2024-06-13-A Universe Loaded With Assistance
Topic: A Universe Loaded With Assistance
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa, Monjoronson, LIGHT
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I am pleased to function as liaison in this golden opportunity that we manifest and create, this portal for exchange that we have fashioned in this time/space continuum that transcends the boundaries into the spirit domain. It is in this domain that we come together, that we desire to seek our Divine Parents and all their emissaries of light who we are so graced to have come to know in this process. We would return to this well once again. We would reach up for your spirit embrace once again. We delight in making contact as a result of our faith in action. Let it be so, even now.
Machiventa: Thank you for opening this door, for creating this space and for once again energizing it with the life force you bring to keep it alive and nurture it, foster its well being, and maintain it for this sacred purpose that you envision it to be. And indeed by your envisioning this reality, these current conditions, your intentions have become manifest and your vision has become reality. Your vision has been given life force. You have brought it your energy, you have directed your intention purposefully. You have executed your free will choice. You have signaled your petition to the universe to grow and to become more aware of your eternal spirit component and such seeking over this time brings you to this place, this plateau of awareness and the reality of your vision manifest.
Once envisioned, once expressed, and once invested with energy, then the steps of creation have been executed and the vision, the dream, the inspiration is made real and can then be referenced, be utilized as a reference in context and contrast to all the other references. Your individual creation represents your unique perspective and is a welcome combination to all of the threads woven into this tapestry of mankind becoming spiritualized beings and finding their Indwelling Spirit and choosing to seek their Creator. Such a journey awaits and every bit of energy that you direct in developing your spiritual aspect will serve you well in your journey. I must insert here that there are no expectations of any individual ascension careers. They are built as you go by each choice you make therefore there is no standard to be met, there are no expectations to meet and there’s no criteria for growth that could disqualify you or interrupt your progress in any way.
The universe is loaded with all manner of assistance for those who are in motion to be assisted, may be directed, may be fostered in their approach. The act of being in motion means that you may be guided, you may be inspired, you may be motivated, and the opportunities for growth and change abound before you, almost to an overwhelming degree. Indeed you’re confronted with having to choose so constantly that you form patterns which are repeated when triggered by similar circumstances. Therefore with each day and the similarities that arrive during each circumstance, one can simply default into the triggered responses and not make an engaged choice, a choice in the moment which could be different from the standard default choice formed on previous occasions and offered in response to previous circumstance.
As spiritualized beings you are learning more about the significance of the intention of thought and of choice, and are becoming more aware of the powerful potential you possess to modify your environments, your internal environment as well as much of your surrounding environment. These you are learning can be modified with directed intention and with purposeful expression and manifestation of your vision. This very forum is the result of such manifestation, of such intention applied, of such choosing to manifest this potential. Any creative undertaking may be established in this same manner. At this stage it is delightful to be able to talk about the conditioning of your surrounding environment and the conditioning of your internal spirit garden; such an opportunity to bring greater divine pattern into your sanctuary, into your sacred space with the intention of the diligent gardener who will weed out the past materials and foster the new growth that always accompanies the growing process with the forming of the fruit after the ripening process has been allowed to play out.
If the gardener approaches the garden with a vision of a greater beauty, of more divine pattern infused into the material plane, then the garden may be infused with this divine pattern from the roots, from the very beginning, it may be energized, it may be infused with the life energy to make them real. This is our project, this is our method whereby we build one circuit upon another. This is the process we use to establish connection and to bridge the gap between partners with destiny as well as many, many divine assistants in this process of spiritual growth. One way to engage in conditioning your inner environment is to petition openly for your connection to your Father Fragment. This is truly your way, is truly your avenue of approach to The Father, to your Creator.
Therefore act in your petitions and act in your prayers as if to demonstrate you have the faith to receive that which you request. Act as if this is your right, as if this is your experience as a part of the whole, as your birthright even as a mortal of the realm, to find spirit, to become an eternal spirit and to choose your Divine Parents with each choice closer and closer, seeking their will and making it your desire to be it and to do it. Make such a request before drifting off to rest. Ask for connection to be involved with your Onboard Partner, ask to be connected and made aware and then act as if you believe it and then be prepared to accept that which you seek. Be ready to receive, willing to embrace. Such an attitude will prove useful in bridging this gap, making this connection and finding this source within that is your doorway back to the First Source and Center who has created this journey to return home and bear witness to the experience of a fragment of the whole returning to The Source and recombining as one.
Such grand ideals are a privilege to even cite and bring into the awareness. Such visioning is required before a creation of such vision can happen. There is first the inspiration, first the vision. Then there is the translation of the vision into expression and this defining of the expression then can be infused with the energy to bring it life and make it so. Such principles are in play constantly in your paradigm. Creation happens moment by moment and every opportunity comes with the chance to choose something different and make a fresh choice, not the same choice made previously which served the purpose but a choice based upon higher values and greater meanings that are established through your spirit contact, through your checking in with your Inner Guide.
It is indeed an honor and a great joy to accept this opportunity that you provide to use this portal to enable the sharing, to perhaps expand the awareness and to certainly infuse the tone and direction with divine grace, divine tones of love, familiar tones of divine embrace. Indeed, this is a treasured sanctuary, a place of peace, a place of loving exchange between different dimensions on different frequencies, able to come together and share in this sanctuary where we may indulge in spirit communion. Such represents a great accomplishment on your parts while still in the moral flesh. This accomplishment bears the markings of great faith. Such faith and the strength faith provides you has been a key element in us coming to this point of awareness and so it is always appropriate that we express gratitude for all that you provide to facilitate this meeting.
I am Machiventa Melchizedek and once again pleased to accept this opportunity. I have utilized much of the available room so now I will take my leave and allow for others to utilize this space. Thanks. Farewell.
Monjoronson: I am here as well among you, I am Monjoronson. I have been enjoying the wavelength, the energy and been glad to join in and contribute, to bring some life force energy into the equation by joining and participating in the exchange. This is how circuits are built and maintained. The joining in on the frequency increases the voltage, if you will, increases the magnitude and the more powerful the circuits become, the easier they are to find and connect to and have as a resource in your reference of spirit connections.
I wanted to activate my frequency, my energy signature once again to be recognized and sensed so that it becomes more familiar with each exposure. This Correcting Time and the infusion of spiritual pressure, this great flood that is crashing ashore is going to be a long term process. The first waves of spirit are now crashing onshore and floating all spirit souls. The rising of the tide of spirit will float all vessels, all spirits, and this will be interpreted as a great shifting of the sands, a great unsettling of pattern. There will need to be pattern established, perhaps re-established in some cases, more divine pattern sponsoring more divine energy with greater truths, more beauty, and more profound goodness.
As the spirit vessels become unmoored they will certainly be seeking stability. The need will arise for them to look for the proper passage and to seek for the sheltered bays where they may enjoy some settled circumstance once again and a new peace to become moored to, a new condition to be embraced, a new perspective to be had, a new vision to be manifested. No times are more potential than times of shifting and uncertainty. The shifting factors may be reassembled into new patterns and new realities that match more divine frequency with more loving tones and as was mentioned by Machiventa, such transformation happens one choice at a time, the action of choosing, the statement of intention and coming to the awareness of the consequences of previous choices.
I thank you as well for this opportunity. Understand that it requires your energy and therefore grateful for your donation to this cause. Thank you for your efforts and we will utilize these methods moving forward as long as they are serviceable in our efforts to share back and forth over the line between material and spirit. Be in peace. I take my leave. Farewell.
Light: Before this door closes I would come through. I am Light and in response to my desire, my vision to make it so, I have been granted this opportunity and it is always a joy to be given voice, to be recognized as real because I am. I exist as a matter of fact, as a matter of grace, as a matter of faith manifest. To simply be given voice to witness this truth and to be in gratitude together for such grace as this truth is a delight, it is an honor to worship those who have made it possible for us to have a relationship, to know of each other, to share this experience of connection. To be able to proceed with this exchange in the sanctuary provided allows for the manifestation of your intention to provide, and as well, my intention to manifest and access. We have both engaged in co-creative dance and even in this moment in time we dance back and forth in spirit proximity. With spirit connection we are able to engage, to rub elbows with each other’s energy signatures. We are able to meet in this arena, in this safe haven, this haven conditioned by love, built by faith, and maintained by devoted faith.
I have no grand messages to impart, I am merely seeking the camaraderie of those who know of each other and who are aware of their presence in spirit capacity because we are and because you can by conditioning your environment, then by conditioning this environment. By coming to this place in spirit terms we are able to have the glory of such an exchange as we have even now. We share gratitude for this connection, for spiritual growth and for our having found that divine spark of God. Finding God is certainly a gift of grace but it is left up to the individual mortal of the realm to choose it. Examples may be given and illustrations may be provided, but in the end each and every individual single mortal must make their own choices as to whether things reflect more divine values or more human and material values.
And each choice comes with the observation of what manifests as a result and each choice may be built upon and altered based upon the results of the previous choice. Each choice is the sum total of your interpretation of all the others. The choices you have all come to know become clearer and clearer with the amount of seeking or the amount of time spent in communion with divine source. Such time spent yields great rewards as your journey becomes less stressful, as you are able to rely more and more on your Inner Guide to adjust your thinking appropriately. From my perspective, I have seen great growth and expansion in the capacity to embrace greater truth. It takes no small effort to grow, to be able to hold more truth, more goodness, and more beauty, to stretch your very being to accommodate and indeed to become the higher truths.
I bid you all farewell and pray that you go in peace, that you go in love and that you go with God. This path certainly leads where you want to go, leads you towards perfection and towards divine characteristics and traits that are naturally assumed as you grow through the process. It’s been a pleasure to access and join you, to be with you once again, to feel you once again, to share energy with you once again, and to drink this cup of goodness with you, this experience, this meeting, this opportunity. So be it. Farewell.