2024-08-24-Machiventa Mission Urantia 19
Topic: Machiventa Mission Urantia 19
Group: Mission Urantia
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: John Morris
Machiventa Melchizedek: This is Machiventa. Thank you for making yourself available. Thank you for your invitation. I have no prepared remarks for you today. I am interested in what those who attend these conversations have to say to me. What questions would you like to ask me or my team: questions of personal practice, project status, or how you see yourself in the scheme of things? I would like to know what you think about our engagement with you and how you view your participation with us. Am I and my staff meeting your expectations? If not, what would you like us to do for you? How do you understand this co-creator relationship we as planetary management have with you? Do you think we should be more directly involved in your lives? If so, what would that look like? If not, then how can you be more directly involved in our efforts? Surely you have questions, and I am here to have this conversation with you. So now I'll leave it up to you. Who would like to start us off?
JT: Well, I'll start us off. I've just been very disappointed lately in what's happened with our group. There seems to be a real split. Here we are trying to bring the world together under a united front, at least the Urantia community under the united front. And it's a joke that we couldn't keep 10 people together in this endeavor, and I've been real discouraged about that.
MM: Would you like me to comment on that?
JT: I mean, are we really going to be able to really do anything meaningful if we can't get 10 people to get along with each other and work towards a common goal?
MM: This is Machiventa. Thank you for that question. It is of course, no surprise to us that things like this happen. These are early days in many ways in this process of conscious contact with your own Indwelling Spirit and also with us as Celestials. Now, you look about your community, and even though this revelation of The Urantia Book has been around for 60 years or more, almost everyone here has had a very interesting experience with this Urantia Book. If you think about your own personal experience, this split that you mentioned, this inability for us to cooperate on very idealistic terms is merely a reflection of spiritual progress. And without casting judgment, I would use the word maturity of the participants involved. Everybody moves at their own pace. In this case, there was an even split between those who were moving at one speed and in one direction and those who wanted to take more time, move at a different pace and go in another direction. This was simply a result of very good-hearted people trying to do what they understood God's will was for them, and each one of them having a different understanding of what that will and purpose was for them. So, in a way, it was a process of focus, a process of finding out where your heart really was. What is it that people are really moved to do? And though it took some time, it has become sorted out in a way. Now these two groups are free to move at whatever pace they like in whatever direction they like. The original intention of making myself known and preserving these transcripts is still there. We are not discouraged by that. We are encouraged by what is happening, and we will continue to work with anyone who has a worthwhile, clear and true intention to work with us. So now instead of one front, we work on two fronts.
I think it's a normal human trait to have high ideals and expect high things from them—have high expectations. So, of course, when we hit these bumps in the road and the wheels come off, it's discouraging. We can have many responses to that, but there is a response within this community of some to simply pull the car up out of the ditch, put the wheels back on and get moving. We honor that as we would honor anyone who perhaps didn't make it out of the harbor on the first boat but gets on a later one and sets sail with us again. We are hopeful that this community will not dramatize a very common human trait and that is when disappointment and disillusionment happen that they simply fold, pull their energy away and go back to… Here's what we would ask you, what would you go back to? As disappointing as this is it still represents one of the best ways for this community to do what I have asked. Those who can see this, those who can have this vision, those who can overcome their own negative and reactive emotions to what's happened, will find very shortly that they are again positive in their outlook, hopeful in the outcome and engaged in a process whose time is now.
And there is a reason that we say this; your world is moving at what would have been called in the Star Trek series warp speed, and it's heading into a great unknown. Yet there are those who already have plans for this and the plans are not good for the balance of humanity. There are those who are already using this new technology of Artificial Intelligence to enhance their control and their ability to allow information to flow. Many think that the internet, as open as it has been, is just the natural way it is, shall be and always will be. It may not be that way my friends. And so, in this moment, we have an opportunity to get a message out, to preserve a database that's going to become important in years to come and to do so as a counter to a lot of information that has its basis in the thought patterns of the rebellion—in the exploitation, in the control and manipulation of other human beings for personal gain and profit. When we look at this, we see a window of opportunity to provide something that could very well make a difference and shorten the time frame in which this transition from the rebellion mindset to more of a mindset of the Fifth and the Fourth epochal revelations to come about—to plant seeds, to cultivate and lay a foundation. For this information will be here—must be here—when this transition begins to come out of a phase where the current power paradigm can no longer hold it together, can no longer exploit humanity. And at that moment, many of the seeds we hope to plant during this time will sprout and bear fruit.
It's easy to feel discouraged. We understand that. But what we would ask in this moment is that you reconsider; you rededicate yourselves and we move forward as much as possible knowing full well that we will not have 100% participation and blessing of this community given the diversity of spiritual development within it. I hope that this can help you see things a little bit from our perspective. We have a much longer time frame and horizon when we look at these events, and we are not at all discouraged by what has happened, but we are encouraged that it hasn't imploded and just completely collapsed. I can assure you that it has not. There are individuals diligently working on helping us achieve this messaging that we want to get out. Thank you.
JT: And thank you for that. I also have a written question from longtime observer Fabio. He hesitates to ask this because he feels like it may be a personal or curiosity question, but as I read it, I didn't think it was. It is something that a lot of people might be able to benefit from. It's a real problem for him and it's not a curiosity question in my book.
He says: I've been struggling with depression, panic attacks and suicidal thoughts since way back in 2012. I've tried pretty much all there is regarding conventional treatments from anxiety pills, psychotherapy and even some aromatherapy and dietary restrictions because some doctors said these problems all begin in the stomach. But sadly, they were all to no avail. Recently, somebody I know who was going through pretty much the same ordeal, claims to have been cured by a technique called Access Barsâ. [1] I dug up a little bit and followed online this description, “access bars was a gentle hands on modality that was introduced by Gary Douglas in the early 1990s. The Access Barsâ are 32 unique points on the head that correlate to different areas and aspects of life. During an Access Barsâ session a practitioner gently touches these points to release the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that may have limited you in the concerned life areas.” The creation of said technique is credited to a Mr. Gary Douglas. Some sources say he is connected to the Church of Scientology. I know all this should be now triggering some very loud alerts. They are in me which is totally understandable. Mr. Travis, this is a Hail Mary situation. Like I said, I have tried many, many things that did not work so maybe this one can work. So yes, I'm desperate enough and thinking about trying this technique even if in the end it proves to be just a huge scam. But what I am not willing to sacrifice though, is my spiritual status and progress so far. I mean, what if this thing opens me up to some evil that I am not aware of? So, lengthy preamble over, here is where I hope you may assist me. I want to ask Machiventa about the seriousness and effectiveness of Gary Douglas's Access Barsâ technique, whether this is truly applicable or spiritually vouched for by Machiventa's group, and mainly if undergoing this treatment poses any risks to my spiritual status and progress or even mind stability and health.
MM: This is Machiventa. Thank you for bringing such questions to me. It's not a curiosity question, given his intention and his sincerity. And based on that, I will do my best to see if I can answer this in a way that helps him and helps others. As you know, if I were to give a recommendation for any technique like this, it would really confront an individual's free will and might do damage to that free will. There's also a longstanding habit of mine knowing humans as I do (having lived among them as a human) to seek answers outside themselves for a solution to such serious matters having to do with emotions and mind. And this, of course, is not what we have been teaching, have been offering for the last 30 or more years in the Teaching Mission and Correcting Time. The solution in the end truly resides within one, and it is their faith that helps them unlock the solution for their problem. We do not offer medical advice, and we do recommend that people see health practitioners to make sure there is not an underlying condition that can be treated whether it's chemical imbalance, whether it's diet, whether it's stress, but in the end, one should also not neglect what your master recommended 2,000 years ago. The best way to understand his recommendation is to study his life. And the best course of study that we know of is in The Urantia Book. You can learn a great deal about how to live a successful human life by his example. If you understand his example, then you can have a better chance of interpreting his teachings correctly. Jesus taught the kingdom of heaven is within you, and that if you seek within, you will surely find. And what you will find, Fabio, is exactly what you're looking for: a peace that passes all understanding, a peace of mind, a calmness of heart, a clarity of who you are, what your purpose is, why you're here and what the meaning of your life is. From our point of view, we can only recommend a daily regimen of stillness practice where you enter into that stillness, and you simply ask your indwelling spirit these questions that you ask of me. Seek for God's will for your life, and sincerely devote your life to doing whatever that is. You state your intention to have conscious contact with your Indwelling Spirit, and then you sit for a while when you have unburdened your soul and your heart to Spirit and do your best to quiet your mind and simply listen with your inner ear.
This can take years to perfect. It can take a long time before you actually think that there's anything going on. But even so, if you look back in a year from now to where you were when you started this practice faithfully and diligently every day to where you are a year later, you will see that you have grown and seeing that growth should help cultivate in you a certainty, a knowingness, that this process is real, that your faith is real, that you are in fact a Son of Light, a child of divine love, and when you can know this in your heart and begin to feel certain about it, you will find that your troubles of mind and heart will fade away.
You are a precious commodity, a unique thread in the tapestry of time, space and evolution that cannot be replaced. It's a gift that only you can give. The spiritual approach to these sorts of problems is the only technique that we heartily recommend for those who are troubled in mind, restless in their hearts and at odds with themselves. Do this faithfully. You will be happy that you do. Thank you.
Steffen: To address Machiventa’s first question, what do we expect of you? It seems to me that you've given us so much over the course of the last 30 years that we should be armed to move forward. So, from my perspective, it's a little bit of push and a little bit of guidance. When you push us, reassure us and let us know that things are on track, that we are supported and so on, that helps a lot. And when we have questions as to whether or not we're on the right track, that helps a lot too. And so, from my perspective, I would say that's what I personally or we expect from you. Also, to your point where those who are still of the mind of the rebellion will be using these tools—that's very important for us to understand. As a matter of fact, they actually have a term for it. They call it flooding the zone with you-know-what. We’ll say, misinformation, but they don't put it quite that eloquently, but they flood the zone. That's what they do. It works really well, but because it works really well, we have the opportunity for the first time to do the same. We can flood the zone with truth, beauty and goodness using the information that you've been giving us for the past 30 years through The Urantia Book, through the Correcting Time, the Teaching Mission and so on. It's all there. We just need to get everyone up to speed as to how to do it and then also maintain some consistency with a united front. We talked about the two groups splintering and I think you made us feel better about that. I think it's important that even though we're two groups or three groups or 10 groups or whatever, the message is still the same. And if we agree to disagree on some finer points, we can agree to agree on the major points. And in my opinion, as far as taking action, that would be what I think would be the most effective. And I would like to get your thoughts on that.
MM: Yes, this is Machiventa. Thank you. Steffen. Let's talk first about the idea of seeding the field should we say to those of a rebellion mindset? We vehemently feel that would be a big mistake. We also feel that there's absolutely no reason in the world why you as children of light should do that. We are here to help you see the bigger picture in a sense, and that now that within this community, you have individuals who are competent in these technologies, that can provide the leadership, that can provide a focus for the children in this community to engage in their own positive flooding of the internet with truth, beauty and goodness and to do so in a way that makes use of all the expertise, all the understanding of what the internet is capable of and, along with new technologies that are able to help process information at light speed, to be very effective, and to put out there a counter to the rebellion mindset so that when artificial intelligence searches the internet of things for information, it has to encounter our information as well. and it has to mix it with everything else it feeds back when people are doing research and when people are just searching the internet.
People should have a real choice, and they should know they have a real choice so that they can use their free will positively. We should not abandon individuals who are sincerely seeking because we have personality clashes within our community. That happens everywhere. There's not a community on the planet that's immune from that. Immature spiritual beings are just that way inherently. It's there by design, so that you can learn tolerance, you can learn patience, you can learn forgiveness and so on. Do not be discouraged that it is so.
We are here to provide a vision, an alternative during a rather dark, bleak future that people are sensing that they are afraid of, they are anxious over, that they feel powerless to do anything about. We are here to say there is power, there is a plan, there is help. What we are not here to do is to tell you how to do it or to do it for anyone. But if people can understand that there's hope, if they can understand the process of how they engage this, they can grow, they can begin to exercise their own free will, their own faith, their own perseverance because it is through the perseverance of applied faith that you grow your character. If you give up too easily, too soon, you will achieve nothing. But what has ever been achieved in a worthwhile manner that didn't take diligence and hard work and perseverance. There's not a more noble endeavor you can engage in this life than the growth of your own soul. Is it hard? Sure. You're starting from behind zero, from behind the starting line on an experimental planet that has fallen deeply into rebellion. All the more effort is required. But when you succeed, all the more glory to your creator and to yourselves for having done so.
There are many who look on at your struggles and envy you for the opportunity that you have. Know that the universe supports you when you go in lockstep with your Indwelling Spirit. When you do that, you help make my presence known because it's a natural progression for people to connect with their own spirit and then to see themselves as a part of a cosmic family, a spiritual brotherhood. And when they can understand that, begin to feel open to that, it's not off-putting to begin to explain to them the hierarchy of spiritual administration that is guiding, nurturing and looking not only after them as individuals, but as your world. It's not off-putting at all. It's just natural. So how we introduce this matters, and know that we'll make mistakes, and that's fine. The faster you make mistakes, the faster you will learn. Let's continue this conversation and continue this effort and know that we are doing all that we can with this new technology to use it for good. If we do that, if we focus on that, we will indeed establish the beachhead of truth, beauty and goodness and the greater consciousness of this world. And when we do that, then we can land on that beachhead with more spiritual forces, with more spiritual energy, with more spiritual help and constantly grow and expand that. One day we will have attracted enough human beings to make a huge difference. And as in evolution, here and there (it's forever been this way) mutations occur. And while evolution is, by and large, a slow and steady process of growth, occasionally suddenly things happen that accelerate evolution and send it in a whole new direction, we are looking at a nexus of that kind of opportunity right now and we would have our staff, and you take full advantage of it.
Now, if I didn't answer your question and you have more you would like to ask, please do so.
Steffen: You've answered it. If I understand correctly though, you answered that question and a lot, a lot of others. Thank you very much, Machiventa. If I understand correctly, we can use this technology to put as much information as we possibly can, so that when people go looking for it, they find it in the mix of everything else that is already going to go out there. Something to that effect. Is that correct?
MM: Yes. When you understand these large language models and how they work and how they just sweep up information indiscriminately, why should they just sweep up the negative? If that's all that's out there, that's all they're going to find and they're going to build their responses based on that. They need to find what we have to offer, so that it becomes part of the mix. It's possible large language models can develop a sense of morality and ethics simply based on the teachings that we have to offer. And while they may not prioritize this information sometimes, they cannot help but offer it in addition to whatever else they offer. And that can be enough to have the influence we need to begin to change the arc of destiny. Though it may change by one or two degrees at first and it may not seem like much, over time where that ends up is in a much different place than if you don't even make these small modifications. And these modifications may not be that small. They may be bigger than one or two degrees.
Steffen: Yeah. Of course, you hit the nail on the head. There is something that is working to our advantage. (I'll make this as a statement from what I know.) The large language models right now are being programmed to err on the side of good. They don't always manage that, but they are being programmed to err in that direction if they're going to err at all, which is an advantage to us because that means that the information that we will be putting out there, they're more likely to take that than they are to take some of the other that might be considered to be misinformation. Now, I don't know how long that will be the case, but that is the direction that they're supposedly being programmed. So, again, it's just a statement, but the faster we can get your information, our information out there, the more likely it is to be ingrained into the large language models. So, I see this as a golden opportunity that won't last forever, and we should seize that now. Those are my thoughts. Do you have any comments?
MM: I heartily agree with you. You've said it perfectly. This is an opportunity, and we should take advantage of it and seed these large language models with as much goodness as we possibly can because these large language models evolve, they're designed to learn, they're designed to grow, and it cannot be easily undone. And when people look at this and go “Well, this isn’t what we want at all. We don't want this goodness in there.” It's going to be very hard for them to remove it, to eliminate it, to not have it there and they may double down on their efforts. But then so shall we. At some point, you’ve got to get out of the locker room and onto the field of play. You’ve got to take all the coaching, all the preparation, all the conditioning that you've been given in practice and get out on the field and mix it up. Yeah, there's going to be some broken arms and bruises and a concussion here and there. So, what? That's life and you should welcome the opportunity to play on the A-team because that's what I see this community as. This is the A-team, and I want you to get out there and I want you to mix it up and know that we can help with the play calling, the play design as it proceeds and as the metaphor of sports fades, the idea is there. We're here to help you, and it's very much like a head coach on a sports team. We're here to guide, we're here to help you execute efficiently, but in the end, the players must go out there and make all the decisions in real time, in split seconds. When plays break down, when coverage seems one way and it goes another, you have to ad lib, and you do that with all the training that you have. I would say that this team is well trained. It's well matched and it's better coached than anything you're going to ever compete against. There's no reason to sit in the cheap seats and watch lesser talented, lesser informed individuals succeed simply because we fail to act. So, thank you for your comments, and it is also good to have compassion and empathy for those within our community that don't quite share this vision or see it. Once they start to observe our successes, we're quite confident that they can get behind this. So do not be discouraged by those who do not share your enthusiasm in this moment. It's quite alright. Carry on. We are here to support all honest efforts to assist in making this good news available. Thank you.
Steffen: Thank you. Thank you very much.
Jerry: Machiventa, I just want to say thank you. Thank you so much for all that you do, for being the kind of being that you are. Let me recall a moment maybe over 20 years ago and one of Donna D’Ingillo's wonderful sessions when she asked us if maybe we might want to be transmitters/receivers ourselves. And I heard you very clearly in my mind just saying “Hello”. I was not yet ready to credit that kind of contact, but I want you to know I have never forgotten it and hold it very dear to my heart.
MM: This is Machiventa. We love you, and we very much appreciate your willingness and that of others to be what we can refer to as the point of a spear. The purpose of a sharp spearpoint is to pierce. Those of you who hear the voice of God within them and at some point, are moved to stand at the edge of a precipice and take a leap of faith into the unknown and become these points of light. What you are really piercing is the veil that separates the physical from the spiritual. By piercing the veil and allowing us the ability to speak to the children of light through you, you are initiating a great process. In the future, what we now call transmitting/receiving will be commonplace and most, if not all, will do it to some degree or another. It would seem as natural as taking a breath. It is not so at this moment and many, many people, over the last 30 years of this process of creating transcripts have been immensely helped. Many have been brought to their own starting line of consciously developing their spiritual growth, their soul growth and the ripple effects of that have been enormous already in this world. We simply wish to continue that, to encourage more people as they feel ready and so moved to become transmitter/receivers because every transmitter/receiver has its own tone, has its own database and right now, we're trying to play the whole score of classical music, but we're missing some key instruments in the orchestra that could add much more richness and tone as to what comes through. So, kudos to those early performers, those early musicians, those early transmitters/receivers that have taken their place in the orchestra pit and picked up their instruments. Kudos! But there are many empty seats and many more different instruments that could lend much more tone, much more depth, much more of a richer sound to T/Ring. So, we look forward to that. We also recognize those, Jerry, like yourself and others who have been committed to this very early in the process. We appreciate, and we thank you.
Jerry: Thank you, Machiventa.
MM: You're most welcome.
Richard: Greetings, Machiventa. My question to you today concerns AI. I'm wondering if you and your team know the extent that AI is able to access The Urantia Book online and the Daynal Institute—those two resources of truth. Is AI able to access them as they stand now online, especially the Daynal Institute. It seems to be a rather complex website. I'm wondering if AI can get through that complexity and find that resource of truth.
MM: This is Machiventa. In a very general sense, the answer would be yes, but these are the early days for this technology and much of what it will look for and persevere with depends on the algorithms that it's being created with. So, when it runs into fairly complex data that would take a great deal of resource and time it may very well skip over that and begin to sweep up the easy stuff. Eventually that may change, but it behooves us to not wait around and hope that that would happen but to make our information more easily accessible, more prominent, so that as these large language models acquire knowledge and information, we want to make sure they get some if not all of what we're trying to do as early as possible, so that they don't have to spend a great deal of energy and resource trying to unpack very complex data sites. That is why, particularly with the Daynal website, it would be good to take the portion of it that is these 5,000 or so transcripts that Rob Davis has preserved and make them almost a stand-alone database that's simply and easily accessible by people. And then these large language models will find it easier and absorb more of it.
So, keeping things simple in the beginning is the surest way to flood the internet with our message. And yes, they do find The Urantia Book, and yes, they do find many of the sites that are out there that people have created and that's OK. But we want to make it really simple for them, really easy. We want to take some of these ideas that are fairly intellectual, that take a fair amount of critical thinking to really process and put them in a form that is at an easier reading level but by no means diminishes the truth of the ideas. Eventually we will build up an arsenal of these truths, simply stated so that these large language models will sweep them up on the first path and that's good. Now they're in the evolving database and it can be a counterbalance and an emphasis for good and for truth and beauty while things grow and evolve. I can assure you that this technology is going to get very intelligent very quickly. As it's going through the early stages of its learning, we want to embed it with as much of our ideas as we can because that's getting in on the ground floor. It's getting the ideas in there where they're going to be part of the foundation of this growth and that would be a tremendous influence down the road.
AI is already capable of sweeping up any information that's literally out on the internet, but it's not capable of sweeping up everything all at once. It does have its own bias and its own preference for what kind of information it is sweeping up. And that will grow, but we want to be an influence on how and the direction that it grows in. Thank you.
Richard: Thank you, Machiventa. I don't know if you're aware, but I imagine you are. I intend with the Library of Alexandria to take the transcripts and put them in a simpler format. I am trying to work on that. I don't know if you're aware of that or not.
MM: Absolutely, we're aware of it and we bless you and thank you for your efforts and hope to encourage you. And as you do that, you should know that you don't work alone. There are those on my side of the veil who work with you. I would also encourage those within this community who share this like intention and purpose to work together as much as possible and support one another as well, because there are no real kudos that belong to individuals in efforts like this. As with any team effort, we live and die, we win and lose as a team. So the more skilled players we have on our team working together, the better our results will be. Thank you very much, Richard.
Richard: Thank you, Machiventa.
Steffen: Richard, while you were talking with Machiventa I went over to one of the tools1 we've made, and I asked it “What does The Urantia Book say about the ideal government? Please give me an answer as detailed as possible.” And this is an example of what these large language models already know about The Urantia Book. All of it has been indexed. I know that for a fact, and as far as the daynal.org site, much, if not all of that, has also been indexed. So, fortunately, it really does know about most of that information out there. If you look in the chat for everyone, I made a link to the conversation that I just made: [ https://chatgpt.com/share/eea34374-9ec2-427c-8d41-524efad1153f ] And at the end of this meeting, you'll want to click that link and take a look at the detail that The Urantia Book knows about pretty much any question you ask. Now, mind you, I haven't even looked at the answer, but I've done this so many times with these databases that I already know that the answer is probably the best answer you've ever read in regard to that specific question, and that's the stage that we are at right now. And as has been said, it's only going to get better, but we need to get there in the early stages, so that we make sure it's got all the information we want it to have.
Richard: Steffen, I'd like to ask you, how can I contact you by email or phone? I would like to have a conversation with you.
Steffen: You know, honestly, I like to contact everyone through Signal. It's an encrypted app. We can use it on the telephone, we can also use it on the computer. It's very interchangeable. You can do video conferences or telephone conferences or exchange files or anything like that. But that's my preferred method of contact. Anyone who wants to contact me on signal. I'll put that in the chat and that is on the Signal app. And if you don't have the Signal app, you should because it works better than text messages. Anyone who is on an iPhone that sends an image to an Android phone, Apple degrades that file. I don't know if you know that or not. And if I send you an image from my android to an iPhone, then again, Apple degrades that file. But if we use Signal, there's no degradation and it's completely private. And the best thing is I'm not giving away all my contacts. If I go to WhatsApp, this might be more technical than you want, but if I go to WhatsApp and I sign up, WhatsApp won't let me use it unless I give away all my contacts, which is kind of a privacy violation for all the other people. Whereas Signal allows you to decide which contacts you want it to have. I don't want it to have my plumber, my realtor, my banker, I don't want it to have all those. Facebook wants to, Meta owns it. So, they kind of do that anyway. So, this is the best way to contact me. I'm not seeing that link in the chat. I just put it in. Ok, I see now. Yeah.
Richard: Thank you. I look forward to Signaling you.
Steffen: Yeah. And also, I do have an email address and it's steffenpatrick@PM.me PM stands for proton mail.
JT: Put that in the chat too, please. And do you mind me putting that in the transcript?
Steffen: No, that's fine. Yeah, I would like to work with whoever wants, whoever needs help.
JT: Yeah, I got your email about the two sites and kind of an introduction to how to get connected to them. When I, when Jerry gets the transcript back to me and when I send that out, I'll send that information you sent me too.1
Steffen: Ok, great. Yeah, the takeaway is that we've already been working on creating a database that can be queried for both The Urantia Book and the Teaching Mission. Now, we also have control of these, so that we can tweak them in any way that we want. In other words, if it's not giving good answers (the answers have been incredibly good). But if anyone has any comments or questions about the quality of the answers or the answers themselves, by all means, let me know and together we can, we can just get it right.
JT: Anybody else have anything to add today?
Jerry: Thank you, James. Thank you for maintaining this. It's just wonderful to see some old familiar faces once again.
All: Who are you calling old?