2024-07-08-Machiventa Mission Urantia 15
Topic: Machiventa Mission Urantia 15
Group: Mission Urantia
Teacher: Michael, Machiventa
TR: John Morris
Michael: Good morning. This is Christ Michael. I know you're expecting Machiventa, and he will be available after I address you to answer questions. But I wanted to join you this morning as this is an important moment in this new effort of ours to move the ball forward, so to speak. When you wish to minister in my name, you become my disciples. You devote your Life to my service. Your Life is no longer your own, but you join my inner circle of mortals who have made the doing of the will of our Father the prime purpose of their Life. Now, you must have the faith to follow your heart and expect big things to happen. You no longer play small ball. You're in the big leagues now. You are major league professionals and training camp is over. The new season begins now. You have shown that you have the skills, the devotion and the dedication to play at this level. As spiritual individuals you have your own practice that keeps you in shape to play on this team. Do not neglect this. It is the foundation for your ability to participate on the team level. As a team, it is time to execute our game plan and get out on the field of play and put into action all the elements of what you have practiced and trained for.
The world is ripe for a restatement of my gospel message. The evolution of the human mind is sufficient for this. Now, what is needed are the devoted efforts of this team to see this through. We have a plan, and we have an organization. What is needed now is not more practice but the execution of all we have been preparing for. You are ready; you are prepared. Do not hold back waiting for another moment, another opportunity. This is our moment. Do not take your eye off the ball. Keep the end goal in mind as we go about putting in place the pieces of a puzzle that will allow us to leave the field victorious. We win as a team; we lose as a team. Now is the time to put aside individual preferences and work together as a team. You know what the acronym of team stands for—Together Each Achieves More. As a unit you can do much more than you can as an individual. You have been recruited to play on this team. You are not here by accident. You are here because each of you has something you need to contribute to the success of our efforts. Believe in yourselves, believe in your teammates, believe in me. I would not have put you here if I did not have faith in your abilities to accomplish what I'm asking you to do.
You know how to recharge your energy when you are tired and depleted. You know how to overcome depression. You know how to move beyond anxiety. You can deal with disappointment. Now is the time to shine and to allow the Light of my divine love to be reflected in the coordinated movements of your collective efforts. Let the discipline of your hearts lead you to the victory of doing our Father's will and overcome the will of your little self, your ego, and let your soul propel us to the purpose we all came here to do. It is literally one for all and all for one. This is our moment. See that you do not waste it and squander this opportunity.
I'm here to cheer you on. Accept the corrections of our coaching staff, learn from your mistakes, be the confident professionals you are and leave it all on the field as you execute your Mission. Expect big things to happen and they will. According to your faith, it shall be done. Please remember to enjoy this journey. My burden is light, my message is love. Our relationship is the expression of this love and light. Take time every day to come to me for the sustenance needed to succeed in this Mission. My peace I leave with you. Now I think I'll take a moment and allow Machiventa to make himself known and then, if you have questions, you can begin.
JT: Thank you, Michael, and thank you John.
Machiventa: This is Machiventa. I'm here. I am present. I'm grateful for this opportunity to be with you once again. I thank my sovereign Christ Michael for his introduction. And I too concur that now is the time to put into practice, to put into play, to put into motion, all that we have been prepared for. So please feel free to ask questions and to contribute as you see fit. Thank you.
JT: Thank you Machiventa. There is nothing that I would like to do more than help introduce the world to the updated message of Jesus' life and teachings. So much is done in this world under His name that you can't see how He is related to, you know?
MM: Yes, this is Machiventa. When Jesus was with us in his time 2000 years ago there was so very much that he could not say. He couldn't teach simply because of the situation of the world at the time he came here. The culture in Palestine at that time was very much a culture of Judaism with its rigid rules and very time-consuming rituals with a very strong history of tradition. The minds of that time could only receive so much. Times are much different now. The human mind has evolved to the point where the restating of my message is very possible for people to receive. My message is to simply help people in this world now reconnect with that original gospel of Jesus to be more fully, repletely stated so it can be better understood. His Life was an example of one completely devoted to doing the will of his heavenly Father. The way he conducted himself, the way that he got in touch with that will was to constantly go apart and have just a little talk with his Father. And he perfected that contact with the indwelling spirit and had a live communion constantly with his Father.
This is what we want to make plain to people now. This is what we want to help them to understand: The time is right. The circuits have been reconnected and are being enhanced. The vibrational frequency of the planet is being increased, and it is this vibration of the love energy of the Father that people are responding to. Now, they don't know quite what to do with it. They don't know where to go with it. Now, we have the possibility and opportunity in this time through technology to have a global communications platform with which we can reach people all around this world. We can answer questions and we can share with them the context in which all of this takes place. We can introduce them to many of the concepts in The Urantia Book. We can introduce them to The Urantia Book itself. We can talk to them about how these high ideals are translated into practical ideas for sustainable families, social organizations, and government, or how to begin to create this brother-and-sisterhood of humankind. Because when one understands that they are divinely and unconditionally loved and realizes that the selfsame Creator of love lives within every other human on the planet, it's not too far of a stretch to introduce ideas of the brother-and-sisterhood of humankind and to allow for an expression of what people are feeling inside them to lead this world forward in peace and love. Thank you.
JT: Thank you, Machiventa.
Jacques: Bonjour Machiventa. It’s a pleasure to be with you today. I have a question. I am part of a co-creative design team with Sondjah. One project is to create a Family Learning Center program. And the second one is to create a syllabus containing a number of items (more than 80) for future generations. Of course, it takes time for us to set up this process, and at this stage we're trying to learn as a group, learn together, who we are as a human—how we behave vis-à-vis each other. So, my question is: it takes time for us, but I don't think it's an issue. Do you have a comment please?
MM: Yes, and welcome Jacques. Thank you for your attendance here today. Time is not the issue. What the issue really is, and what the challenge really is, is: can this group of people, this generation of people who have received the fifth Epochal Revelation, who have labored in the Teaching Mission and the Magisterial Mission all under the auspices of our sovereign and the planetary management (and this is still a small group on this world) now find the ability to set aside differences within it and to come together as a community. The face of this community will be a global, digital platform to communicate. We are trying new things, we are trying new ideas, and this will take time, but everyone within this community will have a space on this global digital platform to communicate their particular personal experience, their vision with how this relates, to tell their story to those who are hungry to hear the story of what it is like to acknowledge the spirit of our Creator living within. How does that feel? What happens to one when you devote your life to this? Is this a safe thing to do? What are the transformations that you go through in your life? It will take time for this platform to be built, and if it's not derailed from within by dissension and the inability to agree on how to support it, everyone will find a place for their voice and there will be the opportunity to share what you are doing, Jacques, in your attempt to create a functional, co-creative design team that has never yet been accomplished. There have been books written on it, there have been all kinds of transmissions talking about it, there have been people working on it for decades, but as yet there is not one co-creative design team in existence that can point to something they've designed by this process and share that with the world. So, it's important for those of us who say we have this living connection with the spirit of our Creator and, more than that, have received revelation on how to move ahead in the spirit, it's important for us to be able to start to live these things and demonstrate them in real time to people of the world, so that they can see a future that they want to participate in.
And so, take the time it needs to get it right, but in the meantime there's a great deal else going on that people can find a way to plug into, to support and to truly bring this live relationship of communion with the Father together in a living community, and it will be this living community more than any other thing that has the ability to collapse time frames and seed the gospel of Jesus around the world. This is our hope with this group, that we can work together as a team. We are united in our purpose. We do not have to necessarily have unanimity of thought, but we do have to have a purpose that unites, and this purpose is none other than to make known the presence of spirit in the lives of those who have become disillusioned by what current wisdom traditions, faith traditions and religions on this world have to offer and are looking for more meaning, for something deeper. This generation of the Urantia movement has those answers, and it is not going to be a dense text that will take these answers around the world—that will take much more time before that text actually becomes the go-to reference book of many cultures. What it will take now is our living example of love and brotherhood within the community to show a united front to the world of what the transformative power of a live relationship with the First Source and Center, the Heavenly Father through our indwelling spirit does to transform lives. Thank you.
Jacques: Thank you, Machiventa. Yes, what we're doing at that time is discussing altogether how we express in our daily life the seven core values around ourselves, in family, community, and with people we meet. So, this is typically what we're discussing now: have these living examples and record them, then we'll see later on.
MM: Yes, and what will give it power in the current time frame is your willingness to share your spiritual story and how you embrace this secular approach within your spiritual Life. That is the power to transform hearts, minds, souls and then eventually cultures. Thank you.
Jacques: Thank you. That's it for me.
Bob: I have kind of an exploratory question and that is: there are a lot of people that are not in the Urantia movement and do not understand The Urantia Book too much—our general Christian community and other communities that have their beliefs and ideas of things. How can we help transform our message to reach those that are Christians, Muslims or Hindus and help them show that God is speaking to them through our movement and that it's real, present revelation right now instead of their being stuck in the revelations they've been in for so many centuries, and they have difficulty in seeing the current messages of God rather than that which is historical for them?
Machiventa: Thank you, Bob for that question because it does allow us to think a little bit deeper on how we would craft a message that would be interesting enough to people of other wisdom traditions to want to explore our message deeper until they could come to the nugget of it, to the understanding of it. This is a global message and Jesus was a more than a global teacher; he was a universal teacher to all his inhabited planets.
Now, when you approach people and they are very much attached to their faith traditions, how would you talk to them? Would you use words like Urantia, Christ Michael, or Jesus in the first few moments of talking to them if you knew that using these words that we within this Urantia community just take for granted, but from their point of view (and you use that value of empathy) you know that they are seeking for something more than what their cultural traditions are giving them and yet they have been so ingrained with a reaction to other wisdom traditions in the world? How could you pull out words of your tradition that might turn them off before they ever got to understand what it is we're trying to do and keep them interested?
This is going to be a challenge and by no means, demeans our experience and what we hold dear, but it simply calls us to a new level of skill in how to speak to people. The essential message is this: every human being on the planet is indwelt by the spirit of their Creator and that, by going within and seeking guidance from this spirit, they can experience contact with the spirit and communion with the Creator of all. Now, there is no cultural preference for how to do this. There is no particular recommendation on how they need to go about this in the beginning except that they have enough faith to believe that the spirit of their Creator indwells them. There will be a great deal of information on this digital website that will point to the revelations that are relevant in our time, but it can't necessarily be most effective if it's on the landing page and it's the very first thing that people see because they won't get past the landing page and dig deeper into these truths, into this revelation of The Urantia Book and these archives of wonderful teachings and wisdom.
So, the journey deeper into this would seem to us to be those of you who have embarked on this journey and have left the starting gate of the spiritual process and are somewhere slightly ahead of your brothers and sisters to be able to stretch a hand backward and tell your story in such a way that they can receive it. And that is something each of you can do because who would be against a message of love, of peace, of equality if it could be crafted in a way that would remove stumbling blocks to people’s initial response. Once they have taken a step or two on this path and they begin to have that contact and they begin to feel the presence of the spirit within they become much more open to sources of information that can illuminate the path ahead, help them and can serve as a guide for them on their journey.
So, how you speak to those people is important, but you should not have any illusion about what it is to talk about truth, new truth, new revelation, the fact that truth is relative and constantly changing with the abilities of people's capacity to receive it when they are so convinced they already hold all truth within their tradition. You should not expect a glad welcome or wholesale turning of people's hearts, but you will still find individuals here and there that are seeking, and their seeking is not being satisfied by their wisdom tradition, and they are looking. And those people we would love to have a conversation with and help them expand their understanding and help them grow their heart relationship with their Creator. Thank you.
Bob: Thank you, Machiventa. That was very good. It makes us think a little bit about how we approach our friends and families and how they can better understand that Christ and the Heavenly Father work within them through the Spirit of Truth and through the Thought Adjuster. And it's necessary for us to understand that we must be open enough and share enough with love and caring to help these people know that God is really within them and that they can touch that within them instead of reading in their books so much. I know some of these books are held very venerable like the Bible or the Koran or whatever, but they have to realize that, within their own hearts and minds, they have their connection to God that's as real as anyone's connection in the last thousands of years. And then it's even more so now today, since circuits are being opened more recently because of the ending of the rebellion on this planet.
MM: Yes, this opportunity is upon this generation, simply because the spiritual quarantine has been lifted, and within each of these people, their Thought Adjusters are also given more latitude to work within the people they indwell. So, it's not like we're starting from zero here. If you're nonjudgmental and accepting and just simply come from your heart as an act of love, you have a great ally already within people you're trying to talk to that will help them resonate with what you're saying and offering. And so, one of the reasons that we have this opportunity as a community to create a global messaging platform is because of this increased vibration—this love vibration—that is bathing this world. We literally live in an ocean of love and to begin to help people experience that through us and wake up to this vibration of love will give them all they need to start their own journey, and then we will have done what has been asked of us. Once you get somebody to the starting gate, you can walk away unless they want more of a relationship. Essentially our job is to get them to the starting gate so they can make a choice. Once they make their choice, they have their own path to walk with their indwelling spirit. And we provide guidebooks, guideposts, we provide support, we provide a loving community, but it is their personal journey just the same.
The important thing is they need to know they have a choice, what that choice is, and how transformative that choice has been in the lives of those of us who have made this choice, and that can be enough to encourage them to start their own journey. Thank you.
Bob: Thank you Machiventa. Thank you, John.
I wish we had more people on our call today. I think maybe some of them were looking at the passcode at the bottom of the message. That's 426253. I tried that and it didn't work. Then I went through the whole message and I realized that at the top it said “Plan” was the password and some people may have not seen that.
John: Yes. I'll just mention something for you. There was a special meeting called of the Mission Urantia board this morning at nine o'clock and it was to vote on a business plan and executive structure that was being presented to this board as how to go forward. They had called it for one hour before this meeting. I left that meeting because I had this responsibility to be here, but a lot of the people that might have liked to be here are probably still in that meeting. It's unfortunate that it competed with this time frame as well.
MM: This is Machiventa. I would be interested to hear yet from those who have yet to speak about what your experiences are like coming to these transmissions, what you like about it, what you would like to see different, or what you just feel about what's going on. These efforts of ours depend on how we read mortals and how we see them, and then we learn from your questions and from your comments. And so, I would invite everyone to participate and share their hearts with me. I'm supremely interested in what you think and feel.
Cheryl: Thank you, Machiventa. As I have been sitting here listening to everything that's being said today, it occurred to me that, with the internet the way that it is, we have such a great opportunity, just like you were saying, to reach people all across the world. And I've been sitting back and waiting for the website to be done so that I can share it with people and share the message that's in there because I was thinking that would, you know, be a good starter. But even before that, I guess, what we could be doing is: I'm a member of so many different groups—Facebook seems to be my medium and that's how I talk to people every day. I'm members of groups like Religions for Peace, Charter for Compassion, Unity, Unify, you know, all these different ones that are even outside of the Urantia purview, and what a great opportunity that might be to just start up conversations in there and see if anyone would comment to something that I might state inside there. That might be a good way to start conversations and be talking with people. But it's things like that, I think, we need to expand just like Michael was saying and just like Machiventa has been saying to do everything we can and leave no stone unturned.
So, I'm thinking that's probably a good way for me to get started with reaching out further. I try to encourage people every day on Facebook and post things from The Urantia Book and my personal thoughts every day on, you know, relationships with our inner self and with, you know, the God within. I've been talking about that for a very long time, but I think people may be tired of hearing about it. It seems like I don't get as many comments lately as I did in the past, but I'm still thinking that we can expand out from where we are because we do have the internet which reaches everywhere and there are all these different groups out there. So even joining different groups even with like game players or whoever that you happen to speak with on a daily basis. If you just say some little something every day to anyone that happens to be there you never know what might spark that connection to be able to engage and have another conversation such as that. So, I think I'm going to start expanding in that particular way and see what happens. Thank you.
MM: This is Machiventa. Yes. Thank you, Cheryl. Absolutely. We're smiling and applauding. This is exactly how it happens. When you are in contact with people and simply share this message of love, this message of concern for them and their families and their children's children and let them know that there's hope, that it is this love, this power of love that will transform our world and so share with them inspiring messages that resonate with you.
One of the things that this one has really enjoyed and found so useful is that little book, The Guiding Light Within by Lytske (https://www.amazon.com/Guiding-Light-Within-Wayshower-Spirituality-ebook/dp/B0080EGORG) that came out of George Bernard and the 11:11 Progress Group. There are little daily sayings that are short, but they're so inspiring and they're so free of a lot of the ideas that people might find frightening, offensive or that challenge beyond where they're comfortable. But that is a wonderful way to illuminate the relationship to the Thought Adjuster. So, sharing things like that perhaps that are very focused on this relationship with the indwelling spirit. Those kinds of things, a paragraph here, a meaningful sentence and things like that there, that can touch people's hearts and get their hearts to resonate with you and maybe shake the cobwebs out a little bit and get them thinking—these are wonderful ideas, all very good. Thank you, Cheryl.
JT: You know, sometimes I feel like I don't contribute a whole lot to what the group's doing other than hosting these meetings and doing the transcripts, but I'll say I certainly do appreciate hearing from you, Machiventa and from Michael when he drops in. Sometimes just hearing your messages I can feel peace coursing through my soul and I know that's good for me.
MM: Yes. Yes. Thank you, James. And this is the communication, right? This peace that flows from the Heavenly Father through your souls, this love vibration is our statement to this world: that in the face of all these impossible situations, we can stand firm and clear as a beacon of love, and we can raise our own vibrations to the point where words are secondary. We simply get in relationship with people, and they are benefited from being close to us and we do not know the good that we're doing, but I can assure you that you are raising the vibration of those who come into contact with you when you feel this love, this live connection to the Heavenly Father and they are benefiting from your presence—your simply being present. Yes. Thank you.
Bob: Machiventa, I appreciate all that you do for us and all that you counsel us with and especially your message of love and hope. And in my own life, I try to do things on a personal basis. I'm not so much into Facebook or anything like that, but for my family and friends I like to reach out and share The Urantia Book teachings. Not necessarily talking about The Urantia Book, but talking about the message of love, talking about the message of hope, the message of Christ in our lives and how He was an example to us of the way we should learn to live. And that He wants us to have a relationship with Him and also a relationship with the Heavenly Father, and that in their relationship we develop and grow. I reach out to some friends I have like my ex-wife and my family through her and family through my brother and his family and even here at home where these young adults that are here that are seeking. I have a hard time communicating with them on their own level because their generation is much different than ours. I see hope that there's a possibility of gaining a foothold to help them better understand the value of their inner spirit and the value of God in their lives and the value of the brotherhood of mankind. It's so very important to understand that we have these connections, that we can develop them and have them grow and that we spend time in the spirit working on these things. I appreciate so much the things you teach me about these things. I know I have to come up with ideas on how to share these things with others, but it’s something I need to work on and have guidance and direction on because it’s difficult for me to communicate with young people because I'm not of their generation and I have difficulty in reaching them in a way that they can understand.
So, I know we have a lot of work to do, and we have a lot of things going on, but boy, It would sure help to have some pointers.
MM: Yes. You know, this movement, this message that we have, it should have a presence on TikTok, Instagram, X and all these social media platforms—Reddit, Facebook, all of it. We should have a presence there and we will. It's in the business plan that we're considering as a board, and we will have a presence there one day. It just seems to take so long to put these things in place, but we will get there, and then we can show this younger generation, this millennial and gen Z generation, that we are interested in them. And it is no different on that scale than a personal scale. It's how you interact with younger people by simply being interested in what they're doing, showing interest in it, asking questions and letting them talk to you about what they're interested in. And by doing that, you open up their hearts and though you don't have to verbally give them a message and plant a seed, just by your presence they will feel your love and it will open their hearts and their Thought Adjuster has just a little bit more room to begin working with them. So never think that you're not doing the work of spirit. When you're in the sense of that presence of spirit, no matter who you're with, you uplift them, and you minister to them simply in being present.
It's interesting if you look at our Master's life and how there was him, his male apostles and his female apostles, but how many people all over Galilee that had to support that work when they came to new towns to help provide lodging and meals, to help pay support to the treasury of the apostles so that they could do that work and have funds for the executing of their work. And so there were a great many individuals involved in that that never made it onto the pages of history, but were actually key and vital to that work going forward and it's no different in this day. We need many people, you know? What really sustains a nonprofit is the people that can be what we call sustaining members in terms of their financial support: $5, $10, $20 dollars a month, whatever it is that people feel they can do. That gives an executive structure of a nonprofit an ability to plan ahead because there's a budget that's fairly consistent. And then when the odd donation comes in, you know, that just adds and augments to that. So, everybody has a chance to participate and support this. It's just a matter of where you feel in your heart and with your guidance from within that you feel moved to do it. Thank you.
Bob: Thank you.
JT: Machiventa, do you have anything you want to say to us before we split up?
MM: Sure. I delight in being here. I delight in speaking with you. I delight in listening to you, but I would share this with you: your persistence in promoting our plan and insisting on seeing your vision of sharing our message with the world, encourages us. The problems you encounter as you struggle to bring these new ideas to life assist you in your personal evolution and growth, and as you grow individually, you grow the whole. Do not let yourself become discouraged and downhearted. This experience of the resistance of the world to accept and implement new concepts designed to help are invaluable training for your future service to our Creator and struggling to serve in this manner, you are growing your souls and increasing your value to the creation. You are attracting new opportunities to yourselves that will allow you a greater expression of your love for our Creator in times to come. Do not think you struggle in vain even if this endeavor, in your eyes, fails. Such is simply not the case from our point of view. You are on track to accomplish a major milestone in your efforts. Bring your fellows along by your vision of what is possible and what you are on the cusp of achieving. Allow multiple efforts to bloom and the fragrance of these creations to be enjoyed by all who are attending your progress. You cannot see over the horizon from your perspective, but our vision is more far-seeing, and we see great things for your mission If only you persist. You are on the right track. We are allowing multiple tracks of development to occur simultaneously. Facilitate the coordination of this so as to collapse time frames and accelerate progress. Revel in the chaos and the mess for out of this will come order and harmony. Enjoy the journey and know that you have our support. Thank you.
JT: Thank you, Machiventa, and thank you John. Yeah, I can't help but be reminded how Jesus chose Urantia for his bestowal life because it was such a dark place, and his Light would shine that much brighter. So, it's hard to really complain about an approaching dark age or you know, all the chaos and despair the world has now because that just gives us an opportunity for our light to shine just a little brighter.
John: Right. The darker the background, the greater the contrast of Light to it. Absolutely. All right. Well, thank you. Thank you all. Thank you, James. Thanks, Bob. Thanks Cheryl.
JT: Thank you, John.