2024-11-17-The Time is Now

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Topic: The Time is Now

Group: Zoom Contact Group


Teacher: Aaron

TR: Simeon



I am Aaron, my friends... I have been filled with a perspective in relationship to my inner spirit, while taking into account the many conversations we have been having with one another here on this side of the spiritual administration for your world. For me, it seems there needs to be a flip of the switch. Is the cup half empty, or is it half full? Either way, it's halfway. It is your choice what perspective you will hold with regard to the cup.

The single most inspirational time on your world, that time that Michael lived his life in the flesh, occurred in the midst of mass subjugation, domination by those with physical power and the means to control others. And yet here, a child living in the small town of Nazareth was able to turn the world on its head because he knew that when you focus on the evil in the world, all seems lost, but when you focus on goodness, everything seems possible. This is not a Pollyanna perspective. It is a real shift of where your spiritual energy will lie, how you will be able to minister effectively in whatever environment you find yourself. We are at the cusp of a massive transformation.

Yes, there are physical problems in the world. There are environmental difficulties that will continue. There are militaristic mindsets that will seek to engage and manifest from a place of control. But the shift that I speak of is the very shift you are seeking. After all of these years, my friends, as you look for that change to occur and for the agents who will materialize and help manifest it, I turn you toward the mirror to see that you are those agents. You have that connection. You know what lies within and everything that you can do with that power in your life, for you have seen it manifest time and time again when you have allowed the spirit to lead.

So from my Father within, to you, from our universe, I implore you to recognize that the time you have been prepared for is now. Michael is asking for those who would pick up the yoke to do so, for those who would seek to be the light in the darkness to do so. It is more necessary now than ever - I clarify - it is as necessary now as it ever has been, for the light is always, always, needed.

You have seen it. There are manifestations of this value throughout your world - in your arts, your literature, in your favorite movies - when all seems lost, those who were chosen to perform a task chose to act instead of to allow failure to occur. And in doing so, they created a transformation that made it possible for love to win, for the truth to win, and for goodness to emerge. So allow those memories of inspiration that you have felt from your reading, from your watching movies, from your actual circumstances in your own lives, to inspire you now. The time is now.

And as Michael has said many times, there is no promise that you will not face difficulty and hardship. He only promises that he will be there with you as you go through it and to help you with his spirit of truth to know which way to go at every crossroad. Be that inspiration. When they're sad, lift them up. When they're hurting, console them. This is all you are tasked with in the world, to, in every circumstance, listen within and act based upon your best understanding of what it is you can do.

There are many forces working to counteract the agents of evil and recognize that not all who side against the choices you would see be made are evil. No. Many have their own perspectives. Some are misled. Some have bordered upon iniquity. But there are many who hold values, strong values about how the world should be that aren't completely wrong even if they may have different perspectives than you do. So the challenge here isn't to win the battle at the expense of another, but to find that common ground that allows for the conversations to be had which allow the greatest values to emerge, that can see freedom and opportunity, diversity and unity, for the family to flourish, but for individuals not in the family way to also have their opportunity to thrive and survive in a world that doesn't seek to compromise their well-being, but that has an inclusive attitude, one that seeks for the greatest good to emerge out of each idea, out of each value.

This is all we can ask of you, my friends, and the time is here for you. We can offer you insight. We know you have the spirit of our Father within you and it is bright. Don't let that diminish in your sadness, in your fear, and uncertainty. Know what you contain. Know what is contained within you. We are his agents, too. We do not work separately. The spirit of our Creator is within each of you, but exists in all places throughout the universe, as well. Let us work together on this. As you think about what you can do and what questions you have, our hope is that it can come from a place of hope and from a place of accepting the challenge to do good even in the face of evil. Thank you.