2024-08-11-Engaging the Magisterial Mission
Topic: Engaging the Magisterial Mission with Planetary Circuits and Evolutionary Deity
Group: Institute for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Our Divine Parents and Magisterial Son, we welcome this opportunity to join with you once again and all of our wonderful helpers that you have assigned to participate with us, to once again co-create in these circuits of spiritual energy, building more of the light frequencies that our world needs for its continued transformation. As you know where we are exactly at this moment in time and what we need, we thank you for helping us focus on our thoughts on our Indwelling Spirits and the LOVE our Spirits have for us that that may be used as a generator from our hearts of the love we can contribute into the planet to impart more of the positive changes we need throughout out the planetary circuits of mind and memory. Thank you for centering us as one in your HOLY WILL that it may be conducted through your MERCY and GRACE, and receive our gratitude for this opportunity to be of service. Thank you.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren. I am pleased to join you once again in this circuit of conscious co-creation. This is Monjoronson. I will be facilitating the call for today as you generate the energies from your hearts for this planet to continue on its ascension journey into the future destiny of Light and Life.
To begin, focus on your hearts. Ask your Spirit to reach down into your mind and convey into your being the divine LOVE that is your birthright. Take a few moments to simply open yourselves to your Spirits’ ministrations and receive. (Pause)
Our last time together was directed toward the energies of the GREAT RECKONING which will one day lead to the visitation of the Magisterial Mission. As you know, much preparation has been underway for many years, not just in the recent past, but for a very long period of time. Do not think that since the time of Jesus that this planet was left unattended by those of the higher realms. The spiritual dynamics that this world needs to reach its higher destiny have been carefully cultivated over these 2,000 years. Now we have reached a culmination point where the various dynamics of spiritual energies, harmonization, and circuits are now able to come into a greater unified space to lead humanity and all life upon this world forward through spiritual gravity that is now engaging throughout all of the circuits of the planet.
The time is upon you now to face the TRUTH. The reality of the Father’s LOVE is beginning to dawn within the hearts and minds of human nature. This is a time we have long anticipated upon Urantia, and it something that each person will experience in his and her own unique way. For some, it will be a joyful reunion. For others, it may be a time of confusion when they see the errors of the past stream before their eyes in order to help them to move beyond the internal interference and find that place of deep LOVE within.
Many of you have stepped up to be the way-showers of the TRUTH to your brothers and sisters. Now I say to you, it is time for all humanity to take up this mantle and to show the universe how humanity can cultivate this higher way of life through human will and human participation in this great period of RECKONING and TRANSFORMATION.
I encourage you to take a few moments to ponder what I am saying, and take it to your Spirits. Ask your Spirit: “What more can I do to show the ways of love to my brothers and sisters? How may I further develop my own inner resources of my connections to you, my Spirit Parents so that I may be the best example of what it means to live a God-centered life?” Take a few moments to focus on these questions, or whatever questions you may have within your heart about what it is that you can do to show the way forward to your brethren. I will minister to you as you do this. (Pause)
The period of RECKONING is part of my MAGISTERIAL MISSION. Each one of you can be a participant and contributor to the Mission. As we began in our last session, I invited you to focus on the concept of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION and let yourselves settle into what this means, not only for your own individual growth, but for the planet as well. As you continue to be ministered by your Spirit to help you open to the larger potential you have within you, allow the larger dynamic of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION to also imprint upon your hearts and minds so that you may increasingly open to how you may contribute in a higher way to what is now unfolding upon Urantia. I will continue to minister to you. (Pause)
My MAGISTERIAL MISSION is part of the plans of correction your Father Michael has put forth for the rehabilitation of His beloved world. Can you imagine what He experienced as your brother Jesus when He was here fully aware of His divine nature, and His concern for the plight of His children? I say this to you so that you can deepen into the MISSION OF MERCY that I am here to inaugurate upon this world. Think of this RECKONING phase as only part of this great mission that will unfold for many generations to come.
I encourage you to open yourselves to a much longer range perspective and to know in your hearts that you can play a much larger role than you can even imagine during this very important phase you are currently undergoing. You can simply apply yourselves to your Father Michael and ask Him to share with you His LOVE for this world. Grow in your capacity for DIVINE LOVE, my brethren, for this is surely the most effective way to hold you steady and strong as this great RECKONING period continues to reveal what the world has not been able to perceive heretofore.
Many people are being prepared to see a great TRUTH, and the more preparation that can be accomplished through human effort and willingness to BE LOVE, to demonstrate compassion and mercy to your brothers and sisters will enhance this planet’s ability to move through this phase and open to the great adventure that awaits you on the other side. Take a few moments for these words to settle in. Focus in your hearts on the MAGISTERIAL MISSION and invite your Father Michael to help you open more to His LOVE and help you engage with a much broader and farther perspective of what is occurring during this time. (Pause)
My mission is one of MERCY. There is a period of adjudication that is now underway on this world for each person to choose. What are the choices? It is simple! To choose the ways of LIGHT and LIFE and CREATION, or to stay mired in the rebellion mindset which leads to destruction and death. It is this simple, and you are beginning to glimpse some stark contrasts between these two very important dynamics of LIFE. This is the time when everyone is being engaged to make this choice whether or not they consciously recognize it yet. The spiritual pressure is mounting, however, so that more people will begin to open to what it means to choose—to make this conscious choice. And in so doing, find the ways of REDEMPTION—SPIRITUAL REHABILITATION or to follow where the evil leads. It is hoped that more people would choose the ways of LIGHT and LIFE and open to the LOVE that lives within them.
That is why we have engaged so many on this planet with these messages of encouragement, faith, love, hope, charity, forgiveness, peace to help you see that there truly is a way out of the troubles you face. And you have reached what you might call a “tipping point” where the choice must be made. And now there is this window of time when we encourage you to show more love and compassion to your brothers and sisters and to listen their troubles and to help them be directed to their Spirits so they can perceive what the Father’s LOVE within them is revealing.
Continue to focus on your hearts. Allow the Spirit Within to help you to make more in-roads into the deeper meaning and value of my message to you today. And in a few moments we will shift focus to build these dynamics into the planet’s memory/mind system all around the globe. (Pause)
All around the world there is a great uprooting underway. The ways of the past tied to the rebellion are now being further exposed. However, this uprooting can be a time of great joy and celebration as humanity witnesses the fleeting shadow of what has been created here to be expunged from the planetary system of consciousness.
I invite you to now shift focus but maintain that space of your heart to generate these words to spiral around the planet as we shift into this planetary collective infusion. See the words, THE ENGAGEMENT OF THE MAGISTERIAL MISSION to now move into the planet as a whole, but actually going down deeper, deeper, deeper into memory to uproot all that is unholy, unclean, impure to receive the MISSION OF MERCY that I am here to help this world accomplish through human and divine collaboration.
Hold the MAGISTERIAL MISSION’S energies as best you can in your hearts and simply direct them to connect with the communication system of the planet at all levels so that the circuits of the planet are able to pick up on what this world needs, what my MISSION means and the value it has for the rehabilitation of all life here. Simply do your best to hold this with great love in your heart and we will continue our ministrations with the facilitation of many wonderful universe brothers and sisters and planetary helpers.
If you wish and if it helpful for you to focus, see the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION engage with the memory circuits and see it pulsing on the earth and soak into the ground letting its higher spiritual frequencies engage into the areas where this is needed. (Pause)
Invite the energies of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION to engage within the memory circuit of the planet where DEITY is evolving through human consciousness development. All are invited to participate in the great evolution of the GOD-SELF on the planet. There is a circuit on the planet holding this great field of EVOLUTIONARY DEITY, which has been defined in your Urantia text as the Supreme Being. Invite the MAGISTERIAL MISSION and the EVOLVING DEITY OF URANTIA to engage together as we continue to minister in these circuits. (Pause)
There is an intention here that is significant to identify to you. And that is to help your brothers and sisters to RECOGNIZE that they have a responsibility to evolve in their GOD-SELF. This is part of the purpose for human life. And in holding this intention, you are helping your unawakened brothers and sisters to perceive an internal signal of what will help them move out of their own interference that prevents them from experiencing the Father’s LOVE within that will set them on their course of spiritual inquiry and soul growth. (Pause)
What you are holding today enhances our intention to help as many humans as possible open to the greater bandwidth of spiritual energy within them—to help them perceive the LOVE of the Father that will hold them steady and secure through this passage of time of the GREAT RECKONING. Your Father Michael and Mother Nebadonia wish their children to make this transition as gently and easily as possible. But the pain and suffering in the human heart is great and has been deeply rooted there. What we are providing to you today is a greater context and environment for LOVE to become the greater awareness within so that more individuals can see the errors of their ways, ask for forgiveness, and receive the LOVE they have always deserved and desired.
Know in providing this very important space what you are holding is creating more of that spiritual environment for this great RECKONING period to show humanity what has held them back from achieving their higher GOD-PURPOSE so they can choose the LIGHT OF TRUTH, the LOVE OF GOD WITHIN, and open to their FAITH PATH and their relationship with their higher SELVES.
Continue to focus on the ENGAGEMENT OF THE MAGISTERIAL MISSION and let it commingle and communicate with the circuit of EVOLUTIONARY DEITY on the planet, creating a much larger field for human mind to perceive what it needs to learn through this period of the GREAT RECKONING and to be able to move forward on his and her own individual path which will greatly enhance the planet’s ability to also move forward in its ascension. (Pause)
There are many helpers waiting in the wings to help humanity shake off this insidious past and step into the light of its bright future. The time is getting closer when there will be a great jubilation and celebration of life as this planet rejoins the rest of its universe family and becomes aware of its rightful position in the FAMILY OF LOVE.
So, ensure you are doing your part each day to contribute to this becoming a living reality here on this world. Remember to take time each day to make contact with the Spirit Within, to overcome that which holds you back of what you might consider to be “blind spots” in your self-perception of who you truly are. Do not struggle with the pain of the past. Simply allow it to show you that it is a mask and that there is something behind it of such great value and beauty that you can accept this as part of yourself and release the influences that no longer are necessary for your growth. Grow in the positive. Grow in the LIGHT. Grow in the POTENTIAL, my brethren, that you have within you for it is all there waiting for you to discover, waiting for your brothers and sisters to discover. You can be a source of great comfort and direction to them. (Pause)
I invite you to envision the world now being held in the words ENGAGEMENT OF THE MAGISTERIAL MISSION. Invite all of the planet’s circuitry, even down into the physical circuits to engage with what this truly means. There are many who are participating of the unseen realms to make these circuitry connections and enhancements a living reality to prepare this world for what is to come. Hold focus as best you can, and feel that love and willingness for this planet to embrace the MAGISTERIAL MISSION and what it truly means—the spiritual rehabilitation and reclamation of this world to the FABRIC OF LIFE. (Pause)
There is one additional element to add. Envision the words CHRIST MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY over the planet holding the ENGAGEMENT OF THE MAGISTERIAL MISSION, and allow Michael’s ministry for His beloved world to communicate through what we have co-created in this moment. (Pause)
I invite you to join with us as we elevate our gaze to Paradise and the Creator Deities domiciled there. Send forth from your hearts your gratitude for the DIVINE WAYS restored to this beleaguered world to liberate the hearts of humanity, to open the minds of humanity to the higher ways of CREATION. Pour out your love and gratitude for what is being given and allow the DIVINE REFLECTION from Paradise to hold you in this mighty embrace of DIVINE COMMUNION. (Pause)
If you wish, descend from Paradise. See yourself standing on the earth with the field of ENGAGEMENT WITH THE MAGISTERIAL MISSION holding you in it. And the circuit of EVOLUTIONARY DEITY is moving up from the memory circuits to feed you and weave you into a stronger bond of spiritual energy that your Spirit may help you perceive and integrate into what is the higher meaning and value of this infusion for your life. (Pause)
Think of yourselves as WAY-SHOWERS. It is not so much what you say, but how you live and demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit in your day to day activities when you engage with others or when you are simply on your own going about your normal routine. Recognize that you have Spirit within you experiencing what it is you are encountering, helping you refine your response and reactions to a more loving and spiritually directed manner. Live your true purposes, my brethren. All of them are so unique and beautiful, and you cannot yet fathom the tapestry of life that you all can cultivate together to make this world a place of beauty and glory in the Father’s LOVE. It is all within and now it is growing on the planet. It is up to you to decide how to engage. But know that when you get those momentary glimpses of what is holding you back, take a few deep breaths. Go to your Spirit and ask for the higher replacement of what you need and it will be given.
We have reached the threshold of the objectives we wished to accomplished today. And we thank you for your years of dedicated faithful participation with us. It is time for this planet to be about the business of cultivating its higher divine order, and in the coming days that you will recognize more clearly and concisely the role you can play in this momentous exchange of what ways of the past for the dawning of the days of Light and Life for this beautiful world.
I will leave you now in this manner, but I am always available to you. Call on me when you need more perspective to guide you and I will help you open to the greater dynamics of what my MISSION is here to accomplish that you may become a more valuable and viable participant and collaborator with me and the vast retinue of helpers engaging with this world.
All PRAISE and GLORY to the Father in Paradise and may you thrive in His LOVE. Good day.