2024-06-23-Imprinting and Focusing the Love
Topic: Imprinting and Focusing the Love of Goodness into Planetary Circuits
Group: Institute for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael, Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Our Divine Parents, Magisterial Son, Planetary Manager, and all of our helpers, we thank you for this opportunity to be of service to our planet in the ways you will guide us today. We appreciate that much preparation has been underway for many years to build these circuits of mind and memory to reflect the divine ways and will of Godliness and we thank you for this opportunity to once again, be guided into those areas of mind and memory where we can produce the most good. Thank you for encircuiting us all together as one. May our hearts and minds be full of the spiritual light we need to send forth into the planet into the areas where you direct us. And as always, may your WILL be done through your MERCY and GRACE. Thank you so much.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is your Father Michael. I appreciate the time and the dedication you have brought to your own spiritual journey and the process in which you are now involved to grow more of your soul potential and live according to your divine life plan and purpose. For humanity to awaken to its true potential is something that we have been carefully cultivating for many years. As you know, we have informed you that much preparation has been underway to help you open to the larger reality of life and the role you play in it.
In our last time together, I invited you to feel that deeper inner aspiration to embody your divine life plan and purpose. In assenting to this, you are opening more to the spiritual potential that you can cultivate through collaborating with your Spirit. You are opening more to the truth of who you are. And now I invite you to open to the goodness that lives within you—the GOODNESS of the Father’s presence within you; the goodness of your own soul purpose and the intentions you hold for your lives.
When I was here on your world as Jesus, I was mightily moved to portray the GOODNESS of the Father in Paradise to my children, for this was a quality that was sorely lacking in so many individuals. The need for self-aggrandizement and promotion, dominating oneself over their brethren was a big part of the energy I had to uplift humanity so that the MERCY and GOODNESS of the Father would be able to be perceived within the human heart.
As we begin today, I invite you to set that intention to open up to the GOODNESS of the Father within you. I will help you engage with this as well by sharing with you more of my essence and presence that you may perceive more of the divine value of GOODNESS flow within you. What does goodness mean? How is it expressed? Take a few moments to bring this to your own Spirit. Ask for an insight about how you can open to receive and express more of the Father’s GOODNESS. As you do this, I will minister in you now, my beloved children, and feed you with more of my essence that will support your own development of the spiritual value of GOODNESS, to be able to share that with your brothers and sisters as you go about your day. Commune with your spirit. Ask for a lesson or insight of the Father’s GOODNESS, and we begin. (Pause)
Imprinting upon the Father’s GOODNESS will help you express more love, patience, tolerance, and kindness to your brethren. It is very important that you remember to engage with your brothers and sisters in a gentle manner that the Spirit Within you may articulate through your voice what your brethren need to hear. As you speak words of love and kindness to them you are portraying the quality of goodness, and it is something I encourage you to think about, especially taking this to your Spirit and ask do I love doing good for others? Is this a motivation for my life?
The pursuit of TRUTH tends to move you into the intellectual understanding of the nature of reality. The divine quality of GOODNESS helps you express more love and tolerance for your brothers and sisters. The most spiritually enlightened and enlivened individual is able to contain and express both of these divine values, and therein will grow your soul. And it is a thing of beauty to behold when an individual is functioning through all of these divine values of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY.
Today, I ask you to consider your LOVE OF GOODNESS. As you commune with your Spirit, seek guidance in how you can convey and portray this quality more and more in your daily life. Focus on the LOVE OF GOODNESS. Let it activate more into your heart that the LOVE OF GOODNESS may be a font—a wellspring—of life-enhancing energies for your brothers and sisters to feel coming from you. It is safe. It is secure when you are in this place of being good and expressing the GOODNESS of the Father. It is a highly attractive quality that you emanate. You might call it a fragrance that others can perceive at a spiritual level. So as you commune with your Spirit, allow me to help you receive an imprint upon the LOVE OF GOODNESS and to let it go deeper into your mind and memory into those places where you still may be harboring some lower emotions at an unconscious level. (Pause)
During this particular time on the planet when so many people are angry and fearful, it can be very helpful for them just to see demonstrations of goodness. When you are confronted with someone who is angry or fearful do your best to ask them why they are so troubled and just sit with them and ask for the GOODNESS of the Father they need to stir in them. There is a wellspring of goodness within human nature, but presently the emotional agitation, due to the spiritual transformation energies underway, is unleashed in the heart and many people are expressing these base emotions outwardly now. They need a mighty infusion of goodness. It fosters feelings of peace, safety, and security.
There is an additional benefit that you provide to them when you sit with them in this divine value of GOODNESS. You are helping their mind-memory systems release the influence of the rebellion mind which is tied to the lure of the evil and sin. This is a redirection of human current of thought and feeling to respond to the divine quality of GOODNESS. And it opens another avenue within the human mind-memory system for the Indwelling Spirit to convey the LOVE of the Father and to help each person feel that GOODNESS of the divine nature of the Paradise Father. It is able to heal all of those wounds from the past and to direct a person away from the lure that the rebellion sophistries have promoted in human thinking and feeling. I ask you to consider the import an impact of the words I speak to you today, and for you to cultivate your own expanded sense of goodness that may motivate you to do the WILL of the Father more throughout your day in small ways that you can express. So many people in their anger seek vengeance and retribution during this time against these evil doers who have long held sway on the planet. I say to you to look to the GOODNESS of the Father to help you communicate with your erring brothers and to help them see the higher path. Do your best to be forgiving of their shortcomings and to call on me when you need that infusion of GOODNESS to help you know what to say and what to do so that your actions may be an inspiration to them and show them a higher way, a better path. As these words settle in continue to focus on the LOVE OF GOODNESS as your Spirit and I minister to you. (Pause)
Feed upon the GOODNESS of the Father in Paradise. Drink deeply of His divine nature, and allow your Spirit of Truth to convey more deeply into your own energy system the GOODNESS of my being that comes from the Father through the Son. (Pause)
The planetary circuits are being prepared for what you are holding in your hearts of the LOVE OF GOODNESS to move into the planetary system now. Monjoronson will continue the impartation from this point onward. I leave you in His capable hands, my children. Come to me when feel you need that infusion of GOODNESS to support you as you go about your day. Remember that you are becoming living vessels of the Paradise Father Himself. Your Mother and I are here to help you grow in these beautiful divine values of TRUTH, GOODNESS, AND BEAUTY, and the more you assert this for yourselves the more you will be able to be this living embodiment of Godliness. Thrive in my love, my children, it is always available to you. Thank you for your service to this beautiful world and may you continue to share your gifts during this important time on the planet. I take my leave and withdraw. Good day.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson. We will continue what has been begun with this infusion of the LOVE OF GOODNESS into the planetary circuits of mind and memory. Let of the energies in your heart of the LOVE OF GOODNESS begin to gently expand through the action of the Holy Mother Spirit in you. Now send this fourth from your hearts the LOVE OF GOODNESS to spiral around the planet, north to south pole counterclockwise, and we will take these energies and apply them into the areas of great need.
We also ask you to share that willingness with us for these energies to move down into the memory circuits where the influence and the lure of the evil and sin are still operating within the human system of consciousness. Hold that willingness for more of your brothers and sisters to be detached from this wrongful way of life and that the LOVE OF GOODNESS may expand in this memory circuit, helping people recognize and remember the GOODNESS of the divine nature that they may feed upon it and grow in it. Send this forth from your hearts as best you can, especially with that willingness for it to go into the memory circuits to calibrate into the lure of sin and evil, so that more people are able to be less influenced. Thank you. (Pause)
In our last time together, when we focused on embodying the divine life plan, not only for yourselves but for this world, much has been accomplished to help people awaken to their spiritual potential. People are ready to open to more truth, and now it is time to focus on the LOVE OF GOODNESS to help people feel this motivation to be good and to do good, especially to do good for others. This is one of the best ways to outwork self-aggrandizement, self-centered sophistries and ideologies of the rebellion. It takes the emphasis off the individual self, helping you recognize you are all part of this great family of LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE, and that all people have the right to be treated with kindness, and love, and fairness, and patience. All of these which reflect the GOODNESS of the divine nature. So let your intention be keen today, especially to feel that need for your brothers and sisters to open to the LOVE OF GOODNESS, that the residual energies, even at the unconscious level that draws people into the evil and sin, can be alleviated and eventually expunged one day. (Pause)
I invite you to ask this LOVE OF GOODNESS to go into all of the places all around the globe to supplant the lure of the evil and sin. There are pockets in places on the globe where this is still very resistant to change. There is an influence of domination in human mind and memory, and we ask you to hold the LOVE OF GOODNESS so that it can go into all of these areas where the influences of domination, coercion, greed, and corruption are still holding sway. These are the poisons, if you will, coming from the self-centeredness of the rebellion sophistries and agenda and it has interfered with the innate goodness of human nature. Now it is time for humanity to step up into its innate goodness and to recognize that humanity is valuable, loveable, capable and so much more than what it has heretofore previously created.
All we ask is you just continue to hold focus, the LOVE OF GOODNESS, into those areas where you know it is needed. And we will follow your gaze and apply the spiritual measures to over-light the influences of evil and sin and to bring more people out of the darkness and into the light of their own human goodness and truth. (Pause)
Invite the LOVE OF GOODNESS to also communicate with the REMEMBRANCE and RECOGNITION dynamics in memory, bringing more people into the awareness that IT IS GOOD TO DUE THE WILL OF THE FATHER. It is good to embody the divine characteristics. It is good to serve humanity with love, tolerance, patience, and kindness. Let all of these dynamics cross fertilize and communicate and build a mighty field of the LOVE OF GOODNESS to embrace the planet, even down into the memory circuits where the rebellion was spawned. (Pause)
There is one additional focus. Continue to feel that need for the LOVE OF GOODNESS to grow within you. And as you send it forth from your heart into the plant, invite my DIVINE JUSTICE to communicate with this as well. Let these two divine energies prepare the world for a greater awakening experience. Simply hold focus on the LOVE OF GOODNESS and DIVINE JUSTICE, and we will do the rest. (Pause)
Let us now elevate our gaze to Paradise. Feel that need for that divine reflection of Paradise, for the LOVE OF GOODNESS AND DIVINE JUSTICE to reflect back on the planet through the Paradise gravity circuits. Take a few moments to be grateful to the Father and the associated Paradise Deities for what they are doing to help this world regain its rightful place in the design of LIFE. Join us as we worship together in praise and thanksgiving of all that has been given, and all that is now being returned to this world to help it on its trajectory toward Light and Life. (Pause)
Invite the Paradise reflection of the LOVE OF GOODNESS and DIVINE JUSTICE to embrace this world. Feel that need to be anchored more fully into it in your own sense of self and purpose. And if you wish, you may see yourselves standing on the ground, the Paradise reflection shining down upon you as these energies of Paradise function more fully in planetary mind and memory. Do your best as you hold this focus to feel gratitude in your heart for what is being bestowed as this will increase the spiritual energy to have more impact in planetary mind and memory. (Pause)
As the LOVE OF GOODNESS continues to weave and integrate into the planetary circuits, know that this is food for the soul. It is part of the growth of the soul by each individual to share in the joys of growing in the Evolutionary Deity Mind of the planet. The truth mind is operating in planetary circuits and more truth is being revealed as more humans open to the need for TRUTH. What will accelerate the transformation now is to grow in this need for the LOVE OF GOODNESS.
In our final moments together, feel the focus on the soul and on the soul mind of the planet, and invite the need for the LOVE OF GOODNESS to bathe and feed this beautiful soul circuitry and help more individuals open to their own human goodness. (Pause)
May the souls of humanity truly feed and flourish in the LOVE OF GOODNESS. May the circuits of mind open more to what this truly means as the revelation of truth for human mind and memory bringing about this great inner awakening to be good, to love truth, and to seek the Spirit in all things. (Pause)
We have satisfactorily achieved our objectives for today, my brethren. Thank you for your participation. During the coming week, I invite you to maintain focus on the LOVE OF GOODNESS and to ask for it to be more deeply imparted into areas where it can supplant the lure of evil and sin. And do your best to be mindful of how you are demonstrating this throughout your day. Do not strive with your brothers and sisters, seek to understand them more so that you can help them open to the goodness that lives within them, to help and release their anger and frustration with what is underway on the planet, to help them establish an anchor of living peace in them. Let your Spirit guide your conversation. You have many gifts within you to share with your brothers and sisters now and we encourage you to practice utilizing them as best you can throughout your days.
I will leave you now in this manner, and know you can always come to me at any moment during the day. Always remember how deeply loved and cherished you are, and let these energies of Spirit continue to quicken and deepen in you, provide you that firm foundation and footing for you to be of service in the best way that you can to your brothers and sisters and to all life here. And with that, I bid you a most peaceful and blessed good day. I withdraw.