2024-06-10-Machiventa Mission Urantia 13
Topic: Machiventa Mission Urantia 13
Group: Mission Urantia
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: John Morris
Machiventa: This is Machiventa. Thank you for inviting me again to be with you. We are here together again because you have made it possible by your faith. You have conditioned this space by your love for one another and for your spirit friends who delight in reaching across this veil of the illusion of separation to connect with us on this side of the equation and join with us to do our creator’s will.
As you can see, and as I forewarned this group long ago, your world is continuing to drift into peril and the cataclysms foretold are now becoming a reality. This is only a beginning as the grip by a few greedy and selfish individuals has yet to loosen and allow for new ways of living in harmony and peace to replace greed and materialism. If ever there was a need for a new way of thinking, living, and being to be proclaimed on Urantia, now is the time. Who will bring the message of Christ Michael to this world? Everything is in place for a spiritual renaissance to take place. The spiritual quarantine has been lifted. The spiritual circuits have been not only reconnected but enhanced, and the vibration of these circuits increased to enable individuals to connect with their Thought Adjusters and begin to understand their place in creation.
The younger generation is disillusioned with the status quo and is hungry for truth—not the dead truths of their parents' generation, but a new truth that speaks to their aspirations. What is needed now is a restatement of the teachings of our sovereign Christ Michael to these hungry souls and an example of the living truth of unconditional love and those who are at peace with themselves, who have found the antidote for anxiety, fear, doubt, and violence. Who will lead this new revelation if not those who have been given this truth and spent most of their adult lives, reading, absorbing, applying, studying and experiencing this truth. There is time remaining to make a meaningful difference in the future trajectory of the evolution of Urantia, but this moment, this vector, this nexus of opportunity will not last forever. Now, more than ever before action is needed. Leadership is required for those who feel the call to respond but do not know what to do. When this leadership is responding to our call it requires your support. Do not let your criticism of an imperfect plan prevent you from supporting a good plan. Plans can always be modified when circumstances warrant. Do not spend time debating. Get into motion and co-create with us a moment to change the course of your world and steer it towards a better, a sustainable and a peaceful future. Now, if you have questions, let us have a conversation to shine, shine some light on your path. Thank you.
JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you John.
Bob: I have a question Machiventa. In my family, there are some young people that are somewhat interested in this sort of thing, but how can I help them be more interested when they're into the digital age and that sort of thing and not used to conversing as much as they are involved with things on the internet and that sort of thing? How can we help them be better informed and interested in our cause when their communication is a little bit different than the norm for our generation?
MM: Excellent question, Bob. We thank you for asking. The question I hear is how can we make our cause their cause? How can we enlist their interests, their support, their talents in the digital age and their youthful energy in helping us. And in helping us, they help themselves. You must find out what it is they are interested in. Now, I would suggest to you that if you look beneath the veneer of all their interest in online content, in online games and online social media, and you dig a little deeper, you will find beneath that a deep vein of anxiety. They see the status quo that they're living in and they're not happy with it. They don't feel secure in it. How can we speak to their anxieties? What can we say that would be of comfort to them, and how can we say it that keeps the lines of communication open? We are not here to preach a wordy theology or philosophy of living. We are here to show real care and concern through our living demonstration of love for them for what they need, what they are concerned about. And so that is the challenge.
I am interested in suggestions as to how you see or any of the people on this call and involved in this effort see how to do that. How do you craft the message that speaks to them? It's very difficult for us who have been in this bubble for most of our adult lives to not use words and phrases that we think are just everyday common vernacular when really, outside of those who have invested themselves in the Urantia readings and the Teaching and Correcting Time Missions, it is not. We need to find a way to craft this message that speaks to these youth. Thank you.
Bob: So, in other words, a lot of it is up to us in helping craft these things with the younger generation because of our own connection with them.
MM: Yes and no. No in terms of not a lot of it, but all of it is up to the people of this world. This is your world. We are not going to wave a magic wand; we are not going to come and implement policies. We are here to support you, to lead you in the right direction and simply by our presence to give you the confidence that you know that you belong to a much greater context of life and that your mortal career, even those who are closer now to the end than the beginning, is by no means the end of your everlasting career, simply the birth of your career. So that should give you the confidence to come up with ideas, to implement plans that challenge the status quo and that offer an alternative. You must have the courage to be vulnerable to tell your personal stories to this next generation. How is it that you became so certain? How is it that your faith grew to the ability to create the capacity in you to consciously connect with your indwelling spirit and begin that evolution of spiritual growth that allows you to stand firm in the face of these cataclysms and proclaim a new and better way?
They're not interested in your theology and philosophy. They have yet to be interested in all of the teachings of the last 30 years of the Urantia revelation. You have to do more than just put teachings out there to ignite this youth. They are ready, they are looking, they are hungry. How will you do this? Thank you.
Bob: It's a big responsibility on our part then, isn't it?
MM: It’s the total responsibility of the inhabitants of this world to care for it and to lead it into a more sustainable future. We must overcome the tendency to look outside ourselves for answers when the answers that you need, that you seek are within you. We must begin to take seriously the responsibility for our own personal spiritual growth and evolution. And if you do that, and really do that and continue to really do that every day of your life, you will become the living answer that you're now seeking for. Thank you.
JT: Yes, I’ve concluded recently that the tendency of the world during the upcoming cataclysms is going to be me first. I think we see it in the change in politics all over the world. It's going to be me first and the hell with everybody else. And so that's one of the things we have to overcome. We’ve got to transcend that.
Sal: People who read The Urantia Book are not in sync and The Urantia Book has been here over 50 years to that level of what has it produced? To me it has fragmented into all these other groups and now, more websites.
JT: Well, The Urantia Book didn't come to us fragmented. It's the fact that we are fragmented, and we are fighting with each other all the time, whether it be over football games or territory or money just as everything here is fought over. So, it's not the fault of The Urantia Book. It's the fact that we're all fighting with each other all the time and we're going to continue to do it, and it's going to get worse as the cataclysms set in.
Sal: But right now, we don't agree—right now, with the few people that are here. I mean, maybe I'm the bad guy. I don't want to be a bad guy. I want to uplift the planet. I want to, well, in the few years I have left here, I'd like to do something to look back at what I did in my last days.
JT: Well, I think the best, the most important thing we can do is cultivate healthy relationships with individuals.
Sal: That's a given. I mean, that's a given to love your brother, reach down to the guy below you because that's a given. I mean, I have no problem with words, but I don't see the formulation of a government. Like when I said that earlier, everybody balked at that. Everybody balked at playing bridge. I'm a layman. I'm not a high-level person. My degree is a Field Commission from IBM. I designed the first chip and bingo; they gave me a field commission as an engineer. So, I've done a lot of work in the technical areas of the world. I was in the Air Force. I got a lot of experience about what's going on and where we are. When I talk to certain people in the Urantia movement about going door to door with The Urantia book like I was forced to do as a kid with Jehovah's Witnesses, with the Bible. I mean, Urantia Book people don't even want to do that. Yeah, I don't think that works personally. That’s selling a message, and selling a message is not really what this is about. It's about a spiritual relationship with God. It's telling mankind that we're not alone in the universe.
JT: That's personal, spiritual advancement. With the most correct facts about the universe and $5 you can get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Sal: Given, given. The Urantia Book will hit some people and not other people. It was the glue that I needed in my life to know that God loves Urantia experiences, and on the evolutionary worlds, it's money. And there's where you start another website, money, money. I mean…
JT: Well, that's what Jesus did, isn't it? He raised money.
Sal: He didn't raise money.
JT: No, he didn't raise money. It isn't all about money with Jesus. I’ve got to say.
MM: This is Machiventa. I might interject here and offer a different point of view. Now, it is tempting from a mortal perspective as I look back on 50 plus years of the fifth epoch of revelation and think that's a long time and that that book alone was going to make radical changes in your society and your culture. And it's easy to understand a certain kind of disappointment when things have not only not gotten better but have gotten worse. But from our point of view, The Urantia Book has been a tremendous success on this world. And in its 50 years or more of being amongst mortals on this world, it has changed the lives of thousands of individuals who are currently working in their families and their communities to uplift those around them. One of the most important accomplishments of the Fifth Epochal Revelation to date is that it has produced this generation of people who are here today and who are answering now an inexplicable pressure in their hearts to want to do something to practically bring this message that The Urantia Book so wonderfully states and that the Teaching Mission and the Correcting Time have done a great deal to illuminate to a much wider audience. The Urantia revelation has done a great deal to make this time possible. It shouldn't be overlooked for all its flaws and the flaws of those imperfect people who champion it.
There is a tremendous gap between where this world is at and where it needs to be to even achieve worldwide peace, and achieving worldwide peace is a prerequisite for any kind of contemplation and evolution of what planetary government would look like. And whatever planetary government looks like in other worlds, it will be unique here on this world. It will be unique because our world is unique. We are the bestowed planet of our sovereign Christ Michael. Yes, we have suffered great deprivations as a result of the rebellion. Because of that experience, our planetary evolution and achievement of peace, enlightened life and planetary government will also be unique. How we get there will be unique to us, and what it's like when we do get there would be unique to us. And so, we mustn't feel sorry for ourselves or wish for a different opportunity or a different unfolding of events. We are here in this moment. We have every possible resource that we need to make this world move along the continuum towards social sustainability, towards peace and towards light and life. Now, I finally have a group of individuals that are working in a very practical way, just to make this a real possibility. What it needs now is support and energy from the larger community.
So the question in our minds as celestials is, will this community support this effort to build a global, digital communications platform to communicate to the millennials and gen Zs of this world to address their anxiety, to offer them hope, to offer them a new possibility, one that they can get excited about because it is those generations that are going to have to really bring this change in attitude and heart out into the world. This effort is not perfect, but if it should fail, ask yourselves what next? If I can't support this, then what can I support?
So, what are we waiting for as a community to come together in a spirit of harmony, set aside our differences and participate in shaping what this global platform will look like? And seeing that we can gather up and preserve all the efforts of this generation to co-create the Teaching Mission and Correcting Time transcripts, how can we help shine a light on The Urantia Book without turning off people, without sounding like just another religious or spiritual mission to the world, but that we have a global plan? Our plan is global. It does not belong to any one wisdom tradition of this world. How can we liberate the teachings of Jesus to become world teachings, for Jesus to become a world teacher? This is what is needed now. How can we do that, together, is our question as we watch. Thank you.
Recca: The last time we were together, two weeks ago, I asked you a question about the board that I belong to. Well, the next day we had an annual meeting and the next day I was nominated as the chairman of the committee. That was after I had listened to the audio recording you had sent out, James. One of the board members came to me and said “You seem fairly middle of the road. Would you consider being nominated?” And I thought about it and thought, huh? The Father's will just jumps right in when you say “Your will is my will. I'll be interested to do your will, Father.” And so here it was. And I thought, huh? OK. So now for two weeks, I've been the chairman and there hasn't been a lot of work because I'm reorganizing myself, but I'd like to thank you Machiventa for being the impetus and the encouragement for me to take on this chairmanship, which seems like a different kind of a job for me now. So, thanks, I appreciate it. Sounds good.
MM: Thank you, Recca. This came about because of your question. It came about because of your courage to act. As your book so fondly says the act is ours, the consequences are God’s.
Recca: Exactly.
MM: So when you act upon what you've been given, you do not know what the opportunities will look like that come your way, but they will certainly come your way. And now you have a platform for further growth.
Recca: I do.
MM: Congratulations. Thank you.
Recca: Thank you. Yeah, I'll keep you posted. Well, you'll see what it is though. Thank you for your help.
MM: You are most welcome.
JT: I received some written questions. Tsiu is from South Africa. Martha knows of him.
Questions for Machiventa: We are students in request if we may be empowered by the Father to find more efficient ways to bring light, to assist our spiritual brothers and sisters in the healing of their minds. We are requesting permission and means to be taken on a study tour in an inclusive larger group to one of the plants of Nebadon who are already in Light and Life as part of our empowerment. This will benefit us and those whom we will teach through sharing this first-hand knowledge and experience. They will in turn be able to impart that experiential knowledge to the transitioning generations of Urantia. That's question number one.
MM: Would you like me to answer that now?
JT: Yes.
MM: OK. This is Machiventa. I'm kind of having a moment of levity here. When I get that spacecraft requisitioned and lined up to pick these people up in South Africa, Sal, I'm going to have them stop by and pick you up on the way so that you can all go to the next neighboring planet. Now, you can tell I'm being a bit facetious here and I do not mean to make light of sincere questions, but to be empowered by Christ Michael, by the Holy Spirit to be that source of, that messenger of, that example of a better way, you know by now that this is not going to happen by being taken on a tour of the local system of Satania and visiting other worlds. If such a gift would be given to you in terms of being allowed to visit these worlds or even the morontia worlds, it would be because it serves a spiritual purpose and you have grown the capacity within to make use of such an experience for the greater good and for your own spiritual growth. It would be rare, extremely rare, if this were to happen at all.
You ought to know by now and begin to get some sense of the process. The process really involves your personal relationship with the divinity that lives within you. And so, we keep coming back to this point: looking outside of yourselves for answers will avail you not. Jesus said, “Seek within—the kingdom of heaven is within you.” The spirit of the First Source and Center reaches across an almost unbelievable gap to the furthest reaches of the grand universe, to the edge of the cosmos into each of you. This is given so you know you are not separate, but you are part of this beating heart of creation. You are part of this unconditional divine love that grows within your heart that actually creates a physical pressure in your chest when you try to bottle it up. It simply wants to be let loose to overflow into your life, into the lives of your intimate family, into your communities and into your world. But the way that you will be empowered to bring a message to uplift your fellows will be through this spiritual connection, by tapping into this infinite power of unconditional divine love within and learning how to share that with people in an ordinary, empathetic and compassionate way. And if you need a single word to name that process, it would be service. Your service to your family. Your are seeing what others want to have done for them and doing it without asking, without requiring recognition. Simply doing it out of joy for an opportunity to serve someone you love is sufficient to change this world once it's practiced on a large enough scale. It is the only way this world will change—one open heart at a time.
We are trying to make this message more widely known, not because we expect it's going to have an immediate effect on your environment in the world, on your government, on your politics or on your economics, but because we know that people will make the right choice when they know they have a choice. We simply want to make it known to people in a way that they can relate to, what the choices are before them, and then we have to stand back and allow that process to unfold. Thank you.
JT: Thank you Machiventa. He has a second question here which is on a more personal note. One of the people in his Urantia group there in South Africa is Gilbert. He is 76 years old, blind and has been without a woman partner for several years and needs an assistant or wife who can assist him with vision. He would like to know if he can be blessed with such a partner without first having to register as being married in a man-made protocol. I think he's wanting to know if he can find a woman to help him or maybe some assistance in finding a woman to help him without the benefit of marriage, as we might say here in the United States.
MM: Thank you. These are wonderful questions because they point to a vulnerability of where an individual is at in this process. This is real, this is human. It was very touching to us to be asked these kinds of questions. The short answer is yes. There is nothing from our point of view, from the spiritual world's point of view to prevent Gilbert from having a woman to assist him in his life. There is nothing to say what that should look like from our point of view—whether it involves a formal agreement sanctioned by the state through marriage, or whether it's just simply the agreement of two souls willing to live together, to love one another and care for one another. There's nothing from our point of view that would prevent any of that. So how is Gilbert to achieve this? And I think it would be a wonderful effort on the part of this group to have several of you at least answer it from your point of view, from where you are at in your spiritual growth. How would you respond to Gilbert? What would you say to him in answer to this question? I hope some of you will take that up. Thank you. [JT: You can contact Gilbert through Tsiu at tsiu.mathibeli@yahoo.com]
Martha: Thank you Machiventa. I would like to ask a question, but I just wanted to comment on your last comment. There's a lovely saying that says, never ask God for a good man or a good woman because God thinks all men and all women are good [chuckles]. But I do have a question and it's a question to do with a link between the work that you want done in the world and that divine will wants to unfold on our planet and the role that those who are part of the Teaching Mission and the Magisterial Mission (who are mostly pale-faced people from one continent) can play. And because I find myself in a country that is still very young and very flexible and where we are in the middle of a process that's potentially quite useful for change. I'm just wondering how we share the knowledge we have about the Teaching Mission and the Magisterial Mission and all the social changes that it promotes at a time when African people are ready to move forward and show their skills and their great wisdom. And so, for me it’s the problem of being a servant of a message that has been taken up mostly by one group of people. How do we share that message with such a diverse world without messing it up? We know from our own experience and our own families; how many people have been resistant to The Urantia Book and obviously Urantia Book people themselves have been resistant to the Teaching Mission message. How do we share that message with a more diverse group of people without messing up? Thank you.
MM: Thank you, Martha. Well, it's very difficult for you to be at any level of spiritual maturity than where you are right now, and so one can always grow and improve. And I think that the key ingredients in sharing this message are humility, sincerity, patience, loving kindness, service and a thick skin. Because when white people go around the world with messages of hope, liberation, it's not too difficult to see how you might receive a little push back given the history of the white race in this world and how it's treated its brothers and sisters of color and exploited them. Nonetheless, this message doesn't come from the white race. This is a spiritual message and as it grows in its acceptance around the world it will become much more diverse than those who are the messengers.
These are early days for the Fifth Epochal Revelation. It could not have really been given to those who haven't been given the opportunity to solve the basic needs of clothing, shelter and survival, when the attention for so many people in this world is dealing with basic questions of food security and physical security, when societies haven't really grown to welcome every member as a participant, when there are many cross currents of different kinds in those societies and people look at racism as a thing between people of different color. Racism is nothing more than the refusal to accept others as your brothers and sisters in any form. And it's there in cultures who have a real history of tribalism, of clan, of family. And this message will reach indigenous people, it will reach citizens of all nations and cultures one, two, three or four at a time. And when those people are truly vetted and grown into their spirit, they will be the ones that will really bring this message to their kin and their fellows. We mustn't shy away from bringing this message to these people in this moment. We don't know those in these cultures who have been prepared by spirit to receive this message and who will be the ones to really champion it amongst their own kind.
So, we must be patient. You must move ahead with making the best effort we can around the world globally and cultivate pockets of reception wherever we can and allow this message to then be absorbed by different cultures and different races and allow them the opportunity to restate this message in ways that align with their cultural values and ideals. Thank you.
Marthe: Thank you very much, Machiventa. That's a beautiful answer.
MM: Do not be shy. Please do not go away from here wondering and wishing you might have asked something.
Sal: Well, you know, every time I communicate I buck heads with somebody about something all the time. When Travis and I were talking earlier about systems that are not in rebellion and the government and the communication that is there and how all that is already in the system that's working and how our planet will eventually get into that system that's already in existence before the Lucifer Rebellion. And I see a lot of fragmentation even here. Words are really nice, but where's the meat? I don't want to get into an argument. I don't want to be the bad guy in the back room, throwing erasers at the teacher in the front. I've been there, done that.
MM: Well, I'll be happy to comment. This is Machiventa. The question I would ask you Sal, is what can you do? Instead of being a guy at the back of the parade with the broom and the dustpan sweeping up the elephant piles? What can you do to lead the parade? What can you do to support the work of those who are leading the parade? Move up, move up in the ranks of those who are putting their life on the line, devoting their life efforts to trying to do something.
Now, this something that is trying to be done can easily be criticized. Nonetheless, if you have something to offer, do not sit on the sidelines waiting for something better. This may be your last best chance before your mortal career ends to really throw your weight, your enthusiasm, your blessing behind the effort of your peers, of your fellow Urantians and inspire people to do something. And when you can wholeheartedly commit to participating and still be a voice for your unique point of view, you will find that more people will be willing to give a greater ear to your ideas and you will have more influence.
What is going to happen in the near future has been set in motion for centuries if not millennia. It has an energy, and it will have to be expended, that energy, in one way or another. We hope that through your efforts, we can preserve enough of this culture so that we don't have to start from zero; we don't have to weather the winter of another dark age. We hope that we do not have to reseed this world with new life because it destroyed life on it. There are so many potentials, but there is also great potential for good. We must focus our attention on what is good, what is true, what is beautiful, and put our efforts there. And if we truly act without reservation, without hedging our bets, we wholeheartedly can get behind trying to make this world a better place, then we've done everything we can. And regardless of what happens here, you will move on to the morontia worlds and your soul will carry a great deal of more weight because of the efforts that you made unreservedly to do your Father's will, to participate in promoting the plans of our sovereign Christ Michael, and you will feel no regrets—leave it all on the field. And then you will leave here with a clear conscience and a happy heart. Thank you.
Bea: Hi, everyone. I did have a question. It's in a different vein I suppose from the previous discussions, but it is about how to spread the ideas of The Urantia Book to people who are not spiritual. I see a lot of philosophy in The Urantia Book. The ideas behind service, you know, love, all, all of that can be I think expressed philosophically without a spiritual connection. Obviously, the spiritual connection is ideal. Now, my question is how would Christ Michael and Mother Nebadonia and above feel if people were able to follow the principles of The Urantia Book and all the ideas but under a different name. Like if Christ Michael were not to receive, I don't want to say credit, but I'm not sure if I'm expressing myself well. It's just would, would Jesus be offended if people were to, you know, not recognize him, but be able to follow his teachings? I guess that's my question.
MM: This is Machiventa. Thank you, Bea. Anything that you can do from a sincere motivation of love for an individual and for the welfare of your world could not possibly offend spirit. Christ Michael, Mother Nebadonia, me and my staff would wholeheartedly welcome and support such efforts. And it is the real challenge for this group; where on a landing page on our website designed for global communication would you put words like Urantia, Jesus, Christ Michael, all these words that have connotations on your world? And is it necessary to do so right up front. How would you speak to youth that have no connection with any of this? And what would you use? You get seconds of them, their attention, looking at your website, and if you look at that website through their eyes, what can you put on there in the first four or five seconds that will allow them to give you another four or five seconds that will allow them to give you another four or five seconds and explore that web page. At some point, they will run across these words that we all just take for granted and use all the time, but you must create interest, and once you create interest, you must give them value. And what you're giving them value for is the time they spend exploring your message. And so, you must find a way to do that that keeps them interested. Is the best way to do that to put a big donate button right at the very top of your landing page before they even have an idea of what you're asking them to donate to. How many of them will just see that as another organization looking for money. Meanwhile, I'm anxious, I'm suffering from depression. I am afraid; I'm afraid for this world, I'm afraid for my place in it, I don't see a future for my children, I don't… and on and on. You see these problems; they understand that this world is heading for huge disasters. How will you keep their interest on a landing page that will make them want to explore? What do you have of value in all of these teachings in The Urantia Book and in all these transcripts that can speak to them and provide comfort to them without requiring them to believe in things they just have no concept of.
That is the challenge here with this group. And I would sincerely suggest again that the answer to this question lies within each of you. You are all incredibly gifted, competent, maturing individuals. You have these tools within you. You have these potentials within you, and I would challenge you to work with your indwelling spirit and get guidance on how to make these potentials actual in your life where you are, and contribute these ideas to those who are trying to actually do this work and create this global platform so that it does create value for these younger generations that are coming into this world at a time when it seems like everything is falling apart. How can you offer them a vision that would engender within them hope, that would make them want to explore further your message? Thank you.
Bea: Thank you, Machiventa. That makes a lot of sense. What you say is exactly my intention when I work with people on my near-death experience site. The owner of that site is very particular about no preaching, which I understand because, as you say, there are many negative connotations attached to certain religious words or names. I personally would prefer not to even mention Urantia on a web page that would be aimed at young people simply because I think I could speak to them in a language that would make sense to them without having to mention any religious figures at all. That's how I feel. Do you have any comment on that?
MM: Yes, this is Machiventa. Thank you, Bea. These kinds of ideas need to be discussed amongst this group. We're all very attached, most of us, to The Urantia Book because it changed our lives. It was an absolute lifesaver for this one. And I know that experience is common among Urantia Book readers; where they found, where they were, when they came across this body of teaching that just answered so much of what they were desperately seeking. Some of the timing of it literally saved people's lives. We were heading down a very dark path, and the light came and illuminated a path. So, we are emotionally deeply invested in this teaching, in these transcripts and in these experiences. And if we were to craft a message for the Urantia community, we would do it differently. But how would you craft this message to young people who are going to have their hands on the levers of power sooner than later, and we won't even be here? What can we do to help them? And it's not beyond this group's ability to consider that it's more important that we get their attention, that we get their buy-in, that we get their interest, that we give them something of value, than we do something for ourselves, for our own benefit to make us feel better about all we've been given and only speak to the choir.
We are global in our outlook, and we are global in our outreach so our message must take into account the sensibilities of a global audience that we are trying to reach. We must craft this message carefully so that it can be received by them. And there will be lots of time and opportunity if we can hold their interest for more than a half a minute to introduce things that will pique their interest. But that's the challenge before us; we must not insist that there's only one or several ways to do that. And so, before we could craft any message, we should talk to those who work with young people. If you know therapists, if you know counselors, if you know teachers who work with young people ask them, what are they interested in? How do you talk to them? Thank you.
Bea: Thank you, Machiventa. I think if it were up to me, I would probably ask them a series of questions that would lead them to give some serious thought about the seven core values. I don't know, maybe I would approach it by asking them a series of questions that might make them think and hopefully lead them to feel empowered rather than powerless. Because I think a lot of people, not just young people, in this world right now are feeling relatively powerless. And if we can somehow leverage their power or just their desire to make a difference, that would be quite useful. That's how I think young people think. They want to know what they can do to make a difference in the world and not just grand gestures. I think they want concrete things that they can do. I have some ideas, but I'm not going to present them right now.
MM: Well, let me say this as we get to the end of this meeting. All of you, likewise, I'm sure, like me, have ideas, and I would encourage you to send these ideas to this board of Mission Urantia as they grapple with this question of how to craft a message to reach these people. We need everybody's ideas, and this is a very real way to assist in supporting this work. Ask your indwelling spirits when you are involved in your stillness practice, how can we do this? Do you have any suggestions for me and ideas that come to you should be shared with this servant leadership team so that they can have the benefit of your mind, of your experience and help them sort through this so that it's just not six or seven or eight people trying to do it all—figure it all out for themselves.
This is a small community. You have all been brought together here because you've shown interest in this, and this is something that you have a passion for. Begin to share these ideas with one another and with the leadership that has evolved out of this community and help them come to the right decision. The most informed decision can only improve the product. It can only improve their efforts. And it is a part of what co-creation looks like. You are helping to co-create this global communication outreach to be as effective as possible. Thank you.
Marthe: While you were talking, I received a message from somebody to whom I'd sent something related. And it says “Your opinion piece is exceptional. It's open and truthful. I wish we all understood the depth of our existence and the importance of ensuring we succeed and thrive to keep the ship afloat. The Bible says my people perish, perish because of lack of knowledge. Thank you very much for sharing. And I think we have ourselves a project we need to do called family learning centers. We must do a pilot and ensure it works.” So, I just thought I'd mention it because I'd sent it to somebody in our community who also is in the royal house. And I was quite touched to see this answer come through just now. Thank you very much.
MM: Yes, this is Machiventa. Thank you, Martha, and thank you for sharing. This is part of the support and encouragement we give one another when we put ourselves out there, when we share these ideas. Come back and share these stories with each other because it is encouraging and it gives people a sense of empowerment that “Well, hey, I can do that.” And they will. And then when you do, you will also see that there is a readiness in this world where these ideas we are trying to plant here can grow and that will one day lead to the very thing, Sal, that you want—planetary government and peace. It is a process, and we must figure out how to find the most fertile ground in which to plant these seeds and then how to nurture them and help them take root and grow. Thank you.
Sal: Yeah, I was left way back when I was discussing my concept about playing bridge and how it activates the adjutant mind-spirits. It's a way of communicating and it's just a game. I grew up in Brooklyn near the Bethel Watchtower Society and I know all the kingdom halls because I helped build them on Bleecker Street and Wyckoff Avenue when I was a kid. So, I know there are Jehovah's Witnesses all over the world and I know the ACBL bridge clubs are all over the world. And when I mentioned playing bridge and like, infiltrating these bridge clubs in a way of a game and doing something socially, I just get laughed at. It's not a government, but it's a community. Anything to say about that?
MM: All I can say Sal is you have to go for your personal practice where the energy is, where you feel led. Then if others don't share that interest that in no way diminishes your interest and your effectiveness and along the way, you will recruit those that share your interest. We all have separate interests than our association here, and that is as it should be. However, what keeps us together is to learn how to cooperate with the interests we share. And so, if we focus on that, we will achieve our objectives together. Meanwhile, play as much bridge as you possibly can Sal, and share this love of bridge and the love of your Heavenly Father with everyone that you can across the bridge table. It's a wonderful opportunity to socialize with people and simply be a living ambassador for what you truly cherish in your heart. Thank you.
Sal: Thank you. That was very informative. but I play a different convention than [most of] the world. Everybody plays five card majors and I learned how to play in the late sixties at IBM, bidding up the line. And as a part of teaching, there is something that I'm not really, it's not my talent. I've got concepts (we all have concepts), but there's a part of getting the people online in a way of doing something besides the religions and the politics of the world just to get the mind in an active way of using those Adjutant mind spirits. Communication is there, counseling is there, and intuition. I mean, all these things that we should be teaching our children. I think bridge should be taught in high schools like algebra or trigonometry—as an intelligent tool. And I'm sure they have games on the Mansion World besides being of service. Any comments on that?
MM: Of course. Thank you. Let me put it to you this way Sal. Maybe on a global, digital platform for communicating worldwide because it's a passion of yours and an interest of yours you should go to the leadership of Mission Urantia and say I want a page devoted to bridge, to teaching this bridge, and showing others how to do this. And if you agree with me, I will put the energy behind it to make it happen. It's not beyond the realm of possibilities that there are a lot of young people that would enjoy learning that game.
Sal: I think it's a good game to learn, and I'm sure there are games to be played on the Mansion World and you could take your master points there.
MM: Yes. Well, there you have it, Sal. You have an idea that is worthy of your effort.
Sal: With or without you guys, I'm gonna do that.
MM: Perfect. In fact, I took out the domain names of BridgeUrantia because I'm Bridging Urantia!
??: Go to it!
MM: Yes, absolutely. Follow your heart.
JT: Recca has the last word today.
Recca: Oh, my goodness. Well, you know, that won't be just a very few words then. Sal, I truly appreciate your concern that Urantia has to catch up to the models for Light and Life. I also encourage you (and everyone myself included) to read The Urantia Book as a member of the 2024 generation of first readers. Read The Urantia Book as though we were taking instruction for a future society, which we are, and knowing that we have the opportunity, as Urantians and as agondonters, to create a new model for the universe— not of the universe, but for the universe. We are making an effort that will be useful for generations to come and for other worlds, other societies to see how it's done without the direct guidance of a faithful planetary prince and an encumbered Adam and Eve. We are individually contributing to the evolution of the Supreme in a very direct way, a very direct encircuitment every day with the Planetary Supreme Urantia. And we are creating with planetary management (whatever it is we're creating) and it's going to take centuries and millennia. So, pick and enjoy it. So, I want to see your bridge site Sal BridgeUrantia. Thank you.
Sal: Well, I'm, I'm working on it.
JT: Machiventa, do you have a closing for us today?
MM: I do. Thank you, JT. Before I leave and before I get into my closing message, I wanted just to say how much I have enjoyed this conversation with you talking with you about real concerns. I enjoyed those questions from those gentlemen in South Africa asking about their spiritual practice, their lives. The sincerity behind those questions, the willingness to ask them, to put themselves out there. I enjoyed talking with you Sal about bridge, you Bea about your ideas and Marthe your ideas and sharing. I enjoy this record, this conversation that we have together, and I would encourage all of you. But think of me as just another resource that you have that you can come to with questions whether they're personal or whether they're about this collective work. I'm happy to have this conversation with you. So, thank you for that.
You can begin to see the way forward for your participation in our work together. Action is required on many levels. In your heart you feel the pressure of divine love, seeking expression in your lives. Allow this love to expand out into your present circumstance and flavor the environment around you. Become a living beacon of love. Give your love away and empty yourself of this love each moment of your day, then come to the source of this love every morning and fill your cup to overflowing with this Love. The more you give away the greater your capacity to receive. When you are in stillness with your Thought Adjuster ask: What is your will for our life together? What can I do to assist my world and sit in silence before your Creator and listen with your heart ears. Do this consistently until you sense an awareness of what you can contribute to the work of bringing the good news of the Father/Motherhood of God and His sister/brotherhood of humankind to this world.
Now, you know how to act to fulfill the desire in your heart to share the love you feel within yourself. I invite you to join with me in my spiritual administration and the glorious opportunity to serve our beloved sovereign Christ Michael and wipe the stain of rebellion from his bestowal world and restore it to his divine intention. Let us co-create a world worthy of our sovereign's love where his love for all his children can be the primary intention of each and every individual living upon it. This we can surely do when we go in partnership with the spirit of the First Source and Center living within each of you. This spirit is the secret of the power of transformation of each of you individually and of this world collectively. Let us exercise this power on behalf of our beloved Christ Michael and give him the gift of Light and Life on Urantia. Let it be so even now. Good day.
JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you John.
All: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, John. Thank you both. Thank you.
John: Thank you all for being here.