2024-08-13-Pondering Our Purpose
Topic: Hope and Possibility Emerging
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Machiventa, Aurelia, Aaron, Thought Adjuster
TR: Simeon
(T/R1) I am Machiventa. I have come to join you tonight. I have a brief, short message. Keep up the good work. You who have been pilgrims, either for many years or some not as many as others, it does not matter, for wherever you are, whatever you do, when you find the inspiration within yourself to reach out, to help others find their way or make a better choice or to just give them insights that are helpful that you have learned or that you are inspired to share with one another when prompted - in that way, you are all pilgrims.
I would like to remind you that as you reach out in your own circle of friends wherever you are, there is always an opportunity and primarily, you will find that opportunity when you tune yourself to listen to that inner voice that sometimes or very often or maybe always will reach to you to reach out to another. The Correcting Time is about bringing God within toward a greater and more universal connection on this planet and toward your future destinies, should you so choose. Carry on in the teaching mission. Carry on in your own individual missions where it is all very much a part of our intention as we build upon the 5th revelation into the next revelation. Thank you so much for what you do for the mission. That is my message. I love you all.
Q1: Thank you Machiventa.
Machiventa: I love you all. You are my people. I am your friend. I am with you at all times. Believe me, I am.
(T/R2) Aurelia: Greetings friends, I am Aurelia, here tonight to follow in the footsteps of our supervisor, friend, and teacher, Machiventa. Although I have not been on your world as long as some teachers, I consider myself ingrained into the purpose of this mission now and would probably have to have a good talking to if they were to want to reassign me, for I would argue my place here and my desire to see it through and watch your world blossom. Thankfully, that is not required, for our leadership recognizes the mission at hand and has enlisted several former mortals from other worlds as teachers to help provide guidance and direction.
We recognize each of you pondering what purpose you have in this life and what purpose this mission holds for you and even what the overall purpose of the mission is, for that matter. And this is as it should be. You should be contemplating, along with your Indweller, what your purpose is, both in relation to this work and in relation to every other facet of your life. We are not your directors. We are your friends and guides and at every turn, we will direct you toward your relationship within to find your inner guidance so that you might express, more beneficially, your purpose that your personality holds, that your soul is building and manifesting slowly but surely.
With that said, we do have a purpose here. It is not just a random universe of beings with mixed purposes, clashing and bouncing off of one another chaotically. There is order and this isn't always easy to see from the perspective of a Urantian because your model, in many ways, has not been order, has not been looking for the higher purpose. Unfortunately you had leaders who decided they thought they had a better way than the universal plan and took it down a road that caused untold conflict and grief.
But as I believe you can see now, out of this rough road there begins to blossom flowers of goodness and the threads of truth and you are in a position to take it a step further in your lives to see where the hope is and to build upon that.
We speak to you regularly in what you might call cryptic ways about what is happening, for we cannot divulge anything that would go against Michael's wishes for the development of this world. But we believe and can see that many of you are witnessing new births of possibility, opportunities to apply yourselves toward positive goals. Yes, it will not change your planet immediately from the struggle to light and life, but you are the pioneers, in many ways, that stand up for something, that believe and express that belief so others might recognize and similarly begin to express it in their lives. It is beyond your view, this structured process, an actual flow that leads toward something that you will witness at a later date.
So trust in your ability to influence, to know that your relationship to your Inner Spirit is the key to the development that builds that awareness of truth, beauty, and goodness, that builds that sense of purpose within you that leans towards positivity. And when there is positivity and goodness and truth being expressed, that is infectious and others want that.
So thank you for your part in this mission. We honor that by being here and present to respond to you, to answer questions, to reach to you directly and in these meetings, for whatever benefit might come from it. I am here with Aaron and Daniel and others, and we are certainly open to your questions or comments this evening, my friends.
Q2: I have a question. The terms “Teaching Mission” or “Correcting Time,” were presented to us thirty plus years ago. Could you expand on Machiventa's message that the Correcting Time is actually in progress and give us a little greater insight about your vision and your hopes for us to fulfill as your partners in this and our role in it as perhaps pilgrims as Machiventa mentioned? Just give me a little greater insight, please.
Aurelia: Thank you for that inquiry, my friend. The terms you utilize are the inspirations of humans mixed with their spiritual connection and thus, you can recognize we are not bound to the terminology in the way that many who have been a part of the mission resonate to. We are more open. Our view expands globally and we work with many varieties of individuals and groups to reach to them where they are in their journey. Sometimes that is highly evolved and forward looking. Other times, there are greater or lesser degrees of distortion. But that does not keep us from working with any who, at the very core, desire truth, beauty and goodness, and desire to know what is real and to pursue that. So it is true that the basic idea of a time of correction is wholly valid.
It is Michael's greatest wish for your world to bring it out from the isolation and darkness to recognize all that is available to you, such that he can even, as you know, manifest brothers and sisters here on your world to help guide you forward as any normal world would have. He works in a very patient way to do this. The idea that beings will just suddenly appear on your world and take over and push you along to greater horizons is, while being hopeful and laced with good intent, not a practical reality as compared to what can come from the gradual evolution of the mindsets toward the realities and choosing this path toward Michael's vision in a way that the greatest degree of people on your world are welcoming of our presence and desiring for our participation to help bring the planet forward. This is the large view of correcting time.
The idea you express about the teaching mission is a more focused effort to work with individuals and groups of individuals, to help them recognize the higher patterns and to work slowly to release the lesser, more negative patterns. This is the slow personal growth that many of you have been going through for decades, to let go of your fears and your dysfunctions to be able to better express and to recognize the higher realities.
So this is the distinction between the two that we see, first personal development and growth, and then the larger vision of that growth leading toward the more planetary developments that I referred to.
I hope this gives you some perspective. I don't know if it completely answers what you were asking.
Q2: Thank you very much. I see it as a mission of one on one, and small groups with focus upon a greater destiny than what we actually have maybe seen before here as humans, as Agondonters and what our destiny is beyond that.
Aurelia: Yes, you understand. Thank you. It is person by person by person finding your way toward our reality. And yes, those personal developments can lead to more interconnected developments and other aspects of correction beyond just the individual, but as the statement says, “let there be peace on earth, but let it begin with me.” This is our perspective as we lead you.
Q2: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Q3: That song is a beautiful song that I think does inspire a lot of people, as does a lot of other music. I'm curious to know how much contact is being made with people of different colors, languages, and cultures in the world. Outside the English speaking world, there are huge organizations and different faiths in so many other parts of the world. I'm just curious to understand what type of work might be being done to try not to leave these people behind and try to help them evolve their own faith, and personal relationships with our Heavenly Father and give them hope for a better life for their communities and cultures and families.
Aurelia: Thank you. I alluded briefly to our work with many groups and individuals, but I would like to emphasize that we are integrally involved with every person, every group that has a desire to manifest truth, beauty, and goodness on this world, whether they are aware of it or not. The spiritual pressure from the opening of the circuits is real, is palpable. Not everyone perceives it the same way, but it does allow us to make outreach or inroads toward many groups culturally, religious, and scientifically, for example.
Even those who profess atheism as they set off on their pursuit of what is true in the scientific fields, they are contactable through their pursuit of truth. It is not required that they see that as a Creator or a spiritual influence to be influenced by it. We are not heavy on ego such that we need recognition for the efforts that are being taken on behalf of your world. Many of your scientific breakthroughs in recent decades have been a result of combined human exploration and spiritual response to that exploration. So yes, we are involved in many ways.
Q3: That is comforting and not altogether surprising to me. I think it's just, you know, there just seems to be a lot of good, random beauty and random love and other things going on around the planet. One of my favorite lines to use with people is about unconditional love and just how fortunate we are to have that free will to live that way in our particular cultures. And I hope that that will keep spreading.
Aurelia: Your recent Olympic event is, in many ways, an example of cooperation that models for the world that it is possible to be both in competition and desiring to support those who are your competitors to be better themselves. It brings a sense of hope, not only to the world, but even to us, as we witness the spirit of cooperation that exists.
Q3: Yeah, I hope you had good front row seats and enjoyed it as much as a lot of us did. It's always nice when large groups of people come together like that in a nonjudgmental sort of fellowship manner where they respect one another.
Aurelia: Yes. My intention tonight is not to hold the microphone. I do know that there are others present if anyone else can find that connection. So I will thank you for the opportunity to converse a little bit and allow for others if the connection makes itself present.
Q4: Thank you. Thank you.
(T/R3) Aaron: Greetings, friends. This is your friend, Aaron. It is nice to see you coming together on these summery days. We don't have winter here. It is almost always like the fresh days of spring for us. So much love and upwelling goodness abounds. You have no idea how delightful it will be when you reach the other side and can be with us here in person. We have been watching you all with the struggles of the times, the hope that you carry, the depression and despair that comes, the fear even.
But we admire and love the fact that you press forward with courage. You know that the planetary revelation talks about the epochs of man, the over control of evolution, the seraphic governments. It is indeed a slow process. But remember, this is a unique planet. This is a one zero one planet, 606.
This is a planet of experimentation. This is a planet where we are allowed to try new things. This is a planet where we have already seen what can happen when we rush forward too fast and attempt to bypass some of the normal growth steps of the human creature growing toward the spiritual creature. This is what the correcting time is about, correcting the dysfunction, the harm that was created there. But remember, just like springtime, every new generation brings fresh brains, fresh spirits.
The Father himself has this plan in hand. We are all evolutionary creatures. You tend to think from your point of view, that we know what's going on and that we have all the answers, but that's not true. And even those above us don't have all the answers because they too are in an evolutionary state of growth. This is what brings the mystery to life. This is what allows the father to set his traps of surprise and joy that wait for us around the corners. And you have no idea how much fun He has with us. You think about morontia correcting time, it's different because there are a lot of helpers here. I would almost say magical to you, to your brains from where you come. It is so dark and small here.
And I want you to know that we love you and that we so admire the courage of your hearts and minds that reach up through the revelation of that gift to the planet, that your Urantia book, that attempt of Machiventa to answer some of your questions, for your human hearts have always been crying out that something is not right here. And you knew it. And where were the answers? Always from within. Until they gave us permission for that. And now there is a book that goes into your hearts and into your minds and gives you this kind of inspiration and hope and understanding that I want to say “Thy will be done” from the Father. The Father's will shall be done here. Do not ever question that. The truth shall prevail. Goodness shall win.
So, enjoy yourselves in this time of your lives, for it is an important time as all times are important. If you take your heart back through what you know about your history, every time is as important as this is. We are always moving forward. It seems slow to you, but, actually, it is quite rapid. And we are allowed some exciting new freedoms here in our in our help in our helping with you.
So I just want to say, do what you love, and keep loving what you do. And know that we are with you and by you and for you, and we'll always be available to you. And let's just keep presenting the positive, as one of you keeps reminding us, unconditional love of our hearts to pour out through these new circuits that are being made. It connects us. We are becoming more and more connected. And as this happens, it will become lighter and lighter here and easier and better. The world is getting better despite what it may look at times as the darkest hours. That is my message for you tonight, my dear, dear friends. Goodbye for now.
Q5: Up until about a month ago, I was feeling very, fearful, depressed, and not certain about what was going on. It feels like there's been this big shift since the change in the politics. I don't know that I care about who should win and all that stuff, but it's more just that shift itself and suddenly people who were giving up and not even participating, are suddenly wanting to participate again. I wonder if this is some of when you alluded to things just around the corner that we can't even see. I wonder if this is some of what you're alluding to, just that sense of hope, whether that's real or if that's just because I wanted something to change and it did. All of a sudden, there's like a little ray of light that is attractive, and maybe it can get better.
Q6: You say that things have turned and I'm not sure what you're alluding to. Is it that things have turned within your perspective? So you see the world from your point of view which is a wonderful thing. Or do you mean that things in the world have actually turned to the positive and that everything is going to be okay. Can you help me there?
Q7: For me, it is about the adjudication of Lucifer and when Michael put him down when he was here, before he left, he took care of it. And so, like they say, he's very patient. Mercy is the watchword of the Most Highs. The rebellious ones had 200,000 years to own the planet, and now it's rolling out. They're done. They don't get to hurt us anymore. They don't get to control us anymore because we're saying no more. It's the ending of Lucifer's ownership and destruction of Michael's planet. That's what it is to me. It's evil going out. There is the potential for evil, like it says in the book, on all planets, but no planet needs this amount of evil to teach people about right choice.
Q5: I like that line. No planet needs to have evil. And for me, it's cautious optimism, meaning that obviously things could change, but I feel like there's a trajectory potential there and I just have hope that people might want to pursue that rather than pursuing other things.
Q7: It's a generational turn. The young people are almost a different species from us. You know? They're really loving. They're not going to participate in any more wars. They're different than we are.
(T/R4) Thought Adjuster: Dear ones, the answer to this question is multidimensional. Yes, you are correct. That is the larger big shift that has occurred and as it takes time for an iceberg to melt and then flip. Such is also the situation and circumstance on your planet. So evil was allowed to manifest largely in the dark. There were, of course, outcroppings that were obvious to the world to see. Many dictators have come and have gone in the course of these years. But in the last decade on your planet, there was a fresh crop of evidence of the depth of the darkness that still remained. It has taken some time through your legal processes and political processes in America, specifically, to show the roots, to show where the vines were coming from. So as of yet, those roots have not been fully displayed. But one of the other dimensions that has been growing is that people who had a more naive, easygoing approach to life allowed the vines to grow uncontrolled in the fields and along the fences, such that now they have overtaken the fences and are invading the peace and sanctity of other people around them.
Thus, there still is some time needed to allow for the light to be shown on the roots. One of the aspects of change that is multidimensional is that those individuals now are passing. They are leaving your planet and learning the lessons that they missed. The younger people that are now becoming of age to strike matches, to raise their voices are not compliant like the prior generations. They have seen that structures were not trustworthy.
There was disinformation, misinformation, and disingenuousness that occurred from leadership. This has now burned a fire in their hearts. They are the ones that you are now sensing, that are demanding change. So, in fact, there is a real world change going on at the ground level, but there still needs to be time for the light to shine on where the roots are below ground. So, take heart, dear ones, all is well in your world. Know this. We are very encouraged by your personal perseverance in seeking the light within. You must continue to do so as you, some of you, still come from the original group that is easy to get along with. The younger ones are not so easy. They have more focus and fight in them to demand change. Thus, they are not complacent nor are they patient. So, there is much to teach them, but there is also much to learn from them. We advise that you continue to focus on your inner life, on your inner light, and seek to challenge your own shadows within such that you can become more consciously aware of things you can or should do as opposed to being complacent and trusting that others or the system will take care of itself. Thus, you can see in this brief conversation, there are many aspects to the changes. It is multidimensional.
We thank you for continuing to share your time here with each other. This feeds the light within you and encourages the light in others. Thank you.
Q8: I just have one thing that I feel compelled to share. It’s a technique or a practice that I learned probably 9 years ago. And I don't know if this will help anybody or if it's anything you want to use, but it's very short:
The first step is you close your eyes and you imagine a tiny ball of light in the middle of your chest. Tiny. And as you think about the ball of light, you let the ball of light expand inside your chest. Beautiful glistening ball of light just expanding very slowly inside of your chest.
And then allow the ball of light to just move, to just rotate in lots of different directions. And just imagine this ball of light being beautiful glittery sparkly ball of light. Then imagine taking this ball of light out of your chest, and it's now in front of you. And it's circling in front of you. Again, it's all glittery.
It's a beautiful, beautiful ball of light. And now take whatever intention you'd like for the world, be it love, be it world peace, or all of them. Put with all your heart that intention to the ball of light. And it's still glowing right in front of you. It's circling. It's moving. It's like a big plasma orb of light.
And you now have put this intention into this ball of light. And now you're going to explode the ball of light all over the Earth. And now just imagine your ball of light just circling the entire planet with sparkles of light touching every human, every plant, every animal, all the oceans, touching it with your intention.
And as it circles the planet, now start to bring the ball of light back. You're going to bring it back in front of you very slowly. It's still filled with these wonderful intentions.
And now you're just going to slowly grab the ball of light and put it back in your chest knowing that you have sent that intention all over the planet.
Q9: I got to see some light people. They visited my dream. They were in human form pretty much. It was as though they were animated, such as in one of the animated movies, and very bright and all, although there was a perfect sense of “there's somebody there for real”. This is real. They were feminine. And what I got out of that was that it's one thing to think about light people and a whole different thing to visit with them.
Q10: I got the sense from what you were saying: it's one thing to read about the light people or to hear about them, it's another thing to experience them. That applies to the Urantia book also. It’s one thing to read the book. It's another thing to try to live those practices, connect with those presences, and do that. And so it's the same idea of trying to expand that perspective to be able to be in communion with it.