2024-07-25-Blessed with Loving Parents
Topic: Blessed with Loving Parents
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Michael
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, Welcome. Welcome once again. We are delighted to be with you, and have you come to us this way. We acknowledge your presence in our lives, and we invite you into our lives any time we think of it, just to say, “Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. Glad to have you with me. And you too--dear Grandpa--our Universal Father--God. What do you have for me today? You have a presence in me that is part of my mind, so, during my meditation this morning, what do you have for me?”
Michael, in our last reception of Mother Spirit, she gave a wonderful review and invitation to read anew our Urantia Book. She specifically mentioned the 800 pages of the Urantia Book that have become another great New Testament in the English language on your life here on earth as Jesus of Nazareth.
Tonight I would like to ask if there is anything you wish to add to that, because Mother Spirit said you had only a “somewhat” normal human life before you were baptized by your cousin John and became Michael in a human body here on earth. But even before that you had some rather extraordinary adventures that a normal young Jewish man of that time would not have had. So, tonight, I invite you to make any comments--if you would--on your early life as Jesus. Thank you.
Michael: Yes, this is Michael, and I would be glad to share with you some of those moments that were quite extraordinary--before I was once again Michael with all of my memories of being so, and also regaining my full power as a Creator Son of God.
(Blessed with loving parents)
One of my earliest realizations was that I was blessed--not uniquely so--but certainly extraordinarily so--with my parents, Joseph and Mary. When I got to playing with other neighborhood youngsters and met their parents, it emphasized I did have an extraordinarily loving mother and father.
A really great gift they gave me early on was simply letting me be, letting me have some time alone to wander about, and wonder. I could marvel at things with curiosity--not to be driven, or think of it that way, but simply to find things interesting. I was often enticed out of myself with a sense of the way things worked, especially animals, these other living beings besides my family. I was deeply impressed with--you might say—the unfathomable bottomless mystery of life itself.
(To be alone with the marvel of life itself)
Just to marvel at life itself, and be given time to be alone? To have this wonder and not be constantly entertained? This is a possibility so many modern young folks do not have. Rather effortlessly they can be constantly entertained by your media--television, computers, and the internet. This is not their immediate playmates and the other life around them, but something else deliberately, remotely produced.
Even so, individual human intelligence and imagination are amazing. But to be alone, with so many young folks such a rare occasion creates a boredom that can be overwhelming when not being entertained. This is especially true in the large cities where, unfortunately, in many neighborhoods it is not safe just to be “turned loose.” That is something that is disappearing--that time when children were told to go out and amuse themselves, but be home by supper time.
So that was such a blessing that I was able to enjoy. I would have you consider it, if not in your childhood, in your life now, whatever age you are. Enjoy being alone and self-sufficient for a while.
(Company—with whom to share your life)
Your wonderful Urantia Book mentions the time Joseph--my father--and I were talking, and he asked me what I was doing, out roaming around the hills by myself. I told him I would have these long talks with my other father. I can only describe this as a sense of company, of sharing my life with someone, something, some presence. This is by far not a unique thing. Many youngsters have this sense. They even objectivize it and create, at least half-consciously, a playmate with whom to have conversations, and share their life. The company I felt was such a warm, supportive, and interested-in-me thing, so near to the wonderful father that Joseph was, it was why I often thought of this as my “other father.”
This literally was my Thought Adjuster--this other company that you all have. Hopefully, if you don’t experience this at a young age, sometime in your life you will. It helps if you are introduced to a “just being still” meditation and not fill in your exclusively-mind times with deliberate, learned prayer or worship. They are in themselves marvelous, but from an earlier day. Rather, use some time to be still and have a sense of company for who you are—now. You’ll be directly approaching and appreciating God’s most profound essence--the ability to share your life with another. It’s his intrinsic nature with which he created a whole universe filled with personal beings with whom to share himself.
My dears, this is why Mother Spirit and I tease you to try the wonderful activity called stillness, of just being still of everything else. Sit upright in a nice comfortable seat so you can stay awake. Don’t fall back asleep, so better not try to do this lying down. Often in the morning, when you are still fresh from sleep, and haven’t yet filled yourself with the day’s activities, your first moments of stillness can be filled with reviewing your life. In addition to all the things you need to be planning for that day, review some of the things you have done lately. Even allow those things you should have done to plague you a bit, and give you some motivation; but wait.
In time you sense being alive, and feeling your breath. Feel your heart beating in this human body you have. Appreciate the marvel and preciousness of life itself. It’s something that is more transcendently real as you approach it. It has no dimensions. It cannot be defined in any way comprehensively, yet you have it, as it has you. It just is —what it is to be alive, to continue experiencing a notion we’ve introduced--the living Eternal Now.
(Knowing the Eternal Now again and again)
Many things are continuing moment-to-moment that all your science—and your personal security--are based on. Cause-and-Effect do give rise to what is continuing moment-to-moment, and can be counted on. Yet be aware too that this particular moment never happened before. There are things happening now that never happened before. In your stillness you can feel this uniqueness within the continuity of things you call time.
There is an element here in your life that is also part of God’s nature. I guess a cute way of saying this is that God did does not need to repeat himself. He has set up reality so there is a part that is not repeating but is ever personally/creatively new. It is wonderful to stay in touch with this each morning--to feel this--to experience this. It is not only a cure for any boredom that may be creeping into your life--some sense of the “Same-old, same-old thing every day.” It's this moment—Me--who I am--with this wonderful living body continuing and keeping me in contact with reality, and myself. I have this wonderful, living body still beyond my comprehension, and still beyond being fully comprehended in all the medical texts in all the libraries of the world.
(The endless adventure set before you)
Appreciate this miracle of being alive this morning--today. Look into even the very next moment and appreciate something you call the adventure of being alive. Yes, sometimes it gets a little scary. This too is part of the enormity of It All--the fact that, as a living being, you are face-to-face with something that cannot be fully anticipated. For all your need to think about, plan and prepare, still to acknowledge, appreciate, and even welcome--the impenetrability of the future, the endless unknowable adventure set before you.
And so, as a youngster out roaming around, I was blessed to have that time to wonder. The night-time too was a blessing of wonder in the overarching sky which, now, hundreds of millions of human beings who live in or near a city, cannot experience. Think of all the folks who, only on a rare vacation away from their normal life--way out in the middle of somewhere at least a hundred miles from the nearest light source--can have the view I had of the universe out there.
(Falling into the night sky universe)
Yet you have achieved putting a telescope--and now two--out there in space beyond the atmosphere, to open yourselves to the universe. Think what it was for a small boy back when there was no nearby city, to lie on my back and let myself fall into that marvelous universe full of stars and space.
(A promise of eternity)
And so, my dears, let me share this part of my early life with you, and tease you a bit to be alone. Feel the wonderful sense of total self-sufficiency--if only for a few precious moments—in just being alive. You’ll be able to share this character with your loved ones, something to offer them--this appreciation for being alive--this wonder--this bottomless curiosity of life, for life. It holds a promise of eternity, my dears, for you.
Your life is now, as much as mine was, a gift from our mutual Father. Treasure it well. Wonderfully it gives back to you what you give to it.
Now, if you have any questions or comments this evening on this or anything else, feel free.
Student: Just: thank you.
Micheal: You are welcome, my dears. Thank you for the opportunity. This is what Spirit always delights in--the wonderful things we realize in God’s and our times together.
Student: A wonderful lesson.
Student #2: I ditto those comments. It is always good to hear from Michael himself.
Micheal. Well, my dears--and not only you parents, but also those of you who are blessed with real friends--you know what love there is in company. It’s the way you can share in God’s wonderful gift, the outpouring of love that comes from being alive—a Super-abundance, if you will.
(To be loved and have someone to love)
Mother Spirit and I have called it the “200% of life” that so delights in finding someone to receive it, and not only be loved but having someone to love. Exercise your wonderful spiritual ability that doesn’t ask for acknowledgment. But--my goodness!—it’s the 400% of life when it is acknowledged and returned. Love changes everything, does it not?--having someone with whom to share your life? Even if you are somewhere, sometime, between family and friends, you still have that marvelous Company that I had, out roaming around as a youngster.
Well, my dear ones, in these precious moments we thank our Father for having so much of his nature in us. So we say, “Thank you—Father.” And thank you, my dear children, for being this occasion.
Mother Spirit sends you her love, and I bid you, Be in my Peace.