2024-09-22-Focusing Energies of the Magisterial Mission

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Topic: Focusing Energies of the Magisterial Mission Into Planetary Circuits

Group: Institute for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Monjoronson

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: We center ourselves in Spirit, Mother and Father, to produce more of the energies of love and peace, healing and transformation into the planet through our united will as you weave us together as one. We thank you for the gift of the Magisterial Son who is making His presence known around the planet for the next steps of our planet’s evolution can continue to precede forward, unencumbered by the ways of the past. What is your WILL for today? We thank you for guiding our minds that what we produce from them and our hearts would be put to good use all around the planet and help this world and all life on it conform to the divine plans of rehabilitation and reconstruction in the Father's LOVE. Thank you so much for this opportunity to participate, and always, may your WILL be done. Thank you.


MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is Michael, and I invite you to step into the greater dimensions of my being that I may minister to you and fill you with more of the spiritual attributes you need to hold you steady and steadfast during this important time on this beautiful world.

You are connected to me by the Spirit of Truth, and you are growing in your ability to perceive my presence within you. It is good. It is right that you would come to me as I am not only your Father who supports you in your ongoing spiritual growth, but as your brother who showed you the way to lead a God-centered life.

Now, at this particular phase of the planet's evolution, I invite you to simply hold the intention to become more connected to the next phase of evolution, the MAGISTERIAL MISSION. This is something that has not yet occurred on the planet, yet plans are underway to involve many individuals as we look to you to collaborate with the higher dimensions to make this MAGISTERIAL MISSION a living reality of planetary rehabilitation for all life here.

As we begin, I invite you to focus on the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION. Let them form a field around you. See yourself standing in this living word energy that contains much information for you to receive over time. As you do this, invite me to minister to you through your Spirit of Truth that you may grow in the divine attributes you need to become a more viable member and participant in the MAGISTERIAL MISSION. This is all I ask of you now, to simply see yourselves standing with the divine meaning and value of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION and allow me to minister to you, each and every one. We begin. (Pause)

Many of you have questions, what does it mean to be a part of a MAGISTERIAL MISSION? What is my role? What do I do to contribute? These are all very normal questions to ask within. In time, you will be given more clarity through your living experience how you may become a more viable and productive participant in this overarching great plan. For now, I invite you to simply relax into what I am sharing with you of my essence, my children, that your role may indeed have a great effect in how the MAGISTERIAL MISSION proceeds forward on this planet.

You are stepping into a great mystery, and it is through each day living as faithfully as you can aligning with your Spirit where you will perceive the information you need to apprehend that will satisfy your curiosity and help you become a more valuable member of this growing team. For now, simply relax in my embrace and let me minister to you, my beloved children. (Pause)

In this enhanced environment, I invite you to ask Monjoronson to calibrate more of His energy signature to you. This will help you respond to Him through a greater soulful recognition when the time is right. I continue to minister to you. However, you may simply invite Him to share more of his essence with you as his and my personality signatures harmonize within you to a greater degree. Simply receive Him as you see yourself standing in the greater dynamic of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION. (Pause)

New elements are being conducted into the planet now through your holding this intention to be a more viable part of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION. As you might imagine, there is a great restructuring process underway on this planet to restore human mind to operate according to the divine patterns and plans of LIFE. This is something that has been long awaited for this planet to achieve, and you are in the midst of a very large restructuring process right now.

Some of you are well aware because of the changing conditions you notice within yourselves, and this will be something that progresses for a time to come. Yet, in holding the intention for the MAGISTERIAL MISSION to be a part of this great rehabilitation plan, you are helping to bring these energies into the earth plane, where they will have a greater opportunity to manifest because there will be a group of individuals who are ready to collaborate and cooperate with this great and promised mission and what it is here to accomplish.

So as we minister to you, know that you are gently being calibrated and expanded into these higher dynamics which will help you over time perceive how you can participate in a greater measure, which will actually improve the quality of your soul expression and give you more satisfaction of living according to your higher purpose for your human life. (Pause)

We are conducting a major coordination of circuitry to assist in the actual materialization of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION upon Urantia. There are a number of activities we are conducting now and in time, you will have a greater knowledge of what this means. It is as if your energy systems are being upstepped to a higher level to absorb the broad spiritual spectrum of life circuits to restore this planet to its rightful divine inheritance, and the correction that is now underway.

Urantia is most unusual in many ways, some of which you are aware from your text of the Urantia book and some will be made clear to you in time, once we have reached a certain and threshold of spiritual vitality that is aligned in more human mind. The elevation of mind out of the rebellion ideologies and circuitry is most important to us now, and in today's infusion, you are assisting us in this valuable reconstruction to bring more of the corrected circuits, enhanced circuits, divine circuits, to purvey the planet, which will indeed support the materialization of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION when the time is right. Let these words settle in. And may they steady you in your faith, and to keep that faith as we make more adjustments to help this world move forward in its trajectory toward Light and lLife. (Pause)

I invite you to add one more focus. Invite the information contained within the Melchizedek Schools of Universe training to be held in your mind and heart. And if you wish, see the planet being held in the dynamics of the MELCHIZEDEK SCHOOLS. Hold that intention as best you can for the information the Melchezideks wish to impart to Urantian mind may progress further throughout the circuits of mind and memory. If you wish, hold your own willingness to be a student of these schools, for there is much information for you to glean and to add to your knowledge base that contributes to your soul growth. If this is something that appeals to you, simply hold the focus as best you can and we see yourselves standing within this field of the MELCHIZEDEK SCHOOLS and allow these energies to calibrate to you. (Pause)

My beloved children, you are all in a massive, what you might call catchup phase of spiritual development. The information contained within the circuits of universe mind is indeed staggering to how the human mind has been configured because of the rebellion interference. Now, all of these barriers are beginning to disintegrate more and more, leaving you open to a much wider, deeper, higher level of circuitry that will provide you with greater insight and comprehension. All we ask of you is to open to these circuits to imprint upon them and to release what no longer serves you. The coordination within you, conducted by your Spirit and Father-bestowed Personality will gently hold you in this higher structure and provide you with the information you are most curious to learn. And you will progress; what you have progressed and will continue to do so. For now, rest in these dynamics, and in a few moments when I leave you in this manner and invite Monjoronson to conduct the rest of the call, may you all receive a mighty upliftment and find yourself more saturated in the Father's LOVE and in my PEACRE, and to grow in the circuits of MIND in your beloved Mother.

You are my mighty sons and daughters and you are making great strides in your personal transformation. The more you do this you will be able to be of greater service to this world in its greatest time of need—mighty men and women, claiming their divine inheritance and living as mighty sons and daughters of the Paradise Father. And with that, I withdraw. Good day, my beloved children.

MONJORONSON: Beloved brethren, this is Monjoronson. As you engage with me now, I invite you to extend the energies of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION to move into the planet as a whole. You have held the planet in the words and the dynamics of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION and now as you project these energies from your hearts of what you have received, feel that intention and willingness for your brothers and sisters to also become more calibrated to this divine mission in its higher purposes for the planet's rehabilitation.

You may if you wish, project this from your hearts into the planet in that familiar counterclockwise rotation north to south poles. Invite us to anchor the energies more deeply into the planet, connecting with new structural endowments that are now gaining strength and stature all around the globe. Feel that willingness for your brothers and sisters to open to this greater dynamic, and what it means for the planet's transformation to its higher purpose. (Pause)

Invite the energies to anchor into the physical circuits of the planet where there is receptivity for this divine mission to unfold. (Pause)

Invite the energies of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION to soak deeper into the planet. It is as if you are inviting divine meaning and value of the mission to absorb, to embrace the planet in all of its dimensional levels. Do you not want this to be a living reality here? Do your best to feel that in your heart and soul, amplifying what we are conducting to support the materialization of this mission to pervade the planet. (Pause)

My brethren, the world is soon to change. You will witness mighty events taking place. During this time, we ask you to remain secure in your faith, faith in the Father's LOVE and MERCY, faith in the GOODNESS of your Divine Parents who are escorting this world out of its ignominious past into its bright future.

We have made many preparations over the years of our collaborating with you and others on the planet, and now we are almost at the stage of culmination There are still a few endowments that need to be secured. In time, you will see the value of what you have co-created with us to bring this planet back to life. But for now, simply feel that willingness and intention for the MAGISTERIAL MISSION circuitry to anchor more deeply into the circuits of mind and into the memory system that more people may open to this great planetary correction underway now. (Pause)

The long period of the spiritual amnesia is coming to an end. Take heart that you are among those individuals who have provided the environment for the changes to be conducted that will see an end to this suppressed memory system connected to the Father in Paradise. No longer will humanity suffer under the guise of spiritual orphanhood. The period of abandonment is over, and you are, each one of you, rightly reclaiming your divine inheritance. Albeit, you do it your own pace under the direction of the Spirit Within. So remember what it is and where you need to go to continue to build yourself in these higher dimensional aspects of life, that your participation in the MAGISTERIAL MISSION may bring you into more satisfaction of who you are and how you are contributing to the greater good that is growing on the planet. (Pause)

Let us now engage at the Paradise level. Join with us as we take a few moments to give praise and thanks to our Paradise Creator Deities, to the Father Himself for all LIFE and the abundance contained within it. Know that you have a direct connection to the Source of LIFE. And it is only a matter of degree how you engage with that, through your willingness to cooperate with Father’s plans for you. Be appreciative of these plans. Be appreciative of the mystery contained within them, with how you retain or attain this God-saturated state of being. Join with us as we ascend for deep gratitude to the Paradise level and let the divine EMBRACE enfold you. (Pause)

Maintain a connection to Paradise, yet see yourself standing on the earth plane and you are standing in the energies of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION, and your whole being is intimately interconnected into what is next to come. Hold the willingness to be as involved a participant in the mission as your heart and soul desire, and let the divine reflection of Paradise assist you that what you can contribute will indeed be something of great value and delight to all life here. (Pause)


My dear brethren, we have completed our circuitry objectives for today. The divine MISSION of Urantia is underway, make no mistake about it, you are in a changing time. We invite you to stay the course of what is now unfolding, and when you have questions, go to your Spirit and your Parents, ask for clarity and direction. You will always be guided so perfectly by them, providing you let go what you think you know and open to the greater dynamics of what is underway. Your mind is expanding and your souls are learning. And this is good.

It is a joy for us to see the inner lights turning on, the souls coming back to life on Urantia. We encourage you to help your brothers and sisters turn on their soul lights by you maintaining that love-dominated presence of mind and heart and feed them with what they need. You have more power than you give yourselves credit for, and by simply asking the Father’s Spirit to move through you into another person, you are engaging with mighty spiritual energies that will assist another person in their soul growth process.

I will leave you now in this manner, but truly spiritual realm is upon you and you are making great strides and gains learning how to use these energies for the edification of this world. We are deeply grateful for all of the ways you trust us, collaborate with us, communicate with us, and know, as these circuits integrate, there will be more to share with you in our future times together. For now, relish what you have perceived and received and always grow in the Father’s GRACE and BEAUTY. Good day.