2024-07-22-Experiential Living
Topic: Hope and Possibility Emerging
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Aaron
TR: Simeon
Aaron: Friends, we are with you. Thank you for adding your prayers and energy into the circuitry, setting an intention and then listening. We are part of that focus to the degree that you seek connection within and allow for the possibility that our Father opens his circuit to allow the cross communication of his children, one with another. This is not an isolated universe, not any longer that is, here in this sector, in this system. You always had connection with our Father available to you even when the circuits were disconnected, but the brother and sisterhood was limited due to the factors you know well regarding the rebellion and default.
While we have been part of the restoration of the circuitry, bringing a dawning awareness more purposefully toward the circuit of our Father, part of our mission is to also bring about this reconnection of the various orders of siblings throughout the universes in contact with you so that you might recognize, yes the Fatherhood of God, but also your participation in a cosmic family of those who seek to augment and support that very light source from which we all emanate.
It has been our pleasure to participate with you these many years in this project. We are not finished, but it is satisfying to take a moment and recognize all that has occurred and its impact on each of your lives and all the lives of those who have come and gone from your group, and those brother and sister groups you have connected with, knowing that the influence of the cosmic family plays its part in the manifestation of the fifth epochal revelation, not simply contained within a book, but combining source material along with the attendant educational process/project that is much like a school for learning.
Sometimes it is easy to be able to point to one thing and say this is the truth and many people do this with the Urantia Papers, but the Urantia Papers are a reflection of a greater reality. It points to the values, the meanings that must impact you from within, that change your life, that cause you to take steps toward new realities experientially. This is the substance of our mission from Michael to you and we reiterate this for you because you have shown your commitment and we would like you to know that even as you come and go in this life, the project continues and you are the pioneers by making this space available, by listening to the lessons, retaining them, providing them for others, connecting them with other sources who can manifest and share them. All of these aspects play a part in the outworking of Michael's mission for Urantia. soon to be more prevalent in the minds of those on your world.
So take heart my friends, both you here present now and those who participate as they can, that we are a system and process of incorporating knowledge and expressing new insights stemming from this awareness. Continue on and we look forward to sharing with you another time. I am Aaron, speaking for the group of us tonight, those you know well as part of your teacher corps. Good evening.