2024-10-17-Amanson on Fear
Topic: Amanson on Fear
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Amanson
TR: Mark Turnbull
"Fear" is nobody's master and everybody's servant. However, in your world today this equation is reversed. Fear is undermined from doing its original sensory assignment by a misplaced authority in doing negativity's bidding.
Fear has a role to play but it is specific and functional, like smell or taste or touch. Fear is useful when danger lurks or evil-intentions make themselves known on your human radar, but once its job has been accomplished - alerting the person to the possibility of danger - and action has been taken to remove oneself from that danger, fear has done its job and can retreat back to its cupboard to await its next assignment.
But today fear has become essentially a way of life, a general uneasiness tolerated as the status quo. It is encouraged through all facets of the media; it is left to fester in the minds of the populace and rupture daily contacts through its co-conspirators: suspicion and paranoia.
Fear was never meant to be the law of the land, the air you breathe, the road you travel. It has its function but when unleashed it can take over the mind, and mind-distracting fear can be so easily manipulated by power-seeking entities (I won't go so far as to call them 'personalities', for the person within them has retreated, become deflated; and empathy - the connecting tissue person-to-person - has either dried up or been voluntarily shaken off. I am perhaps too harsh but to witness such behavior makes one wonder about these things.)
Fear should not have - should not be - the power it presently has or is. Love must rise up, see where fear has become entangled, and then melt right through it. It does no good to wrestle with fear detail for detail. That is not how fear is defeated. Fear is left abandoned to its own superficialities. It cannot sustain with nothing to feed it.
Love will always conquer fear by the sheer Truth of Love's Being, while fear is a shadow, dependent for its existence upon a lack of Love, a lack of understanding, a lack of empathy. Love bothers not with the machinations of fear; Love's only interaction with the cause of fear is to acknowledge its nonexistence.
Phantoms, dreams, are very real until you wake up. And so [it is] with what has been referred to as 'unreasoned fear'. It is rampant in your world today. Dreamer, wake up! Fear cannot hurt you but it can blind you to the things that can.