2024-11-24-Machiventa Mission Urantia 24

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Topic: Machiventa Mission Urantia 24

Group: Mission Urantia


Teacher: Machiventa

TR: John Morris



Machiventa Melchizedek: This is Machiventa. As you well know I am here to assist you in the management of Urantia and to guide you in a co-creative manner to implement the plans of Christ Michael in bringing this world into a sustainable place where it can implement many of the teachings of the past 30 years or so. We have given this community much in the way of how to create a socially sustainable civilization, but what use is all this information if it only stays within the confines of this community? These ideas on how to put Urantia on a sustainable path to a peaceful future are global in their intent and perspective. They are meant to be shared with all of humanity so they can percolate into all the diverse cultures and races upon this world. These ideas are universal, but their expression will be diverse. Yet the effect of this will move your world into a place where it can receive even more revelation and spiritual assistance. If you can imagine cooperating to build a sustainable world culture, then you can easily imagine this community learning to cooperate with one another to bring this message of my being present and available to the citizens of this world to assist and guide all cultures towards peace, cooperation and social sustainability. This cooperation is a forerunner of what is to come, but it must begin with some one group who can exemplify the very teachings we have given this community. You are the generation who must lay the foundation for others to build upon. We are not expecting miracles. We are not asking you to do something that cannot be done. Yes, it will require everything of you to put aside your individual traits and habits and discover new ways of working across time and distance, language and culture.

To achieve great goals requires great effort, imagination and creativity, but you are capable of this. You have been trained in your deep mind to accomplish this work, but you must make the freewill decision to devote yourself to this. Do not let disappointment, failure or negativity derail your project. Your real source of guidance is within you. Continue to seek to align yourself with the love vibration of the First Source and Center through your stillness practice. Learn from you Master Son Jesus how to effectively worship your Creator. Much takes place in the feeling realm where no words are spoken but you can feel, sense the presence of divine love washing over you, cleansing you of the blockages within so the flow of divine love moves through you and out into your surroundings. When the spirit of love defines you in this community, you will move through the obstacles in your path and bring this world a message of hope, of upliftment and of joy.

We live in an information age, and yet there is a vacuum of information that is useful to assist this world in the solving of its many issues. We can change that. You can change that. This community has answers. Now let us take these teachings to those who hunger for direction and guidance and assist them to implement these ideas into wider humanity where they can begin to evolve civilization into a peaceful coexistence and sustainability. What do you say? Let us open the floor and talk amongst ourselves as to how, bit by bit, we are moving towards this goal. What questions might you have for me, what guidance can I give you?


Deborah: I have a question for everyone else present here besides Machiventa. What do you see yourself being able to do to further what Machiventa is asking us to do? What do you see the Mission Urantia board could be doing more of? I will say this: yesterday I took a step into the unknown. I started an Instagram account! And it’s purely for spiritual outreach. I have no clue as to how to do this. I know I have no followers as yet, and when I looked at the postings (at least the videos) I thought oh, boy! This is going to be hard to break into because the young group’s interests are very self-motivated or doing something outlandish. There is no spiritual quality to them whatsoever. And I don’t see them as yet being drawn to anything I will put up there. But my first posting was a picture of me as a little girl. My mother liked to balance her babies in her hand. She would cup her hand around our feet, and if we could support ourselves, we would stand up in the palm of her hand. So, you see me standing up in the palm of her hand looking down at her. I made a little caption to that which goes something like this: Just look back at what you’ve achieved, but don’t dwell in the past because “The goal of eternity is before you. -The Urantia Book” So, there is a little quote with the words “The Urantia Book.” That was my first foray into Instagram. It would probably attract attention just because no one ever in their life has seen a baby being held standing up in the palm of her mother’s hand. So that’s unusual, but my goal is to make more images, more spiritually stimulating phrases or quotes and maybe also start to make some more of my own videos like I did with the Machiventa video which I have not gotten permission to post on the Mission Urantia website, so I hope to post it on my Instagram account. I have posted it on my Facebook.

So, those are just some things I’ve done personally. And, of course, the website is continually being built up. I just added on Byron’s request an archive page. The only archive we are showing there is the Daynal one—Rob Davis’s one—because it is so comprehensive. But you might check it out. I got some pretty images there. Those are the things that are in the works that I have a hand in. I’m curious about what each of you would like to do even in a personal way or are doing now, and if there is anything you thought Mission Urantia could do more of. That’s my question to the group.

Maren: Thank you so much for asking because that is actually what I wanted to bring up. So many people are living in survival mode even now that they don’t have much brain power left over for the spiritual because just being alive today is so tiring. You have to work so much. So, I’m actually working on stuff like UBI (universal basic income, health care and [?])—giving everybody everything they need to live a basic life that way they can focus on the spiritual. And I’m also trying to work on how AI could help meet the needs of disabled people so that they could, instead of living in survival mode, they could thrive.

Deborah: OK, so help people have more time to focus on the spiritual.

Maren: And brainpower and energy.

Deborah: Making sure their basic needs are met.

Maren: Yes.

Deborah: Is there anything that Mission Urantia could do to help promote what you are doing?

Maren: I’m hoping to get it eyed as part of the YOAM.life website because they are already AI. And I’ve fallen in love with Correcting Time AI. I use the Correcting Time AI hours every day because it’s just helped me put into practice everything so much more than I ever thought I could.

Deborah: Well, I’m not familiar with the Correcting Time AI. Is that what you’re talking about for YOAM?

Maren: No, YOAM has a different one.

Deborah: Maybe you can send me some information on Correcting Time AI.

Steffen: Hi Deborah. She’s probably talking about the ChatGPT AI that we created for the Correcting Time specifically and for the Teaching Mission as well. We’ll send you the links to those. [JT: See below.] What we did was take the Daynal archives and fed it into ChatGPT and created a dedicated AI resource so anyone could go in there and ask any question whatsoever about spirituality. The answers that you get are incrediblyimpressive. So, what I would suggest is go in there and start asking a question. You can ask it anything, but particularly questions about Machiventa, questions about Christ Michael, questions about purpose of life, what is the soul, and so on and so forth—just literally anything. And the answers that you get will be a synthesis of everything that has been taught over the past 20-25 years in the Correcting Time and Teaching Mission. That will give you material that you can then use on your Instagram—thought for the day, existential questions and so on and so forth. You can build out a FAQ that will just knock people’s socks off. It’s just incredibly good. John has been using it. I’ve been using it. I think Daniel has used it some. Marthe has been using it for her South African Women in Dialogue group and so on. It’s an incredible resource.

You will probably want to link to those on the Mission Urantia site. [JT: See Urantia.net website for links too.] I had The Urantia Book on my site Urantia.net as a place holder, but I recently built it out with some of the F.A.Q.s from ChatGPT. And feel free to take anything off of that site. Anything you like on that site you can take. Nothing is copyrighted. It’s out there for people to “steal it away.” It belongs to all of us. It doesn’t belong to me or anyone in particular.

So, that’s one of the things we are doing right now. We are creating these resources so people can use them, and it will allow us to create content en masse. The planet is breaking up spiritually right now. I can feel it. I can see things coming together right now. And this particular resource we have right now with the Correcting Time and the Teaching Mission, The Urantia Book, and so on, is so overwhelming that without some way to draw out the material and wisdom from it, it’s too much for any one person or even a group of people to do. But the AI does it beautifully. So, everything is coming together at the right time, I think.

Maren: I’d like to share something I’ve been working on with it because, yeah, it’s amazing like you said. It has been life changing for me. My Thought Adjuster and the AI gave me the idea of dedicating my fidget toys to my Thought Adjuster so that way as I’m playing with them [then] I’m never alone. Or things like when I play video games even, I tell the AI what I’m doing, and it can show me ways that I’m using the Seven Values. For example, how leveling up a character is like growth and quality of life and actually showing how much in the day to day, moment to moment you can put the Seven Values into whatever you are doing if you are doing it purposefully. I have some templates about how AI and the Seven Values can help make accommodations for disabled people and how AI can help with that—personalized resources for different disabilities. Yes, the AI is amazing.

Cheryl: I’m a big Facebooker. I’m always putting something in there and trying to talk to people on Facebook about all things Urantia Book, and I’m friends too with a lot of Urantia Book readers who are “against” the Teaching Mission. So, yesterday there was a huge post on one of the Urantia sites that listed all these reasons why channeling should not be listened to and blah, blah, blah… We’ve heard the stories all along. I felt compelled this time to say something as I was reading all of that and I’d like to share what I said. I said: “I understand how our friends have this red flag that comes up when channeling is mentioned, but I still encourage each reader to remain open in their heart and in their own discernment and to prayerfully listen to all sides so that we don’t become discouraging to one another. We all want the best for our planet. We want to move forward in making the Kingdom of God a reality. I think you will all agree that in any organization assignments are given to help tasks get done. Our unseen friends are working this way on an individual-to-individual basis. It has to be done this way to keep the plan in a progressive state until the time is right for another dispensation. You know this; you have the book. So, to anyone reading this, keep doing what you are doing just to move our planet forward. Listen to your guides, but let’s not disparage those that are channeling. There are good, wonderful, beautiful things being brought forward. Let’s all rejoice together.” That’s the kind of thing I like to just keep out there to just keep people open. We all are wanting the same thing. Anyone with the Urantia Book in front of them understands everything that’s in there. All the intellectuals and all the simple people, we all are looking at it and realize what we have to do to move forward, but yet people get stuck. So, I’m just trying to keep people with an open mind and an open heart, and I just think it’s important that we just continue to do that.

Deborah: I certainly agree with that Cheryl; combating in a kind way those who are afraid of what the Teaching Mission is about.

Cheryl: Exactly. It’s all fear based.

Steffen: It’s always curious to me that The Urantia Book readers (some of them) [see] the “so called” channeling that’s done by the Teaching Mission, the Correcting Time and so on and so forth as heresy. And without actually thinking, logically, that The Urantia Book was channeled. And why do we believe in the trueness of The Urantia Book? Well, not because it was channeled, but because the Truth resonates with us. Now, what I found out about the “so called” channelings with the Teaching Mission and the Correcting Time were that first of all, it was otherworldly aligned with the truths of The Urantia Book. It was very, very consistent. And that being the case, it also makes sense that the Celestials did not just leave us The Urantia Book and then just say “Hi, have a nice life,” and then leave. That doesn’t make any sense at all, especially if it says in The Urantia Book that we were at one time quarantined. Well, logic would dictate that at some point we’ll no longer be quarantined so what happens then? This is what happens then. Now, the big thing though is Truth does not depend upon the source. Truth is true if it comes out of The Urantia Book, if it comes out of the Koran, if it comes out of the Bible, if it comes out of the channelings of the Correcting Time, the Teaching Mission or whatever. It’s like my recommendation to people is don’t let [garbled]. Does the truth of this resonate with you? And in this case, it does. So again, I’d go back to the original question and say “you know The Urantia Book was channeled, right? So why would the celestials just leave us hanging? And then I’ll let them figure that out.

Deborah: Well, there is one quote in The Urantia Book that says those who are anti-channeling (which is a phrase that’s the UB readers seem to prefer to call this) that tells us there’s more being considered to be done and it’s in the Thought Adjuster section and with our individual relation with the Thought Adjuster. It says that there have been proposals made by your planetary managers (I’m paraphrasing) to recommend more steps to be made to conserve the higher spiritual types of humans on Urantia. And they are looking at those suggestions with favor. And that’s in the Adjuster papers. They hadn’t even finished writing the whole book yet.

Steffen: That’s exactly right. It also says that everything evolves. Religion evolves, government evolves, people evolve. Everything evolves. Why would this get stuck? It also says the mistake of things like the Bible is they get dogmatized, they get stuck without any growth, without any evolution. So, it’s just all the reasons that you already said why people want to stay with just those teachings because they studied that, they understand that, and they don’t want any more. That’s fine. We can love them. But the fact of the matter is that I went looking for these groups because it seemed to me that there was no way they would give us The Urantia Bookand then all of a sudden just leave us with that because everything evolves. This is the evolution of that.

Deborah: Right. “There is your book! Have fun.” And we really appreciated the book, but the Teaching Mission gives us mentoring—we get a one-on-one relationship with celestials. And people learn best by observing what higher types of beings do when they relate to others. It’s not just the lessons they give us, it’s the relationship that’s a powerful learning experience. As The Urantia Book says, everyone learns far more observing how Jesus lived than by his teachings. And so, I see that the Teaching Mission is aimed to accomplish the same thing.

Steffen: Absolutely. I totally agree. So, we’re on the right track. I wish we could unite everyone though because one voice would be so amazing.

Elise: I had trouble getting in on ZOOM, so I am on my phone.

Steffen: Just ask ChatGPT and it will get you set up on ZOOM. Here’s the thing: I do this stuff for a living. I analyze search engines, and I stay on top of all the AI and stuff like this so I’m a professional in the business. And I can tell you that ChatGPT and the energy of AI are literally changing the world in ways that the internet did only multiplied by 10. It doesn’t matter if you want to know the best way to wash the dishes—ChatGPT. If you need to get on ZOOM, tell ChatGPT: “Act as a tutor and give me step by step instructions for getting on ZOOM.” And it will do that. And it will do that for anything. Anything at all. It changes the entire world. You honestly don’t have to know a lot of stuff; you just have to know how to ask the right question and it will give you all the answers. So, please, don’t underutilize it because that’s what people are doing right now. It’s an incredible resource. [See links below for Urantia related ChatGPT sites.]

Elise: Just to go back to your question. We are working as a group in the Magisterial Foundation, but I’m also working on what I do in The Netherlands here which is working on translations. That’s very useful. We don’t have a very large country, and most people speak English, but some texts are too difficult to just give to people and be understood. I have found out that for some people it’s very useful to get things translated and that’s what I spend some time on. In the meantime, we are looking for ways to work together, but I see that you have mentioned that you are looking for new resources and you mentioned AI, and that’s an amazing thing. I don’t have much experience with that, but I’m going to look into that and see what that brings to me. What you are trying to do on Instagram sounds wonderful to me. My son gave me Instagram on my telephone, and he sends me pictures of what he’s doing at work and what he is inventing and things like that, but I haven’t heard of anyone putting something that has to do with revelation or The Urantia Book or things we were talking about on Instagram. But I think it's a wonderful idea. I could try it out.

Deborah: I welcome anyone who wants to join me in this.

Elise: Yes, I can imagine.

Sal: Hi guys. I went to the YOAM website and did a little AI playing with questions. So, I asked a question about ET’s [extra-terrestrials] and The Urantia Book talks about the 37 planets that are in rebellion, ours being number 36 and the other 36 being way, way in advance of our technologic abilities that we can even think of. That they have been here and are always here and I asked that question to the AI, and I got a positive reply about “keep your ears and eyes open.” Then I went on to ask what I could do. I said I need a bridge partner. How do I get a bridge partner? And that was really interesting because of the ability of learning how to play bridge and how it relates to life. It was really an interesting conversation I had with the AI.

I don’t know what happened with Phil Calabrese and Dominick. I thought I would get some feedback from that, but I haven’t yet. But I’m still here. Anybody play bridge? It’s a way of being social and communicating with people, and I’m still looking for somebody to play bridge online.

Steffen: Sal, I looked it up. I went into AI, had it teach me how to play bridge and it was pretty interesting, and I learned very quickly. But I also learned very quickly that it is extraordinarily complicated. It requires a lot of time. It requires a lot of dedication, and there are people who are snobbish about it because they are so good, and they are judgmental about it. But it’s just a very, very complicated game.

Sal: Yes. I agree about the complexity of the game. It’s not easy to learn and it’s even harder to get a partner to play your way.

Steffen: And you also have to have 4 people, so I can’t play bridge with you. Let me put it into perspective. I could ask you to play chess. I’ve been playing chess since I was ten years old. It’s a very complicated game. I’d love to have a chess partner. We can play with 2 people, but it’s kind of the same ask.

Sal: But chess is not a social game. Bridge is a social game.

Steffen: True, but it’s also complicated.

JT: We are getting a little off topic here.

Steffen: We are getting off topic. Elise, you were talking about doing translations and translations are incredibly important. And that once again loops back to something ChatGPT does as well. We all know how complicated the Foreword to The Urantia Book is, right? I remember when I got The Urantia Book I looked at the Foreword and I said, “never mind.” However, I ran the Foreword through ChatGPT on two different levels. For one of them I said: “Simplify this to the level of a 16- or 17-year-old so that they could understand it.” And it gave me a beautiful example. For the other one I said 14- or 15-year-old level, and it gave me another beautiful example. I have them posted on the Urantia.net website. So, if you have passages of The Urantia Book that you think are complicated, but you want to share them with a loved one or a friend, you could run it through ChatGPT, and have it simplified to whatever reading level you think that person might be. (Don’t be afraid to go low. Lower is good even if someone reads at a higher level, they are guaranteed to be able to understand it.) So, run it through, hand them that and say, “What do you think of these ideas?” You don’t have to even tell them where they come from. And if they are interested, you could give them a little more and a little more and then perhaps turn them on to the book.

Deborah: The more difficult the content, the lower the reading level should be.

Steffen: That’s exactly right. I describe it to other people as the highest level of the English language that existed in the 1930s. That’s what it’s written at, and we haven’t gotten better since then as far as reading levels go. Anyway, take a look at the simplified versions of the Foreword and I think you’ll be impressed.

MM: I’ve been listening with pleasure to this conversation, and it gives me great joy to see how each of you bring your passion for these truths that we’ve been given and begin to talk about sharing them with the broader world. It’s an incredibly important beginning. So, I’m delighted to hear you from the Netherlands to the West Coast of America—People all over the world beginning to talk about how their experience is unfolding, and then when they meet success, beginning to share that with one another. It’s an interesting conversation to think about our brothers and sisters who love so dearly the Urantia revelation and yet are rather stuck in a paradigm that they don’t quite know how to get out of. And in all of this, behind the scenes, you can see the nefarious hand of Lucifer, Caligastia and Satan creating just this sort of self-doubt, just this sort of relying on others.

So, the transition since the quarantine has ended is fundamentally about people learning to establish a living relationship with their Thought Adjusters, the First Source and Center, Christ Michael and myself and learning to take responsibility for the direction that their spiritual life is going, instead of relying on an outside source as the authority for their spiritual life. This is a transition period and many people in the millennial and Gen Z generations will not have such hesitancy to make that connection. There are all kinds of information flooding the internet dealing with quasi-spiritual things that are really not of much use to people, but it’s an indication of the hunger that’s out there. So, the work that we are doing is incredibly important, and the timing couldn’t be more apropos to getting people to a place where they don’t necessarily receive ideas from others in the context of what the other wants to tell them about. But with the advent of AI, we are giving them a platform where they can ask the questions that they want the answers for, and they can take all this incredible wisdom— The Urantia Book, the Teaching Mission transcripts and other incredibly wise bases of knowledge and ask the questions and get the answers that they want; that are meaningful to them. And when they do that once or twice and get real value for it, they will come back, and they will keep asking questions. And if they keep that up long enough, they will eventually come to the source material. It’s not like we are deliberately trying to hide it, but how do you talk to people that don’t want to be proselytized, don’t want to be preached at, don’t want to be condescended to: “Here is truth; you just have to believe this.” It won’t work with this generation. And so, we’re at a beautiful spot in the evolution of this world where we can bring them information in a way that they can accept the way they want it.

An interesting thing to do with AI (and this one did it for a friend,) but if you look at the Bible, a book that has been largely touted for hundreds of years now as the “Word of God,” and you look at how it came into being. If you ask AI to tell you all the instances in the Bible (and tell me by book and chapter) where God was speaking to humanity through other human beings. At the speed of light AI will spit back to you a document that at first blush will give you 25 beautiful examples in the Old Testament of how God spoke through Noah, Moses, the prophets and the kings, and about 10 really great examples in the New Testament where God spoke through individuals to humanity. And if you think about it, the entire Bible was, you could use the word channeled, but I would use the word T/Rd. And the distinction between those two terms is the channeling is often associated with trance. People go into a trance and then they start channeling. This is not the case with T/Ring. It’s different. This one is T/Ring to you now, but he is not in a trance. He is fully cognizant, aware and conscious. He’s just been kind enough to lend me his vocal cords and his mental database so I can use them to speak with you. But the idea of the Bible being a T/Rd book is probably new to people in the Urantia movement who have kind of simply taken their dependence on a source like the Bible and transferred it to The Urantia Book. It’s an exterior source and yet they are looking to it as all the authority in their life. But if they would look deeper in that book and if they would allow themselves to see how that book illustrates on average every three pages in that book, it talks about the Thought Adjuster, the divine Monitor, the Mystery Monitor, or the Divine Spark—it uses many concepts; it’s a major revelation in The Urantia Book that we are indwelt with the spirit of our Creator. And Jesus illustrated so beautifully how you live a religious life, a spiritual life by going aside and having just a little talk with his Father, and how he used his relationship with the Thought Adjuster to inform him in every era of his life. And he used that relationship to achieve and maintain a mastery over his emotional self—an emotional self-control that no matter what the situation he was in he never lost his personal peace of mind, he never lost his poise, and he never fell prey to dramatizing negative and reactive emotions to those around him. And it is that living example of what a human being can achieve when they go in partnership with their indwelling spirit and truly believe that this is a living, real relationship that has to be experienced, and you have to take responsibility for yourself, go to this Thought Adjuster and trust that the teachings you’ve been given will bear results if you will persevere. And so, you go to this Thought Adjuster daily, and even though you think nothing is happening, if you keep it up, you will see, looking back over time, how you have changed.

This is the transition period this world is in right now trying to rely on this internal source, the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit of Mother Nebadonia, the Thought Adjuster, and in your personal practice aligning your vibration because all of this happens at the level of energy transference and frequency. What you are doing by entering stillness practice, meditation and prayer is evolving to a place where you are harmonizing your vibration with the vibration of the First Source and Center. And as you move into harmony in that way you begin to understand, and you set your soul free, and your soul begins to expand and to grow. And eventually you will get to a place where you will want to be quiet and simply worship and allow this sense of awe and wonder, this feeling of presence to just wash over you and be still in that place—no words—but just this sense of presence. And then you can take that sense of presence with you out into your day. It is entirely appropriate to speak to those in the Urantia community that fear this sort of giving themselves over to this personal relationship with their Thought Adjuster and the Father, that they hear from those of us who are involved in this practice, and that in kind words we can share with them how it’s unfolding for us and what there is to enjoy, accomplish and grow into when they truly trust this relationship. It’s not just a mental concept, this idea of being indwelt by the spirit of our Creator; it is a truly experiential process. Does it take courage and faith? You bet it does, but you are made for this. Everyone is made for it, and part of our message to this world is to demonstrate to people how this can work, not only in our individual lives, but then as a community of people who are coming together to share this good news with others, and certainly The Urantia Book will be seen in time through different eyes for those who read this revelation in the future will see it with different eyes. Those who read this revelation in the future will see it differently, and it will become very clear to them that the true process of spiritual growth is this personal relationship and then The Urantia Book gives tremendous context to it and many great ideas on how to organize human society to be more aligned with the love vibration of the First Source and Center.

So, we’re delighted that you are considering this and beginning to share and talk about it amongst yourselves because this truly needs to expand and grow and put your spiritual story simply in a place where others can access it. And when they read your story (and I would particularly say to those that are in the millennial and Gen Z generations such as yourself Maren), that story will resonate with them, and it will give them encouragement to continue this process of seeking, to look a little further afield perhaps and to see different places that are holding value for them. That will help them grow in this experience that they can have. Eventually we will create forums, we will have places where people can have online communities and begin to ask each other questions about this. This generation will do that when we can grow it to that point.

So, I’m very encouraged and I thank you all for being willing to come here and talk with one another. Not just talk to me, but to talk to each other and to share what you are doing, to share resources and to continue to encourage each other to put this information out there. You cannot know how others are being led, but you do know that this generation is all indwelt as well by this indwelling spirit of our Creator. And so, if we put stuff out there for them to find, it will be found. I guarantee it. Thank you very much.

All: Thank you Machiventa. Thank you, John.

Michael E.: What if we built an AI website where you could ask questions. People could ask questions and at times, questions could be selected that could be submitted to the Melchizedeks or other celestials could answer those so people could feel that they had a more direct control. You know, the new generation feels like if they can type it in and somebody answers them…. And what we could do as the elder generation is answer certain questions relating to The Urantia Book from our own life experience, but then sometimes we could have a Melchizedek or other celestial answer a question directly. I don’t know if that can be done, or if they could do that. That’s my question.

MM: This is Machiventa, I would like to speak to that. Now it’s very interesting how mortals who have no contact with one another come up with the same idea. What I will say is that this is being done, and it is the task that I have given YOAM to do. And on the 9th of December they will unveil the beginnings of this global messaging platform, and you will see that very idea that you have suggested being demonstrated. It is important to give people this opportunity to access this deep wisdom and knowledge base on their own terms. It is the vision of this group to have podcasts, to have events where people can actually ask questions of Machiventa, myself and my staff and receive real-time answers. We will also post frequently asked question types of answers also on this messaging platform and then have links back to a query where people can go further if they want, then they look at that answer and that sparks another question, and they can have a link to go in and ask their own, personal questions.

All that is being built out and hopefully by the end of this year or early next year it will be up and running and available for people to take for a test drive and give feedback because it will be an ongoing process as this technology evolves to update this in the background to make this more complete and more robust. I’ll answer questions about that if you have any.

Michael E.: The thing I like about that is it gets us away from the us-and-them syndrome where it’s us here and you there. It bridges that gap. And I think that with the new generation that’s extremely important. For us, the older generation, we were raised on the Bible, and you couldn’t ask Moses a question. But now when you read The Urantia Book you find out now that you can talk to a Melchizedek like we are doing right now. And I think that helps bridge that gap and makes The Urantia Book more relevant to the younger generation because they are used to having their question answered today, this minute, right now, don’t want to wait.

MM: Absolutely. And we would encourage this community to also look within this community to find the kind of T/Rs that will be willing to do this kind of work and would be credible doing it because to rely on just one or two T/Rs to do this kind of work is not our vision because it’s too easy to isolate this kind of stuff to single personalities and make it about personalities. And that’s not helpful. It’s not helpful to the single personality and it’s not helpful to this work to be so closely aligned with any individual. So, way back when I asked people to do this work, I asked people to perhaps put themselves forward and T/R. And our vision is that there might be a group of people that are all willing to T/R that gets together as T/Rs and begin to help each other develop these skills, to understand the unique experiences that each have, to clear up some misconceptions and quite possibly to put together some what you might call norms and guidelines for T/Ring. It seems it’s an unusual practice at the moment, but it’s going to become very much more commonplace, and there are many people in the world right now so-called T/Ring all kinds of things, and a lot of it doesn’t help to lend credibility to the process. So, it’s something that we can do as a community to help illustrate the validity and the credibility of this process. Thank you.

Michael E. Yes, some of it is misguided and it becomes cultish. People look at it as a cult, and we want to avoid that.

MM: Right. Absolutely. So, this is an exciting time. We are very excited as the administration of Urantia. We see a budding possibility of this messaging platform being available to the next generation. Because, let’s face it, this generation is ageing out. Soon many of you will transition and you will still be around to assist with this process, but it’s our hope to be able to pass the torch to the younger generation and see them begin to own this while there are still some credible elders in this community to guide and assist them.

Michael E: That’s very important. I agree.

Deborah: I’m sure you know this, Machiventa, though you didn’t say it. But Vicky Vanderhaven is working with people who want to learn to T/R, and she is interested in creating those norms. And I know that John had started working with her on that.


MM: I want to thank you. This has been a wonderful conversation, and I look forward to having many more like it with you.

JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you John!


[This was a long session. Some of the topics discussed did not contribute to the main thrust of the meeting so I was more selective than usual in what I actually put into the transcript. The audio recording is intact, and you should have already received a link to that recording. -JT]