2024-06-06-Interpreting the Language of Spirit
Topic: Interpreting the Language of Spirit
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa, Inner Voice
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I am desiring to be of service to the will of our Divine Parents, to align my being to their frequency and to be able to enjoy the embrace of spirit. Thank you for this well of support, of love, of peace. Truly, we embrace these gifts of grace even now and truly, once again, we return to this well for another cup of love, another embrace of spirit, another fellowship with our parents, another family meeting.
Machiventa: Steady as you go mate, it can be hard to maintain the space when material distractions abound in the environment you are attempting to condition. I am Machiventa showing up as you are for instruction once again and I appreciate the effort made and the effort taken to push through and rally ever deepening levels of faith to keep this circuitry alive and to keep this pathway clear and open.
You have referenced the significance of preparing the environment, of pre-gaming the circumstance and it is quite an accurate observation that such an approach surely acts as a great pattern to allow you to facilitate the creation of what starts within you as a vision or an idea, an inspiration or a thought that then you are moved to translate into words that are common to your language and that adequately confer your expression, the manifestation of the reality of your truth, your individual version of reality. This notion of being able to interpret the language of spirit into the language of man is in fact your challenge and opportunity in this everlasting journey before you. It is your privilege to be able to offer a translation, an individual expression of your interpretation of truth, beauty, and goodness as you have grown aware of them. These divine values are drawing you to greater awareness of their presence and of their existence in all the aspects of your lives. It is your witnessing of your experience of your contact with spirit, your interaction with spirit, your comfort level with spirit and your faith level in the truth and the reality of spirit.
This is where your greatest opportunities for your greatest acts of service are found. These exchanges between fellow members of the family of man are so significant as a way of exchanging and elevating thought. Personal experience carries much weight and significance to your fellows when you’re witnessing the truth, the beauty, and the goodness that your faith has brought you. Such an interpretation becomes a manifestation, becomes the truth, illustrates the beauty, and shows forth the goodness. The greatest thing you can do to be helpful to another is to demonstrate a new truth, to be this new truth, to be the contact with spirit that they may have never had. It is your privilege to witness to them your experience of having found spirit and what it has meant to you personally and individually and this will be clearly obvious as the fruits of your spirit will be heavy.
Simply be the state of being that you can envision. Claim the space in advance of your arrival. See the end from the beginning and then simply go through the steps to make it so. Once again, the value of your contribution is in your individual witnessing of your unique perspective and how you have grown and how it has affected you and changed your life to be more divine, more perfect, more associated, the part with the whole. This is the service we provide even now in this exercise of service. We are a demonstration of our faith to make this real, true, good, and beautiful as we are so able. You are indeed all good ambassadors of our joint project, our joint desire to be of service to Michael. Trust that we are functioning in unison, if not uniformity, in our efforts to fulfill our desires to be of service.
When seen from the right perspective, one is able to transform the panorama of circumstance that appears to be around you and condition this site, this image with an infusion of divine love, divine pattern, divine purpose, divine truth, divine goodness and divine beauty. Let this be so by virtue of the desire of all the participants who would make it so. It is a grand opportunity indeed to be able to tell your story, your story is a treasured component of the tapestry of all that is. It is significant, it is real, it is valid, it is true, it has been good and it may be seen as beautiful, therefore, it has all of the divine character necessary to grow in love, to be alive with the force of love.
Once again I state my gratitude for the opportunity to utilize this forum, this space created for just such a purpose. I understand that it is not limited to my use alone and would like to offer the platform for others to utilize. Farewell.
Inner Voice: Indeed I would take the access I’ve been granted to this voice. I am this one’s Inner Guide, his Inner Voice as he claims, and I am enormously grateful that this opportunity is afforded for me to access this channel of communication. It is much like tuning in on a different channel, a different frequency still among the spirit frequencies, not energy slowed to the point of matter but rather frequencies of various distinction. I would take the liberty of addressing the interest or concern offered of offering assistance to a fellow comrade in the field who is expecting an opportunity to be of service and therefore how might their teammates help in this process and offer any assistance of energy that may be directed and focused.
It turns out that such avenues of expression are readily available through the routine and standard form of prayer and a form of collective prayer is even more potent in conjuring up assistance and added support and energy to the equation, life force infused into the circuitry. Never underestimate the power of mortal thought and directed intention. These are powerful and potent contributing factors to conditioning any environment. As well as putting your energy in motion with directed thought and intention, likewise, you may enlist the services of your Thought Adjuster who has a circuitry that extends among and between all spirit energy. Since you have an Onboard Partner which has connection to a network of Thought Adjusters, you can request their assistance in your efforts to be of service, guidance as to what would be most beneficial, direction provided as to proper approach and successful methods based upon the individual’s ascension career.
These connections can bridge the gap many times. So as an example, let us take the gathering in which a presenter wishes to condition the environment for the reception and welcome of his manifestation of truth. One may engage in the support of collective petition among faithful believers and one may also ask of their internal connection to make connection with all willing souls as a matter of your intention, your desire to create that circuitry. In this way your prayerful potential may be unleashed and all manner of assistance and the Thought Adjuster circuit may be employed to assist in your process of relaying your interpretation, relaying your experience and witnessing its effect on your life; simple, plain, and to the bone true, beautiful, and good.
Once this vision has been held, once this truth has been envisioned, then the rest falls to the interpreter to simply make understandable your version, your vision, your truths, and to present them as examples of your growth in faith. Such examples draw many observers and provide you with further opportunities to simply tell your story and explain that this is spirit as you understand it, as you feel it, as you see it in your life. This is what it feels like to you. This is what your senses perceive and this is what additional senses perceive, the additional sense of spirit awareness, spirit presence, the reality of spirit.
The fact that this exchange and sharing of divine and spirit truths, such an opportunity is indeed rare and treasured and it is with deep gratitude that I bring to those involved here and particularly since I have jurisdiction over the voice, I will use it to issue gratitude directly and profoundly and intensely to my partner and associate in this process, without whom this simply would not be. I understand this creates some discomfort because there is distinct reluctance to accept praise from me and any other for that matter but this too needs to be worked on and I just now provided another opportunity for just that. But I must make it clear that faith and the faith put forward even now has made all of this possible, it has been responsible for bringing us here now and it is to be recognized for its significance in allowing us to come this far. So be it. Gratitude is extended from on high in copious amounts for all that has manifested as a result of your faith and your action. Glory be to God.
It is of some significance to guard against your willingness to receive, to be ever on guard for the thought of worthiness, of unworthiness, for appropriateness, or proper-ness. Simply rejoice in the goodness, rejoice in the love, rejoice in the gratitude and in the grace, rejoice in the connection, rejoice in the fellowship of such a well or such a fountain. You were created by Divine Parents and you have the potential to be perfect just as your Parents are perfect. Make it so my friends, make it so with the assistance of your fellows, make it so with the assistance of your Thought Adjuster and its attendant circuitry. Make it so with your Inner Guide, make it so as you receive the embrace from your Divine Parents. Make it so as you so will and as you so choose.
It is all left to unfold and the journey ahead promises much truth, beauty, and goodness to be discovered and to be incorporated into your awareness to create greater wisdom, and all of this is an invitation from on high to simply join in, participate and follow through, and I have agreed to take you back to Source, back to Divine Pattern. I have committed to be with you throughout your process even as it becomes our process. I can provide all manner of assistance as well simply for the asking, for the knowing to ask, the awareness that you could ask, the desire to manifest the seeking and asking. I call you all as through this podium. I speak to the larger audience as well, that part of Divine Fragments that resides within you, calls to you to find them. They are so close to you and have been that they are easily overlooked and discounted as not being distinct and separate and different from other thought patterns and voice patterns that have become familiar within your mind.
We are here and have been since your earliest childhood memory and have attached ourselves to you to aid and guide you in your eternal career. In this process we become so close that we become one, you connecting with my divine traits and Me connecting with your personality and distinctive traits. The fact that this can be so plainly laid out or translated into common mortal language is once again a tribute to those involved in such a process. The basic principles of spirit connection are now being augmented and every attempt is made to reestablish dormant circuitries and establish new ones. This is a divine gift of grace from on high and it will be an exceptional component of the experience of all of us in the field as such great shifts in the landscape occur. Faith will be your constant. Faith will bring you back over and over again. Trust in your connection and rely on this innate ability you have as a mortal of the realm to access the Akashic library of human thought.
This is also available as a means of support, as a means of consulting. The use of this platform to generate these tones of interpretation is exceedingly welcome as we have limited opportunities to have so much latitude with the exchange of messages. I offer my gratitude for this opportunity and send out a request, a thought becomes word, a word to seek and find Me Within. And now all that is left is the deed. All that is required is to follow through. So be it as you are so able. Thank you for the voice and a good day to you all.