wishes to guide you to accomplish over the course of your life. This is how you activate and grow in your soul consciousness. It is important now that more people remember that this is part of the human life experience and the purposes for which you have been placed here at the material level.
Feel that need to become more potent and powerful in your sovereign self so that you may withstand some of the false ideologies that are still fomenting so much fear and chaos on the planet. Turn to Michael and simply receive, and your face and His face reflect together the LOVE-BOND between you as He feeds you with His SOVEREIGNTY AUTHORITY AND NATURE. (Pause)
In contrast to the world’s population, very few people are aware of who they are and the gifts that the Father has given to them. But the time upon Urantia is now opening so that you can remember this deeper part of yourself and sovereign nature that the Father has given to you. Feel that aspiration to grow, to experience more of this. As you do this, you help change the fabric, if I may use that word, or temperament of planetary mind. You help your brothers and sisters open to theirs by providing more light and space that the Spirit Within may illuminate each individual with who they are—an image that will support them in their growth process; set them on their path of soul discovery and personality expression. The more you claim your sovereign authority in your Father Michael and the Paradise Father, the more you will feel a new power and potency surge through you and give you more motivation and inspiration to stay on this path and develop it with more gusto and relish and assurance that you are indeed doing Father’s WILL. (Pause)
Invite what you Father Michael is imprinting upon you to go deeper into your memory, helping you outwork any feelings of victimization or powerlessness. You truly are quite remarkable human beings. Living on this world has been such a challenge for so many. It is hard to fathom with your human words what we see what you have to undergo in terms of what this rebellion culture has done to humanity as a whole. But you are now in a new dispensation; a new era for your sovereignty authority to be returned to you by your Father Michael and the Paradise Father.
Keep on allowing this to imprint more deeply into your memory, bringing you out of any unconscious sensations, feelings tied to unworthiness and victimization that you may stand in what the Father has given you and feel a new surge of motivation and power coursing through you and helping you remember the beauty, the glory of what a human can become in alignment with Spirit. (Pause)
Assert your right to your own sovereign authority that originates in the Father. Notice over time how this grows you in recognition of your true selfhood and potential as a human. And of course, if you have any questions about this, you may take this to your Father Michael and ask Him to share His life experience with you as Jesus in how He was able to cultivate this in Himself. He is here to show you the way, to guide you along that path. (Pause)
We are now ready to turn focus into the planetary constructs of mind and memory. As you have received, now give. Father Michael is here to support His children in the remembrance and restructuring of planetary mind that more individuals may tap into their own sovereignty. Please join with us now as we focus this into the circuits of planetary mind to spiral around the planet from the north to the south pole counterclockwise: RESTRUCTURING OF PLANETARY CONSCIOUSNESS IN CHRIST MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY, RESTRUCTURING OF PLANETARY CONSCIOUSNESS IN CHRIST MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY, : RESTRUCTURING OF PLANETARY CONSCIOUSNESS IN CHRIST MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY. Hold this now as best you can as we minister into the planet as a whole and insert this scripting/encoding where it can promote the most change for the highest good of all. Hold this as best you can and feel that need for your brothers and sisters to remember who they are as sons and daughters of God and the SOVEREIGNTY the Father has given them. (Pause)
Hold willingness for more of your brothers and sisters to open to this and what it means for their lives to help them remember who they are at the core level of their beings. Invite this energy to go down into the memory circuits, especially into areas where people hold emotions of feeling powerless and victimized by life. It is time for humanity to release these chains and bonds of captivity, to stand in their sovereignty and to grow in who they are, feeling this new surge of power and potency activate within them and bring them back to recognition and remembrance of their divine Source—the Father in Paradise, the Father of all. (Pause)
Hold the intention and willingness for the influences of victimization and powerlessness as an energy field to be cleansed of this false ideology and memory experience. Invite Mother and Her angels to move into these circuits, purifying these false forms with Her BREATH OF LIFE—Her JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE that more people may feel this bubbling wellspring of joy and liberation course through them. It is time for humanity to return to its sovereignty and to grow in self-expression of who they are as sons and daughters of the Father in Paradise. Hold that intention for all of these false forms still holding humanity captive to be purified in Mother’s LOVE and Father Michael’s SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY. (Pause)
As this false mask begins to recede from the memory circuits, more individuals will be able to tap into their potential. They will experience a vitality moving in them, giving them a heightened sense they have more to give in life, more to learn, more to share, more to grow. When the whole planet is free from this scourge, this will truly be the flowering of the human race. Never before on this world has this been achieved. We understand that you may have questions about this: What will this look like? How will this change the planetary culture? I am sure you can all imagine that this will and is a change for the good and that you will be able to cultivate in the fields of Spirit which is providing all of the necessary equipment, you might say, at the spiritual level to make these changes at the material end.
Now see your social institutions in values of equality and fairness and justice where love and compassion and understanding of others and others’ difference become so much more harmonized because you all recognize you are all children of God and you all have the right to become who you are. This is still something that has yet to blossom in human mind, but you are on that path now. And this will help your brothers and sisters also release the false impressions that they have and how they have been inculcated into false representations of themselves by these rebellion ideologies. So you see, my brethren, you have much to gain in growing in this and holding focus for your brothers and sisters to open to who they are and to grow in their potential through their recognition of their right to make decisions guided by Father Michael and His SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY. (Pause)
Let us add one more focus, and that is to invite REMEMBRANCE AND RECOGNITION OF THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE PARADISE FATHER to move into the memory circuits. REMEMBRANCE AND RECOGNITION OF THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE PARADISE FATHER. Invite that to move and calibrate and activate deeply into the memory circuits all around the globe. Your brothers and sisters are being stimulated in new ways to open to who they are at the deepest level—the core essence in which they exist as sovereign children of the Paradise Father Himself. Hold this as best you can for your brothers and sisters to REMEMBER AND RECOGNIZE THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE PARADISE FATHER. (Pause) Feel that need and willingness for your brothers and sisters to open to your Holy Mother Spirit as She continues to purify the circuits of mind and memory that these endowments may integrate into the human composition and lead more people out of the past and into the bright future you are now in the process of cultivating. (Pause)
Take heart in the assurance that all is well and the planetary mind-memory system is indeed opening to the higher circuits of universe MIND. Take a few moments to feel that need for more people to become imbued with Mother’s MIND that is so far-encompassing, larger than the planetary mind circuits that are still operating in you. Feel that need and willingness for more of your brothers and sisters to receive the infusion of Mother to liberate them from how the planet functions and into the higher universe domain where more people may become aware that they have a higher purpose to their lives and what it means to be a cosmic citizen. Their Indwelling Spirits will be able to help them translate this energy. What we ask of you is to hold focus now that Mother’s presence may deepen in Her children and lead them out of the past and into their potential. (Pause)
Join with us now as we elevate our gaze to the Paradise level. Open your hearts with joy and gratitude for all of the wonderful endowments now bathing this planet to bring you back to LIFE—abundant life, creative life, LIFE IN THE SPIRIT. Join with us now as we spend these moments of worshipful communion of all that has been given and all that is still be cultivated by humanity. (Pause)
In this state of communion, I invite you to assert your commitment to the Father that you will continue to embark on your spiritual path, that you will continue to assert your right to your sovereignty, that you will assert your right to grow your potential. This is one of the ways you show gratitude to the Father. It is simply the act of the human child becoming more and more like Him. Do not worry how fast or slowly you are progressing. But trust that you are walking this path day by day, progressing one step at a time in becoming this beautiful expression of love, grace, and beauty. (Pause)
My beloved brethren, take a few moments to descend from Paradise. See yourself standing on the earth plane grounded in your higher SELF, full of that REFLECTION OF PARADISE GLORY of who you are at the core of being, that your own individual sovereignty continue to help you recognize the power and potency you have within, and connect you more to your true purpose for being here and how you can be of greater service to your Parents during this time of planetary correction. (Pause)
Hold focus now for all of these new circuits we have co-created together to integrate deeply into planetary mind and memory, leading more people out of their own victimhood and into the power and potency the Father has given them. (Pause)
Affirm your own right to grow in this way, becoming more aware consciously of what you can do during this time to be of service to your Parents in this time of planetary need. (Pause)
While we have completed our circuitry objectives for today, know that these energies will continue to make their way into the circuits of mind and memory and have a greater impact in the coming days to bring more people back to the Father and their rightful divine inheritance. Take pleasure in knowing that you have helped in tremendous ways, far beyond your comprehension. One day you will know what you have done to contribute to this massive planetary healing and be proud of your efforts as a human. It is time for Urantians to remember who they are as part of this FABRIC OF LIFE and the role you play in it.
I will leave you in this manner, my brethren. Thank you for your continued loyal dedication in service in to the greater good of all and how you are growing as participants in the great evolutionary Deity of the Supreme Being. Become more aware in the coming days, not only of your potential, but of your cosmic citizenship and the role you play in the FABRIC OF LIFE. Thrive, grow, and prosper, and always remember that you are LOVE in the core of your being. Good day.