2024-07-14-Focus on Mercy and Divine Justice
Topic: Focus on Mercy and Divine Justice of Paradise
Group: Institute for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael, Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Our Paradise Creator Deities, we lift our hearts up to you in praise and gratitude for all of the changes that are now underway on the planet to build our higher planetary culture. And we thank our Divine Parents for steering us through this very tumultuous phase in our evolution. And we also thank our Magisterial Son for imparting the activities and energies of DIVINE JUSTICE, that what is out of alignment with defined will make continued out work even more and larger ways and it just has before.
So, as we gather under your wing, we thank you for weaving us together as one, making a unified field of intention to serve the greater good and truth for our planet to ascend to its higher potential and destiny with all human hearts participating as much as possible. You know where we are on our planetary trajectory toward our destiny of Light and Life. You know what changes you want to see occur today. We are here to support those intentions and efforts.
So, as you encircuit us as one in your DIVINE HOLY WILL, we thank you for your MERCY and GRACE bestowed to us now that what we provide from our hearts may produce the GOOD, the TRUTH, and the BEAUTY that you know we need. We thank you for this opportunity to be of service. And as always, we thank you for your will be done.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael, and I am very pleased to have you join with me in this call today as more spiritual energy bathes this world and imparts more TRUTH-LIGHT and the willingness to face the higher dimensions of LIFE, building you in that light circuitry that will cleanse the pollution from human mind and bring it back into further divine alignment.
Over the course of many years, we have been carefully constructing the plans of correction for Urantia. Many people have been encouraged and invited to join in this massive outpouring of LOVE and MERCY to this beleaguered world. Now there are many dynamics in place to help you make this major shift forward. It is a time of great transition for many individuals, but there are still quite a number of humans who have yet to respond to the call of Spirit Within. For those who have, let this be a time of great rejoicing as the MERCY from Paradise as implemented by me and my Brother Monjoronson further engage with this world.
Take a few moments to continue to focus in your hearts letting that motivation and intention and aspiration to be of service to your world in this greatest hour of need to swell to such proportions that you can be greater conduits of divine LOVE, not only to your brothers and sisters, but for this planet as a whole.
Take a few moments to commune with the Spirit Within. Elevate your mental awareness to your Spirit in whatever way you are most comfortable in doing. Invite the mental chatter in your mind to quiet. Allow your bodies to soften in the spiritual energy is now beginning to percolate in you, elevating your vibrational rate to higher levels of frequencies of LIGHT. Relax into my presence within you through the Spirit of Truth and I will minister into each of you, my beloved children.
Center your gaze upon your heart now. Focus on these words: THE MERCY OF PARADISE, THE MERCY OF PARADISE, THE MERCY OF PARADISE. Do your best to stay focused in your heart on these words. Your Indwelling Spirit will help you discover the meaning and value of what holding these words are here to convey to your conscious mind. In time, you will see more of the significance of what we are conducting here. But for now, I ask you to be receptive to my presence within you and allow this spiritual energy language, THE MERCY OF PARADISE, to engage with your mind-body system and help your memory system open to this greater infusion of LIGHT. We begin. (Pause)
My mission to Urantia as your human brother Jesus was one of great mercy. In my pre-bestowal persona as the Father of your Universe Nebadon, I was well informed of the plight of this beautiful world. Do you not think that my Father's heart was untouched by what I witnessed of the events here unfolding during the various phases of the rebellion? And so, it was my Father's heart that I selected this world as my bestowal planet. And my MERCY still exists for this world. Even the course of 2000 years did nothing to sway me, and my conviction that this world would be transformed and healed of the rebellion past and also the other planets of Satania that followed Lucifer into rebellion.
And so, now is the time to complete my mission of MERCY. And I am giving this to you, my children, to assist me in this great reclamation. Do not doubt that what is underway will provide you with the relief and the solutions you have long sought. Many of you are now being activated for greater service even if you are not yet consciously aware.
But now the time is upon you for this great transformation to occur in a greater phase. By focusing on the MERCY OF PARADISE, you are assisting me in this larger infusion that comes to me by the Father and empowers you as children of the First Source and Center Paradise Father to grow and these merciful endowments. Will you understand the full impact of what this means at this time? Perhaps some of you will.
But it is less important to understand the full meaning impact than it is to focus on your hearts and feel-experience the MERCY from Paradise that it may support you to let go of any residual energies tied to the rebellion that your soul may blossom, your personality potential may expand, and that you truly live here on Urantia as my enlightened sons and daughters cultivating, the ways of heaven on earth. Let these words settle into your minds and hearts. Allow the focus of THE MERCY OF PARADISE to engage with your mind and body, and allow the energies to go deep, deep, deep within you. (Pause)
The time is upon you to be activated in your spiritual potential, my children. There are many things that will be transpiring in the near future that may confuse you. But stay the course of your faith. I am here. I am in you. I will steer you through this rocky phase. You have more support than you can fathom with your conscious mind or your material eyes. Ask for your spiritual bandwidth (if I may use that term) to expand that your internal vision that you may perceive more from what your Spirit is conveying to you of what is occurring upon Urantia. There is no need to fear. And I encourage you to focus on being more fortified in your faith relationship with me and the Father for you to remain peaceful, strong, steadfast, and steady as the world is rocked by a great reckoning, which is now under way. (Pause)
Engage more from your hearts in your day-to-day activities with your brothers and sisters. Control more of the rampant mental chatter that abounds within the workings of mind. Steer your direction to your hearts where you will receive more of the spiritual endowments you need to convey truth with a clear and resounding voice. I need you to be my mouthpieces of love, compassion, peace, and security. Use this time as a way to hone your spiritual skills that will not only help you remain peaceful, but will foster your spiritual development and soul growth. You are learning how to use spiritual power, my children. And this is good. I encourage you to develop this more and more. It is by coming to me and your Indwelling Spirit that you will receive the necessary fuel and nourishment that you may impart the spiritual energies to your brethren who are in dire need of them now.
Continue to focus on THE MERCY OF PARADISE as my presence anchors you more deeply into those places of great need, even down into the deepest memory places for you to receive more peace. Hold this vibration of MERCY within your being. (Pause)
I am the Creator-Sovereign of Nebadon. I share who I am with you, each one of you, to learn how you may cultivate in my essence, that you may not only grow in who you are, but be a greater server to your brothers and sisters of the Spirit. In the coming days, ask your Indwelling Spirit of the Father: “What more can I do to assist in this Correcting Time program? Where do you wish me to direct my focus and attention either in spiritual ministry or an outward manifestation of service?”
There is an inner and outer approach to being of service. The outer approach would take you into direct ministry to your brothers and sisters to sit with them, console with them, offer advice and guidance when it is sought. But I also encourage you to more fully develop the inner approach where you are communicating to me, your angels, to the Planetary Seraphim, Monjoronson, and Mother what are the changes you wish to see. Remember, we are listening to what you are putting out into the planetary system of consciousness. You will do well to be very mindful of what you yourself are putting into this. So ensure that you are informing us of the changes you want to see: positive changes, spiritual changes, and how they may impart down into the material level.
We wish to hear from you for this is a collaboration that involves all of us now to heal this planet and the other worlds that participated in the great rebellion, so that all of these energies of thoughts and Spirit weave together forming you in a greater place of DIVINE LOVE, building your capacity to be representatives my PEACE to your brothers and sisters. You are not only my children, but you are my ambassadors. And ensure that you are doing your best to live up to your potential, and be a loving, compassionate, tolerant, and nonjudgmental way-shower of the new way that is dawning in the minds of humanity. (Pause)
I leave you now in this manner, my children, that my Brother Monjoronson may complete the circuitry objectives for this call today. Falter not in your faith, but use this time to grow in your true purpose for your human incarnation. I am with you to this phase. Call on me whenever you need and I will steer you through this rugged period. You all live in my LOVE and I cherish each one of you. Gain much from the experience you are undergoing. Always know the Father’s LOVE prevails throughout eternity and infinity, even down to tiny Urantia. Good day.
MONJORONSON: My beloved brethren, I extend my greetings to you, and also the PEACE of Michael that it may continue to deepen within you. Truly, you are in a period of such heightened spiritual energy that it is beyond most humans to comprehend. But you are now blazing a trail of glory that is being witnessed by the universe as we escort you on this journey to your ultimate destiny of Light and Life, not only for yourselves, but for this world.
The MERCY from Paradise is utterly beyond your ability to comprehend and receive the fullness thereof. But we are making available these circuits to provide you with more spiritual stamina that may invigorate your faith to reveal the truth to your brothers and sisters during this time.
So as we begin to build these circuits into the collective planetary mind-memory system, I invite you to focus from your hearts and allow the energies of THE MERCY OF PARADISE that your Father Michael has inspired in you to stream forth and to spiral around the planet in the familiar counterclockwise rotation north to south pole, especially holding the intention for this infusion to impart and imprint upon the roots of the rebellion. Do not be concerned about where we are inserting these energies. All we ask for you is to hold that intention for THE MERCY OF PARADISE to stream into these circuits and we will do the rest. Hold this now as best you can, my beloved brethren. Feel your love for this world and for your brothers and sisters to receive the love they need, the love this world needs now as mighty changes are about to occur. (Pause)
Bring your focus back to your heart if your mind wanders. Maintain that consistent focus on THE MERCY OF PARADISE. Let it act as a super light beam bathing the planet, and doing what it can do to repair the damage that the rebellion has caused to this beautiful world and the human condition and the condition of all life here. (Pause)
The super-endowments we have been cultivating with you over the course of this call are now being more fully imparted into the planet, into this deep memory circuit where the roots of the rebellion began. Simply stay focused on THE MERCY OF PARADISE. There are many powerful personalities who are engaging in these memory circuits now. What we ask is for you to hold that intention for this planet to receive what it needs now during this particular phase as the RECKONING energies become more powerfully manifested for DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail. (Pause)
If you feel so inclined and ask your Indwelling Spirit if this is the focus for you to maintain, simply invite THE MERCY OF PARADISE to imprint upon the roots of rebellion. Hold that human willingness if this is something you would wish to see occur within how this rebellion agenda and sophistry respond here on this world. Take heart in knowing the spiritual power and potency that you are given by the Father Himself can hold this focus and do much separate this world from this insidious scourge that has been inflicted upon this planet. (Pause)
Continue to maintain the focus on THE MERCY OF PARADISE going deep, deep into memory circuits. The Seraphim of this planet are particularly motivated to assist in this infusion. (Pause)
There is one more focus to add. Invite the DIVINE JUSTICE of PARADISE to imprint upon the memory circuits, upon the roots of rebellion. Simply hold focus there and we will do what we can from the higher dimensions to bring in the light infusions to eradicate this legacy that has long existed on the planet.
If you wish, you may see the word “rain” as both RAIN and REIGN as it imparts its information from the divine meaning and value of the Paradise level into this particular space in planetary memory. Think of it is a type of spiritual precipitation falling upon this memory circuit, as well as REIGN—a triumph of DIVINE JUSTICE upon this world. Ask your Spirit to give you an image of how to focus the energy of DIVINE JUSTICE from Paradise and we will do the rest. (Pause)
Since we have been focusing on the dynamics of Paradise today in this call, let us now spend these moments in worship and gratitude together as these energies integrate into the areas of great need all around the globe. Feel your appreciation for what Spirit is providing to this world—the gift of Michael to this planet, the gift of my Magisterial Mission bestowal. But more importantly, be appreciative of the existential level of Paradise where the Deities exist and all patterns of perfection originate so this world can receive more of the divine imprint upon it. Feel that praise and appreciation swell in your heart. Let the DIVINE REFLECTION bathe this world. (Pause)
Thank are Paradise Father for the gift of your essential being—your uniqueness as an individual son and daughter of God. Give thanks to the Eternal Mother-Son for the gift of His Spirit and Michael’s Spirit of Truth, which gives you the ability to recognize that which is real good and true. And thank the Infinite Spirit for the gift of MIND that gives you the ability to think and feel that is endowed to you through your Universe Holy Mother Spirit.
Feel that need and that appreciation for your human energy systems to conform or to the design plans and patterns within you. Be grateful you are a child of the Father and you are growing in your spiritual potential and are here to help in the great transformation of this world and all life upon it. (Pause)
Stand in that DIVINE REFLECTION of Paradise upon you. Take a moment to see yourself standing on the earth plane on the EVOLUTIONARY CONTINUUM OF LIFE, where you are participating in the growing evolution of Deity upon this world. Invite the DIVINE REFLECTION to imprint upon your human nature, and then invite the MERCY and DIVINE JUSTICE of Paradise to move down into the earth plain memories circuits, letting this go into the roots of the rebellion, so that you may be more fully disconnected from its influence and feel more of that upliftment into your soul and the potential you have to show the way forward to your brothers and sisters. (Pause)
Invite the agency of the Supreme Being which is the body of Evolving Deity to flow through the roots of the rebellion, to bring this planet out of the past and into its glorious future and even brighter destiny. (Pause)
My beloved brethren, let us share our gratitude with you today of what you have held for us to use for this world’s true healing and into its next phase of evolution. We have completed our circuitry objectives. Now it is time for the energies to integrate more fully and deeply, or the activities of RECKONING as part of my DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail.
Stay close to your Divine Parents and Indwelling Spirits. My beloved brethren, use this time to secure your place on the evolutionary spectrum of LIFE that what you provide and what you emit from your heart and soul may be a great light to others and help them see their way forward. There is much change occurring now you will see more in the coming days. For now, let these endowments integrate into you and into the planet as a whole. And when we next meet in two weeks, we will add more and share with you what you can do to further help this world ascend into the circuits of Light and Life.
I leave you in the Father’s LOVE, my brethren. May you thrive in these days of change and truly grow in your faith status as His sons and daughters. Good day.