2024-08-05-Machiventa Mission Urantia 17
Topic: Machiventa Mission Urantia 17
Group: Mission Urantia
Teacher: Machiventa, Michael
TR: John Morris
Marthe: God of universes who indwells our human minds, Thought Adjuster our beloved eternal companion, beings of light, our celestial friends, Machiventa Melchizedek our planetary manager, Michael of Nebadon our sovereign Son of Nebadon, our Magisterial son Monjoronson and mother Nebadonia and all the other beings of light known and unknown to us who are with us tonight, please guide us so that we may be aligned to your divine will, and so that we may be inspired to unfold divine will on this planet at this time. We ask that you support us tonight as we seek to ask questions and discern the answers that will make of us beings able to make a difference on this planet. Thank you so much for your presence, and thanks for those who are here tonight. Amen
John: I'm going to start this morning by asking Machiventa a question. Good morning, Machiventa. Are these Mondays where we get together with the Mission Urantia community unfolding to your liking, or are there ways we can improve this meeting to align more closely with you on what you would like these meetings to be? Would you care to comment?
Machiventa Melchizedek: This is Machiventa. I would ask this gathering: What is your understanding of the purpose of these meetings? What do you see as the future of these conversations? What would you like these meetings to be and to become. I am the planetary manager of this world, and you are awakening citizens of this world; a world currently in decline and heading towards the collapse of its civilization. How best can I serve you? How best can you use my time? I want you to think about this. I am a resource at your disposal to assist you in improving your world. What can I do for you? I want you to see what this meeting can evolve to become. What is it that you need? How can you best secure from me and my staff what you need?
If you come to these meetings month in and month out and are not growing both personally and collectively, then would you even miss these meetings if they ceased? I do not think you have adequately assessed the opportunity you enjoy. I want to help you and your world. You are the ones who show up. What will it take for you to begin to think more like planetary managers? When you look at the problems your world is facing, what questions do you have for me as to how to begin to make a difference in changing this? You see, from our point of view without meaningful questions on your part I am at a loss as to how to address you. What do you want to know? Are you afraid of asking questions for fear of, what? What is behind the hesitancy on your part to ask meaningful questions? What do you think about between these meetings? What keeps you up at night? I'm asking you to engage your critical thinking skills and take them to a new level even if only to leave behind a wealth of knowledge for the next generation. Are you satisfied with the status quo? If so, then I'm wasting my time. Only those who are unsatisfied with the status quo will be willing to question it and seek for other possibilities. As you can see, I am looking for a responsive relationship with this group. I am soliciting a response from you. Now, you must consider what I am asking and decide how you wish to proceed. Without meaningful inquiry on your part, these meetings will no longer serve a purpose on my part. I want you to think about your participation and what you can do to keep me engaged with you so we can rightfully continue to meet like this. Thank you.
Bob: What I'd like to say is that we need to get more people involved and we need to definitely have younger people involved too. I believe when we have younger people involved, we’ll have questions that are different than what our generation brings to this table, and I believe also that younger people bring energy and strength that we need for continuing this on for the next generations. My question for Machiventa is, how can we help younger people get involved with this so we can have a more robust membership?
MM: And so, my question to you, Bob, would be this: What do you need from me so that you can get younger people involved?
Bob: Well, for one thing, I know I've been asking some younger people in my family about it, and they haven't gotten back to me yet, but I’d like to find out what they have to say about what they need and what they can help us with once they are involved in the process. Also, they would have a different time involved because of their different activities going to work et cetera. So, how can we reach out to these people that don't have the same time schedule we do? I know as older people; we have more open days so we can arrange our schedules. So, like Martha in the evening or me in the morning or others in the afternoon, I know we have the ability to make ourselves available, but we also have to make ourselves available to other people that are working that do not have the ability to be here at the time that we're having these meetings. So, I think one of the things that we can do for that is possibly have another time slot sometimes during the month where they can be able to participate as well.
MM: This is Machiventa. This is not in the direct answer to your question, Bob, and I mean no rebuke. But in a very general sense, I want to say to this group: when you ask a how to question, you're really asking me to tell you what to do, and that I will not do. So, questions like that, I would turn back on you and ask you to look carefully at your lives and see what you can do. Now if I can help you, I will. In reaching out to the next generation, engage them and speak to them in a way that will allow them to trust you and open to you, then you will begin to feel them, feel their concerns and what they need.
Bob: One thing they need is they need to have people understand, especially our generation, that they need to be listened to and that they need to be taken into the process of doing things. For so long they've been kept out of government. They've been kept out of many things that are very important to us, and they are very anxious to be able to participate themselves. I'd say politically, Kennedy's program is one of the things that comes to mind. He has a lot of younger people in his program and a lot of support there because he is able to reach out and talk to the younger people and he's having some success there. I think we could learn from something like that on how to reach young people. In my own family my grandson is 19, my great granddaughter is 21, and I believe that they could help us possibly reach the younger generation because that's where they're at. They are both very smart people and they're very talented, and I feel that listening to them and listening to what they have to say would be very important.
That's just my own family, but I feel they could be very helpful and they're both interested in The Urantia Book and they're both interested in these celestial messages, and I feel that they could be helpful in some respect if we could get them somehow involved in meetings with you and Machiventa so they could participate in the process.
MM: This is Machiventa. Of course those young people have much to offer, much to offer you in terms of how you can draw them into this process; inspire them with wonder, communicate to them the possibilities that are before them; that this life is just the first of many, that there is a career laid out before them that stretches across the cosmos and that they will, if they accept this call, be one day traversing a billion perfect spheres of a perfect universe where high spiritual beings are there to train them, to teach them. They will never cease to be involved in this eternal adventure. So somehow use wonder as a way to get their attention, and then, when they engage with you, begin to ask: What do you feel? What are you anxious about? What do you find confusing about this world? What would you change? How would you do it differently? However you draw that information out of them and once you have them engaged, you can begin to introduce ideas to them that are common enough to this group that we talk about. But what do you need from me and my staff to help you do this? This is what I'm interested in. What can I do for you but doesn't infringe upon your free will and your God given abilities to do things for yourself? What additional resources, what additional help do you need from me and my staff?
Bob: These young people, for one thing, really need to have a feeling that they're being included in things and that they are important to us to be able to communicate with you. Some of their questions involve the environment, they involve getting jobs, they involve how to participate in society and be listened to. They are interested in education, and they are interested in the possibility of having housing in the future. These are some of their real needs and wants at this time. There are the things that they need guidance in and that they need help with.
MM: OK, noted. Thank you.
Kona: Thank you, Machiventa, for being here with us today. I appreciate that. My question (and I'll try to figure out how best to frame it. I've been pondering this.) is about the nature of the community of The Urantia Book and the Teaching Mission and going out into the world. And I perceive and have heard the concerns of people in this movement about creating another religion, dogma or doctrine that could be perceived as just one more religion. My question is, from your perspective and your planetary management team, can you please give a perspective on how to communicate the information of the Urantia book and the Teaching Mission as either religious or non-religious. I'm struggling with the idea of my belief that this is not a religious movement, but it is or can be perceived as a religious movement, and I don't think it's helpful to create yet another religious movement when we have so many on the planet. I'm curious about a perspective that you can give me for communicating this more broadly. Thank you.
MM: Yes, thank you. You have now had the Urantia revelation for about 80 years and most of the early people that came, came from a Christian background. And they have with all good intentions, essentially taken that same attitude from their Christian background and just put it upon The Urantia Book and movement. They're excited amongst themselves, but even they struggle with how do you bring this message of this revelation to this world? And after 60 years, 70 years of study groups all over the place and book sales and all the work that's been done to translate that book in many languages, do you think that this has been sufficient to help ameliorate some of the cataclysms that you see on the horizon and that are currently being experienced on your world? Do you think this is an effective way to bring Christ Michael's message and the knowledge of me as planetary management here to assist this world sufficient to help create a sustainable society? And if you look at this movement over the last 50, 60 or 70 years, and you think that this is sufficient, then each of you should be involved in supporting them and and encouraging them and finding ways to assist them in whatever way that you can. After 60, 70, almost 80 years of this epochal revelation, people within this community do not know how to get along with one another, do not know how to agree with one another on what the real purpose of this revelation is and do not have a united front that they can show the world that this is the difference this kind of information can make in your life.
So, if you analyze why this is, then you might begin to think about what would you do differently. If you think that something different needs to be done, then what could you do? The Urantia Book is a very intellectual book. It also is a book deeply embedded with the vibration of spirit, and it's tempting to approach people from mind. And so, studying an intellectual book is only going to appeal to a very small number of people on your world. And using the intellectual knowledge of The Urantia Book to create a new and improved dogma or theology will take hundreds of years to bear fruit if ever. So, I would ask this community: “Where are the inspired lives that, by example not by teaching or preaching but by living a life of service, will begin to attract people to this revelation? How do you craft this message?” The secret in understanding this is understanding your own personal spiritual evolution. There comes a time in the life of every individual when they're serious about growing their soul, about growing their capacity to understand spirit that they cease looking without and they go within. Jesus taught: “Seek within. The Kingdom of Heaven is within. Seek and you will find.” To think of The Urantia Book as having some special power or magic to transform this world is to not understand this spiritual process. This book is helpful to an individual; to help an individual go within and to begin the process of connecting with their Thought Adjuster. And when you connect with that spirit within, you discover the power for change, real change. And that real change first begins with yourself.
As most of you did not come from totally functioning and nurturing families, you all have childhood traumas that leave you with a sense of low self-esteem, a lack of confidence or a lot of self-doubt. When you begin to minister to people, you must confront this in yourself and you must overcome this early beginning of a less than loving and nurturing environment as a young child and become confident—not confident because you can hold a book up as a shield and say here it is, but confident in the sense that here I am. I am a son, I'm a daughter of Light. I have discovered a living truth within, and I wish to share it with you because in learning to receive the unconditional love of our Creator, you increase your capacity for this love, you begin to nurture and grow your soul and you begin to become aware of all the things within you that block that flow of unconditional love through you and out into the world. The Urantia Book is a dynamo. It's like a living battery of energy. If you can connect with that energy that is behind this book, it will begin to open you up, and what it opens you up to is the vibrational love of the First Source and Center—our Heavenly Father as Jesus used to say. It is this living connection to that level that is the secret of the power to begin to transform this world. It must be lived!
The Urantia Book is in many ways like a guidebook to an unfamiliar territory that you want to go to. You can consult it, you can find out about the territory ahead, you can use it as a way to prepare yourself, but it is not a substitute for the actual experience of moving into this new and unexplored territory of living by faith and allowing this living faith to expand your soul and expand your consciousness. You can read that book and be involved in this living process and go back and read it again and see things you never saw there before. And as you continue in this connection to the Father you can go back and read it again and learn new things. But it is not the book in and of itself that's going to make the difference. The book is external to you, and like anything external to you that you look to fill the hunger within you, it's going to come up short. That is why so much time in the Teaching Mission was spent teaching about stillness practice and how to consciously connect with your indwelling spirit.
This is the way that this work needs to proceed. When we learn to connect with our indwelling spirit within ourselves, we will learn to see that spirit in others and want to connect with that. Then we can take all the intellectual—all the mental activity—and put it in its right place and not use interpretations of The Urantia Book to create division within this community. What I would ask this community at this time in the evolution of humanity is: How will you take the idea of the brotherhood of man founded on the fatherhood of God and come up with the practical ways to implement it—not in the world but in this community so that those who say they are the recipients of divine revelation can actually demonstrate what it's like to receive divine revelation and by that living demonstration attract people. When young people are looking for things in this world that they think will make them happy—whether it's employment, good jobs, housing, family or education—this is all a reflection of the inheritance of a material culture. Who is going to start to talk to them about the inner life that, when they get that right, they'll find their way in the outer life. Because until some generation begins to talk to a younger generation about how to make this switch and to make the focus on the inner Life, this world will continue in its material way and this material culture threatens all Life on this world.
That is why there is a sense of urgency on the part of your planetary management team to try and inspire this generation to begin to be the generation that speaks about this inner transformation. You can only really talk about it effectively if you're experiencing it. But you have the tools you need to do this. More revelation isn't going to give you more tools, but the more experience that you have with going within, with emulating the lessons that Jesus left for us to seek the Father, to have a little talk with the Father, to go within and grow this faith so that no matter what transpires in the outer world, you can still be a living demonstration of joy, of peace, of happiness, of wonder, awe and passion. People will ask you; how can you be like that with so much that's going wrong? How would you answer them? Therein lies the answer to “does this world need yet one more theology and religious philosophy? Does this world really need more dogma? Does it need a replacement for the Christian Bible or any other holy book and say, “Now, that book's just old. It's out of touch with the new way the world is today, but we have a new book.” Have there really ever been books that have changed this world? If that's true, then me and my team are missing something because your world is as bad off now as it's ever been despite of all the books and all of the knowledge.
So, this is a time for inner reflection. Thank you.
Steffen: It’s a privilege to be here. This is my first time. I was inspired to request joining the group based on the last couple of transcripts where you talked about, you know, the opportunity for creating a digital platform and the challenge of reaching young people. And for the last 20 plus years, I've been watching the divisive community which has actually kept me out of participating because it seemed that every time I got involved, I just got involved in one side or the other that was fighting with one side or the other. And none of this made any sense, especially in light of the fact that The Urantia Book teaches us the opposite of that. So, statement and a question: I've been working on the internet myself, marketing information for the past 30 years. I'm an expert in search engines. I'm an expert in copywriting and so on and so forth. And I know that when someone mentions The Urantia Book, the first thing young people are going to do is go on the internet and they'll look it up, and there's all this conflicting information. And so, what happens to our customer, if you will, is that they're confused, and when people are confused, they don't do anything. And that's what's happening right now. They're finding negative information and they're finding conflicting information. And if they dig very far, they're going to find that there's a whole bunch of different Urantia organizations that aren't exactly friendly to each other.
So, from my perspective, and as a professional in the field, I would say that the biggest problem that we're having in the Urantia movement right now is the lack of a united front. And that I think is what we should work on first. Parallel to that, we need to literally go into Google and the search engines and now it's into the Chat GPT and the AI and ask it questions; “What about The Urantia Book?” and see what it says and go to those sites and find out what information people are finding. That’s a technique that we can use. There are a lot of people who have an agenda against The Urantia Book—some of the Christian religions and so on—and they say bad things even though they [garbled]. We need to crowd those sites out. We need to create a united front so that all of these organizations are living the philosophy of The Urantia Book—the united brotherhood of man, we love each other, we are all sending the same message. And when people find the consistency of that kind of message, I believe that they're going to be much more likely to take the next step. Otherwise, they say, “Ah, this is too confusing. I don't think we should do this.” I see that as the problem, and I'd like to get your thoughts on that.
MM: Yes. Thank you, Steffen and welcome. It’s nice to have you. This is Machiventa. Well, this is very timely, is it not? Haven't you just witnessed within your community, this group trying to set up an organization, trying to find a purpose to that organization that they can remain united on and craft a message? So, herein lies the rub: when people first find The Urantia Book and it just speaks to them, and it answers so many questions for them, and they fall in love with this book, and they get excited about it. And what they want to share with people is their excitement for this book. And you see that very thing that they love becomes the biggest impediment they must overcome in their ability to unite—to come together as a community, to have a united front. Now, if you say to this community: “I'm going to create a global messaging platform. But on this landing page, when people first come to it, it's not going to mention the word Urantia. It’s not going to mention any of these buzzwords that we take for granted within this community. We're not going to mention Machiventa Melchizedek. We're not going to mention Nebadonia or Nebadon. We're not going to mention Christ Michael. We're likely to not even mention Jesus. Well, you'll get so many different opinions and oppositions to this because people are crafting an identity for themselves using all these words. And that's fine. But you can see what the response is to the world when you use these kinds of words—they immediately pigeonhole you and put you in a box and go “Oh, we know what this is,” and they're gone. You have literally seconds when a young person opens up your web page before they move on. In these few moments you have with them, what would be the first thing you would say to them to keep their attention, to give them something of value so they'll stay for a few more moments. And then you give them something of value again and they'll stay for a few more moments. And in their own time of growth, there'll be a time for them to come across the ideas in The Urantia Book and these transcripts, but is that the first thing you would lead with? That's what you're going to have to experiment with and figure out because there are many within this community that the very thing they want to lead with is the book. And right there, you close a lot of doors because you're going with your own spiritual process. Jesus was the master of sensing what the individual that came before him needed and he led with their need, not his need to tell them he was the Son of God, that he was the embodiment of living truth, but he spoke to their need. When this community can finally figure out that, as wonderful as the book is, there's something much deeper that we all share that can serve to unite us. And that is simply the love for this living truth that we're finding and we're discovering, and it's making a difference in our lives, and it is our experience with this truth that is transforming our lives. The book is just an embodiment of this truth and as wonderful as it is and as important as it is, it has to come through the living experience. This is how revelation in contact with evolution begins to make a difference. The seed is a revelation, but it has to germinate and grow in a soil. And one day those two things combined lead to a beautiful flowering of truth, beauty and goodness that will transform this world. But you can't take that book and plant it in the dirt and have it grow a flower. You have to have the process in your own heart and your own soul, a personal growth and experience. That is what germinates the seed and makes it grow.
There's a lot for this community to learn. There's a lot for this community to grow into, and there's a lot to be done to bring these truths and these ideas to the world to a generation that has been prepared to receive them. Since the adjudication of the rebellion and the connecting of the spiritual circuits to this world, people are available more than ever to these truths. Now all you must do is figure out how to craft the message. Much has gone before you to help people receive this message, but what can this generation do now, this group, this community who has received so much to bring this message that they love, that they cherish to this new generation. Thank you.
Steffen: I put together a website a couple of days ago just as a prototype, and I was very careful to make it non-denominational—not mention The Urantia Book, not mention any of the terms that are in The Urantia Book or any of those things, but to hit the hot button that is really most appropriate for, if you will, our target market. And as you said, our target market is not people who are satisfied with their lives, who are satisfied with the status quo. Well, there are a lot of young people who are not satisfied with their lives and who are not satisfied with the status quo. And so that speaks directly to them and that's exactly where I led [garbled]. If you're here, if you're satisfied with the status quo, then there's nothing for you here. Or if you're looking for an organized religion for men to lead you to the promised land, that's not here either. However, if you are… and then we get into if you're a truth seeker, if you're getting into all of these different things that they probably would resonate with, and that would be our market. The URL and that you guys can look at it if you like. It's called spiritualjourney.love. So, it’s very non-denominational. And you'll see that there are bare bones there. It's a single page and then it takes them to another page to put them into the Stillness practice. Once again, I'm kind of following your lead, Machiventa, on where we should go. And as somebody who has been marketing on the internet for about 30 years now, I agree with you. You're 100% right. And I think it's been all of our experience that when we start out with The Urantia Book and we start out with all of the stuff we're excited about, most people don't resonate with that.
So, I think that your advice is spot on. And I mean, with the group's permission, I would like to assist in moving us along in that line so that we can focus on a couple of things, and this is boots on the ground stuff. You said that you wanted us to start doing things instead of asking you what to do. And I would say the First thing we need to do is follow your line, your line of thinking on the digital, non-denominational track. But also, we need to get a united front with everybody who's involved in the Urantia movement so that when people Google that they don't see a bunch of negative stuff. They won't even try to read it. They will First find out who wrote the book. We all know that. The next thing you want to know is, what about the book? What are we getting out of the book? And so on and so forth. So, if they find conflicting information, they throw up their hands ang go “never mind” because they don't want to make a mistake. All of us are like that; we're human. So, they don't want to do something that other people are going to ridicule. They don't want to do something that people think they are going to be making mistakes. So, they take the safe decision, which is no action. So, until we create a space where, when people look, they find positive things that would encourage them to go forward.
So, it's not really a question, it's just my contribution, but I'm agreeing with what you're saying and trying to give some way to put it into practice. Does that make sense?
MM: Yes, this is Machiventa. It makes complete sense to us. There is a movement, there is an intention to do just this and we need to come together and those who share the love of what they've received need to come together in a united purpose to do just this: create a global digital communication platform and find a way to craft a message that can give value to these people that are looking and not trigger them to leave because they feel there's something negative there that they don't want to be involved with. That is the process that some in this community are working on, and we need to connect and find like minds and like hearts. There are many facets to this. There are many places for people to be involved with their passion for this revelation and this Teaching Mission that can be positive, that can cooperate. Now, we need to find within ourselves a spiritual maturity that allows this to happen. The time is now, this is the place for it. You people are the generation for it. And what I want to know from my planetary management point of view is what can we do to assist you? We are here to assist you. This is your world. This revelation was given as a gift. The Teaching Mission was a tremendous effort on the part of me and my staff and the teachers that were involved. We're here to help. What more do you need from us? And the way to find out what you need is to now have some experience with doing this stuff. Then when you run into difficulties, bring them to us, turn to us, let us help you before these difficulties fracture, splinter and secularize your group again.
So, we're interested in what you do, and then when you start to do we can be of assistance. Thank you.
Steffen: I think the first thing we need to do is clean up the act. I think we need to unite everybody who's involved in the Urantia movement, and I think we really need to focus on the internet and what it's saying about us because on the internet, you are what it says you are, whether you like it or not. I know on the site here I can help direct what to do as far as cleaning up the internet as far as what's out there. That's a whole different story and I won't put that into this right now. But trust me that I do know how to do that. I've been doing this for a very long time. So that would be a very positive thing. And then the other thing is like we can craft some kind of an open letter to everybody and say, hey, can't we just all get along so that when other people look at what we're doing, they see everybody giving the same message, it's still consistent. Nobody owns the book, nobody owns the copyright, nobody's organization is anyone one else's organization. We're all just on the same path and we need to emphasize that, I think, and that message is not coming through. So those are my comments.
MM: Noted, and they're good comments. And I would hope that people will reach out to you Steffen and as you reach out to others in this community and begin to find the connections and the like minds within this community to assist this work to go forward. Thank you.
Steffen: Thank you very much. And like I said, it's a privilege to be here, and I appreciate it. Thank you.
Jeff: I want to ask Steffen: Would you repeat the URL?
Steffen: Oh Yeah. Spiritualjourney.love. It's just a bare bones site, but you'll see that I put some stuff up there. I actually put my personal story on there too, but I see it as an opportunity either that site or some site that's nondenominational that takes people through lessons. And what we would try to do is we would try to connect with them. We always try [join] the conversation that's going on in the prospect's mind, so to speak. And if we are talking to people who are not satisfied with their life, and they're not satisfied with the status quo, we want to hit that right at the beginning. And so that becomes the first sentence. And there are a lot of people out there saying “I don't like organized religion” and with good reason. We want to hit that note too. We know those are two notes that are going on in their head. Now, if they're truth seeking, if they are wondering why the world is such a mess and so on and so forth, you'll see on the site I put together a page like that. It's got a next button, and the next button takes them to a stillness lesson and then we could do continuations from there and these don't have to be denominational. They basically are, you know, killing the earth so to speak so that the ground is more fertile when something like The Urantia Book comes along and then when they hear about The Urantia Book and they go and they Google it, or they ask Chat GPT or something like that, it matters what they find. So, we want to make sure that they find positive feedback on it so that it encourages them to move forward.
It is a process. In a sense, we're very subtly branding ourselves if you will. I don't like any of these marketing terms, but it is what resonates with people now, and regardless of what term you use, it's we want to till the soil so that the ground is fertile so that when the seeds fall on the ground they grow, and that's what's not happening right now. It's falling on hard earth.
Jeff: It's been falling on hard earth for 70 years.
Steffen: It sure has, and I've been watching it. I have talked to Meredith Springer on the phone. I have followed. I know the history. I know everything about the Saddlers, I've done everything I could find about The Urantia Book. I know about it. I've been following these groups. I followed the copyright problem. I followed all the power struggles and it's crazy. And what happens is it turns people off on the movement because if the movement can't get along with each other, then what good is it? What good is the philosophy? We need to fix that.
Kona: Thank you so much. Steffen, you have really perfectly segued into the life of this community as [it is] organized to do exactly that. We've been working on this for 9 or 10 months and created, you know, the platform and et cetera. So welcome to the collaborative thought here. So, two things that come to mind and then a question for Machiventa. So, yes, Steffen, we are in this process. We've been in this process. Jeff Cutler has been in this process even longer because he has a website addressing similar things. We're in the process of creating the communications platform, what you address, you know, I'm new, I'm new to The Urantia Book and the Urantia Community and I'm active here, yes, but I see what you're seeing with the challenges of different thought within the Urantia community and the separateness.
My question for Machiventa is about helping this along. And my observation, Machiventa, is that, with a generation of people that have this wonderful book, The Teaching Mission, The Correcting Time Mission, conscious contact, celestial contact, there seems to be a challenge in shifting from an old paradigm of patriarchy and control to one of collaborative work and innovation. And the mindsets that have contributed to one are keeping groups of people within the Urantia community stuck in a place where the young people are open and creative and innovative and looking for change. And so Machiventa, if you could address the role that fear of losing control might possibly be playing in these differences if they are, from your estimation, the root source of the inability for people to come together in this community as seen from the planetary management perspective?
That's one request. And I know I'm terrible about asking multiple questions, but Steffen, you point out a material solution (and I know what you're talking about because I've worked in marketing and I'm currently working with folks in the community with their websites and things. I understand Search Engine Optimization and I understand bad press and how to go and clean it up and that definitely needs to be done), but it's not going to work, Steffen, if we don't change ourselves and how we view each other and how we're willing to work with each other. So what I'm looking for and my question is: with all of us, what are we missing as our transformative piece in order to relate to each other as brothers and sisters in Christ so that we can get on the same page and move together? Because right now, even within this group, we're not on the same page and moving in the same direction and we have the capacity to do that. So, there's something that needs to be unlocked in each of our minds, our spirits, our hearts, and then the work on the website will be easy. But the work needs to be done personally, spiritually and in community before the work on the website is going to make a difference. Because if we don't change ourselves, those things are going to keep on popping up on the website and then you're going to be chasing and putting out fires. So, Machiventa, could you please, please help us understand the disconnect that is happening from your perspective here in relationship—you know, one to the other that we're having such a struggle moving past.
MM: Yes. Thank you, Kona. This is Machiventa. It's wonderful. This is a wonderful conversation today. In a nutshell, to answer your question directly, what is missing in this community is each individual's powerful love connection, living love connection with the Heavenly Father—with the First Source and Center with His love vibration, so people look outside themselves. This is part of just spirituality maturing. Who in this generation was taught as a young child that they are always in the living presence of their Creator, that this Creator’s spirit lives within them and at any time they can connect with this spirit. Most came to this work after a childhood that was less than nurturing, that was more about growing up in religious and spiritual environments that used fear and guilt to promote a church, an institution, a hierarchy or an authority. And all this does tremendous damage to free will. So, there is a metamorphosis taking place in many individuals within this community that have had these truths for most of their adult lives. And what I suggest to this community now is it's time for this process of having these truths long enough to start to germinate some seeds of spiritual maturity and that people need to see it is not the possession of truth that matters, but it's what you do with it. It's how you take it in. It's how you internalize it and then how you express it in your lives. And many mistakes will get made along the way, but every day you have this chance to go within to have conscious contact with your indwelling spirit and to understand the source of the spirit, what this is about: to forgive self and others, to ask for help to grow beyond and to rededicate your will to doing Father's will. And then you can let go of positions that you've taken, that you want to stake out and defend and all of the activity of the ego that prevents this community from coming together. And when you make mistakes, learn how to forgive, learn how to come to spirit and ask how we move beyond this seemingly intractable impasse and do so as a family, as a group. And when there is resistance, when there is an inability to do that, then you have to begin to find the kindred spirits within this community that you can do it with. But you also need to see the members of this community as your brothers and sisters. Even if at a certain point in time, you're unable to work together, the very least you should be able to do is to not work at cross purposes with one another and to be diametrically opposed to your brothers and sisters.
This is a challenge in this very moment within this community to do these things. We're here to assist those who want to move forward with this message to the world. Those who are spiritually mature and in a place where they can let go, perhaps, of some of the crutches that they may have used in the past to bring this message forward and to not be offended, to not disagree, that crafting a message to the next generation does not have to include all the things that the previous generation holds so dear. Because what really you hold dear is Father's love for you. And if you really make this strong connection with this love vibration of the First Source and Center, it's going to fill you up. And if you don't find a way, some sort of pressure relief valve to allow this overflowing of your vessel with love to spill out into the world, you're going to explode. So, when you do find that way, it would be as natural as breathing because spirit goes before you in all things and when you align yourself with spirit, you'll find the way.
So, this is a good place to leave this conversation. I hope that you will think about this conversation in the next two weeks, write down questions that you have, bring them back to this place and let's continue this conversation. Right now, I'm going to step aside and allow for Christ Michael to provide a closing for this meeting.
Michael: My Children now is the time to assert your faith. This world needs a living example of those who have found their connection to spirit. It is by your love for one another that you can demonstrate your faith and your commitment to doing Father's will. The service you provide must be founded on this living love for it to take hold and have the power to initiate change. It is not by words that you inspire others to begin their search for God, but by the love you demonstrate for each other that lends power to your service. Father's love is a vibration that cuts through all the noise of the world. When you find this living connection to Father's love vibration, you begin to raise your vibration. This energy is an attractive force that others can feel. It imbues your work and gives you real spiritual power. It is the spiritual power that is the secret to your success. Do not fear this power. Do not resist this power. Become a loving conduit of this power and those you wish to minister to will feel this power and be attracted to you. Your ability to make a difference in this world is not in your intellect or your mental acuity. It is in your heart and your love for Father and your love for each other. It isn't your ideas that will change this world, but your love. My life on Urantia was a life of living this love connection to the Father with everyone I met. Your purpose in your mortal career is to grow this connection. This is the same as saying it is to grow your soul. You must take care of this first before any service you provide. This going apart to have a little talk with your Father is the singular most important thing you do to be effective in your service. Do not neglect this. Accept that you are unconditionally loved by Father just as you are, and you will begin to accept others as they are and unconditionally love them.
Your first service is to yourself. Do the inner work to remove the blockages of this flow of unconditional love through you so you serve with the power of this unconditional love. Do not be afraid to examine your early childhood traumas. It is here that you begin to learn the lessons of forgiveness that are so valuable to you as you begin an outer form of service to others. Forgive yourselves and you will easily forgive others. As you do this, you increase your capacity to receive Father's unconditional love and you raise your energy signature, the vibration, and you become much more effective in your relationship with others. This is the benefit of daily stillness practice. Persevere in this, surrender your will to Father's will, and everything else will follow.
Do this in remembrance of me for I have blazed a trail of light for you to follow. Learn how I lived my Life on Urantia perfectly devoted to the Father's will, and you will find lessons there to inspire you and uplift you. Ask for my guidance in your stillness practice and receive my spiritual presence as a healing balm for your soul for I am always with you. Be in my peace, my children, and allow this love vibration of Father to raise you up to become true children of light and a healing presence on this world to the glory of our Creator. Even so, let it be so right now. Thank you.
JT: Thank you, Michael. Thank you Machiventa and thank you John. That seemed like a very unusual gathering. I don't think we've had a meeting quite like this.
Jeff: Lots to think about for the next two weeks.
JT: Steffen, I think you're the right man at the right time for this group.
Recca: I think so. I think so.
Steffen: Well, it's an honor to be here. I've been following you guys for a very long time and thank you for welcoming me to the group.
Sal: Do you play bridge?
All: Laughter
Steffen: I've heard about the bridge thing Sal.
JT: I just muted Sal. I’ll keep him muted as long as I can.
Kona: We love you Sal, we're all going to play bridge with you. I don't know how to play bridge. Marthe is determined to learn how to play bridge. I'm going to join Marthe in learning how to play bridge with you. I just don't get the concept of a resume, but we won't take up our time here. We will talk about bridge, Sal.
Sal: Bridge is a religion to some people in the world. I learned bridge when I was working at IBM. It was like you guys, a laughing thing. But for some people, it's serious. I was raised a Catholic and then my parents changed the Jehovah's Witnesses. And when I First got the [Urantia] book, I thought, let's go door to door man. This is what I want to do. But you know, when I met a lot of Urantia Book people, they don't see what I see. We're all different in our learning and how we can learn. Bridge is the thing that I've learned. It's something that comes easy to me like The Urantia Book. But for some people, it's like going through the woods with a dull knife. Anyway, nice meeting you guys again. And I don't see this Mission Urantia faltering. I think we should move on, grow and be of service to each other. Not in the way of money, by the way. Anyway, I've got a lot to say, but thank you very much for being here.
Kona: Sal, we are not ignoring your email. We have not concluded what we're in the process of garnering. So, I promise you, you will hear from us as soon as we have an answer that's appropriate. We are being patient with Father Michael.
Sal: I understand more than you think I do because I know a lot more that I'd like to say right now, and we'll see what happens. All right, my friend, we appreciate you. Thank you.
Marthe: I would like to volunteer to draft the letter you mentioned Steffen. I'm totally with you in terms of trying to get the Urantia community together. I think a first letter is an excellent idea. I'm willing to take a first stab at it and share it with everybody.