2024-06-24-Machiventa Mission Urantia 14
Topic: Mission Urantia 14
Group: Mission Urantia
Teacher: Nebadonia
Jerry: Welcome, Mother Spirit and Michael. We are happy to have you with us in this new Mission Urantia venue dedicated to our beloved Urantia Book. I used to have fun talking up a fake science-fiction movie about ancient and wise extraterrestrial, extra- human personal beings who decided the human race was ready for a big book on absolutely Everything. After I teased them for a while, I was delighted to see their astonishment when I put the actual 2000-page physical book in their hands.
Just because it was so enormous and comprehensive, I would suggest they take a little walk around the 65 pages of the Table of Contents to see what might tickle their fancy. It might be how our solar system was rarely formed, or maybe both the physical and life evolution of our world. They could check out the whole cosmic hierarchy of spiritual beings, all the way down from the Trinity, to and including us.
But now, Mother Spirit, since in our Mission Urantia we so often leap right over our implicit and central unifying document, I thought it might be wise to have you give us a few comments of your own on the Urantia Book--if you would. Thank you.
Nebadonia: Yes, very much, I would be tickled to give you a few words on this fundamental textbook around which you all are so happy to gather. Some of you have devoted much of your lives to understanding, enjoying, and introducing the book to others. In addition, it has grown to be a worldwide phenomenon translated into all the major languages of your world.
(The UB is the 5 th Epochal Revelation)
To begin, I would like to address why it's called the Fifth Epochal Revelation, designed to inaugurate a new world-wide epoch of human understanding. It includes not only the physical universe that your modern instruments are portraying so much deeper and clearer, but the fact that the physical universe is peopled by trillions of trillions of trillions of personal spiritual beings at all levels from the Trinity on down to you. Revelations like this are usual for the societies of evolutionary worlds when the higher spiritual communities decide it’s become time to directly interfere to help things along by raising the inhabitants’ basic understandings.
Your world’s first “revelation” was about 500,000 years ago when a high spiritual being, with a large staff, came to Urantia to be its Planetary Prince and direct human cultural evolution. Caligastia was his name. Then much later, a second--about 40,000 years ago--a Material Son and Daughter—Adam and Eve--came to your world and were given perfect male and female bodies so their children could mate with and biologically up- step the human races of that time. Your Urantia Book goes into enormous detail on how their children’s children spread throughout your world, and changed it.
Later, a third--when it appeared the teaching of the One God of the Trinity was in danger of being lost--a high spiritual being called a Melchizedek was given an adult male form and became the Sage of Salem who taught in your Middle East for many, many years. He is mentioned in your Christian bible, one time going into the tent of an itinerant Bedouin called Abraham whom he befriended and guided.
(The 4th Revelation/gift to humanity – Jesus)
The fourth time a high spiritual being took on a human form to teach on your world was no other than my dear companion, Michael--a Creator Son of God. He was conceived and born as a normal human baby so God could give him the supreme gift of having a somewhat normal human life before he became fully self-aware he was indeed a Creator Son of God in a human body on your world. His name was Jesus of Nazareth. Now, two thousand years later, the higher spiritual beings of your world and the Local Universe decided it was time for your world to receive another lesson on the nature of Universal Reality, in a modern language, that would inaugurate a new epoch of understanding. This Fifth Epochal Revelation is your Urantia Book, first printed in 1955. More recently there have been several wonderful books on the origin of this singular book you can hold in your hands or look up on the internet.
(The marvelous Forward)
As to the book itself, let me encourage you to not bypass, but actually read the Foreword. Michael and I know that for many of you it may be like wading through thick grease up to your waist, but it is the introduction of hundreds of metaphysical concepts that will be further explored in the rest of the book. The book itself—given its extraterrestrial, extra-human authors--understandably contains thousands of unique concepts found nowhere else in world literature.
Doing your best to understand the Forward might be like trying to climb some intellectual Mount Everest, but it does your spirit legs, lungs, mind--and soul--good just to entertain its concepts. Ponder the true realities they point at. These include the omnipresent aspects of God: not only the Trinity you are familiar with, but the Supreme Being, God the Ultimate, and God the Absolute. All these are dimensions of reality that surround you. They are included in the Deity Absolute—the living, functioning, over-all consciousness of all the personal beings in existence, in God.
This includes you. It reminds you--my dear children--that you are spiritual beings. Your personality is right from God the Father, and is endowed with creative spirit. You are creative beings. In fact a critical part of your living experience comes from your own soul experience in how you interpret your worldly life given to you moment by moment. So I encourage you to wade through the Foreword and let it feed your soul with these spiritual dimensions of reality.
(The four sections of the UB)
The first of four sections of the Urantia Book is dedicated to Total Reality, so it starts with some 60 pages on the nature of God and his relationship to everything and everyone. It includes his creation of the enormous 300-dimensional Isle of Paradise, then too the billion unique worlds surrounding it in the Central Universe of Havona. Surrounding this gigantic inner universe beyond our time and space are the seven physical Super-universes, each with the potential of its own 100,000 Local Universes. Each of these Local Universes has the potential, in time, for 10 million evolutionary worlds like your own. Your Urantia Book (1955) states that your future astronomical instruments will reveal 350 million galaxies. Now you've gone beyond that to estimate over a billion galaxies in existence. And always remember, this enormous physical universe is peopled with trillions of trillions of trillions of personal spiritual beings, some of enormous extent with whom God shares his cosmic/material creative powers for them to originate spiral nebula in open space.
The second section of the Urantia Book gives both spiritual and material details of our own Local Universe of nigh onto four million evolutionary worlds like your own--so far-- headed by Michael and me. For example it explains in detail how material is created in open space by spiritual beings. Another example is that your sun is not just all hydrogen and helium, but as you go into your sun you recapitulate the table of elements. Your solar system was formed in a rare way when an enormous sun passed near yours and its gravity drew out a cigar-shaped extrusion of material from your sun. The outer layers of your sun gave rise to the gas giants of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The inner, rockier and iron-rich smaller planets nearer to the sun--Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars—were pulled out from its deeper layers.
( UB - Personal evolution after death)
Still, the Urantia Book is full of things which your own science has yet to discover. It goes into the different levels of existence you will transit after death, up through your Local System, and then the Constellation and Local Universe levels. There are 500 changes you will go through from being almost purely physical right after death, to being a pure spiritual being when you leave our Local Universe and head out into the galaxy. The third section is a history of your planet, all the way from its early formation in 10- million-year steps at a time. About a billion years ago, the spiritual order of Life Carriers came and started life on your planet. Then, with my help, we shepherded its evolution down to the first human beings about a million years ago. The book devotes several chapters to recapitulating the different branches of both plant and animal life that ensued and still live today.
Many papers are given on your world’s cultural evolution--of government, of the family, of agriculture and animal husbandry, of industry and science. About 500,000 years ago the six colored races—the red, blue, yellow, orange, green, and black--emerged in the normal course of events and spread out over the world. Great attention and detail is given to the rebellion of Lucifer—your Local System sovereign—who, when joined by your Planetary Prince—Caligastia--did so much to disrupt the normal divine plans for planetary human development.
As I mentioned before, about 40,000 years ago the third revelation occurred when the Life Carriers created nigh perfect male and female bodies for the pre-existing personalities of Adam and Eve. Their hundreds of children became the so-called violet race and began to up-step the human races biologically. Several papers are given to their expansion across the world, following their descendants down to today.
(Section 4 – 800-page New Testament on Jesus’s life)
The fourth, 800-page section of the Urantia Book is Michael's life as Jesus, narrated first-hand by a spiritual being who was present throughout. It begins with his being conceived and raised somewhat like any normal infant, child, and adolescent by Joseph and Mary, his parents. When Jesus was about 17 years old and Joseph was killed in a construction accident, he became—essentially--the father of his six younger brothers and sisters. This continued throughout his life and theirs, like when the girls had to come to Father Jesus to get their fiancés checked out and approved. He once had to get a younger brother out of trouble with the Roman police. He was a good son, renting, then buying a house for Mary to be secure during his public ministry.
Nowhere else are recorded his travels around the Mediterranean, visiting Rome before returning to Palestine as the commander of a large caravan. Think of the thousands of people he met, in all walks of life, while he was a somewhat normal—if highly intelligent and courageous--human being, It was only later, upon being baptized by his cousin John, that he regained the full awareness and powers of a Creator Son of God walking around in a human body. This first-hand account continues the with the years and day- to-day life of his teaching mission--who was there, what was said, and what was done. It’s another whole New Testament, if you will, narrated by a kind of spiritual being—a Midwayer halfway between an angel and human--—who was actually there.
Given all this, the asserted authority of Urantia Book is enormous. Understandably, there have since been written other books based on this section, comparing and contrasting it with the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Anticipating this was the reason Jesus’ life only comes after the first three sections on the Central and Super Universes, our Local Universe headed by Michael and myself, and the history of your planet. They provide the cosmic context within which to understand the life of Jesus-- what and why he did what he did upon regaining his Creator Son consciousness, memory, and nigh unlimited power as Michael. There are the three great decisions he made on what to do with the rest of his human life. They are not only examples of what to do with enormous power, they also show the respect both he and the whole spiritual community had—and still have--for human free will, and not to simply override it.
(UB paper titled Personality Survival after death)
There’s another important chapter of the Urantia Book that Michael and I love to tease you with because it has the most profound definition/explanation of what a human being is--and what death entails--in existence. I’m referring to Personality Survival where the spiritual community gives full credence and respect to your wondering--even anxiety-- about death. Rather than avoiding the subject, it starts with a dozen qualities of what each unique personality--directly from God—fully is. During your life your unchanging personality (You will always be you) does however acquire an ongoing soul--co- authored by God--as an eternal possession of your living experiences. Both before and after death, soul is how you acquire and grow your abilities to meet and welcome ever larger and more profound realities. This is why your inner relationship with God’s presence--your Thought Adjuster--and your soul are so important, both in this adventure you are already on, and your future survival.
This individualized presence of God is already part of your mentality, as near as your next thought, or prayer. At any time in your life, any time whatsoever, you can ask, “Dear God, dear Father: what should I do next?” And so, my children, never hesitate to ask this. Open your mind and your soul to what God would have you do. Entertain it and remember it--whether you can do it or not!
Read this chapter Personality Survival. It answers or at least seeks to answer as much as can be put into the English language on who and what you are as a direct child of God, his presence within you, and what you have to look forward to as an eternal being. It helps you remember that you are indeed a spiritual being with a personal forever in your own hands.
My dears, enjoy this Big Blue Book--you call it. It truly can be the centerpiece understanding of your lives. It was Michael’s and my delight to OK its transmission to you. We helped round up the celestial beings who are its authors. Enjoy it well. Now, if you have any questions or comments, Michael and I always enjoy these conversations we have. So go ahead.
JT: Thank you, Nebadonia, and thank you, Jerry.
Bea: Hello, Mother, and hello, Father (one of many, I'm sure.) I really feel very privileged and honored to be present, or at least in your immediate presence. I'd like to ask a question about the Urantia Book—just a very general one. Why is it written in such a difficult and intellectual format? Was it because it would have required more words to describe it in a more basic format?
(Why is the UB so difficult for some?)
Nebadonia: Oh yes, my dear. This is something that you can imagine, as it was being put together by all the higher spiritual beings. Keep in mind we had thousands of new concepts to present to the human race and needed to do it as succinctly as possible using words already in your English vocabulary. They were given new meanings pretty much by context. Think of how few words like “Morontia” were introduced in discussing human soul reality and life after death.
One of the functions of the enormous, comprehensive nature of the Urantia Book is to make it self-validating, especially insofar as the fourth section on the Life of Jesus contradicts much of what folks have believed for 2000 years about his life. It was the best compromise we could come up with to convey the enormity of the information needed to inaugurate the Fifth Epoch of human understanding.
We're aware that the first reading might take individuals many years, which is why we suggest you tease newcomers to take a little stroll around the Table of Contents to see what piques their curiosity--scientific things, spiritual things, biological things, history, or whatever. Again, the very enormity of the book makes it self-validating for, as you know, there are already websites devoted to debunking the whole thing. Does that at least begin to answer your question?
Bea: It does. I have a further comment about it, and this is just my personal perception of the UB. It seems to me that the level at which it's written prevents a certain percentage of the human population from being able to understand it. I know there are certain people who, if I introduce it to them, they won't be able to understand it. Like, I don't consider myself the smartest human being on this planet. (I'm probably around average), but it is a lot to chew on. Oftentimes, and I don't mean this as a criticism, but oftentimes sentences don't seem to be complete. So I have a very hard time understanding. It would be nice if we had a glossary in the Urantia Book. I feel there are a lot of terms that I just have a hard time wrapping my mind around—such terms as “unqualified” versus “qualified.” Maybe it's because I haven't read the whole thing from the beginning to the end.
Nebadonia: Yes, my dear. This is why so many readers and lovers of the Urantia Book suggest that newcomers read the fourth section, which is a straightforward narrative. This reading would lack the depth of someone who's read the previous three sections and understands about the Super Universes, our Local Universe, and who Michael—our Master Creator Son--was and still is. Yet just by itself, the fourth section can also be called another Greatest story ever told. So don't feel shy about introducing or giving away the Urantia Book with that tease. You might say, “Just read the fourth section. It’s a wonderful story.”
Bea: That's exactly what I do. I'm sorry to interrupt. I just meant that is exactly what I do with new readers.
(Take a stroll around the Table of Contents online)
Nebadonia: One of the reasons I mention taking a stroll around the Table of Contents is because people's prime interests vary so much, from the personal to the scientific. This is especially true now with your new Web telescope improving your cosmic understanding by leaps and bounds. I believe there's a website called UB the News in which a wonderful reader has given dozens of examples of things that first appeared in the Urantia Book which have since been validated by the scientific community. I mentioned one--that the sun is not all hydrogen and helium, but actually recapitulates the table of elements as you go into it, and it gets hotter and denser. This gave rise to the rare way your solar system was formed, a UB fact that has not yet been reviewed. In their own way, these “new” scientific facts help validate the whole book, including the section on the life of Jesus. Carry on, my dear. Thank you for all that you've done to help spread the word.
Bea: Thank you.
Sal: Hi everybody. I'm here like Bea is here--as an observer in a way contributing what we can about what's going on here. The Urantia Book is a snapshot in time. I understand it. I've been reading it for many, many years. I don't know how many times I've read it over and over again and communicated with other Urantia Book readers about my concepts. It's an experience that everybody has to individually learn about-- what reality is all about. and what we're here for. I'm not here to communicate my knowledge about the Urantia Book. I'm here to find out what we are doing as the Mission Urantia in a way of now. Anybody want to ask me questions, I know as much as anybody about the Urantia Book. But that's not what I'm here for. I'm here to look for the Reserve Corps of Destiny people who are here to accomplish what we can do now. I know money is a critical aspect of our venue that we have to get into, yet it's got to be more what we have here--to get the glue to make this develop more into a community. I don't see that happening. I see a lot of cats and with no leader. The Urantia Book is always going to be here, and each individual has to learn what it's all about in the now. So I want to know in the now what we're doing. The community is growing for sure, but I’d like to have an answer to my question about what are we doing now besides Mission Urantia?
(Keep the Mission Urantia meetings on subject)
Nebadonia: Oh Yes, my son. This is a question you must ask yourself--all of you--and work it out day by day. This is what you're involved in: how do you get a bunch of cats to relate to each other? I think there’s an expression of yours of an impossibility—“Trying to herd a bunch of cats.” But that is the very essence of the kinds of beings you are-- free will unique beings who each must start from scratch when you are born and spend your lives learning how to live with each other peacefully and creatively. As you look around your world, this has not always been a success. Think of the enormous suffering that goes on in terms of what you call warfare and crime. Sal: I understand what's going on now. I want to know what the now is, and the future of now. I don't have to go about what I know is going on the planet right now. That’s a given.
Nebadonia: But my son, you are asking what to do in your new Mission Urantia group. Learn to deal with each other. Learn to listen. Learn to offer things. Keep an open mind. All these are basic things in any human organization. You're just starting out, and so, if you have no patience, you will certainly give up. You do what you can. You love each other. You stay open to each other. You try to limit your own--shall I say--ego needs to go on and on about your own personal lives. Give as much attention as you can to your common cause, and do not use this opportunity of a captive audience for an ego trip about how much you personally know.
These are what all human organizations of a voluntary nature must do. Keep your eye on the prize, which is the further promulgation and understanding of the Urantia Book and the epoch understanding it offers the human race. This is what you are dedicating yourselves to doing so, as much as you can, curb any narrow, self-aggrandizing kind of behavior to reach out and feel for what's involved in Mission Urantia. This is what you'r here to do, so keep your eye on this prize and don't waste this time on ultra personal things like your favorite hobby. Sacrifice your own self-interest to reach out and feel for what the group can do.
John: Thank you, Mother Spirit. Thank you, Michael. We do so enjoy these moments when we can talk with you, get your input, and ask you questions. I would like to ask you about the Teaching Mission and the Correcting Time Mission. How does the work that is done today through many human individuals--to transmit and receive celestial messages--compare with how the Urantia Book came into being? Is this a different process, or is this essentially the same process? How can we understand, going forward, that there will be many who will be involved in being the heralds of this new age? They may put themselves forward as speaking for Christ Michael, or you--Mother Spirit--or others in your celestial administration. How can they be reconciled with the origins of the Urantia Book? I just wondered if you would be kind enough to comment on that.
(The origin of the UB vs. the Teaching Mission)
Nebadonia: Oh, yes, my son. As you just pointed out, there are both parallels and differences. The major difference is that the Urantia Book came mostly through one individual, given to a small group of people, then distributed to a larger group. This larger group had the duty of reading the papers and letting their Thought Adjusters help them to understand in concert. I don't know if you know, but there were several papers taken back because they were just too abstract, too far out, if you will.
The first three sections were put together with many feedback questions and celestial answers with the large group, until finally, the revelators were tuned in to exactly how much the people of that day could understand and use. Then the entire fourth section on the life of Jesus came through straightaway without any feedback or correction. So that's one of the major differences.
Now you can go on your computer and look up Daynal.org--Robert Davis’s wonderful website. It’s an enormous archive with tens of thousands of transmissions from study groups all over the world, these last few dozen years. With your modern technology they can be kept relatively easily sacrosanct. I believe there's even someone else helping Rob to take it over, if something should happen to him.
(Look up Daynal.org & its thousands of study group transmissions)
The biggest schism between the original Urania Foundation and the Teaching Mission is understandable. The Foundation doesn't want to give its imprimatur--its authority--to anything other than the Urantia Book itself. So that's OK. The Teaching Mission has its own enormous archive. Any serious student can read the transmissions from different transmitters/receivers all over the world. Michael and I feel it’s wonderful, given all the differences of cultural and personal orientation of hundreds of T/R’s, that so much of the spiritual communities’ strong and critical messages do come through and essentially agree with each other. So!--we ask you to carry on! Just keep carrying on. You're doing fine. And thank you, my son.
John: Thank you, Mother Spirit. Thank you, Jerry.
Deborah: OK. Well, there's two parts--Mother and Father--to what I'm inquiring about.
Sal, I want to thank you for sharing your thoughts about MU. I want you to know your comments are not lost on me about us seeming to lose a sense of community and leadership. There was another observer in our last meeting who said something that was relayed to me--that we've lost ourselves. Monjoronson said the same thing--that we're floundering. So if you want to talk on that, that would be wonderful. I also want to get your insight on a little piece that's in the Urantia Book that many people do not talk about, especially in the Urantia Foundation and the Urantia Fellowship. I have my own interpretation, but I just want to hear what you have to say. It's that section in the Thought Adjuster section in which it says that our celestial administrators are a bit alarmed about the fact that too few humans are able to function safely with a “self-acting adjuster.” Suggestions had been made to the higher-ups on steps that could be taken to rectify that. So would you tell me what the celestials were thinking while they were still bringing the Urania Book into being, and they made that statement?
(Human limitations determining Thought Adjuster assignment)
Nebadonia: Yes, my dear. It was an acknowledgment of the truly enormous range of human intelligence, emotion, self-awareness--or lack of it, and how, given unique personalities right from God, the authors had a reverence for human self- determination—or lack of it, and their free will or lack of that. This whole spectrum is what they were addressing. On the higher levels of human spirituality, personal creativity comes close to what their Thought Adjuster is giving them. Whereas on the other end of that spectrum, with more primitive, criminal, or sadistic human beings, their T/R input could be terribly misused. A Thought Adjuster is an individualization of God. It is God. Being God, there is an absolute respect for free will. That alone explains everything happening on your world, especially to the most fundamental question of: If there is a loving God, and he has unlimited power, why is there so much suffering?
Does that at least begin to answer your question?
Deborah: Actually, Mother and Father, it doesn't. So, I'm going to tell you what I think that section meant.
Nebadonia: Go ahead.
Deborah: OK, because it's about doing extra besides bringing us a book, extra to help the more spiritually minded mortals to develop more safely, with higher functioning, self- acting Adjusters. We've seen too many mortals start out going in the right direction with the right motivations and intentions, start glorifying themselves. They fall in love with what they're capable of doing. So my thought is that our celestials already realized that they were going to have to give us the experience of one-on-one teachers. We were'nt going to get just a book. We were going to get a whole slew of celestial teachers to come, interact with us, and model the kind of behavior that's on the higher order of relationships.
I had a dream long ago in which the heavens opened and a whole bunch of beautiful shining orbs of different colors came down out of the sky and went to different parts of the world. I interpreted that after I knew about the Teaching Mission as saying “Hey, we're going to be bringing you some helpers.” So that's what I thought, Mother and Father. I just wonder if that's really what was intended.
(The inexorable spiritual evolution happening)
Nebadonia: My dear, keep in mind the enormous spiritual community that has always been on your world, plus the fact that Thought Adjusters have been influencing all normally minded human beings since Andon and Fonta. Never discount the enormous amount of help that is constantly being exchanged on all levels within the enormous political and social organizations on your world. There’s also the greater amount of love, dedication, and self-sacrifice that is individually given. From a spiritual standpoint, this love--God's gift of sharing your lives--is many thousands and thousands of times greater than all the strife and deliberate harm being done. From the electricity in your light bulbs to the water when you turn on your faucets, think of the enormous amount of effort and cooperation that goes into sustaining your civilization. Above all, there is an inexorable cosmic evolution happening by God's will. It obtains over time because, as your Urantia Book says, personality directly communicates with personality. Your own creative imagination can give you visions of this, like the one you had of the celestial activity going on. Thank you, my dear.
Deborah: Thank you, Mother and Father.
John: I have a question, Mother and Father. I see in my own relationship with the heavenly Father that more and more the process of perfection involves a living communion with the Father. That is our contact with our Thought Adjuster in this direct, living relationship. As we go forward in this process of evolution, it seems like more and more people are going to be able to make this living contact with their indwelling spirit and receive a direct communion from the Father. But I wonder about the reliance on external things and the tendency of human beings to want to substitute their own responsibility for developing this conscious contact directly. It’s maybe an impediment that people want to be stuck on the dependence on an external object whether it be rituals, traditions, or books they consider to be holy.
The Urantia Book mentions an awful lot about the indwelling spirit, the Thought Adjuster. It starts out right in paper one when it talks about the plan that the Creator has for the creation, a plan right from the get-go that this indwelling spirit is given as a gift to mortals to bridge the enormous gap between the Father and mortals. I'm wondering, as this progresses, how do we communicate this part of how to make this connection with the indwelling spirit? Because as much as the Urantia Book illuminates the fact that we have an indwelling spirit, it doesn't say very much on how to cultivate that relationship directly. It gives a wonderful example of how Jesus did it. If a person reads the fourth part of the book with a discerning mind, they will come away with a lot of understanding about perhaps how they could follow the example that Jesus gave.
But there's no real instruction directly in the Urantia Book of how to do this. It seems like it's not an oversight, but like they were leaving that to the further evolution of these concepts in the human mind until we were perhaps ready for more direct instruction. A lot of the Teaching Mission is about how to initiate this contact. I wonder if the timing of that had to do with the adjudication of the Lucifer Rebellion and the lifting of spiritual quarantine. These are just questions I have about the ongoing process and how we move forward with it, even if we don't find a direct correlation of it in the Urantia Book. I wonder if you could comment on that. Thank you.
(How to engage and welcome your Thought Adjuster’s input)
Nebadonia: Yes, my son. This is something that Michael and I have addressed hundreds of times. The best way is simply to give your Thought Adjuster time. With all due respect, acknowledge you cannot anticipate what the presence of God has for you this time—not yesterday, but now—this morning. How do you get out of your own anticipations and habits, no matter how fine and religious with pre-planned good prayer and worship? How do you give your Thought Adjuster the opportunity to speak? Your Thought Adjuster needs no prayer or invitation. Your Thought Adjuster is already part of your thinking. What we call stillness is just simply—but profoundly--being as still as you can be. This can be uniquely difficult at first because it can immediately open you to a flood of what has been put off, delayed, or denied for a long time. You just have to wade through these often too-familiar things and stick with it. Trust your Thought Adjuster is always with you.
Stillness meditation soon becomes a matter of increasing your ability to recognize your Thought Adjuster’s input, ironically difficult because it's always present as a form of idealism. As Michael and I have said, these thoughts can be on the most basic things, like how to live a healthier life, reviewing your diet and your exercise--things like this. People may think: “Well, that's not religious!” But God is interested in you having the greatest life possible. As a living, physical human being, this has an awful lot to do with simple diet and exercise, things a certain kind of religious personality looks down their nose at. “That can't be coming from God,” they think.
This is why you simply have to give your Thought Adjuster stillness time. Just be still. Let anything and everything that wants to occur to you, do so, even bringing up things you need to quit denying, and address. In time you begin to recognize the ideas that are coming from God all through your day. This is what really does your soul good, how many times a day you can say: “Thank you, Father, for telling me to get off my lazy butt- -which is killing me!--and get out there and take a walk.”
One difficulty of keeping this open mind is because you already have a hierarchy of what you think is important. It takes humility to be curious toward, and wonder, what God has for you. Don't forget my son, humility is the awareness of something so much more spiritually enormous than you. It's one of God's great blessings. Thank you.
John: Thank you. Thank you, Mother Spirit.
JT: Well, I think that's all we have time for today.
Sal: I think the communication with people we have now is unique to the point of doing something. Mission Urania is what we are looking to propagate, and get more involved in. The Urantia Book is just a snapshot in time about what we all should know anyway. I'm looking at the organization that has been created, and I don't like to see it fail. I think we should give it energy and propagate it. I don't like what I see between us. I don't like that at all. People are dropping out. I don't understand why a bunch of cats can't get together and continue building this organization. That's what I’ve got to say.
(How to maintain & expand Mission Urantia)
Nebadonia: I appreciate your efforts to spread the word. You all know how much joy and meaning and value this book has given you and your fellow readers, how much you have shared it through the years. So stay on the subject! As much as possible, bring forth what you've gathered from the Urantia Book, and why you think someone else might be interested in it. You may have other social contacts and hobbies—very well and fine—but while here keep focused on the Urantia teachings. Then, when newcomers come to this site, this is what they will find. This focus is a self-discipline, not to misuse a captive audience to go on and on about other extraneous subjects. That may be why you’re losing members. After all, this is called Mission Urantia. Please keep that in mind. Thank you, and be in my love.
All: Thank you, Mother Spirit. Thank you, Jerry.