2024-07-28-Moving Into the Great Reckoning
Topic: Moving into the Great Reckoning and Preparations for the Visitation of Magisterial Mission
Group: Institute for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Divine Parents, we are so grateful for all that you are providing to us today, that this planet may make more progress on its evolutionary ascent into the ways of love, light, and life. We thank you for returning our divine inheritance to us, providing us with the spiritual circuitry we need to infuse into our minds and memories so that more of the positive changes, the spiritual changes that we need can be manifested here, especially at the material level.
We invite Monjoronson to step into the call and all of our planetary helpers and the universe brothers and sisters who are also assisting us in our very important time of transformation. You know exactly what we need, and we open ourselves in faith to hold that space for these upgrades can be conducted all throughout the planetary mind memory system. So, as you weave us together as one, may your WILL be done through your MERCY and GRACE as your grateful children now hold this space for these energetic changes to occur. Thank you so much.
MONJORONSON: My dearly beloved brethren, thank you for joining all of us on this very important call today. As we begin this infusion from the highest levels of spirit reality, I invite you to take a few moments to make contact with the Spirit Within. Relax your bodies in the presence of the great Deity source which lives within you. Breathe and relax, and hold that intention for your mindal current to be held in the embrace of your Spirit and for your heart to be an open conduit of divine LOVE into this world. As you do this for a few moments, I will minister into you that you may begin to experience who I am and why I am here at this particular point in Urantia’s planetary history to build the ways of the higher divine order into the system of consciousness for all life to benefit. Invite me in and allow me to minister to you, my beloved brethren. (Pause)
As you know, you are now in a period of massive change. The human energetic system is receiving many upgrades to become more aligned with the divine ways of life. The plan of correction for Urantia put in place by your Father Michael and as administered by your planetary supervisor Machiventa Melchizedek is now well underway. Keep in mind that the spiritual foundation of this world is growing. The attachments to the Luciferic mindset that was foisted upon this planet’s mind system is now loosening its grasp. This is good. This is what has been anticipated for many, many eons of time. Now you are entering a new phase. We have informed you about the GREAT RECKONING that is now underway, gaining momentum to help you shake of this residual Luciferic imprint that your minds and memories would be more receptive to the presence of the Spirit of God within you.
Even though what you may observe at the material level appears chaotic and quite disassociated from any sense of reality, be not troubled by this as this is a part of the GREAT RECKONING. Know that there are mighty spiritual personalities and energies that have this world firmly in hand, gently guiding this world forward on its evolutionary ascent to its eventual destiny of Light and Life. You are among those who have responded to the call of Spirit Within and are actively engaged in this very important process of developing your own spirituality that you may contribute to the growing body of Evolutionary Deity expression upon this world.
What a great opportunity you have to cultivate in this spiritual field! And you are learning important lessons about how to use the spiritual power and potency you have been given by your Spirit to participate in this great time of correction and transformation. My presence among you and within you is here to support you to move through this period of RECKONING with a greater sense of purposefulness of who you are and why you are here. It is important for you to take full advantage of opening to all of the energies and personalities you have access to that will encourage your growth and hold you above the fray as this GREAT RECKONING continues to reveal more truth upon this world.
What is the eventual reason for why this is occurring? It is to prepare the world for the visitation of many helpers who will be collaborating with you at a material level to build the ways of Spirit on this world as a new way of life. The spiritual foundation of this world must be strong and sustained, vibrant and resilient so that this can occur. For we are here to show you the ways of LOVE, the energies of LIGHT, and the dynamics of LIFE that have been hidden because of those who would squander the gifts of Father and keep them to themselves.
So, as I am minister into you, I invite you to focus on the word MY VISITATION. Let my presence become more of a living reality within you. It is safe to invite me in, for it is my desire to be here one day with you in the flesh where you can perceive me, collaborate with me and the spiritual personalities who will also be here as your brothers and sisters to help you make these changes. But I do invite you not to put any type of timetable on this because it is entirely up to humanity to decide when this will occur by contributing to the greater endowment and integration of the spiritual foundation upon this world.
Let these words settle in. Continue to focus in your hearts and invite my presence and MY VISITATION to gently imprint upon you in preparation for the day that I am here among you, as your elder brother helping you grow in the new dynamics for Urantian life. (Pause)
This world is being prepared to receive many, what you might call, off planet visitors; those helpers who are coming from many worlds and many dimensions to bring about this great transformation of all Urantia. Think not that this will be accomplished in a single generation or by a single population. The visitation is intended for all the world. And so humanity must be prepared to receive us with love and a greater sense of perspective and purpose. Humans have been conditioned to fear the unknown. And so, as part of the preparation for this GREAT RECKONING AND VISITATION that will follow, we are here to help humanity become free from these fear imprints and constructs that have long held you in states of insecurity, unworthiness, and powerlessness.
Continue to focus on me and the impending VISITATION as we prepare you to receive this with great joy in your hearts, with a sense of celebration that the ways of the past are no longer the heavy imprint and influence they have been for so many eons of time. Continue to receive me. (Pause)
Hold an intention in your heart for any residual fear that you may be holding at deep levels of unconscious mind and memory to be held in my embrace, letting go of fear of the unknown, fear of the influences that would still hold you in check to being afraid of rejoining the universe family. Invite your Spirit to help you see that there is so much to look forward to in opening to these greater dynamics and dimensions and what it means to be a universe citizen.
By doing this, you are disconnecting yourself from any influences that would prevent THE GREAT RECKONING from continuing to advance in preparation for the GREAT VISITATION of me and the others who will be joining me to fulfill the MAGISTERIAL MISSION for this world. Stay in your hearts, and be in that place of faith, and try not to engage your mind by trying to envision or imagine what this means or how it will unfold. (Pause)
Let your human energy systems be anchored in your Father’s PEACE. Invite His name as Michael: MI-KA-EL to gently reverberate into your inner core, holding you strong and steady in His embrace, providing more light space within you to perceive His LOVE and to prepare you to help your brothers and sisters make sense for what is occurring on this world at this time. Allow Him to be the words you speak to your brothers and sisters what He can minister to His children and help them grow in their spiritual foundation that will help the world in a more collective manner have that the FABRIC OF SPIRIT its core. (Pause)
Whether or not you consciously recognize this, you are helping us create a divine design to be imparted, implanted, and integrated into various regions of the planet’s mind and memory system to help your brothers and sisters recognize what has occurred here, that they may make the choice to ascend and participate in this great time of planetary correction. Hold what is in your heart as best you can, and in a few moments, we will ask you to shift your focus and allow the new dynamics to be imparted into the planetary system, securing the spiritual foundation more securely into the areas of great need that THE GREAT RECKONING may unfold further and prepare the way for THE VISITATIONS that anticipated for this world. (Pause)
There are many elements of my Magisterial Mission. Much of what I am here to impart to this world is still beyond your conscious recognition and awareness. We ask you to remain in a state of faith, allowing your Spirits to guide you forward that you may increasingly open to what we are here to help you accomplish in terms planetary healing.
Let us now engage with the dynamics of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION, which include DIVINE JUSTICE as part of THE GREAT RECKONING and the later VISITATION that will follow. There is much contained within what I am here to help you achieve, and now I invite you to focus on the words THE MAGISTERIAL MISSION and what it contains to spiral around the planet north to south pole, counterclockwise and feel the need for this to integrate more into the planet’s mind and memory system. Hold this is best you can as we apply the dynamics we have helped you co-create and hold now in the previous part of this call to manifest into the areas that are the most needing of these dynamics. (Pause)
For so long this beautiful world has been quarantined from the rest of its universe family. That is no longer the case, and my MAGISTERIAL MISSION is here to bring about this greater awareness, recognition, and remembrance of this planet’s place in the universe family of Christ Michael and Mother Spirit Nebadonia. You can hardly fathom all of the plans that have been carefully cultivated to bring about this massive correction. One day the world will be fully apprised of all that has happened here and what has been done to bring about this great resurrection of the divine plan for evolutionary life of humans, flora, and fauna of this world, and for all of the earth plane dynamics to participate in the great evolution of deity throughout this beautiful universe of Nebadon.
So you see, my brethren, what a massive undertaking you are involved in. You do not give credit enough to your human nature that you have the ability to collaborate with us in this way. But know that you are a part of my MAGISTERIAL MISSION by simply holding this, and allowing it to spiral into the planet from your hearts with that intention for this to be made more manifest. You are growing in your ability to become a more important participant, which is of great service to your brothers and sisters and to all of this expanding universe.
I am sure that my words are somewhat overwhelming you presently. But rest assured, your Spirit Within you has everything at hand to help you make sense of this and to encourage your further participation. We simply ask for you to hold this now and ask for the MAGISTERIAL MISSION’S energies to move deep into mind and memory, so this world may be further disconnected from its past influences and open to the glory and the grandeur of your place in the universe home, helping you achieve more of your divine birthright. Invite the words and the dynamics of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION to move into those memory circuits even down into the roots of the rebellion and let the divine meaning and value of what my mission is here to accomplish to ring resoundingly in those places of great need. (Pause)
I am sure you are all very curious as to how this will unfold at the material level. Well, wait for the surprises that are soon to come. But as I said earlier, do not place any timetable upon this, for it is up to humanity now to allow these energies to incorporate into your human minds and bodies to encourage your spiritual growth, so that the FABRIC OF SPIRIT as its foundation is strong enough to help humanity open to the greater dimensions of the universe and the visitors who want to help you make very, very important strides in the reformation of your planetary culture.
Continue to hold the focus of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION imprinting deeply into the planetary system. Invite the energies to integrate broadly, deeply, highly, connecting human mind with more of the circuits of the universe where you can receive the information you need and open to the friendliness and the family dynamic of the universe. (Pause)
Let us now elevate our gaze to the Paradise level where all of the divine plans and patterns are created by your Creator Deity Parents. We are here to impart these energies to the planet through the ministrations of your Father Michael and Mother Spirit Nebadonia. Join with us as we commune together in a state of gratefulness and joy for what is being imparted to this tiny but well-loved world. Lift up your hearts in praise and gratitude that the Paradise reflection may imprint more mightily upon the circuits of Urantia, and enhance the spiritual gravity, drawing this world forward on its path to its destiny of Light and Life. (Pause)
Invite the Paradise REFLECTION to hold you in a Deity embrace, lifting you into that realm of PEACE and LOVE, and build you in more of that support system where you now are able to more fully open and live your purpose for being here at this time. (Pause)
If you wish, you may descend from Paradise and see yourself standing on the earth. You are being held in a field of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION in its divine meaning and value. The Paradise REFLECTION is helping you open to what this truly means for your life, in preparation for what is to come. Invite your Spirit to anchor these energies into you into the areas where you need this most and know that you are being held mightily in an embrace to support the expression of your own unique purpose to contribute to what my mission is here to accomplish for this world. (Pause)
In the coming days, I invite you to focus on what it is you wish to see be healed on this planet: Whether there are family relationships that need this energy of what my mission is here to achieve. Are there geographic regions where you wish to see these changes be applied? Use the spiritual power you have to ask for this dynamic of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION to weave into those areas. You are learning how to use your power with intention to build the spiritual circuits this world needs to achieve its great transformation.
Be aware that you are with, your thoughts and feelings, contributing to this the more you provide the love, compassion, peace, patience to this growing fabric of planetary mind, which is cultivating the growing Evolutionary Deity presence on this world. This is your right to achieve, it is your cosmic duty to accomplish. And when you do this, you grow your soul. You are contributing more of the essential essence of who you are to make this world more beautiful and loving place.
And with that being said, I will soon leave in this manner, for the circuitry objectives we have wished to accomplish have been met. And I thank you for your faith and your heart energies that have allowed for this infusion to integrate into the planet in the areas of great need. In the meantime, before our next call, continue to invite the energies of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION to support the GREAT RECKONING and THE VISITATION that will follow, and know that when you do, this there will be others joining you to integrate this into the areas where it will produce the most good.
My dear brethren, thrive in the Father’s LOVE. Your divine inheritance has been returned to you, but it is up to you to make good use of it and to learn to use it with your Spirit’s guidance that each day you may grow and demonstrate the fruits of the spirit and live truly, what your soul wishes you to achieve. And with that, I withdraw and leave you in the Father’s peace. Good day.