2024-07-21-Hope and Possibility Emerging
Topic: Hope and Possibility Emerging
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Machiventa, Aaron
TR: Simeon
Machiventa: My friends, much is afoot on your world, and although you look at current events and their implications, our focus is less about what specifically is happening and more about the values being expressed and where people are in their hearts and minds. We are not oblivious to the implications regarding leadership for your country and what is and has been happening in the near past and the present, but our enthusiasm is more for how there is a shift in mindset and this is not isolated to your United States of America. There is some hesitation and fear among humans regarding the implications of a change in leadership, but there is also a sense of possibility that has manifested as a result of the "passing of the baton," so to speak.
We do not generally speak specifically about immediate occurrences because it is too easy to place elevated levels of import on decisions that sometimes are fleeting and are contingent upon other decisions to truly manifest progress, but we do see an added level of excitement and, along with possibility, a sense of hope among people, but equally there is resolve building that there is work to do and instead of so many people sitting on the sidelines feeling as though they aren't a part of it, that the world is passing them by and they have no choice, now there is a sense of choice and this is our excitement.
What can manifest out of an environment where people are exploring their choices? Ideally, those who have been working toward finding a degree of connection within can recognize the sign of the times and realize that some of what you have been, by your acceptance, training for, learning for, growing for, is this ability to provide perspective, when the opportunity arises, that there are more positive methods to pursue and, perhaps, a better vision to perceive.
So we encourage you, my friends, to explore within how you can be a recommender of righteousness, of doing good, of providing a vision of society that looks out for one another, built upon kindness and hard work. These are the times you were meant for, so to speak. Be the voice, be the example and let's roll up our sleeves and see what can happen and, perchance, we may move the needle a step further toward those conditions which can manifest Michael's mission more actively on your world.
I am Machiventa. Thank you for allowing me to speak to you this evening. This is a prepared message being shared, therefore others are here who can communicate with you in my absence. Good evening.
Q1: In studying today, we studied the second garden and the default and communication going away and being cut. Is Abraham around? I struggle with T/Ring and getting messages. Can Abraham speak about that from a teacher's point of view?
I am Aaron. Abraham is not present directly this evening, but when you refer to the second garden and the cutting of the communication lines, what question is it that you have?
Q1: Where are we at this point with communication? I'm having trouble writing and getting connection with my teachers. Reading about the second garden and not having daily communication and being cut off. I just wonder where we stand communication wise?
Aaron: Thank you. Rest assured that your guides are present and available as always. The human's ability to perceive is generally in flux, dependent upon the various factors influencing their lives. There is a natural ebb and flow to it, times when you feel locked in and solid, times when you feel unsure, uncertain. The time for stillness is always and when you do not perceive direct answers, rest assured that if you continue the practice of spending time in contemplation and listening, that you are being attended to even if it feels muddy to you.
This world has not had this degree of connectivity spiritually happening since before the days of the rebellion. Much is happening from our side that you cannot perceive directly even if you sometimes surmise it must be so. We are working overtime with individuals, with communities, and leaders. We are involved, and the ability to perceive the ideas is perhaps greater than the ability to perceive who it is that is sharing the ideas. Many times there are actions taken that can influence the direction of some event, of some idea or policy, but we are still reliant on the ability of humans to perceive spiritual guidance from within. Therefore, the results are not as consistent as we would like.
Part of Michael's mission is to manifest this spiritual energy and pressure in a way that requires perception and acceptance rather than simply being witness to the miraculous. Michael firmly believes in allowing the evolution of Urantia toward higher values, to the extent possible, rather than a forced or manipulated series of stop gap measures. So anytime there is the possibility and potential for you to perceive truth, then this is the method which is prioritized. But across your world there are people in every country, every town, who are recognizing there is something happening, that there is energy occurring. The challenge is to let it manifest so that at some point it becomes self-evident and less of a question. This is what I feel authorized to share.
Q1: It's like I had it and it feels like I lost it. I love the teachers and lessons and having conversations with them. I just needed to know that it's still going on and I don't know why I need to know. I miss the burning bush or the spiritual high.
Aaron: Yes, there is a level of excitement that builds when one has new and refreshing communications and a sense of participation in that. Over time, however, there is a relaxation of the high energy and more of a resonance that is less of, perhaps, in the "wow" arena. As you begin to recognize these energies there is a point it becomes more common and at that point is where you choose to do the work and know it is available and are less in need of the highs.
This is not something that is unique to you, my friend. I would say almost anyone who has developed this contact over time comes to a place where they realize that there is an everyday practice we are referring to and this sense of missing the excitement is a recognition of the earlier response of your body, mind and soul to the energies and is not something that we choose to replicate for you because the practice requires, ultimately, that you live your life in the awareness of spirit participation as a common everyday thing. As you really commit to that and participate in that, there are different levels of satisfaction that occur as you find connections and synchronicities occurring. But the sense of high is kind of reserved for the first time you do something and then you can remember it, but the fiftieth or hundredth time it may not have the same level of impact and this is where your commitment to the practices overrides your need to feel something more. Does that help?
Q1: Yes. I sat down with Abraham yesterday morning and only got one paragraph, and I doubted it. But before, I did pages and pages with Abraham and I miss the connection. Anyway, I thank you. I'll go back and try again. I just want to be a part of the correcting time and I want to add, not just take from this, if that makes sense.
Aaron: Yes, my dear, and rest assured that, indeed, Abraham was with you, and he looks forward to participating to the degree that he is able with your spiritual development.
Q1: Thank you so much. Didn't mean to turn it into a personal thing.
(T/R2) It is this one's thought adjuster. I think, along with this one, about the human brain all day long every day and I can assure you that part of the limbic structure of the human brain creates a dopamine response to something new and exciting and exhilarating. When you practice stillness, there is a release of tension. And with time, predictably, there would be less dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine that gets released in the human brain.
Therefore, you're looking for the sparkles which are in the air. The practice itself is designed for you to practice discipleship, to practice discipline, to practice being steady, to not look for the flashy things that exist on your planet. That is part of the reason why this planet is such a challenge. There are so many intoxicating things for the human mind to respond to.
When you lose the physical body and become a celestial, you will find that there are fewer shiny objects, as it were. Your practice, your dedication, your discipline will, however, set you up for the morontia mind. That is what this practice is generating, a habit in your meditation, a habit in your mental structure, so that when there isn't the shiny object or something to excite you, you still know the path. You still know exactly where you are going.
So, dear child, be of good spirit. You know the technique. There are so many humans that do not. They can't even begin to trust their good inner voice. So keep practicing and calm your mind and allow it to relax and enjoy a conversation with your thought adjuster instead of Abraham. That might be part of what is blocking your ability to hear. You are setting expectations up for yourself. We wish you well.
Q1: Well, thank you so much.
Q2: That was helpful for me too. I'm getting this idea that even as you diminish excitement on a human level, there is a sort of corresponding thing in your soul that you do feel that is growing and gaining that excitement. The soul is becoming more excited as you grow that goes beyond that exuberance you're missing or wanting to feel. That's what I was getting in my mind, sort of that when you are freed into the soul after you die and your soul is aware, you will regain that sense of exuberance that you had, because of all that goodwill, trust, knowledge, and whatever else is in there that comes from your life experiences.
Q1: That really makes sense. I miss just being able to sit down and have Mother rock me in her arms or to just to just be at one with my teacher and and write it down and and listen to my thought adjuster and and the Midwayers. I miss it. But it's there all along. I've got my Spirit of Truth, Mother spirit, and my thought adjuster.
Thought Adjuster: What is happening is the enrichment of your soul perception. That is more important than the human mindal construct that needs constant reassurance, reinforcement. What's the word? Assurance. Your focus needs to be on your soul's purpose by not attending to who is speaking to you or who you are hearing, you are actually sitting deeper within your own soul's identity. And that soul identity is what you will be taking and is the carriage. That is the construct that you enter your morontia identity with and your soul knows where home is because of this. You naturally now have a GPS for the Father, for the truth, for beauty, for goodness. Therefore, you will not be derailed, distracted, or confused by other shiny objects or power. The human construct and the purpose of your existence has to do with your soul's purpose. Humans lose that connection. By spending daily time in stillness, you reconnect with that truth, with that GPS, so that noise and lies don't affect you anymore. Be well and keep practicing.
Q1: I love that. Thank you so much.