2024-09-26-Amanson on Light

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Topic: Amanson on Light

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Amanson

TR: Mark Turnbull



I will speak tonight of Light and the lesson it leaves you with.

You have brought forth much light from the deep well of your imagination which in turn has, through your faith, ignited into bright, living spiritual Light enveloping much of the life you live day by day. And what it presents you with is the opportunity to delve further and further, say deeper and deeper, into the furnace that stokes all the machinery at play in the universe: the bureaucrats of Light, the harbingers and messengers of Light, the beings and essences of Light. The truth of Light.

Is it all Light? Yes.

And is Light at its very core Love? Yes.

So the Light you envision, that you call forth in your healing exercises and proactive vibrational work, the Light you quite consciously bear about you like a universe-tailored cloak, is Love. It appears as Light; it works as Love. Your deepest calling, your adherence to this thrilling, mediating, transforming material of the galaxy that seems to hold everything in place in its brightness and wonder, is, at heart, Love. Love that can be seen is Light. Or, Love is seen as Light.

But now consider the prevalence of the phenomenon of Light, its omnipresence, and think of what that is really saying, what it is really trying to tell you.

Love is a far greater fact of life than anyone has yet imagined. Or at least very few. It has caught the fancy of poets and playwrights for centuries, and it became a fad amongst a very necessary generation a while back (remember, as I know you do, “All You Need is Love”?) But what was missing from this noble but incomplete vision is “All There Is is Love”. Such an experience is blocked daily, hourly, by the machinations of many a bruised ego seeking to hold its head above water by any means necessary, but that should not blind you to the fact that all of life is Light (that’s science) and all of Light is Love -- Love you can see, and call into practice; place into various situations -- in any location -- through the mechanism of Mind. And the onboard tracking device of Faith. These are materials working in dimensions not considered much in the ‘everyday world’, but such dimensions exist larger than any power exists in ‘the everyday world’. And they wait to be utilized by Love, the very Love from which they originate.


Tie yourself to the original point of entry and let Love become active as, and in, Light. Where there is Light there is Love and where there is Love there is Light. Mind can summon them; allocate them. And the Heart is the burning beam of it all.