2024-12-01-Renaissance, Refocusing, and Recommitment Within

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Topic: Renaissance, Refocusing, and Recommitment Within

Group: Zoom Contact Group


Teacher: Machiventa, Thought Adjuster

TR: Simeon



(T/R1) Machiventa: You know we are with you and we love you. Now we ask you to step back here with us into the waiting arms of Michael. This is indeed an uproarious time. Your planet has seen times like this before and even worse times than this. It's just harder on you because you have so much communication, so much disinformation, and so much violence and hate speech, promises of a dark future and threats. We see all this going on. False hope is not something we would give you.

You can view it as the rabid raccoon cornered. They're desperate. Those grasping for power are grasping for anything they can get now. They cannot believe they have been given this chance, but instead of using it to stop, to look, to find the value of democracy of the people, they are continuing on their rabid race for power and greed and materialism. We ask you to bear with them, as you bear with us, as we bear it all together. I know it's another mile down the road and another mile down the road and that is heartbreakingly stressful.

Know that in your terms of karma this is a propitious time. It is the beginning of a renaissance. If you had your choice to go back in time and live again, would you not choose a spot such as this where you could watch the flowers rise up out of the dung heap? All of this, happening now, is fodder for the new growth that we do promise you is coming. The Father's time is a different story. We cannot tell you exactly when or even how. We are standing, watching the same as you. It is a complex interplay of karma, of the Lucifer legacy rolling out. Those roots are deep, deep in the flesh, deep in the minds, deep in the history, deep in the cultures all around the world.

And there are scars. Sometimes it's not so easy to push through scars because there is fear and resistance. People have turned away. They do not care. How can a world be navigated if there's no pilot at the helm? A lack of spiritual direction?

This is a chance for you to really shine as Agondonters. These are your challenges. These are your struggles. The heroes of the fall, the rebellion, faced these same emotional miasmic days, weeks, years of confusion, of watching things break, of watching huge numbers of angels and midwayers and true believers fall and choose the other side. This is a replay of the rebellion. This is the miniscape of the macroscape that occurred, raging across our heavens of Nebadon.

There are scars, but know that we can heal and know that we need you. We need you to keep your faith in us. We're asking you to stand by what you truly know in your heart is the right way to be. Do not think you have to go forward alone. Feel us beside you, for you know we are here. Take the love of Michael into your heart center, into your body, into your mind, into your soul. It seems so little that you can accomplish, but you have no idea how powerful that is. The turning of the light can happen with a small percentage of people.

Hold. Hold to the light, dear ones. Do not judge the outward activities as if they point to an end you think you can see. This is big. This will be dealt with according to plans set long, long ago. Trust us. Be patient. Look for the good. Magnify it wherever you see it. Know that this will not be the end. We have told you again and again, there would be some rough spots. Well, this is one. There are some rough spots ahead, but do not throw away your faith for a mere four years of struggle... It is a time for each to look within themselves. Find your peace.

We love you, and we are with you in this. We do not hold it against you that you sometimes rage and swear and argue and stamp your feet, for it is a battle and you are not the types of souls who would go quietly into the dark night. Rage on, beloved ones. This will end. Hold to that knowledge, for there are few on this world who can trust that. Can you? Will you? Only in the love will you find peace. Our blessings will be with you.

(T/R2): Dear ones, this is this one's Adjuster. This is indeed a turbulent, tremulous time. The way through this storm requires faith, requires keeping your eyes on the horizon while the storm clouds come, the seas roil and nearly turn the boat over. Know that the Father is holding the boat so long as you keep your eye on the horizon.

What does this mean to the average human? It means letting go of the ways you used to center yourself. If you centered yourself in activities involving social media and the systems that you were railing against earlier, they will fail you. Therefore, you have to change that. You have to spend more time with your own Thought Adjusters, seeking peace, stability, tranquility, and seeking God within. All other attempts to find solace will fail in these crazy turbulent times.

The systems are exploding. Their weaknesses, their vulnerabilities, and their corruption is rising to the very top. When it's at the top, it fails. The corruption is seen. The crack is seen from the core all the way to the external surface area. Therefore, the slightest bit of pressure, and it breaks. If you keep watching all of the breaking things around you, you will get more and more discouraged. So we say to you from within the Thought Adjuster circuit, come to us within. We are your direct highway and line, your red phone to the White House, to God the Father within.

Open that phone. Pick it up and share with us your dismay, your frustration, and allow that supernatural healing to take place, for if you cast your eye outside of your body, you will not find it in these times. These times are quickening. They are an accelerant and an accelerated time of chaos. In usual times of stress and life on planet Earth, one is able to usually find some solace in their work or their relationships or their families or some such external. That will be challenged in this next phase. So your only true stability will come from within. So again, spend more time on your red phone, on your hotline. Speak to us. Speak to the Father. That is where you will find your peace. Thank you.

(T/R 3): I am Machiventa, desiring to add a few more words this evening, my friends. Thank you for having us as always. You see, the envelope has been pushed. No longer is there a sort of detente between those who would keep an easy middle to avoid conflict. Instead, recognize that the challenge occurring is a real spiritual challenge as well as a physical one. The forces of evil, as it is often referred to, is in reality a very weak resistance in comparison to our Father, but there are scattered elements, remnants desiring to take control. This is, despite all outward appearances and posturing, a fear based reaction, somewhat cowardly, desiring to make it so others cannot have a voice so they can feel better about themselves. This is Luciferian at its very core and they do not even know it. They are just perpetuating patterns, trying to maintain a world where certain "proper" types can be in control and everyone else kept in their place. It is true, the envelope has been pushed, not just here in the United States for you, but around the world it is occurring.

The only proper response, of course, is to find your center, to rally to your core, to our Father, as was postulated by the very fragment that just spoke. But also when you look at the horizons, recognize, as history suggests, that if no one pushes the envelope back, then tyranny, domination, and control gets perpetuated.

We have been cultivating now, for many decades, among many souls here on your world, a sort of relationship within that doesn't simply withstand the blowing wind, but that can create a force themselves and push back. And no, this is not done by fighting with weapons or words, trying to defeat by sheer force, to overpower and weaken and destroy. No. This is done by aggressively returning good for evil. Contemplate this. What does that mean to aggressively do good, to aggressively replace the evil with goodness?

This is a great period of refocusing and recommitment. You know this, my friends. Don't simply withstand the darkness. Crowd it out. How can this occur? I know you would like me to just tell you now, but I cannot. For it is not our mandate to tell you, but to point you in a direction. How would you crowd out the darkness with goodness? Have these discussions. Contemplate this within. There are many avenues that can be taken so that the impact of this sort of "gnashing of the teeth" that is occurring is diminished, not allowed to take hold and become dominant. It is not done by trying to beat it, but by showing the alternative and manifesting the alternative. Thank you.